AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)

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AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC)


Scott Forde Chairman

LPTC Minutes General Membership and Steering Committee 17 July 2013

LPTC Meetings Conducted During 49thJoint Propulsion Conference, San Jose California, July 15-17, 2013 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA


Date: July 17, 2013 To: Scott Forde, LPTC Chairman

From: Don Sargent, Secretary Subject: Minutes - Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee LPTC Meetings Conducted during 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose California, July 15-17, 2013

Chairman Scott Forde called the General Membership meeting to order at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST) on Wednesday, July 17, 2013. The agenda for the LPTC meeting is included as Attachment 1. Forty-seven members were in attendance. Attachment 2 is the attendance roster.

The LPTC Steering Group meeting took place beginning at 6:00 PM PST (9:00 PM EST) on Monday, July 15, 2013. LPTC Vice Chairman Ivett Leyva welcomed the twelve attendees who are indicated on the Attachment 2 attendance roster. Steering group minutes were taken and the topics covered were discussed again in the general meeting.

Subcommittee reports and other input documents used in preparing these minutes are available on the AIAA web site in the LPTC “Shared Documents” folder.

Key points and discussion from the general membership meeting follow:

Opening Remarks / Introduction Scott Forde started the meeting with welcoming remarks. The agenda for this meeting was also reviewed. Each LPTC member in attendance at the General Meeting then briefly introduced himself.

Eric Besnard was presented with a plaque of appreciation for his leadership and effectiveness as LPTC Chairman for the past two years. A round of applause from the LPTC members followed.

A guest, Wayne van Leberghe, followed with a presentation describing the JANNAF Test Practices and Standards Panel. He encouraged participation from the LPTC members and their organizations in this effort to standardize test practices for liquid propulsion. This JANNAF panel has prepared a test practices guidelines document, JANNAF GL-2012-01-R0. The cost of this document is $115.

Another guest, Greg Johnston, who is the JPC Social Media Chair, made a presentation at the LPTC General Meeting, encouraging members to use Twitter. This is the first AIAA event to

2 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA elevate social media. Twitter has been deployed to connect TAO’s, TC Committee, and Organizing Committee with the community. A twitter board has been created at #aiaaPropEnergy. Jeff Hamstra, the new P&E Director, asked each TC Chair to identify at least one individual to work with Greg. Those identified should contact Greg directly ([email protected]) to get engaged. Stewart Bushman volunteered to be the LPTC social media point of contact for Greg.

Scott Forde briefly described the TAC organization and the Propulsion and Energy organization, presented at the P&E meeting that he attended on July 14th. Jeff Hamstra is the new P&E Director. The Deputy Director for Rocket & Space Propulsion, which includes the Liquid Propulsion TC, is I-Shih Chang. Other TCs in this group are Hybrid Rockets, Solid Rockets, and Electric Propulsion. Scott summarized the purpose and objectives of the Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee.

The New Event Model (NEM) for restructuring conferences into five large Forums beginning in 2014 is intended to mitigate AIAA challenges including declining membership and declining meeting registrations. P&E objectives for the new Forums include continuing to provide a strong technical program, reducing the number of withdrawn and no-show papers, and focusing on quality over quantity of papers. Based upon discussions with P&E TC Chairs, a prioritized list of P&E products and services was presented at the P&E meeting, and initiatives were presented to energize and motivate the membership.

Old Business Don Sargent presented Attachment 3, the list of action items from the LPTC General Membership meeting held via WebEx and telecon on January 23, 2013. The updated status of these Action Items is in Attachment 7.

Next, Don Sargent presented an abbreviated version of the minutes of the LPTC meeting held via WebEx and telecon on January 23, 2013. The membership accepted, by voice vote without objection, the minutes as written (no comments or corrections were received).

Conference Planning Updates 2013 JPC, San Jose, CA July 14th – July 17th, 2013 Silvio Chianese reported on the accomplishments and issues for 2013 JPC.  140 LP abstracts were accepted and only 2 were rejected; 93 came through by submitting papers, and 47 were withdrawn prior to the conference. This is a smaller proportion of successfully submitted papers than other sessions.  One-third of LPTC members did not review abstracts on time, nor did they indicate that they would be late. A number of members did not review assigned abstracts at all.  There were 29 LP technical sessions and three LP panels (LP History I and II, and German LP). The LP History sessions were again a huge success.  For all JPC sessions, ~650 abstracts were submitted, ~470 papers were presented, and there were ~150 technical sessions and 21 panels. The total JPC+IECED attendance was 862, of which 586 were fully paid attendees. Sequestration impacted attendance.

