22ND February 2002


Dear Chairman and Members,

The next meeting of the Leixlip Area Committee will be held at 2.00 p.m. on Friday, 1st March, 2002 in the Committee Room, St. Mary's, Naas and you are invited to attend.

Yours sincerely,

______A. C. Talbot Acting Secretary


1. Minutes – 1st February 2002

2. Progress Report.

3. Matters Arising from Minutes.

4. Planning File – Tesco, Maynooth. (Councillor Griffin)

5. Deputation from Easton Park Residents Association at 4.30 p.m.

6. Part X report on Salmon Leap Bridge Refurbishment.

7. Public Lighting.

8. Update on Leixlip Dry Recyclable Collection. 9. Roads Allocation 2002.

10.Traffic Calming Allocation 2002.

11.Footpaths Allocation 2002.

12.Councillors Questions Councillor Kelly What is the up to date position with regard to the taking in charge of Moyglare Village estate, Maynooth?


13.Notice of Motion – Councillor Murphy “Relevant Department provide a report on the lack of drainage on Captains Hill and the ongoing serious problems as a consequence experienced by some residents of Dun Carraig, the report should address the issue of the original planning permission for Dun Carraig as it relates to drainage, the retaining wall that was subsequent to the original planning application and the taking in charge of Dun Carraig and what obligations the Council had to deal with outstanding issues such as this one.”

14.Notice of Motion – Councillor Griffin “That Kildare County Council co-operate with Garland Homes and the residents of Moyglare Abbey in having the Moyglare Abbey estate taken in charge by Kildare County Council.”

15.Notice of Motion – Councillor Murphy “The Leixlip Area Councillors are provided with a report on the ownership details of public open space in each housing estate in the electoral area which the Council has taken in charge.”

16.Notice of Motion – Councillor Murphy “In view of the map on Kildare County Council’s files in relation to open space at Riverdale Estate, Leixlip, including the public space component which was a legal requirement at the time of Planning application, the Council carries out a review of the planning file and seeks legal opinion if necessary on issues of concern.”

17.Notice of Motion – Councillor Murphy “We seek a report from development control section on all housing estates in the Leixlip Electoral Area which are not as yet taken in charge.”

18.Notice of Motion – Councillor Mc Ginley “That action be taken by Kildare County Council to prevent a recurrence of water mains pipes freezing in the public footpaths in Maynooth Park, Greenfield Drive and Laurence Avenue, Maynooth.”

19.Notice of Motion – Councillor McGinley “That the following works be carried out in Loughnamona Estate, Leixlip: A. Placename signs for Loughnamona Crescent, Loughnamona Close and Loughnamona Drive. B. That STOP signs and proper road lining be carried out throughout the estate."


20.Notice of Motion – Councillor Mc Ginley “That a footpath be provided across the M4 motorway at the Rathcoffey bridge, Maynooth in order to provide a safe passage for users of the soccer pitches and other pedestrians.”

21.Notice of Motion – Councillor Mc Ginley “That costings be provided for the completion of Maynooth Town Improvement Works as outlined in the 1996 Anthony O’Neill report and that a programme be drawn up for the completion of these works.”

22.Notice of Motion – Councillor Mc Ginley “That an Enforcement Order be issued on North City Builders to get them to carry out the final surface dressing of Silken Vale Road, Maynooth, as agreed at the Area Committee Meeting on 4th May 2001.”

23.Notice of Motion – Councillor Griffin “That Kildare County Council requests Bus Atha Cliath and Bus Eireann to provide proper bus shelter accomodation at the bus terminus opposite the Glenroyal Hotel, and that adequate street lighting also be included in the project.”

24.Notice of Motion – Councillor Griffin “That Kildare County Council survey the Easton/Kilmacraddock/Oblesk road with a view to resolving the constant flooding of this road during heavy rainfall. The road needs to be widened slightly, piped for surface water and resurfaced.”

25.Notice of Motion – Councillor Griffin “That the low level wall be removed at the junction of the Moyglare Road and the Kilcock Road, in order to improve access to Maynooth Boys National School and that the engineering staff report on the possibility of a cycle lane from Mill Street to the Moyglare Road Schools.”

26.Notice of Motion – Councillor Murphy “That we consider removing the high wall in Avondale which is beside the open space/walkway (near OAP houses) in order to reduce the problem of anti social gatherings.”

27.Notice of Motion – Councillor Murphy Leixlip Area Committee agree the extent and type of signs used in conjunction with traffic calming prior to work commencing.”

28.Any other business.