O Meet with Advisors About Plans, Goals, and Changes for Next Year

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O Meet with Advisors About Plans, Goals, and Changes for Next Year

President Responsibilities  Transition period

o Meet with advisors about plans, goals, and changes for next year

o Meet with outgoing President for guidance, resources, advice

o Meet with new Executive Vice President to establish communication standards, responsibilities, and how to best work together

o Attain all folders, binders, etc. from previous officers, make sure all resources are up to date

 Communication

o Faculty advisors

. Hold meetings as necessary

. Communicate and approve ALL ideas/plans openly

. Use them as a resource- industry contacts, department support

o Executives

. Hold weekly meetings as planning occurs

. Create meeting agendas

. Communicate ideas, concerns, though-process

. Updates from EVP

. Include in conversations with advisors

. Work as a TEAM to drive the organization forward

o Officers

. Take attendance at all meetings, hold them accountable!

. Have excuses sent to EVP prior to meetings

. Follow up on EVERYTHING! Send friendly reminders

 Ensure all documents and resources are updated before school starts

o Contact info o Officer contracts

o Responsibilities

 Calendar

o Create for upcoming year

o Keep in mind- sporting events, greek events, campus events, holidays, school breaks, mid terms, finals, career fairs, etc

o Review with Executives and Faculty Advisors

o Communicate to other officers

 Hold New Officer meeting in March

o Discuss general responsibilities and expectations

o Set goals

o Brainstorm ideas

o Sign officer contracts

o Establish action plan for the summer

o Have old officers meet with new officers and hand over binders

o Discuss summer correspondence

o Plan a social event to get to know new officers

 Room reservations

o Rooms in Kirkwood Hall

o Check with Union (IMU-Catering Services) on reservations for big events (Forum, Fashion Show)- plan a year in advance

o Confirm Mass Meeting locations

. Fill out reservation forms/contact SOA as necessary

. Retain all reservation forms and confirm with IMU 3 weeks prior to event

. Work with meeting support specialists for meeting needs

 Room setup  Registration table

 AV cart

 Projector Screen

 Sound

 Microphone?

o Bring Projector to all meetings

 Input Information for Mass Meeting PowerPoint

o Work with Communications team, President, & EVP

o Based on Newsletter, upcoming events, speaker current apparel news, etc.

o Create PowerPoint to be played at beginning of each mass meeting

 Mass Meeting Preparations

o Hold meetings with other VPs/ Communications team to establish:

. Marketing Plan for all events

. Deadlines

. Upcoming Events

. Newsletter/power point info

o Structure:

. All officers arrive 45min prior for room, meeting, set-up

. President Opens

. Addresses power point, upcoming events

. Officer Position Announcements (first meeting)

. Speaker Introduction & Presentation

. Committee Meetings/Info Sessions or upcoming events

 Study groups

 Professional Development Seminars  Marketing team

o Field Seminar Interest (when needed)

 SAO and SOA (Student Activities Office and Student Organization Accounts)

o Update offices on new officers

o Set up orientation for Finance officer with SOA

o Re-register RSO and AMIFS on myinvolvement

 Budget

o Based on last year

o Create with advisors, executives, and Finance

 IUSA Aid and IMU Faciltity Grant

o Work with finance to update all resources

o Check over grants before submission

 Speaker Relations

. Work with faculty advisors & President to secure speakers for mass meeting

. Contact for travel & IU stay itinerary, bio/professional background

. Create list of questions or theme-topic for presentations

. Make sure we have all electronic resources they need!

. Work with President to serve as Speaker “host” when they arrive at meeting location

. Introduce speaker at meeting

 Share speaker bio & background

. Submit Speaker bios for newsletter, alumni newsletter, & website

. Thank you notes!  Must follow up with each speaker after meetings, panels, or mock interviews

 End of Fall Semester

o Distribute NEW officer applications

. Revise as necessary

. Set deadline and interview schedule

. Create officer referral method

 Drive the objectives, goals, and mission of the organization

 Be innovative and strategic in all decisions

 Be a self-starter and take initiative, but don’t be afraid to DELEGATE!