3 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA  The large number of withdrawn papers left some sessions with only 1 or 2 papers. More poor abstracts should have been rejected, since poor abstracts tend to become withdrawals or no-shows.  Several presenters were not co-authors of the papers, but were just substitute presenters.  Some LPTC session chairs could not travel to San Jose, but there was sufficient coverage by LPTC co-chairs. Five session chairs / co-chairs cancelled quite late.  The goal of more detailed topic grouping for sessions seemed to be effective.  The organizing committee and the AIAA staff were dedicated and professional.  There was very good communication between Silvio and Justin Locke (2014 Organizer), resulting in effective transfer of lessons learned. Action Item 13ASM-1 was successfully completed: to provide lessons learned and recommendations to Justin Locke for JPC 2014, summarizing his abstract review and acceptance/rejection experience.

2014 JPC, Cleveland, July 28-30, 2014 Justin Locke will be the Liquid Propulsion Technical Organizer for 2014 JPC The New Event Model takes effect for this conference, named the P&E Forum & Exposition  It will also include the International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES) and the International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC), as well as the JPC. Potential to integrate the IEEE EnergyTech conference into the P&E Forum.  The call for papers for JPC 14 will go out in April 2013, so the LPTC must make inputs by February or March to have any impact on the announcement. There will be a 500-word minimum for abstracts.  The site of the conference will be a new state-of-the-art convention center.

SPACE 2014, San Diego, August 4-7, 2014  Under the New Event Model, LPTC would be responsible for organizing a few sessions for SPACE 2014. However, this conference is only one week after 2014 JPC.  In the History Subcommittee presentation at the General Meeting (see below), the LPTC discussed the possibility of moving the LP History Sessions from the JPC at Cleveland to the SPACE Forum at San Diego. This would accomplish the goal of P&E/LPTC supporting the SPACE Forum. The History Subcommittee Chair (Kent Pugmire) was in favor of this move, and Scott Forde was willing to accept this move on a trial basis for SPACE 2014.

2015 JPC, Location TBD  A request for potential volunteers to be the LPTC Technical Organizer for 2015 JPC resulted in the following members. Bill Marshall, David Ransom, and Vineet Ahuja.  The LPTC deferred selecting a Technical Organizer, since the conference location has not yet been identified.

LP Undergraduate Scholarship The $25,000 endowment made to the AIAA Foundation for scholarships in the 1990s was discussed at the LPTC meeting held on January 23, 2013. The current LPTC scholarship endowment balance is $30,730. An ad hoc subcommittee was created, to be named the LPTC

4 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA Scholarship Subcommittee, consisting of Eric Besnard and several other members, to draft a contract between the AIAA Foundation Board of Trustees and the LPTC. Volunteers for this subcommittee were Brian Winters, Scott Forde, BJ Austin, and Jeff Schnackel.

This LPTC Scholarship Subcommittee did review the Foundation’s governing document and executed the required contract for formulating guidelines for the awards and for ensuring that the endowment remains fiscally healthy. Eric Besnard signed the contract for the LPTC and Dr. Sandra Magnus signed for the AIAA Foundation. The scholarship awards will be for $2,500 per year, and a floor of $25,000 in principal will be maintained. An award will be suspended for a year following a year that the principal reaches this threshold. AIAA will make the selection of the recipient. Action Item 13 ASM-2 was successfully completed: the LPTC Scholarship Subcommittee executed a contract between the AIAA Foundation Board of Trustees and the LPTC.

A new Action Item, 13 JPC-1, was generated. Eric Besnard is to maintain contact with the AIAA Foundation Board of Trustees to keep the LPTC informed about who the LP undergraduate scholarship recipient is and how the recipient was selected.

