Final Summary Minutes Regular Meeting October 26, 2010
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Following are Draft Summary Minutes of the Regular Meeting held by the Elmwood Park Board of Education on Tuesday, October 26, 2010. Official more detailed minutes, are maintained in the Office of the Board Secretary.
The Regular Meeting of the Elmwood Park Board of Education was opened at 8:05 p.m. in the Memorial High School Media Center. Present were: Claire Kalinowski, Lori Sproviero, Sandra Balistrieri, Michael Bufis, Keith Cannizzo, Douglas DeMatteo, Louise Gerardi, Arlene Rudmann, and Jennifer Pellegrine. Also present was Matthew DeMaria, Board Attorney, and Mrs. Patricia Otten, Confidential Executive Secretary, for the taking of minutes. Superintendent, Richard D. Tomko was not present at the meeting due to the birth of his son that day.
After the prayer and flag salute, the reading of the Statement of Compliance is hereby incorporated. “The October Work Meeting of the Elmwood Park Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, 2010, at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial High School Teachers Faculty Room. The Regular October action meeting of the Elmwood Park Board of Education is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, 2010, at 8 p.m. in the Memorial High School Media Center.”
William P. Moffitt, Board Secretary/business Administrator, gave a presentation relative to the 2009-2010 Annual District Report of Violence and Vandalism, a copy of which is included in the minutes.
The open session of the meeting was opened to the public at 8:15 p.m. and closed to the public at 8:25 p.m. Reopened to the public at 8:40 p.m. and closed to the public at 8:52 p.m. The following individuals addressed the board during the first second public portion of the meeting:
Name Address Topic Jeffrey Freitag 35 Hillman Drive Questions relative to employee’s contracts; Comments on method of presentation of Addendum to public; Inquiries on Open Space Grant ; Inquiries on basic nursing services; .
Jeanne Freitag 35 Hillman Drive Comments on substitute nurses; Inquiries on Academy of FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 2
Mathematics Program; Comments on backup for agenda items.
The following individuals addressed the board during the second public portion of the meeting:
Name Address Topic Richard Rudmann 1 Paul Court Questions in regard to the student placement resolutions on the evening’s agenda; Inquiries relative to Academy of Mathematics Program; Comments of the Care Program.
Jim Monaco 63 Orchard Street Inquiries regarding whether Gilbert Avenue would participate in Puppeteer event similar to that scheduled for 16th Avenue School; Will Bus Evacuation Drills be held at Gilbert Avenue.
Aleya Romero Student Congress Pres. Updated board on the current events: Home Coming, School Store, Dress Down Day, and Individual Class Fundraisers.
Jeffrey Freitag 35 Hillman Drive Questioned whether Care Program would include certificated staff.
The board began with the presentation of Certificates of Recognition to the following individuals, as set forth below:
Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 3
education acknowledge the achievement(s) of the following student for being selected as winner of the Bergen County Fire Prevention and Protection Association Fire Prevention Poster Contest with a Certificate of Recognition:
Gerson Lopez Division #7, Grades 9-12 Memorial High School
Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education acknowledge the achievement(s) of the following student for receiving $1,000 for Elmwood Park Memorial Middle School Math Moves U account with a Certificate of Recognition:
Mumtahana Meah Grade Eight (2009-2010) Memorial Middle School
Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education acknowledge the achievement(s) of the following student for receiving $1,000 for Elmwood Park Memorial Middle School Math Moves U account with a Certificate of Recognition:
Aayush A. Parekh Grade Eight Memorial Middle School
Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education acknowledge the achievement(s) of the following teacher for receiving $2,500 for Elmwood Park Memorial Middle School Math Moves U account with a Certificate of Recognition:
Monica Brown Memorial Middle School
Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, congratulates and recommends that the board of education acknowledge the achievement(s) of the following students for being selected as Students of the Month for September, 2010.