Contact former President throughout the year with any questions, concerns, advice, etc Executive Vice President

Description The Executive Vice President is a member of the two person Executive team and oversees their areas of the organization. The EVP is a leader of the organization and is responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The EVP will work in conjunction with the President to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization forward. They will also need to meet regularly with Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. The EVP must work closely with the President, Advisors, and their Directors to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. The EVP set deadlines and checkpoints for Directors, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all tasks that fall under their Directors’ and teams’ umbrella of responsibilities are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with cross functionally, and at times helping with projects and tasks. The EVP should be a resource for their Directors, should help teams with whatever they need, and should be the one to communicate their Director’s needs and work to the President and the advisors. The responsibilities of the each Director and team, as set forth in this document, are also the responsibility of the EVP. The EVP should seek to motivate, inspire, and encourage their team at all times.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each Director and all teams are met on time

 Set meetings with the President, the Directors, and teams as needed

 Communicate with Directors about team’s needs, accomplishments, etc.

 Be a resource and leader for Directors, but also work alongside them and help them as needed

 Meet regularly with President and Advisors so that the entire organization is on the same page

 Create calendar with President and Faculty Advisors

o Keep in mind all sporting events, Greek events, campus events, religious holidays, school breaks (fall break) & midterms/finals o Distribute to officer before school year ends

 Room Reservations

o Check with Union (IMU-Catering Services) on reservations for big events (Forum, Fashion Show)- plan a year in advance

o Partner with Directors to communicate which rooms need to be reserved for events

 Mass Meeting Preparations

o Hold meetings with President/Directors/Marketing team to establish:

. Marketing Plan for all events

. Deadlines

. Upcoming Events

. Newsletter/power point info

o Structure:

. All officers arrive 45min prior for room, meeting, set-up

. President Opens

 Ice breakers

. EVP addresses power point, upcoming events

. Officer Position Announcements

. Speaker Introduction & Presentation

. Philanthropy Activity

. Committee Meetings/Info Sessions or upcoming events

 Study groups

 Professional Development Seminars

 Marketing team

 Field Seminar Interest

o Speaker Relations: . Work with faculty advisors & President to secure speakers for mass meeting

. Contact for travel & IU stay itinerary, bio/professional background

. Create list of questions or theme-topic for presentations

. Make sure we have all electronic resources they need!

. Work with President to serve as Speaker “host” when they arrive at meeting location

. Introduce speaker at meeting

 Share speaker bio & background

. Submit Speaker bios for newsletter, alumni newsletter, & website Director of Membership Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc. to the other Directors and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Update membership application, distribute applications, and collect applications (work with Finance to turn in dues)

 Input membership forms upon receipt & add student to OnCourse page

o Send them a welcome email (include NRFSA info)

 Add members to NRFSA online

 Organize registration tables at all events o Coordinate Membership team to bring laptops to use for check in

o In the case that a professor needs to track which students in their class comes to an event, the Director of Membership, in conjunction with their team, should coordinate the effort and report it back to the professor (For example, at the Forum)

 Update membership database in Excel

o For efficiency of data input and use in order to track members & their participation

o Post to Oncourse, update database monthly (can be uploaded to “grades” tab on Oncourse)

 Track points for members

o Calculate points according to Bronze Member and Gold Member Status

 Analyze member demographics and attendance statistics to find opportunities for improvement

 Report numbers of members and involvements to President and EVP(track changes between events)

 Responsible for the motivating, encouraging, and engaging members

 The membership team should work at all times to increase ENGAGEMENT and ATTENDANCE** Director of Membership Involvement Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc. to the other Directors and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Recruitment Events

o Organize RSO’s presence at various events to recruit members

. Welcome Fest (all IU Student Organizations) at IMU

 Register for Student Involvement Fair through my involvement (Student Life and Learning Office) . Work with Kelley School of Business and other student organizations

o Find new sources of members (journalism, fashion design students, fine arts & textiles)

 Work with Marketing team to create a video to recruit and educate new members for use during class announcements

 Create updated strategy to build teams among members by creating and executing a mentorship program

 Create Member of the Month Award announced at Mass Meetings

 Work with Membership team to maintain or increase attendance at RSO events

o Implement ways to keep students engaged!

