The Center for Teaching and Learning
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ATTENDING: Gary Ballou, Jim DePaepe, Barry Donahue, Ginni Erion, Connie Lambert, Kendall Martin, Kirk Mathias, Mark Oursland, Bruce Palmquist, Beau Snow, Shari Stoddard, and Crystal Weddington UNABLE TO ATTEND: Bobby Cummings and Ian Quitadamo MEETING CONVENED: The meeting was called to order at 3:15 P.M. CHANGES TO AGENDA: A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the October 31, 2012 minutes as is. NEW BUSINESS: ESD Representative – Beau Snow, Assistant Principal from Ellensburg High School is the K-12 representative for the CTL Advisory Council. He is happy to reconnect with the department and is grateful for the opportunity to serve on the council. OLD BUSINESS: CAPS Report o Scott Carlton will work to clean up the CAPS report and address all the issues discussed at the October 31st meeting. CDMS-Comprehensive Data Management System o The first roll out of a desktop version of the CDMS is happening at this time. World Languages, Health and Fitness, Art, Early Childhood Elem., and Family and Consumer Sciences are all having their desktops loaded with the program. o It provides all the program data and compares it to the CTL data. This is a beta test. We are asking users to make a list of suggestions for changes and improvements, both in the system and in the form. This will satisfy the annual report for PESB. o Organizational Effectiveness will be getting a presentation of the 3-in-1 report tomorrow in Tracy Pellet’s office. Jim and Dan will be meeting with Ed Day and Tracy Pellet tomorrow to discuss the database running through Enterprise. Then Barry’s department will receive a presentation. Ginni says the data is right at your fingertips. She would like a little bit more explanation on how to read the charts and data displayed. Shari agrees that with more explanation the report will be easier to understand. . o Connie met with Linda Schactler, who is beginning to put together marketing materials for Education. She is asking where our alums are, and Connie was able to tell her that we have that information in the CDMS. What we do need is material to take to teachers who are alums, and to the buildings where they teach. o Jim suggests having a CTL discussion in the future on Recruitment. PESB is looking for information that includes recruitment data.
Page 1 of 4 CTL – GPA Policy (CTL Admission Requirements October 2012 o All Executive Board approved changes were reviewed. o 7. a. DISCUSSION: no grade lower than a C- in basic and breadth coursework will be accepted for admittance to the program, student teaching, or certification. . Connie stated that this primarily impacts our diverse students. . Ginni now understands that over half of her students are transfer students. Because of this she suggests getting rid of it. . Barry asked whether students needed to be finished with their Breadth requirements before being admitted to teacher preparation? Also, why are we concerned about breadth coursework only for those students who have taken the breadth courses from us? There are differences among admission to the Teacher Certification Program, for student teaching and for certification. . It was pointed out that if students take a breadth course, then we will look at that for admission, but if another student decided not to take that same course, then we wouldn’t look at it for admission. Crystal added that we don’t look at those grades, regardless, for admission. . Jim mentioned that with the West-B we are already ensuring that they are passing the writing, reading, and math regardless of what their grades say. Inconsistency between students should not exist. . On #5, Crystal asked if someone got a C- in ENG 101 from 10 years ago, do we have them take it again. Courses are typically valid for ten years. . Mark sees two arguments of discussion, and does not feel we can make an equitable change when satisfying both the no grade lower than a C- and transfer students. . Bruce suggests getting rid of the C grade requirement for everything. . Kendall suggests keeping in the 101/102 English and the 101 Math. There are basic things you learn in those courses help you with your other courses. . Connie agrees with Mark…if students are ready to graduate and have a 3.5 gpa…but have a D back from their freshman year, the student will either need to retake it or get it waived regardless of what they’ve done since then. . Ginni made a motion and Kirk seconded; to strike #5; Official or unofficial transcripts from each college/university attended, except CWU (these transcripts are independent of transcripts sent for university application purposes) showing a grade of C or better earned in ENG 101 and 102, and one of either MATH 101, 153, 154, 164, 170, or 172. And replace it with; Official or unofficial transcripts from each college/university attended, except CWU. #6 stays the same; Submission of the Dispositional Survey #7 will be; Successful completion of ENG 101 and 102 and one of either MATH 101, 153, 154, 164, 170, or 172. 