Gilbert Avenue School Alexander Soltys Pre-K Alan Rutkowski Pre-K FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 4
Jon Rodriguez Kindergarten
Julia Brzyzek Kindergarten Julia Starita Kindergarten Sabrina Huezo Grade 1
Kaya Augustyniak Grade 1 Veronica Rzaca Grade 2 Sonia Deb Grade 2 Maria McLoughlin Grade 3 Lesly Ramos Grade 3 Samantha Medeiros Grade 4 Audrey Bhea Obispo Grade 4 Camilla Arias Grade 5 Kristhine Martinez Grade 5 Grant Rodriguez Grade 5
Gantner Avenue School Saul Sanchez Pre-K Natalia Radziszewska Kindergarten Emilia Cabaero Kindergarten Nicholas Koloski Grade 1 Yusuf Hasan Grade 1 Rohan Savani Grade 2 Miguel Montero Grade 2 Amelia Denek Grade 3 Sofia Milevski Grade 3 Anthony Morales Grade 4 Matthew Saunar Grade 4 Jeneen Suiafan Grade 5 Samantha Lauret Grade 5 Sabrina LoPresti Self-Contained 1,2,3 Paul Doyle Self-Contained 4,5
Sixteenth Avenue School Logan Capogna Pre-K Aliviya Mickens K-3 Autistic Asad Kapdi K-2 Self Contained Zoey Cooke Kindergarten Anthony Martino Kindergarten Nicole Lauro Kindergarten FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 5
Alexandra Bartoszek Grade 1 Fatir Sheikh Grade 1 Hope Jang Grade 1 Gozde Bulgan Grade 2 Anthony Siracusa Grade 2 Layla Holley Grade 2
Danielle Niblock Grade 3 Samantha Niblock Grade 3 Joanna Galka Grade 3 Jake Ulatoski Grade 4 Devin Trujillo Grade 4 Sumaiyah Syeda Grade 5 Maria Pallis Grade 5 Omar Firozvi Grade 5
Memorial Middle School Carly Sistaro Grade 6 Joao Sanchez Grade 7 Juliana Romero Grade 8
Memorial High School Ethan Levy Grade 9 Nicole Fraunberger Grade 10 Fernando Cerezo III Grade 11 Torab Khawaja Grade 12
Motion of Mr. Cannizzo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving personnel action resolutions PD1 through PG4.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
PD1. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the appointment of Ms. Joanne Mekawi, 121 South Street, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663, as a One to One Aide at 16th Avenue School, at a salary of $12.50 per hour, for the 2010/2011 school year, effective November 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010, pending results of drug screening and fingerprint check. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 6
PD2. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the appointment of Ms. Rachel Gardner, as a Classroom Aide at 16th Avenue School, at a salary of $12.50 per hour, for the 2010/2011 school year, effective November 1, 2010 through June 30, 2010, pending results of drug screening and fingerprint check.
PE1. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the appointment(s) as listed below:
NOTE: These appointments do not include benefits, vacations, health benefits, sick leave, sabbatical leave, or any other benefits provided by contract between the Elmwood Park Education Association and the Elmwood Park Board of Education.
PF1. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the transfer of Ms. Diana Guzman, One-to-One aide at Gilbert Avenue School to a Resou rce Room Aide at Gilbert Avenue School.
PF2. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the transfer of Ms. Marlene Di Stefano, Resource Room Aide at Gilbert Avenue School to a One-to- One Aide at Gilbert Avenue School.
PF3. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the transfer of Ms. Corinne Cronk, Special Services Executive 12 – Month Secretary at Administrative Office to 10 – Month Secretary at Gantner Avenue School, effective October 27, 2010.
PF4. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the transfer of Ms. Laurie Acocella, 10 – Month Secretary at Gantner Avenue School to 10 – Month Secretary at the Administrative Office, effective October 27, 2010. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 7
PG1. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve movement on guide for Deanna Mileski, Kindergarten Teacher, from BA, Step 4 - $48,182, to BA+15, Step 4 - $49,432, effective September 1, 2010.
PG2. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve Movement on guide for Kevin Harriman, Physical Education Teacher, from BA Step 10 - $57,932, to BA+15, Step 10 $59,682, effective September 1, 2010.
PG3. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the following request from Mr. David Warner, High School Principal for the 2010/2011 school year, for Alex Stefanou to teach an additional 6th period class for the Autistic Program at a rate of $6,022.75.