 Responsible for the motivating, encouraging, and engaging members

The membership team should work at all times to increase ENGAGEMENT and ATTENDANCE** Director of Finance Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc. to the other Directors and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Use the Excel spreadsheet to manage the RSO & AMIFS budgets

 Budget

o President, EVP & Faculty advisor will create after previous year concludes

o Each initiative will be allotted a certain amount of money

. Officers CANNOT exceed their budget throughout the year . YOUR responsibility is to monitor the expenses

 SOA (Student Organization Accounts) Red Binder

o Located in Franklin Hall 002 (on Indiana Ave)

. Lower level, across from Bursar

o Keep track of SOA card

. Know which officer has it at all times

. Hold on to it when not in use

. Officers should contact you through phone or email to request it, arrange a time to pick it up and drop it back off, and inform you of what it will be used for

o Attend training session

. At beginning of academic year for all IU organization treasurers

o Submit Check Requests

. As officers submit receipts for purchase with the SOA card, or for reimbursement

 **If officer are being reimbursed (for an RSO expense or Grant expense), they must fill out a Reimbursement Form (found in Red Binder or on SOA website (http://soa.indiana.edu/).

 For Union Invoices

o Keep records of all Union Invoices so they may be referenced in future year for our events

. Invoices from other services (i.e. Bus Company for field seminar, etc.)

. Be sure to fill out address for where to check needs to be sent, otherwise you will have to pick this up (whether it is for a business or an individual officer)

o Turn in Deposits

. For Member Dues after Membership officer has entered information into database . For other items/event that where money has been collected

 I.e. T-shirts, Field Seminar, Banquet, Etiquette Dinner

. Use income codes (as designated by SOA) according to what the deposit is for (dues, banquet, fundraiser, etc)

o Update RSO Ledger accordingly (provided by SOA)

. Update RSO Budget accordingly (according to individual officer’s budget)

. Establish action plan for the rest of the semester/summer to be prepared for fall semester!

. Mark on RSO ledger exactly what deposit or check request was for in detail! (So we can reference it later)

 Who the Check request was for: Business? Personal Reimbursement?

 What did we purchase with it?

 Under which portion of our budget?

. Inform officer where they stand after purchase

 Grant Funding

o IUSA AID Funding

. Access funding application online

. (http://www.indiana.edu/~iusaid/)

. Contact President, EVP, and the appropriate event officer to fill out application with information for the event we are requesting funding for (Mainly, Retail & Design Forum or Fashion Show)

 Create a preliminary budget with officers with the amount you will request for the Grant

o Keep in mind you may only receive 75% of that mount

 Submit completed application online after submitting for approval to President and EVP  IUSA Aid will contact you with appointment time for presenting initiative to the AID Board

o Director of Finance & appropriate officers for the initiative should attend the meeting

 IUSA AID will contact you several days afterward through email with grant amount RSO has been rewarded

 Read instructions carefully! Will contain information regarding how to turn in group responsibility forms prior to event & receipts (+copies), reimbursement forms, feedback forms when it concludes

 Inform officers of the grant funding awarded and what their exact budget will be

o The Grant money awarded may be further broken down into allotments of how it can be specifically spent

o Stress that officers cannot go over budget

o Grant funding it independent of RSO’s SOA account

o However Grant funding will be deposited into the SOA account temporarily until it is spent

o Any funding leftover after the event, you must transfer back to IUSA AID by submitting a check request for the appropriate amount

o Officers who utilize grant funding will still need SOA card for purchases, or may be reimbursed if a business does not accept the SOA card

o Follow up with SOA and IUSA after the event to make sure all paperwork is correct within 1 month after the event

. IMU Facility Grant

 Provide by the Union for all facility/set-up/technology costs (except for food)  See http://soa.indiana.edu/spacereservations.html for more info & last year’s application is in the binder

. Mass Meetings

 Bring Box with Change for Dues

o Email SOA officer ([email protected]) & let them know that you need x-amount of change (how many singles, fives, etc.) for dues for RSO

o They will forward this to the Bursar and let you know when it will be ready for pick up

o Pick up the afternoon prior to the mass meeting & return following day (you will sign a slip releasing liability)

 Collect dues as members arrive

 Deposit money at SOA (fill out deposit slip) the following day and return change to Bursar!