1-Opposed, 10-Yes, motion passed. . Bruce added that we should list the like requirements together. Crystal will take care of this when she does the catalog submission. Page 2 of 4 ADVISORY COUNCIL REPORTS: Undergraduate Curriculum Committee: (Co-chair, Mark Oursland) NO REPORT Graduate Programs Committee: (Chair, Kirk Mathias) NO REPORT
Candidate Admissions, Recruitment, and Retention Committee: (Chair Designee, Crystal Weddington) The committee was scheduled to meet on Nov 9th. But the student took care of everything and the meeting was canceled. Diversity and Equity Committee: (Representative, Bobby Cummings) NO REPORT o TEACH Training Event (Ginni Erion) Ginni shared her departments professional development efforts, as a follow up to the May 15th, 2012 Different Ways of Knowing presentation. The TEACH department will be planning a training event in January of 2013, covering the Tribal Sovereignty Curriculum. This training is a full day (8 hours) and the cost is $300. Ginni is opening this up to any other department that would like to do what their department is doing. Field Experience Office: (Director, Gary Ballou) Gary is coordinating with Kristi Gladen to provide professional development to Field Supervisors on using Novel GroupWise more effectively. Gary also has a meeting with Linda Schactler regarding appreciation gifts to Superintendents and Principals. He is also coordinating with the CWU Alumni Association and the University Advancement Office to see about getting our alumni more active in placing student teachers in schools. The Superintendent of Yakama Nation Tribal School and Gary have been corresponding with each other and she is very interested in working up a contract. Terry Cosentino, Principal of the Muckleshoot Tribal School in Auburn WA, is interested as well. Gary received an email from the President of the WSPTA. She would like to work with Gary’s office to develop a strategy to provide more multi-cultural experiences for our teachers. Elementary Education Program: (Chair, Ginni Erion) The mid-level Humanities is being signed off on today and will go to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee this Friday. Ginni is inviting all to attend an overview this Friday of the North Central ESD Teacher and Principal Evaluation Pilot (TPEP). This gives a seamless transfer into the public schools. Wenatchee is extremely interested and we are the first university to show any interest in using the TPEP in anything. Beau is curious how the ESD would work with Ginni on the 3 different frameworks the districts can choose from, they are similar but different. What suggestions would they have for helping teachers get ready for public education when they don’t know what the frameworks going to be? Ginni is providing to her TEACH department an informational site called Hot Topics. It lists the conferences, workshops, webinars, and anything someone finds is good and can be shared. If you have something to add please let her know. Page 3 of 4 Professional Education Program Coordinator: (Program Coordinator, Barry Donahue) Barry is trying to organize the Pearson Digital Library project and if anyone is interested please contact Cathy Bertelson. He is surprised Pearson is not pursuing our business more aggressively. Barry’s department is asking Pearson to consider charging students on a quarterly basis rather than every 6 months for a subscription to the Digital Library, but he has not heard back yet. Pearson is looking towards getting this up and running for spring quarter. Barry reported that EFC is hoping to begin their new assessment strategy for the program winter quarter, which would be looking at fall quarters data. They have three segments to their program. They will be looking at the first segment which is 210, 310 and PSY 314 course. This is a test to see how much time it takes. Barry would like participation from all of the content areas. This time next year Barry will ask everyone to participate in this.
EXECUTIVE BOARD REPORTS: Professional Education Advisory Boards: (Connie Lambert) The next PEAB meeting will be held on November 30th. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 4:22PM. NEXT MEETING: December 5th, 2012
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