PG4. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the following request from Mr. David Warner, High School Principal for the 2010/2011 school year, for Alex Stefanou to supervise lunch for an autistic child at a rate of $30 per day.
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving personnel action resolutions PI1 through PL1.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
PI1. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education confirm/approve Family Medical Leave, for Ms. Bonnie Murray, Preschool Autism Teacher, effective October 1, 2010 through February 11, 2011.
PI2. The superintendent recommends that the board of education nfirm/approve the following request of Ms. Shannon McDermott for an unpaid Leave of Absence, effective November 29, 2010 through December 3, 2010. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 8
PJ1 The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the following request from Dr. Helen Berman, Director of Special Services, for the 2010/2011 school year, for the following case managers to attend trainings:
Jill Caruso Shannon McDermott Patricia Wenzel
PK1. The superintendent recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the student teaching observation, as listed below:
Alyssa Roqueni Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 (Gilbert Avenue School)
PL1. Colin Van Rye – Basketball, High School
NOTE: These appointments do not include benefits, vacations, health benefits, sick leave, sabbatical leave, or any other benefits provided by contract between the Elmwood Park Education Association and the Elmwood Park Board of Education.
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving personnel action resolution M1, Contract for Kathleen Monahan, Supervisor of Accounting.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
1. Kathleen Monahan, Supervisor of Accounting $87,000
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Cannizzo, approving personnel action resolution M2, Contract for Kevin Slattery, Fiscal Analyst.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
2. Kevin Slattery, Fiscal Analyst $43,214
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Cannizzo, approving personnel Action resolution M3, Contract for Bhumika Patel, Supervisor of Human Resources.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
3. Bhumika Patel, Supervisor of Human Resources $48,000
Motion of Mrs. Sproviero, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving student action resolutions S1 through S3.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education confirm/approve out of district placements for district students as listed below in accordance with New Jersey Administrative code, title 6A, Chapter 14 and as recommended by the Child Study Team: FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 10
S1. THE LEARNING CENTER FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN, Clifton Effective: 9/29/2010 Ref: 104832 Multiply Disabled – (ongoing)
S2. THE PARTNERSHIP IN EDUCATION, INC. OUTREACH PROGRAM, Butler Effective: 10/8/10 Ref: 101045 Other Health Impaired – (initial)
S3. SAGE DAY SCHOOL, Rochelle Park Effective: 9/17/2010 Ref: 100558 Emotionally Disturbed (initial)
Motion of Mr. Cannizzo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving general action resolutions G1 thorough G3.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present, with the exception of Mrs. Kalinowski, who recused herself from the vote on G2, and Mrs. Balistrieri who recused herself from the vote on G3.
G1. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education accept the donation of dictionaries from the Elmwood Park-Paterson Lodge #60 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America, 192 Market Street, Elmwood Park 07407, for all district grade 3 students for the 2010-2011 school year.
G2. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education accept the request from Mrs. Jackter, Gantner Avenue School Principal, for the 2010-2011 school year for a donation of games (Guess Who, Battleship, Trouble, Sorry, Uno, Apples to Apples Junior, 5 decks of playing cards) from Mrs. Claire Kalinowski for the students of Gantner Avenue School. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 11
G3. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education accept the donation of a television from Mrs. Sandra Balistrieri for the students of Sixteenth Avenue School for the 2010-2011 school year.
Motion of Mr. Bufis, Seconded by Mr. DeMatteo, approving general action resolutions G4 and G5.
Vote: Approved unanimously, as amended, by roll call vote of the members present.
