Tulsa Community College Southeast Campus

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Tulsa Community College Southeast Campus


Instructor: Rebecca Eagleton CRN and Sec. #: 16090, sec 376 Room/Meeting Times: Union High School

TO CONTACT YOUR INSTRUCTOR: email: [email protected] Mail Box: Academic and Campus Support (ACS), Room SE2202 Phone: 595-7694 (leave a message with the Communications Division) Director of ACS: Susan Burlew Technology assistance (Blackboard issues): 595-2000

TO CONTACT THE DIVISION OFFICE: Communications Division, Room SE1202 Interim Communications Associate Dean: Kara Ryan-Johnson, 595-7694

COURSE PREREQUISITES: ENGL 0933 with a grade of C or better, or appropriate placement score. Please review pages xxii-xiv in Little, Brown to make sure you are prepared to succeed in this class.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The first in a sequence of two courses. Introduces students to academic writing, basic research, and documentation.

Course work will include writing exercises, summaries/reading responses, three essays, one of which may be revised for a better grade, and a final exam essay. Quizzes/vocabulary tests will be given periodically.

NEXT COURSE IN SEQUENCE: English 1213, Composition II.

TEXTS: The Little, Brown Handbook, TCC Custom Edition, Fowler & Aaron They Say, I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, Graff & Birkenstein, 2nd edition Selected readings available through the TCC LRC’s database

1 COURSE OBJECTIVES: The primary objective in this class is to teach you to write various kinds of academic arguments. In addition, you are expected to learn to  Analyze academic writing situations to determine purpose, audience, and focus for a written composition  Choose the best possible words to communicate clearly and effectively  Construct sentences that emphasize your meaning and make your writing interesting  Think critically to develop and support thesis statements about different subjects  Create a coherent, unified essay with an orderly progression of ideas  Write focused, detailed, coherent paragraphs that develop your ideas and support your arguments with evidence appropriate to the academic situation  Incorporate other sources into your writing by quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, and documenting correctly, according to MLA format  Use the TCC Learning Resource Center (also known as the library) for college-level research  Read, comprehend and respond to college-level texts

TEACHING METHODS: Each class period will involve a variety of activities including lecture, discussion, group work, creative problem-solving and writing.

GRADING: Grades will be determined according to the following scale: Quizzes/Exercises (10 x 20pts) 200 points Essays (3 x 150 pts) 450 points Summaries & Reponses (8 x 25pts) 200 points Final and/or Midterm Exam 150 points TOTAL 1000 points A=1000-900; B=899-800; C=799-700; D=699-600; F=599-0

Essays and summaries/reading responses, including the final exam essay, will be graded using the criteria described on pages xvii-xxii in Little, Brown.

Students are expected to bring all required materials (e. g., print-outs of assigned readings, Little, Brown, TSIS), complete any group work or in-class activities, and engage earnestly and respectively in all class discussions. Students who violate the etiquette policy (see below), regardless of submitted written work and performance on quizzes, will be in danger of failing depending on how often they engage in these behaviors.

English Professors assign "I" grades only when genuine emergencies prevent a student from completing the class and/or from withdrawing before the deadline and only when the student is earning a satisfactory ("C" or better) grade.

2 REVISION: I am a strong believer in the power of revision. Two of our essay assignments have a REQUIRED REVISION, and I will allow either of those to be revised one more time if the student wishes if the revision is turned in before Thanksgiving Break. The revision will not be accepted unless the graded original paper (Required Revised version) is attached. I will allow students to revise one Response Assignment only if the original graded work is stapled to the revision and only if the revision is turned in before Thanksgiving Break.

LATE WORK: Each student will be allowed one late Response Assignment if it is turned in within a week of the original assignment, and the student will receive at least one lower letter grade for the assignment. I recommend you save this “Get-out-of-Jail card” for a true emergency.

I will not accept any late Essay assignments for any reason, including illness or out-of- town trips. If you know AHEAD OF TIME that you will miss an essay assignment deadline, and wish to send the essay to me electronically, you must GET MY VERBAL CONSENT FIRST. I will not accept any electronic submissions unless you and I have reached a verbal agreement before the assignment is due. This is true for all Summary assignments and all Essay assignments. If you have had a Medical Emergency, please contact me via email with your phone number. In the case of a medical emergency, and only if you and I discuss the situation, you may turn in a late essay assignment. There will still be at least one letter grade dropped for lateness.

Any homework or in-class assignment, including quizzes and exercises and the Final Exam, cannot be taken at a later date or the work made-up under any circumstances.

ATTENDANCE: ATTENDANCE/WITHDRAW POLICY: To succeed in this class, you must attend regularly, be on time, and come prepared (i.e., read and annotate textbooks and assignments and bring them to class). I will take attendance each class period. Students who are clearly not prepared for class will be dismissed and counted absent.

Students who miss class should contact another classmate to find out what they missed. In-class work cannot be completed outside of class, but students can submit summaries and essays and collect missed handouts through Blackboard.