. Communication

 Key individuals to maintain constant contact with:

o President, EVP, Faculty Advisors on the status of the organization’s total budget

o Work with event-specific officers on event grants and costs

o Individual officer positions on their individual budgets

o SOA Office will answer any questions regarding our account, check requests, deposits, etc.

o IUSA AID for all grant funding inquiries

o All Officers to inform them how the SOA card works, when/how they can use it, your availability to pick the card up

. Create an information sheet with how the SOA card works and where it can be used after your SOA card training session (see examples in binder)

 Operate in the green, under budget

 Maximize our grant funding opportunities- search for new grants online Director of Marketing Branding Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directores should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc to the other Directors and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Create a strong branding and marketing strategy (work with President, EVP, and Marketing team)

o Consistent formats for applications, flyers, recruiting materials, etc

o Evaluate and coordinate marketing methods across channels

. Website

. Social Media . Flyers

. RSO Video

 Responsible for all external marketing communications

o Distribute information to RSO members about upcoming events, news, etc to spread the word across all channels

 Canvas Correspondence

o Upload resources as needed (include applications, flyers, calendars, power points, resume examples, etc)

 Assign team deadlines and schedule team meetings as needed

o Follow up on all media channels weekly

 Work with SM Team to create a video to show in classrooms for recruitment and education purposes

 Work with event specific officers to develop organization branding packages for them to send to recruiters and speakers

o Organization Profile

o Welcome letter templates

o Agenda templates

 Responsible for coordinating Director of Social Media to take photos during every RSO Event

o Bring camera to each RSO event and take photos

 Upload photos onto Flickr or shared Box account (share with entire team and other appropriate officers)

 Design marketing power points and flyer layouts

o Work with Marketing team and other appropriate officers on content

o Assess quantity needed

o Order at Mr. Copy or FedEx Office Kinko’s

o Use SOA card to purchase marketing materials

o Send to Director of Social Media for online marketing  Maintain RSO website

o Work with website designer to keep website frequently updated

o Upload photos from events

o Upload forms and relevant documents in a timely manner

. This is crucial that members can access and easily download these documents

. I.e. membership application, t-shirt order form, field seminar application, Magic application

o Post relevant information on website

 Research other student organization websites (both at IU and at other schools) to look for ways to improve website Director of Marketing Communications

Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director. Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc. to the other Directors and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Create a strong branding and marketing strategy (work with President, EVPs, and Communications team)

o Consistent formats for applications, flyers, recruiting materials, etc

o Evaluate and coordinate marketing methods across channels

. Social Media

. Class announcements . Email

. Canvas Announcements

. RSO Swag (pens, t-shirts, stickers, etc.)

 Responsible for all internal marketing

o Keep officers informed of upcoming announcements and events with weekly emails

o Contact officers for upcoming event details and communicate those to the Director of Marketing Branding

o Work closely with Director of Marketing Branding to ensure all marketing/branding is correct

 Assign team deadlines and schedule team meetings as needed

. Follow up on all media channels weekly

 Develop marketing plan and schedules

o Collect officers’ class schedules

o Coordinate officer’s class schedules for apparel/business classes to make announcements

o Distribute and explain tools to officers for announcements

o Follow up with officers that they made announcements and keep them accountable

 Update bulletin boards in Memorial Hall

o Enlist team for help on RSO board

o Remind NRFSA, Forum, and Fashion Show officers to update their own boards after their major events take place

o Suggested times to update boards:

. August (beginning of school)

. October (Forum)

. After shop.org (NRFSA)

. January (beginning of Semester) . After Big Show (NRFSA)

. April (Fashion show) Co-Directors of Social Media Marketing Team

Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director. Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc. to the other Directors and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Update RSO Facebook Page

o Add alumni and all of this year’s members (encourage all members and recruiters to like our page)

o Post on it weekly with reminders and events

. Work with Marketing team on consistent strategy o Post photos on Facebook from events

 Update RSO Twitter Page

o Add members

o Post on it weekly with reminders and events

. Work with Marketing team

o Post occasional photos from events

o Create hashtags for events and communicate them to members

o Retweet recruiters, companies, NRF, etc.