New Business - Subcommittee Reports

Membership Subcommittee Report – Gary Grayson  In fulfillment of one of the continuous Action Items, Gary Grayson distributed LPTC shirts to new members.  At the last LPTC meeting (on January 23rd), seven new members were voted in, knowing that the AIAA limit of 50 would be exceeded by four. However, AIAA denied our request to exceed the limit. In response to an AIAA request to reduce TC membership, Gary sent an e-mail to the LPTC members on July 3rd, asking all to reassess their membership and to voluntarily resign if they or their organization may not support future participation in the LPTC’s activities. Five members did resign: Dale Jensen, Michael Nusca, Richard Truesdell, William Wang, and Nobuhiro Yamanishi. David Lineberry initially resigned, but subsequently withdrew his resignation. The LPTC thanks these individuals for their service.  As of July 17, 2013, we have 49 current members with the distributions shown in Attachment 4 (by employment category) and in Attachment 5 (by AIAA membership category). . Members were encouraged to upgrade their AIAA membership category to Senior Member, Associate Fellow, and Fellow. . It was noted that the membership is not adequately represented by engineers from Lockheed Martin or from ATK; and that the LPTC should try to recruit future members from these organizations.  Of the 49 members, 9 are young associate members less than 35, and 8 are international members. So 17 (9 + 8) are not counted in the full time TC regular member limit of 35. . Thus, we have 32 regular members (49 - 17) and 3 regular openings. . There is a 50 member limit for the TCs unless approved, so there is one (50-49) total opening. . No additional applications for membership were considered at this LPTC meeting.

5 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA  Current (as of July 17, 2013) subcommittee assignments are shown in Attachment 6.  Newer members present without subcommittee assignments expressed their preferences and the following subcommittee assignments were made: . Joerg Riccius – Education . Andrew Devereaux – Education . Matthew Deans – Education . Christoph Kirchberger – Publications . Marco Pizzarelli – Publications . William Marshall – History . Stephen Barsi was not present, and his subcommittee assignment was deferred.  As of May 2013, Scott Forde advanced to be LPTC Chairman and Ivett Leyva became Vice Chairman. Their terms are two years. A brief discussion to identify the next Vice Chairman was deferred to the next winter meeting.

Treasurer’s Report – Mike Meyer  Mike is traveling overseas; Scott Forde gave the Treasurer’s report.  The LPTC balance as of July 12, 2013, is $4,919.30.  Anticipated income of ~$3,000 from the San Jose Short Course.  Anticipated expense: $2,000 for Young Professional and Student Awards.  Anticipated expense: wine and beer cost for this July 17th LPTC meeting.

Publications Subcommittee Report – David Ransom  Last year’s LP Year in Review article was distributed to LPTC members, with a request to submit highlights for this year. There is a strict limit of 600 words.  The LPTC newsletter will be prepared and distributed twice a year.

Webmaster’ Report – Justin Locke  Conversion over to SharePoint is complete  The old LPTC website has been taken offline  Users can upload documents to “Shared Documents” folder for meetings, etc.  Members are encouraged to verify/edit their bios. For newer members, if your bio is not in the “Membership” folder, please send your info to Justin

Awards Subcommittee Report– Alfredo Lopez  The 2012 LPTC Best Paper Award was made to AIAA-2012-3857: Suslov, Deeken, Haidn, “Investigation of the API-Injection Concept in a LOX/LH2 Combustion Chamber at GG/PB Operation Conditions”.  The $1,000 LPTC Student and Young Professional Awards were made this year. Five nomination packages were received for each award. The candidates were excellent. . The Student Award was made to Jeffrey Wegener of AFRL/UCLA. . The Young Professional Award was made to Matthew McKeown of SpaceX.  The Wyld Award was cancelled for 2013.  The LPTC Lifetime Achievement Award was not made this year.  The LPTC Sustained Service Award was kept a surprise secret by the Awards Subcommittee, and was made to Kent Pugmire at the July 17th General Meeting with

6 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA an energetic round of applause from the LPTC membership, indicative of the Committee’s appreciation for Kent’s efforts and accomplishments over the years. . Eric Besnard presented a plaque to Kent for this award at the History Session that Kent chaired. . This satisfies the second half of Action Item 12 JPC-1, “Awards subcommittee should nominate candidates and make selections for the LPTC Lifetime Achievement Award and for the LPTC Service Award.” The first half of this Action Item is deferred to the next meeting.