Missing more than nine hours of any college class is considered excessive even when students have a good reason to miss class. I will, therefore, withdraw (i.e. “drop”) any student who misses ten classes. In addition, students who are making unsatisfactory progress may be dropped from this class.

Dropping or being dropped from a class will not affect a student’s college grade point average, but the student will need to meet with the appropriate high school counselor to

3 be placed in an on-level high school class. Contact your counselor if you need to drop this class.

If you must miss class, you do not need to contact me to explain why; I will assume it is for a good reason, but the class attendance policy applies in all but extreme cases.

FORMAT FOR COURSE WORK: All essays and summaries should follow MLA format as described in the Little Brown Handbook 46c and must be submitted to SafeAssign, a program that checks for plagiarism. Save your work as a Microsoft Word document and name it yourlastname and the assignment (e.g., SmithS1.docx for summary 1). Students who do not have a version of Word on their computers should download it free from the TCC Web site. If you submit your assignments in a format other than Microsoft Word, I may not be able to open it, which means you will receive a “0” for that assignment, with no opportunity to resubmit.

Students are required to submit assignments to SafeAssign to be checked for plagiarism. Students who do not submit assignments to SafeAssign when required will receive a “0” for the assignment. For help submitting essays to SafeAssign, visit the Writing Center.

WRITING CENTER: See p. xxiv in Little, Brown.

PLAGIARISM POLICY: Please see “Plagiarism” (Chapter 44 Little, Brown). If you submit any assignment containing plagiarism of any kind, and it is your first offense, you will receive a “0” for that assignment. It is your responsibility to schedule a conference with me to discuss the situation and make sure that you understand why you received the 0, what plagiarism is, and how to avoid it. If, after conferring with you, I am convinced that the plagiarism occurred accidentally or as the result of ignorance rather than deliberate intent, I may choose to allow you to rewrite the assignment, but I am under no obligation to do so. A rewrite will not be permitted for cases in which the plagiarism appears to be deliberate. If you submit an assignment containing plagiarism and it is your second offense, you will receive a grade of F for the course, and I will report you to the Dean of Student Services and the Associate Dean of the Communications Division for violation of TCC’s policies on academic integrity.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY OR MISCONDUCT: Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned nor tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community College system. See the college’s Academic Integrity Statement: http://www.tulsacc.edu/page.asp?durki=2984&site=16&return=126.

CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: See Little, Brown, page xxix. Students who do not follow the etiquette policy may be dismissed from class.

DISABLED STUDENTS/ADA POLICY: It is the policy and practice of Tulsa Community College to create inclusive learning environments. Accommodations for

4 qualifying students in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act are available. To request accommodations, contact the Education Access Center (EAC) at [email protected] or call (918) 595-7115 (Voice). Deaf and hard of hearing students may text (918) 809-1864.

EMAIL: I will occasionally send emails regarding changes and updates in our course work. You must have a TCC email account! If you are going to miss class, you do not need to email me and tell me. You will still be counted absent. The only reason to email me is if you have had some kind of emergency and need to withdraw from class, or if you have a question regarding one of the assignments. I generally will not answer questions regarding assignments to anyone who hasn’t been showing up for class.

If I ever change anything on our schedule through Blackboard, I will always email the class and advise students to check Blackboard for changes. I will not make Blackboard changes without advising students of the change through email.

Every student enrolled at Tulsa Community College is issued a TCC email account. Students are expected to check their College email account on a frequent and regular basis in order to stay current with College-related communications, particularly those that may be time sensitive in nature. Students will be held responsible for the information transmitted to the College email account. Information about email addresses, user names and passwords may be found at https://portal.tulsacc.edu/cp/home/displaylogin

For more information, see Little, Brown p. xxix. You need to check your MyTCC account regularly so that the college does not deactivate it. I strongly suggest you log onto Blackboard through MyTCC. I do not check my email on a daily basis, which is one reason I cannot accept unsolicited electronic work.

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: If extreme weather conditions or emergency situations arise, TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also posted on the TCC website (www.tulsacc.edu). If you lose power, call the TCC main number (918-595-7000) for an updated, recorded message regarding closure. If the college has to close because of weather, students will be expected to complete any homework assigned and may have to submit assignments as attachments to email. Please check MyTCC frequently in the advent of bad weather so you understand how the schedule is changing and how assignments may be changed. Unless otherwise noted, during bad weather, assignment due dates will stay the same. Email assignments as Word .doc or .docx attachments to [email protected]

FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law designated to protect the privacy of a student’s education records and academic work. The law applies to all schools, colleges, and universities that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. This law is applicable to students at TCC. All files, records, and academic work completed within this course are

5 considered educational records and are protected under FERPA. It is your right as a student in this course to expect that any materials you submit in this course, as well as your name and other identifying information, will not be viewable by guests or other individuals permitted access to the course.

A student may sign a waiver of their FERPA rights through the Admissions/Enrollment Services or the Dean of Student Services offices. This waiver authorizes the release of academic records to the individuals identified by the student. While a FERPA waiver permits the release of information to parents, it does not compel the release of information. Faculty and advisors may use their discretion as to when the release of information would not be warranted.