G4. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the activity/ events/ fundraisers/etc. request from Mr. David Warner, High School Principal, for the 2010-2011 school year as listed below:
Pasta Night Friday, November 19, 2010 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (cafeteria) (Italian Club)
Bake Sale November 3, 9, 2010 December 22, 2010 January 5, 2011 2:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. (HS lobby) (Italian Club)
Alumni Basketball Game Saturday, November 27, 2010 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (cafeteria) FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 12
(Boys Basketball)
Alumni Volleyball Game Wednesday, November 24, 2010 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (cafeteria) (Girls Volleyball)
Vendor Night Wednesday, October 27, 2010 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (cafeteria) (Project Graduation)
Taco Bell Night Date TBD Time TBD (Taco Bell-Elmwood Park) (Project Graduation)
Atlantic City Bus Trip Date TBD Time TBD (Project Graduation)
KFC Night Date TBD Time TBD (KFC – Elmwood Park) (Project Graduation)
Tuxedo Rental Date TBD Time TBD (Specified Tuxedo Rental Retailer) (Project Graduation)
Pasta Dinner (Catered Dinner by Franks Pizza – Saddle Brook, NJ) Date TBD Time TBD Location TBD FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 13
(Project Graduation)
Italian Ice Day Date TBD Time TBD (HS Lobby) (Project Graduation)
Grocery Store Night Date TBD Time TBD (Local Grocery Stores) (Project Graduation)
Burger King Night Date TBD Time TBD (nights) (Burger King, Saddle Brook) (Project Graduation)
Batting Cage Night Date TBD Time TBD Location TBD (Project Graduation)
Jamba Juice Days Date TBD (Designated Days) Time TBD (Jamba Juice – Garden State Plaza, Paramus, NJ) (Project Graduation)
Lawn Sign Sale Date TBD (Student Residence) (Project Graduation)
Rock Band Guitar Hero Contest Friday, December 10, 2010 Friday, January 14, 2011 Friday, March 11, 2011 FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 14
Friday, May 6, 2011 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (cafeteria) (High School Peer Leadership)
Flip-Flop Sale Monday, Nov. 1, 2010 – Monday, April 11, 2011 (High School Booster Club)
Junior Class Candy Sale Wednesday, October 27, 2010 – Thursday, December 23, 2010 (Junior Class)
Mother/Daughter Tea Saturday, April 30, 2011 Time TBD Location TBD (Project Graduation)
Tag Day Saturday, December 4, 2010 Dunkin Donuts, Elmwood Park (Project Graduation)
Italian Cooking Demonstration (Chef from Francesco’s Restaurant – Woodland Park) Tuesday, November 23, 2010 12:20 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Old Home Ec. Room High School Italian Club
G5. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the activity/events/ fundraisers/etc. request from Mr. Lawrence DeSantis, Middle School Principal, for the 2010-2011 school year as listed below:
Food Drive Monday, November 1, 2010 – Wednesday, December 15, 2010 FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 15
(Home Room) (Italian Club)
E P Wrist Bands, Stencils and Drawstring Bag Sale November 2010 – December 2010 During Lunch Periods Before or After School in Teacher’s Room (Middle School Cheerleading)
Motion of Mr. Bufis, Seconded by Mrs. Sproviero, approving general action resolution G6.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
G6. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the CARE (Children’s Alternative Resources in Education) program for Memorial Middle School, Gantner Avenue School, Gilbert Avenue School and 16th Avenue School to begin January 4, 2011 for the 2010-2011 school year.
Motion of Mrs. Sproviero, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving general action resolution G7.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
G7. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the Academy of Mathematics and Medical Sciences for Memorial High School for the 2011-2012 school year.
Motion of Mr. Cannizzo, Seconded by Mr. DeMatteo, approving general action resolution G8.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 16
G8. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the activity/ events/ fundraisers/etc. request from Mrs. Allison Jackter, Gantner Avenue School Principal, for the 2010-2011 school year as listed below:
Picture Re-Take Day Thursday, October 28, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Gantner Avenue Gym) (Gantner Avenue PTO)
Winter Concert Grades Pre-K & Kindergarten December 15, 2010 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (Ganter Avenue Gym)
Book Repairs Parent Volunteers Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Tuesday, February 15, 2011 (Gantner Library Media Center)
The Peppermint Puppeteers presents, “The Quiz Show” Assembly An EP Clean Communities Program Thursday, December 9, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Gantner Avenue Gym)
Motion of Mr. Cannizzo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving general action resolution G9.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 17
G9. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the Superintendent Action Plans pursuant to the established Elmwood Park Public School District Goals for the 2010-2011 school year, and article IV, A2 of the Superintendent Employment Contract.