Education Subcommittee Report – Alan Frankel  Jeff Schnackel of the Education Subcommittee reported on the STEM initiative. . A STEM Materials folder has been created on LPTC webpage under “Shared Documents”. The materials were developed by NASA and the folder will continue to be populated as additional materials are found. . A simple wooden “Newton Car” is an example, using rubber bands to demonstrate the relationship among mass, acceleration, and force.  Another educational potential is a Suitcase Rocket assembly that could be shipped or brought along on a plane flight as checked luggage. It was designed by ORBITEC to operate with small GOX and propane torch bottles that can be purchased at a local hardware store at the destination. Chip Sauer was responsible for bringing the Suitcase Rocket information to the Education Subcommittee. A discussion followed about the possibility of the LPTC acquiring a Suitcase Rocket assembly and operating it as an instructional demonstration. The discussion focused upon the ensuing risks and liabilities for the LPTC and for the AIAA. The Committee’s recommendation is for this potential activity to be presented to the AIAA P&E Group. . Action Item 13 JPC-2 was assigned to Scott Forde, to present the Suitcase Rocket proposal to the P&E Director, Jeff Hamstra, to judge the benefit vs. the potential liability.  Alan Frankel presented changes that were made to the AIAA Professional Development course guidelines: Was Is Impact $2,000 to TC, incremental $3,000 to TC, regardless of Short course generated revenue above 19 attendance ~$7,000 in revenue over 2 attendees years All instructors received One instructor comp registration, Potential reduced flexibility complementary 2nd instructor “session only” to get instructors registrations comp registration Up to $1,700 for instructor $0 travel expenses TC has not incurred travel travel expenses costs for prior short courses . New guidelines protect revenue on the downside, but reduce our ability to generate higher revenue and attract instructors  Alan Frankel presented the status of the LP Short Course for 2013 JPC . 24 attendees are expected . Day 1, Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion, has been structured as training. This satisfies Action Item 12 JPC-2, “Structure the outline and curriculum of the

7 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA liquid propulsion short course so it will be structured and regarded as training.” . Day 2 is structured and a Survey of Topical Areas (Applications)  Other Course Options Under Consideration - Education Subcommittee to assess and produce recommendation . TC run Short Course (2 day or 1 day) . Lessons Learned Course . AIAA Webinar Series

History Subcommittee Report – Kent Pugmire  The LOX/Hydrocarbon Propulsion History Session at 2013 JPC was an overwhelming success (with a packed room) with well informed and interesting speakers and good content. Recordings were successful and will be available at 2014 JPC or by direct order to the subcommittee.  Invitations were extended to the Head of the Russian Federal Space Agency and NPO Energomash. A later invitation was extended to the Ukrainian Space Agency. All parties accepted. However, plans changed due to current issues.  The History Subcommittee appreciates the involvement of AIAA, NASA, Aerojet Rocketdyne, and Standex-Spincraft, which contributed funding and support.  Particular recognition is made to: . Bob Sackheim, who provided content advice and became deeply involved. He may have collected sufficient data for a book. He and David Christensen interviewed sources and assembled the early histories and information pertaining to the Redstone, Vanguard and Juno. David Christensen worked with Von Braun and has many slides. . The History Subcommittee greatly regret Bob Sackheim’s incapacitation and inability to attend this year’s JPC. . B J Austin and associates for filming, editing film & DVD duplication. . Alfredo Lopez for preparation of LPTC Recognition Certificates. . Great support was provided by others of the LPTC and the Conference Chairman, Joaquin Castro.  A continuing challenge is finding a way to fund retiree's JPC travel (hotel and registration fee). Nashville was difficult. Denver and San Diego easy. Atlanta – the best – no problems, only minor expense. San Jose very good, thanks to two companies that provided support.  History Subcommittee members have contributed out of pocket to taping and some speaker travel expense. Donations for copies of taped sessions will be applied to cover possible incidental expense. Thanks to those who have and those who will order and obtain sets of DVDs.  There is now adequate equipment for recording both video and sound at History Sessions.  Volunteers are sought to catalogue and synopsize the recorded History Sessions. Kent requested interested members to contact him.  Action Item 12 JPC-3, “Investigate using the already-recorded history sessions as webinar courses, to be offered by LPTC”, remains open. An associated marketing approach is to offer these recordings as training materials to companies.