GENERAL EDUCATION GOALS: The General Education Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College have the skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives. General Education Goals relevant to this course include Critical Thinking, Effective Communication, Engaged Learning, and Technological Proficiency.

ENGLISH DISCIPLINE GOALS: All English courses are designed to help students meet the English discipline goals, which are Effective Writing, Critical Reading, Informed Discussion, and Scholarly Research.

INSTITUTIONAL STATEMENT: Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies & Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC website: www.tulsacc.edu.

Tobacco Free College Tulsa Community College is a Tobacco Free college in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 2012-01 and Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes, Section 1-1523 which prohibits smoking or the use of any tobacco products in all public places, in any indoor workplace, and all vehicles owned by the State of Oklahoma and all of its agencies and instrumentalities. This Order includes property leased, rented, or owned by TCC including, but not limited to, all grounds, buildings, facilities, and parking lots. Tulsa Community College’s policy includes a tobacco free environment on all campus and off-campus locations conducting TCC credit or non- credit classes. The TCC Campus Police is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Tobacco-Free Environment Policy. Violations of the policy may be addressed through issuance of campus or state citations.

OTHER: Occasionally, when genuine emergencies or problem situations occur, the course policies outlined here can be modified to help a student complete the course if the student has been attending regularly, has completed most assigned work, and is earning at least a "C." It is always in your best interest, therefore, to contact me immediately if a crisis situation prevents you from attending class or completing assignments.

The specific needs of the class may require minor changes in the policies in this syllabus. Students will be given written notification of any policy changes.

6 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Please follow the schedule below. Any schedule changes will be based on the needs of the class and will be provided in writing.

Composition I – Course Agenda


Week One: 8/20-8/23 M: Introduction to course T: Readings – TSIS Preface and Introduction, Syllabus TH: Diagnostic Essay – In-Class

Week Two: 8/27-8/30 M: Readings: TSIS Ch. 1-2, Article 1 T: In-Class Work – No Quiz TH: Summary #1 Due – @250 words

Week Three: 9/3 – No Class, 9/4-9/6 M: Readings: TSIS Chap 3, Article #2 T: Vocab Quiz TH: Summary #2 Due (with paraphrase and quotations) – @250 words

Week Four: 9/10-9/13 M: Readings: TSIS Ch. 4, LB 8a-e, Article #3 T: Vocab Quiz TH: Response #1 Due (summary with quotations and response) – 250-350 words

Week Five: 9/17-9/20 M: Readings: TSIS Ch. 5, Article #4 T: In-class Work – No Quiz TH: Response #2 Due (combine summary and response, using strategies from TSIS Ch. 5 to distinguish between the two parts) – 250-350 words

Week Six: 9/24-9/27 M: Readings: TSIS Ch. 6 T: In-class graded work TH: Response #3 Due (Required Revision of Response #2 with Naysayer added) - 350 word minimum

Week Seven: 10/1-10/4 M: Readings: TSIS 7, Article #5 T: Watch www.livingroomcandidate.org

7 TH: Response #4 Due (same as Response #3 assignment with addition of Naysayer) – 350 word minimum

Week Eight: 10/8-10/11 M: Readings: LB 2b-c, 3a, Critical Response Essay Assignment (on Blackboard) T: In-Class graded Work TH: Critical Response Essay Due – 500 word minimum

Week Nine: 10/15-10/18 Individual Writing Conferences, NO CLASSES – Conferences made by appointment Bring the Required Revised Critical Response Essay with you to your conference.

Week Ten: 10/22-10/25 M: Readings: Review LB Ch. 8, Article #6 T: Vocab quiz TH: Response #5 Due (same as Response #3 assignment) – 350 word minimum

Week Eleven: 10/29-11/1 M: Readings: LB 43b-d, Synthesis Essay Assignment (on Blackboard) T: Practice Synthesis Exercises Due: LB Exercise 43.5, pp 606-607 TH: In-class Work

Week Twelve: 11/5-11/9 M: Readings: Article #7, TSIS 9 T: Vocab Quiz TH: Response #6 Due (same assignment as Response #3) – 350 words Documented Synthesis Essay Due – 500 words

Week Thirteen: 11/12-11/16 M: Readings: LB Ch. 9 T: In-Class work TH: Required Revised Synthesis Essay Due

Week Fourteen: 11/19-11/20 M: Readings: Article #8, Personal Essay Assignment (on Blackboard) T: Vocab Quiz – Choose Personal Essay Topic TH: THANKSGIVING – NO CLASS

Week Fifteen: 11/26-11/29 M: TSIS Ch. 10, 12 T: Vocab Quiz TH : Argument From Personal Experience First Draft Due – 500 words

Week Sixteen: 12/3-12/6

8 M: LB 23, 25-32 T: Vocab Quiz TH: Argument From Personal Experience Essay Final Draft Due

EXAM WEEK (Week Seventeen) exact dates and times TBA


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