Motion of Mr. Cannizzo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving general action resolutions G10 and G11.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
G10. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the activity/events/ fundraisers/etc. request from Mr. Dominick Silla, Sixteenth Avenue School Principal, for the 2010-2011 school year as listed below:
The Peppermint Puppeteers presents, “The Quiz Show” Assembly An EP Clean Communities Program Monday, December 13, 2010 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (Sixteenth Avenue Gym)
G11. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the activity/events/ fundraisers/etc. request from Mr. David Saper, Gilbert Avenue School Principal, for the 2010-2011 school year as listed below: FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 18
Chocolate Bar Sale Monday, January 31, 2011 – Friday, February 18, 2011 (G.H.S.A.)
Wear Pajamas To School Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Wednesday, March 18, 2011 (Gilbert Avenue Scholarship Committee) Entertainment Book Sale Monday, October 18, 2010 – Tuesday, November 2, 2010 (Gilbert Avenue Home & School Association)
Wendy’s Night Tuesday, November 2, 2010 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (Wendy’s, Rte. 46) (5th Grade Committee)
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Cannizzo, approving action resolution M1, Approval of Minutes.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
M1. BE IT RESOLVED: that the minutes of the following meeting be approved:
Special Meeting - September 20, 2010
Motion of Mr. Bufis, Seconded by Mr. Cannizzo, approving action resolution M2, Approval of Minutes.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
M2. BE IT RESOLVED: that the minutes of the following meeting be approved:
F1a. Board Secretary’s Report
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving financial action
resolution F1a, Board Secretary’s Report.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
BE IT RESOLVED: that the following 2010-2011 reports, attached, are accepted and approved for filing and audit:
Board Secretary’s Reports/August Transfer Report/August
Motion of Mr. Bufis, Seconded by Mrs. Balistrieri, approving financial action
resolution F1b, Report of School Monies.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
F1b. BE IT RESOLVED: that the following 2010-2011 reports, attached, are accepted and approved for filing and audit:
Report of School Monies/August
F2. Issuance of Purchase Orders
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Cannizzo, approving financial action Resolution F2, Issuance of Purchase Orders.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
upon the recommendation of the business administrator, confirms the action of the secretary in having issued purchase orders for the and 2010- 2011school year since the last regular meeting of the board, as attached.
F3. Confirmation of Bills and Warrants
Motion of Mr. Bufis, Seconded by Mr. DeMatteo, approving financial action resolution F3, Confirmation of Bills and Warrants
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
BE IT RESOLVED: that, based upon the recommendation of the superintendent and business administrator, the bills payable from Valley National Bank Board of Education General Account for October 2010, which were reviewed by the Finance Committee be confirmed for payment.
F4. Stipend and Overtime Payroll Confirmation
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Cannizzo, approving financial action resolution F4, Stipend and Overtime Payroll confirmation.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present, with the exception of Mrs. Balistrieri who recused herself from that portion of the resolution which referred to check 97297, since it related to a relative.
BE IT RESOLVED: that the Elmwood Park Board of Education confirms the action of the board secretary/business administrator in issuing the stipend payroll for September, 2010; and
F5. Acknowledgment of Student Activity Account Balances
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Cannizzo, approving financial action
resolution F5, Student Activity Account Balances. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 21
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present
BE IT RESOLVED: that, upon the recommendation of the board secretary/business administrator, the board acknowledges student activity account balances for period ending September, 2010, as attached.
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving business general action resolutions BG1a, through BG4. (BG1b, as amended.)
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
BG1a. Use of Facilities Approvals
BE IT RESOLVED: that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent and business administrator, the board approves the in-district requests for Use of School Facilities, per Board Policy #1330, as attached.
BG1b. Use of Facilities Approvals/Outside Organizations – Outside Organizations
BE IT RESOLVED: that, upon the recommendation of the superintendent and business administrator, the board approves the in-district requests for Use of School Facilities from outside organizations, per Board Policy #1330, as attached.
