Academic Merit/Promotion Procedure and Timeline
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Academic Merit/Promotion Procedure and Timeline
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The following is a summary of the process from the viewpoint of candidates. For full details on the ERI process, please see:
In October/November each year, the MSO will contact individuals eligible for merit or promotion review or who may be considered for acceleration (note: mandatory reviews required at least once every five years per Red Binder III-8). The MSO will discuss with each candidate their progress and their goals for the review, including salary goals (possible off-scale). This information will be relayed to the Director and review committee members. Prior to contacting any individuals in the Specialist or Project Scientist series who do not have independent research programs, the MSO will first contact their PI to request a letter supporting their merit or promotion. If their PI does not feel the advance is warranted, other options may need to first be discussed.
At the meeting with the candidates, the MSO provide all review candidates background on the review process and will send copies of appropriate material, as appropriate:
1. APM 160 Academic Personnel Records (to all) 2. A copy of the ERI Guidelines for Academic Review Committee 3. APM 310 Appointment and Promotion Professional Research Series 4. APM 311 for Project Scientist, 5. APM 330 for Specialists 6. Red Binder III-8 Types of Reviews 7. Red Binder III-12 for Professional Research Series 8. Red Binder III-14 for Project Scientist Series 9. Red Binder III-16 for Specialist Series 10. Review memo from ERI Director
Committees For academics in the Research Series, a committee is comprised of a chair and two committee members, each at a level higher than the individual being reviewed. For Specialists or Project Scientists working independently, a committee is comprised of a chair and a single member. For Specialists working directly for a PI, the committee is comprised of the PI and the ERI Director or Associate Director.
External Reviews For accelerations or promotion reviews, external letters will be sought (four for promotion to Associate; 6 for promotion to full). In instances o acceleration or promotion reviews, candidates should provide a list of potential reviews (names, institution, contact information). Note that no more than one-half of the reviews may be from the list provided by the candidate. As external letters come in, these are forwarded to committees. Redacted copies are provided to the candidates upon completion of the review.
Deadlines – November/Early December Based upon the Review memo from ERI Director, the candidate should submit items per the deadline. In the self-evaluation, the candidate should describe his/her contributions to the research field and detailing importance of publications or creative activity (by item and listing contribution to each). For the Bio-Bibliography (see example below), candidate must verify all publications listed match exactly to final titles, pages numbers, etc., and may list the hyperlink for final (published or in-press) publications instead of providing an electronic copy with the packet.
Prior to the candidate’s packets being set out to committees or external reviewers, ERI will: 1. Review candidate letter. Does it address the appropriate time period? Are details provided re: the achievements during the review period? 2. Review the Bio-Bibliography form (See example below) for the following: . Is it in the proper form? . Is the list of publications cumulative with a line drawn separating new items from those on the last bio-bib? . Are the publications listed correctly (titles, page numbers)? . Are items that were in-press, submitted, or in progress during the last review indicated as such? . Do the publications indicate “referred”? 3. Are all new publications listed on the Bio-bib also included in the candidate’s packet or hyperlinks provided (verify links work)? 4. If this is a promotion, did the candidate supply a list of publications for the entire promotion period vs. publications since the last review?
Once the packet has been review for correctness and completeness, a cover memo explaining the candidate’s history, Red Binder documents Procedural Safeguard Statement Instructions to the Chair, Documents to be Submitted by the Chair, and ERI Guidelines for Academic Review Committee are sent to the committee members.
Committee Recommendations - February 1st The committee submits their recommendation by February 1st. The MSO reviews to be sure the recommendations are accurate, provide sufficient detail, and are an analytical representation of the candidate’s accomplishments. Once the committee’s letter has sufficient detail, it is reviewed by the Director for review/comment. Working from the committee letter, the Director memo is prepared.
Meeting with Candidates After compiling the full merit review packet, the MSO (and possibly the Director) will meet with the candidate, providing him/her with any redacted external letters and a copy of the Director’s memo. At this meeting, the Procedural Safeguard Statement (Temporary Academic Titles) (Red Binder III-5) will be completed for candidates in classifications requiring hard-copy submission. For those requiring on-line submission they will log-on to the Academic Personnel website to complete the Safeguard Statement.
