ON6JF-Procedure PRG VHF Kenwood Portabel TK260G-1
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ON6JF-Procedure PRG VHF Kenwood portabel TK260 G-1
A/ HW:
-Power your TK260 from an external PSU via the battery-connections on the rear (without battery) with 8VDC.
-Prg cable=Premium Prolific USB-to-serial COM port Kenwood cable (USB to 2 x stereo Kenwood)
passend für folgende Geräte
Kenwood TK-Serie Pro-Talk / Pro-Power Free-Talk / Protalk XLS / FreeTalk XLS / TK-208 TK208 / TK- 220 / TK220 / TK-240 TK240 TK240D TK-240D / TK-248 / TK248 / TK-250 TK250 / TK-260 TK260 / TK260G TK- 260G / TK-270 TK270 TK270G TK-270G / TK-272G TK 272G / TK272 / TK-272 / TK-278G TK278G / TK-308 TK308 / TK-320 TK320 / TK-340 TK340 / TK340D TK-340D / TK-348 TK348 / TK-350 TK350 / TK-353 TK353 / TK-360G TK360 TK-360 / TK-370 TK370 TK-370G / TK-372G TK327G / TK372 TK-372 / TK-373G TK373G / TK373 TK- 373 / TK-378G TK378G / TK-388G TK388G / Pro-Talk TK-430 TK430 / TK-431 TK431 / TK-2100 TK2100 / TK-2102 TK2102 / TK-2102L / TK2102L / TK2107 TK-2107 / TK2118 TK-2118 / TK-2170 TK2170 / TK-2170K TK2170K / TK2200 TK-2200 / TK2200L / TK-2200L / TK2200LP / TK-2200LP / TK2202 TK-2202 / TK2202K TK- 2202K / TK2212 TK2212 / TK2212K TK-2212K / TK-3100 TK3100 / TK3101 TK-3101 / TK3102 TK-3102 / TK-3107 TK3107 / TK3130 TK-3130 / TK-3131 TK3131 / TK-3160 TK3160 / TK-3170 TK3170 / TK-3170K TK3170K / TK- 3173 TK3173 / TK3200 TK-3200 / TK3200L TK-3200L / TK3200LP TK-3200LP / TK3202 TK-3202 / TK3202K TK- 3202K / TK3202L TK-3202L / TK3230 TK-3230 / TK3230XLS TK-3230XLS Linton LT-2288 / LT-3288 / LT-6288 / LT-5288 / LT-3188 / LT-2188 / LT-3260 / LT-2268 / LT-3268 / LT-6188 Puxing PX-666 / PX-777 / PX-777 Plus / PX-328 / PX-888 Weierwei VEV-3288S Wouxun KG-659 / KG-669 / KG-669 PLUS / KG-679 / KG-679 Plus / KG-689 / KG-689 Plus
-Connect this cable to usb-port of your PC, not yet to your TK260 (this one is also off)
-Start your PC and go to PC_(in my case Dell Optiplex SX260 mini Desktop : 2ghz CPU 2Gb memory)
Go to PC_HW Mgr-Ports-COM port : look for Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port :
you have to set it to priority port COM1) Detail: COM port 1, 57600 BPS, 8 databits, no parity, 1 stopbit, datatransport: Xon/Xoff(needed for Prolific !!) Advanced: No FIFO buffers
(if problem here: see google for COMport set problems ..: http://support.topo.com/articles/122 COM PORT is in use by another application" error message http://chirp.danplanet.com/projects/chirp/wiki/FAQ_Adjusting_The_Serial_Port_Settings_In_Windows The mythical port settings in Windows http://plugable.com/2011/07/04/how-to-change-the-com-port-for-a-usb-serial-adapter-on-windows-7 How to change the COM port for a USB Serial adapter on Windows 7 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/112584 Error Messages Caused by Incorrect Serial Port Configuration )
-then >update the Prolific-driver via internet to latest version
-Restart your PC to activate new port settings ((---enter BIOS(needed in case you use a HW PRG cable type “COMport to serial “cable, not a USB to serial: integrated device: serial port: if setting is “ auto”, change into “COM1” and reboot PC ))
B/ SW:
-Turn off all resident SW like Antivirus etc..
-Go to PRG SW KPG67D (ver 1.00 ): Before reading your TRX you must set the TK260 type specs: model: portable->TK260GE DTMF/2Tone(or 5Tone ZVEI )> type freq-band accept right type ->setup: COM port 1(same as in PC HW manager Port setting) ->Optional features : ----mode: firmware prgr: set to ENABLE(to let you enter HAM-freq outside the Freq-band for F1 146-174Lhz) ----Squelch Level: std =5 ->Program: go to read from radio, but…DO NOT START IT YET !
-Put the PRG cable stereo -end into the TK260
-turn the TK260 on (WITHOUT PUSHING SIDE KEYs !!) (it enters normal user mode and will switch automatically to PC mode when data is send to the TRX when reading or writing data; The side key are only needed for manual programming start …)) -start now read from radio in KPG67D sw
When error comes for com port, -ignore it and -go to KPG67D SW->setup: COM port 1: change it to COM2 temporarely and go back to read from radio
Eventually take option “retry” and keep the ENTER-key
Some times you have to repeat this if errorstays, take option “retry” and keep the ENTER-key depressed all the time….till end of reading data( done)
Data files are saved at : C:\KPG67D\DATA\GSL\TK260GE.DAT