BG2. School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill Report/Gantner Avenue School
BE IT RESOLVED: that the Elmwood Park Board of Education hereby authorizes that the attached Bus Emergency FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 22
Evacuation Drill Report for Gantner Avenue School be reflected in official board minutes of this meeting.
BG3. School Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill Report/16 th Avenue School
BE IT RESOLVED: that the Elmwood Park Board of Education hereby authorizes that the attached Bus Emergency Evacuation Drill Report for 16th Avenue School be reflected in official board minutes of this meeting.
BG4. Acceptance of Comprehensive Maintenance Plan
BE IT RESOLVED: that the Elmwood Park Board of Education hereby accepts and authorizes the board secretary/business administrator to submit the attached Comprehensive Maintenance Plan or Fiscal Year 2010-2011 and Budget Year 2011-2012 in compliance with Department of Education requirements, as attached.
Motion of Mr. Cannizzo, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving legal action resolutions L1 through L3.
L1. Approval County of Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund Grant
BE IT RESOLVED: that the board of education hereby approves entrance into contract with the County of Bergen for the purpose of using Open Space Trust Funds for playground improvements at Gantner Avenue School, as attached.
BE IT RESOLVED: that, upon recommendation of the superintendent and board secretary/business administrator, the board awards and approves entrance into a contract with Sylvia Record, for basic nursing services, as attached.
L3. Contract Award for Jeanne Rizellini
BE IT RESOLVED: that, upon recommendation of the superintendent and board secretary/business administrator, the board awards and approves entrance into a contract with Jeanne Rizellini, for basic nursing services, as attached.
Motion of Mr. Cannizzo, Seconded by Mr. DeMatteo, approving action resolution A1, First Reading of Policy.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
A1. First Reading of Policy 6112
BE IT RESOLVED: that, upon recommendation of the superintendent and Board secretary/business administrator, the board does hereby approve first reading of the following policy:
Grant Expenditures
Motion of Mr. Bufis, Seconded by Mr. DeMatteo, approving action resolution A2, Adoption of Regulation.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
A2. Adoption of Regulation R8601
BE IT RESOLVED: that, upon recommendation of the superintendent and board secretary/business administrator, the board does hereby adopt the following regulation:
R8601 – Pupil Dismissal PRK-5
1. Personnel
Motion of Mrs. Sproviero, Seconded by Mr. Bufis, approving personnel action resolution PN1.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
PN1. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of Education confirm/ approve the reduction in force of Mrs. Tammy McLoughlin, district receptionist, effective October 27, 2010. FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 25
1. General
Motion of Mr. Bufis, Seconded by Mr. DeMatteo, approving general action resolution G12.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
G12. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the Board of Education confirm/approve the field trip request from Mrs. Allison Jackter, Gantner Avenue School Principal, for the 2010- 2011 school years as listed below:
Activity: Theatreworks USA performance of “Seussical” Location: Bergen Performing Arts Center, Englewood, NJ Date: Friday, February 4, 2011 Time: 9:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Participants: Grade 1 Chaperones: Ms. Arose Ms. Kittaneh 8 females, 2 males Transportation: District Bus (2)
1. Personnel
Motion of Mrs. Sproviero, Seconded by Mr. DeMatteo, approving personnel action resolution PB1.
Vote: Approved unanimously by roll call vote of the members present.
PB1. Mr. Richard D. Tomko, Superintendent of Schools, recommends that the board of education confirm/approve the appointment of Ms. Tammy McLoughlin, 12 James Court, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407, as Secretary to FINAL SUMMARY MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – OCTOBER 26, 2010 ELMWOOD PARK BOARD OF EDUCATION Page 26
the Director of Special Services at a salary of $31,336, Step 1, effective October 27, 2010, pro-rated for the 2010/2011 school year.
Motion of Mr. DeMatteo, Seconded by Mrs. Gerardi, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
I hereby certify these final summary minutes of the meeting of the Elmwood Park Board of Education in session on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, to be true and correct and in complete agreement with the official Minute Book of the Board of Education.
Respectfully submitted,
William P. Moffitt Board Secretary