Campus Review All items are due to campus by March 1st of each year. The campus review process can take some time but candidates are typically informed of the review results by the end of June. Merits and promotions take effect 7/1 and are reflected in the August 1st paycheck. Sample I-28 BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY UPDATES (Revised 11/04)
Each faculty member is responsible for updating his or her bio-bibliography (bio-bib) on an annual basis to assist the department chair in the annual review of all faculty (APM 220-80 b). The annual bio-bib update is maintained in the departmental file and an updated bio-bib must be submitted with each personnel review.
BIO-BIBLIOGRAPHY University of California, Santa Barbara
Name Susie Green Date 11/18/04 Academic Title Assistant Researcher
Last update filed on February 2004 This update refers to the period February 2004 - present
Cumulative List of Publications (or Creative Activities) # Year Title and Authors Publisher Category 1 1994 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Geophysical Refereed Research journal article
2 1996 Journal of Climate Refereed Authors in pub order, Title of publication journal article
3 1998 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Geophysical Refereed Research journal article
4 1999 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Geophysical Refereed Research journal article
5 2000 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Physical Refereed Oceanography journal article 6 2000 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Physical Refereed Oceanography journal article
7 2000 Oceanography Refereed Authors in pub order, Title of publication journal article
8 2001 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Geophysical Refereed Research journal article
9 2001 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Marine Refereed Systems journal article
10 2001 Oceanography Refereed Authors in pub order, Title of publication journal article
11 2003 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Bulletin of the American Refereed Meteorological Society journal article
12 2003 Journal of Climate Refereed Authors in pub order, Title of publication journal article
13 2003 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Marine Refereed Research journal article
14* 2004 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Bulletin of the American Refereed Meteorological Society journal article 15 2005 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Progress in Refereed Oceanography journal article
(Please draw line after items listed for prior review; indicate items previously listed as Work In Press, Work Submitted, or as Work In Progress.) (Indicate priority of authorship when possible on jointly authored work.)
Work In Press # Year Title and Authors Publisher Category B-1 2005 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Atmospheric Refereed and Oceanic Technology journal article B-2 2005 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Journal of Physical Refereed Oceanography journal article
Work Submitted # Yr Subm. Title and Authors Publisher Category C-1 2004 Authors in pub order, Title of publication Fisheries Bulletin Refereed journal article
Work In Progress (optional) Title and Authors Potential Publisher Category
*Previously listed as Work In Press **Previously listed as Work Submitted *** Previously listed as Work In Progress
Graduate Degree Committees MA Committees Yr Deg. Chair/ Optional Info (e.g., Current Student Compl. Member Employment) Name 2003 Member Scripps
PhD Committees Yr Deg. Chair/ Optional Info (e.g., Current Student Compl. Member Employment) none
Postdoctoral Scholars Supervised Year Name none
Other Teaching Contributions (course improvements, new courses, honors seminars, etc.) PART III. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES
Lectures Presented Month/Yr Title Meeting/Place 2, 2002 Authors in order, Title 2002 AGU/ASLO Ocean Sciences meeting, Honolulu, HI
12, 2002 Authors in order, Title 2002 LAPCOD meeting, Ley Largo, FL
9, 2003 Authors in order, Title 2003 EPOC meeting, Catalina Island, CA
Grants and Contracts Years Source Title Amt. PI 2000- National Science Title $ In PI 2004 Foundation order
2001- National Science Title $ In PI 2004 Foundation order
2001- National Science Title $ In PI 2004 Foundation order
2003- University of Title $ In PI 2006 Washington order
2004 National Science Title $ In PI Foundation order
2004 NASA Title $ In PI order
2004 NASA Title $ In PI order
Reviewing and Refereeing Activity Date Activity and for Whom 7, 2002 Reviewed manuscript for JOURNAL 8, 2002 Reviewed manuscript for JOURNAL 6, 2003 Reviewed manuscript for JOURNAL 6, 2003 Reviewed proposal for National Science Foundation 8 ,2003 Reviewed manuscript for JOURNAL 1, 2004 Reviewed manuscript for Journal 4, 2004 Reviewed manuscript for Journal 4, 2004 Reviewed proposals for National Science Foundation
Special Appointments (e.g., Editorships, Officer of Prof. Organization) Years Position Type of Service 2003- Title Institution 2004
Other Professional Contributions (e.g., Consulting or other application of your professional expertise)
University Service (Including administrative posts held) Years Position Type of Service
Public Service (including service to K-12 Education) Years Position Type of Service