8 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA Liaison Reports  European Liaison report - Cristoph Kirchberger presented for Oskar Haidn. . Two conférences have been established in Europe that usually attract 500 to 700 people. . Space Propulsion conference series in even years, dedicated solely to space propulsion issues, the most recent one, “Space Propulsion 2012” took place in May 7-10, 2012 in Bordeaux. SPACE Propulsion 2014 will take place in May, 22-24, 2014 in Cologne, Germany. . EUCASS (European Conference on Aerospace Sciences ) in odd years, dedicated to aerospace sciences, the most recent one took place in July 2013 in Munich. The site of EUCASS 2015 isn’t decided yet. Encourage Americans to attend - very few Americans have attended in the past.  ASME Liaison Report - Tom Giel . Advanced Propulsion Concepts (APC): 7 Sessions at the 2013 JPC, with 21 papers . Systems Concepts & Supporting Propulsion Technologies (SCP): 7 Sessions at the 2013 JPC, with 24 papers. Soliciting new Topic Area Organizer for SCP Sessions. . Improved Call for Papers, but lost over 40% with travel restrictions, mostly . Looking at adding TC subcommittees (i.e. Advanced Vehicles Systems) . Seeking more TC Volunteers/Contributors, and adding WebEx meetings

Summary of New and Updated Action Items . Two new action items were assigned in the meeting. They were reviewed and agreed upon by the LPTC members.

New Action Items (Assigned on 07/17/13) No. Action Item Assignee Due By 13 JPC-1 Maintain contact with the AIAA Foundation Board of Trustees to keep the LPTC informed about who the LP Eric 14 ASM undergraduate scholarship recipient is and how the Besnard recipient was selected. 13 JPC-2 Present the Suitcase Rocket proposal to the P&E Director, Jeff Hamstra, to judge the benefit vs. the Scott Forde 14 ASM potential liability.

Attachment 7 is a list of the updated and new action items, as of July 17, 2013.

Plans for Future LPTC Meetings . The LPTC discussed whether the winter meeting (in January 2014) should be by telecon and WebEx, vs. face-to-face at ASM. The consensus of the members was that the LPTC January meeting should be by telecon and WebEx. . The third week in January was chosen for this winter meeting. Chairman Scott Forde will select from Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday of that week. . A poll of the members was taken for the preferred time for this telecon/WebEx winter meeting. The results were: 11 votes for 4 PM Pacific Time; 24 votes for 7 AM Pacific Time; and 19 votes for Noon Pacific Time. Therefore, the meeting will be held at 7 AM Pacific Time (10 AM Eastern Time).

9 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA . Scheduling for LPTC meetings at 2014 JPC at Cleveland. The LPTC discussed the schedule for the LPTC Steering and General Meetings at JPC 14. . A suggestion was made to conduct the Steering Meeting by WebEx prior to the JPC, since there are a limited number of participants in the Steering Group. . A poll of the members was taken for the preferred schedule for the General Meeting. The results were: 28 votes for Wednesday, 1 vote for Tuesday, and 3 votes for Monday. Therefore, the General Meeting will be held on Wednesday.

Adjournment Scott Forde adjourned the meeting at approximately 10:05 PM PST.

10 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA

ATTACHMENT 1 General Membership Meeting Agenda

Introductions/Opening Remarks Forde Dinner JANNAF Liquid Rocket Test Guidelines Van Lerberghe Technical Activities Committee (TAC) and Propulsion & Energy (P&E) Forde Review Old Action Items Sargent Review and Approve Prior Meeting Minutes Sargent Conference Updates 2013 JPC – San Jose Status Chianese 2014 JPC – Cleveland Locke Space 2014 – San Diego (Aug 4-7) TBD 2015 JPC – TBD TBD Space 2015 – TBD TBD Subcommittee Reports Membership, LPTC Shirts Grayson Treasurer Meyer Publications Ransom Website Locke Awards Lopez Education Frankel History Pugmire Liaison Reports JANNAF Liquid Propulsion Cohn ASME Giel Liquid Hydrogen Naraghi P&C, EUCASS, ICLASS Haidn AIAA Electric Propulsion Meyer National Institute for Rocket Propulsion Systems Meyer New Business Forde Next Meetings Forde ASM 2014 – Online/Telecon? JPC 2014/Cleveland – Days for Steering & General Meetings Action Item Review Sargent Adjourn Forde