 Update RSO Instagram

o Add a photo for every single event RSO holds

o Post promotional/informational photos of big events like mass meetings and recruiting events

o Maintain followers and number of people following us and be active in liking and commenting on officer/member’s photos

 Responsible for taking photos during RSO Events

o Bring camera to each RSO event and take photos

o Upload photos onto website, FB, Twitter

o Take photos of each officer at new officer meeting and upload onto website with a short bio about each officer

. I.e. Name, position, year

 Maintain photo collection from RSO that faculty and RSO can access (flickr or box.iu.edu)

 Increase number of likes and followers each year

 Analyze social media impressions, monitor activity, and interact with members

 Gather information from Director of Marketing Communications to update social media site weekly

 Assist Director of Marketing Branding in all aspects of branding and marketing the organization to the campus

Co-Directors of Philanthropy Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc to the other VPs and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Develop goals and decide on philanthropies

o Monthly Philanthropy Events for each mass meeting

o JB5K- October

o Bowl for Kids Sake- February

o Make list for each month- plan out over the summer

. Different cause each month  September: Market Jill Behrman Run

 October: Halloween Candy Bags for Boys & Girls Club in Bloomington

 November: Canned Food Drive

 December: Clothing Drive Clean Out

 January: 2nd semester Kick off; market BFKS

 February: make Valentines for disabled or retirement center in Bloomington

. Activities at the Boys & Girls Club

. Habitat for Humanity

. Volunteer hours at My Sister’s Closet, Global Gifts (Merchandise Store)

 Develop an official RSO philanthropy (one specific cause or organization that people will associate us with)

 Work directly with the Marketing team to promote the philanthropies

o When philanthropy events/team activities take place along with necessary forms (attachments)

o RSO Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

o RSO Website

o Oncourse page

 Look into working with other student organizations, the Bloomington community, our recruiting partners, and other schools

 Collaborate with the Director of Membership Involvement to implement a new strategy to increase participation!!!

 Work to make the philanthropies more fun, exciting, and meaningful!

Co-Directors of Forum Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executive should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  See Specific details in Binder

 Create Time & Action Plan

 Logistics: Events held in Indiana Memorial Union (IMU)

o Contact IMU Events/Catering Services to coordinate logistics of event (Whittenberger Auditorium should be reserved a year in advance)

o Create signs, directions, use t-stands, balloons

 Speakers: Faculty advisors will contact companies and potential speakers over the summer to secure executives

o Responsibility of coordinating speakers will be passed to Forum Director upon returning to school

o Work with Director of Alumni Management to find potential speakers  Grant Funding Information-Will work with Finance team and VP to complete


. Access funding application online

. (http://www.indiana.edu/~iusaid/)

. Contact appropriate officers to fill out application with information for the event we are requesting funding for (Mainly, Retail & Design Forum or Fashion Show)

 Create a preliminary budget with officers with the amount you will request for the Grant

o Keep in mind you may only receive 75% of that mount

 Submit completed application online after submitting for approval to President and EVP

 IUSA Aid will contact you with appointment time for presenting initiative to the AID Board

o VP of Finance & appropriate officers for the initiative should attend the meeting

 IUSA AID will contact you several days afterward through email with grant amount RSO has been rewarded

 Read instructions carefully! Will contain information regarding how to turn in group responsibility forms prior to event & receipts (+copies), reimbursement forms, feedback forms when it concludes

 Inform officers of the grant funding awarded and what their exact budget will be

o The Grant money awarded may be further broken down into allotments of how it can be specifically spent

o Stress that officers cannot go over budget

o Grant funding it independent of RSO’s SOA account o However Grant funding will be deposited into the SOA account temporarily until it is spent

o Any funding leftover after the event, you must transfer back to IUSA AID by submitting a check request for the appropriate amount

o Officers who utilize grant funding will still need SOA card for purchases, or may be reimbursed if a business does not accept the SOA card

. IMU Facility Grant

 Provide by the Union for all facility/set-up/technology costs (except for food)

 See http://soa.indiana.edu/spacereservations.html for more info & last year’s application is in the binder Co-Directors of Field Seminars

Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executive should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  See Specific details on Box

 Create Time & Action Plan

 Hold meetings with faculty Advisors and President throughout planning process

 Identify location & retail companies to be visited

o Utilize alum database, personal connections, the internet

o Work with Director of Alumni Management to find contacts

o Don’t be afraid to reach out to companies we don’t usually partner with!

o Visit a variety of retailers, within various retail categories, so that students are not necessarily familiar to maximize their exposure to the industry!