11 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA ATTACHMENT 2 - Attendance, General Membership and Steering Meetings

Name Steering General Last First Organization Meeting Meeting

Ahuja Vineet Craft Tech X Alliott Patrick Snecma X X Austin B.J. IN Space X Ballard Rick NASA / Marshall Space Flight Center X Behruzi Philipp EADS/Astrium X Besnard Eric California State Univ., Long Beach X X Bushman Stewart Johns Hopkins / Applied Physics Lab X Chianese Silvio SpaceX X X Coll Greg Orbital Sciences X Deans Matthew NASA / Glenn Research Center X Devereaux Andy SSTL X Forde Scott Aerojet Rocketdyne X X Frankel Alan Moog X X Gatto Corrine Jet Propulsion Lab X Giel Tom Jacobs Technology X Grayson Gary Boeing X X Guadagnola Dan Orbital Sciences X Hartwig Jason NASA / Glenn Research Center X Hideshi Kagawa JAXA X Hinerman Timothy Aerojet Rocketdyne X Jacob Eric GTL X Kirchberger Christoph TU Munich X Kirk Daniel Florida Tech X Lekeux Anne C.N.E.S. X Leyva Ivett Personal X X Lineberry David University of Alabama / Huntsville X Locke Justin United Technologies Research Center X X Lopez Alfredo Boeing X X Marcu Bogdan SpaceX X Marshall Bill NASA / Glenn Research Center X Naraghi Mahammad Manhattan College X Pizzabelli Marco Univerity of Rome X Pourpoint Timothee Purdue University X Preclic Dieter EADS/Astrium X Pugmire Kent Spincraft X X Purohit G.P. Aerospace Corp. X Quinlan Matt Georgia Tech X Ransom David Southwest Research Institute X X Riccius Jőrg DLR X Sargent Don Federal Aviation Administration X X Sauer Chip Orbitec X Saunders Pike Jacobs Technology X Schnackel Jeff United Launch Alliance X Van Lerberghe Wayne Aerospace Corp. X Wegener Jeff Air Force Research Lab X Winters Brian Orbital Sciences X Yendler Boris YSPM X

12 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA Attachment 3 - Action Item List from LPTC Meeting of January 23rd, 2013 (See Attachment 7 for Updated and New Action Items) No. Action Item Assignee Due By Continuous Action Items Contact LPTC members to furnish missing resumes or Gary 13 JPC pictures and to verify that e-mail addresses are current. Grayson Provide inputs for Aerospace America Highlights to All 13 JPC David Ransom Provide inputs for the LPTC Newsletter to David Ransom All 13 JPC Kent Identify candidates with liquid propulsion background for Pugmire / next Wyld Award. Provide nominations for Wyld Award 13 JPC Alfredo to AIAA. Lopez Solicit ideas from all members for new revenue sources All 13 JPC Gary Distribute additional LPTC shirts to the newer members. 13 JPC Grayson Old Action Items 11 JPC-1 Analyze attendance vs. paper grouping data for JPC 12 LP Ivett sessions with the objective of improving future session 13 JPC Leyva attendance. Consider Kent’s suggestions. 11 JPC-4 Solicit a volunteer from LPTC membership to plan the Special Person tribute to George Sutton. Ivett Leyva volunteered to call George Sutton and ask him (a) if he Eric will come and (b) if he will participate without 13 JPC Besnard reimbursing his costs. Tim Hinerman will seek a sponsor at Rocketdyne for George’s tribute. Action Items Assigned on 07/31/12 12 JPC-1 Awards subcommittee should nominate candidates and Alfredo make selections for the LPTC Lifetime Achievement 13JPC Lopez Award and for the LPTC Service Award. 12 JPC-2 Structure the outline and curriculum of the liquid Alan propulsion short course so it will be structured and 13 JPC Frankel regarded as training. 12 JPC-3 Alan Investigate using the already-recorded history sessions as Frankel / 13 JPC webinar courses, to be offered by LPTC. Kent Pugmire Action Items Assigned on 01/23/13 13 ASM- Provide lessons learned and recommendations to Justin Silvio 1 Locke for JPC 2014, summarizing JPC13 abstract review 13 JPC Chianese and acceptance / rejection experience. 13 ASM- The LPTC Scholarship Subcommittee is to produce a Eric 2 draft contract after reviewing the governing document 13 JPC Besnard forwarded by the Foundation

13 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA Attachment 4 - LPTC Membership by Employment Category

14 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA Attachment 5- LPTC Membership by AIAA Membership Category

15 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA Attachment 6 – Subcommittee Assignments

16 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA Attachment 7 – Updated Action Item List from LPTC Meeting of July 17, 2013

No. Action Item Assignee Due By Update as of July 2013 Continuous Action Items Contact LPTC members to furnish missing resumes or pictures and to Gary 14 ASM verify that e-mail addresses are current. Grayson Provide inputs for Aerospace America Highlights to David Ransom All 14 ASM Provide inputs for the LPTC Newsletter to David Ransom All 14 ASM Kent Identify candidates with liquid propulsion background for next Wyld Pugmire / 14 ASM Award. Provide nominations for Wyld Award to AIAA. Alfredo Lopez Solicit ideas from all members for new revenue sources All 14 ASM Gary Distribute additional LPTC shirts to the newer members. 14 ASM Grayson Old Action Items 11 JPC-1 Completed – Silvio Chianese Analyze attendance vs. paper grouping data for JPC 12 LP sessions implemented paper grouping Ivett Leyva 13 JPC with the objective of improving future session attendance. Consider successfully in planning JPC Kent’s suggestions. 13 sessions 11 JPC-4 Closed by Steering Committee. This action was Solicit a volunteer from LPTC membership to plan the Special Person judged unworkable mainly tribute to George Sutton. Ivett Leyva volunteered to call George Eric Besnard 13 JPC because no pathway was Sutton and ask him (a) if he will come and (b) if he will participate identified to reimburse Mr. without reimbursing his costs. Sutton’s travel and Tim Hinerman will seek a sponsor at Rocketdyne for George’s tribute. conference registration costs. Action Items Assigned on 07/31/12 12 JPC-1A Awards subcommittee should nominate candidates and make Alfredo Deferred to the next meeting 13JPC selections for the LPTC Lifetime Achievement Award Lopez (ASM 14) 12 JPC-1B Completed – LPTC Service Alfredo Awards subcommittee should nominate candidates and make 13JPC Award was made to Kent Lopez selections for the LPTC Service Award. Pugmire 12 JPC-2 Completed - New structure Structure the outline and curriculum of the liquid propulsion short Alan 13 JPC was implemented for LP course so it will be structured and regarded as training. Frankel Short Course, July 2013. 12 JPC-3 Alan Deferred to the next meeting Investigate using the already-recorded history sessions as webinar Frankel / (ASM 14) 14 ASM courses, to be offered by LPTC. Kent Pugmire

17 AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (LPTC) LPTC Steering Committee and General Membership Meeting Minutes, July 15 and 17, 2013 49th Joint Propulsion Conference, San Jose CA

Attachment 7 (continued)– Updated Action Item List from LPTC Meeting of July 17, 2013

Action Items Assigned on 01/23/13 13 ASM-1 Provide lessons learned and recommendations to Justin Locke for JPC Completed – Silvio Chianese Silvio 2014, summarizing JPC13 abstract review and acceptance / rejection 13 JPC communicated JPC 2013 Chianese experience. events to Justin Locke 13 ASM-2 Completed – the LPTC The LPTC Scholarship Subcommittee is to produce a draft contract Scholarship Subcommittee Eric Besnard 13 JPC after reviewing the governing document forwarded by the Foundation executed a contract with the AIAA Foundation New Action Items (Assigned on 07/17/13) 13 JPC-1 Maintain contact with the AIAA Foundation Board of Trustees to keep the LPTC informed about who the LP undergraduate scholarship Eric Besnard 14 ASM recipient is and how the recipient was selected. 13 JPC-2 Present the Suitcase Rocket proposal to the P&E Director, Jeff Scott Forde 14 ASM Hamstra, to judge the benefit vs. the potential liability.


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