 Contact Retailers o Through formal letters, follow-up confirmation phone calls or email

o You might have to contact them multiple times. Be polite, but persistent!

 Book a block of hotel rooms for attendees the summer before

o Confirm reservations

o Provide roommate lists

 Reserve Coach Buses

 Create & Distribute Application forms for members

 Hold information sessions & provide trip details to participants as necessary

 Make sure all money & forms are returned promptly

o Liability forms

 Work with the Director of Finance to prepare any deposits, cash advances (i.e. tip for bus driver)

 Create trip itinerary

 Thank you notes/ small gift for all retailers visited

 Create & Distribute surveys to be completed by attendees Co-Directors of Fashion Show Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executive should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Fall Semester

o Plan Fundraisers

. % Nights at Noodles, Qdoba, Buffalouies, Chipotle, Campus Candy

. Brainstorm other feasible ideas

o Create Time and Action Plan

. Including a timeline of when meetings will be held, tasks accomplished

 Create a new strategy to involve Fashion Design students more with RSO

o Work with the Professional Development and Membership teams to brainstorm and execute Fashion Design events

 Spring Semester

o Logistics . Confirm Date & Location (1st /2nd Week of April, IMU Alumni Hall)

. Contact IMU Events/Catering Services (Amy) o Create a Theme

. Get approval from President & Professors o Form Committees:

. Establish responsibilities, tasks, size

. Hold a call-out meeting o Models

. Tryouts- market tryouts and spread the word. Bring high heels

. Meetings

. Contracts

. Attain contact information, sizes o Contact Retailers

. Send formal letters, follow up with phone calls

. Work out how you will acquire/borrow merchandise o Work with Design Students

. What projects they will submit?

. Try to categorize within the show

. See how much involvement they would like in the show

 Model Themselves?

 Fit the models?

 Be Backstage? o Marketing

. Work with Marketing team to design flyers and promos

 Class Announcements  Oncourse & AMID Database

 Promote on RSO FB, Twitter, Blog, Website

 IDS Article (before show & after)

 Union

 Local Retailers

 Dorms, Apartments, Greek Houses

o Programs

. Create according to committees, models, retailers, & design students participating

. See past examples in binder

o Technology

. Work with union so you can get what you need from them

. Spotlight

. Microphone on stage

. Music- find DJ

. Additional Lighting for runway?

. Projector screen to show video/power point of retailers/designers in the show

. Work with Director of Social Media to ensure they will be at the event

o Set & Decorations

. To encompass theme

. How will models come out?

. Union will provide staircase from stage to runway risers

o Hair & Makeup

. Student help or use outside source?

 GRANT FUNDING o IUSA AID FUNDING-Will work with Finance team to complete

. Access funding application online

. (http://www.indiana.edu/~iusaid/)

. Contact appropriate officers to fill out application with information for the event we are requesting funding for (Mainly, Retail & Design Forum or Fashion Show)

 Create a preliminary budget with officers with the amount you will request for the Grant

o Keep in mind you may only receive 75% of that mount

 Submit completed application online after submitting for approval to President and EVP

 IUSA Aid will contact you with appointment time for presenting initiative to the AID Board

o VP of Finance & appropriate officers for the initiative should attend the meeting

 IUSA AID will contact you several days afterward through email with grant amount RSO has been rewarded

 Read instructions carefully! Will contain information regarding how to turn in group responsibility forms prior to event & receipts (+copies), reimbursement forms, feedback forms when it concludes

 Inform officers of the grant funding awarded and what their exact budget will be

o The Grant money awarded may be further broken down into allotments of how it can be specifically spent

o Stress that officers cannot go over budget

o Grant funding it independent of RSO’s SOA account

o However Grant funding will be deposited into the SOA account temporarily until it is spent o Any funding leftover after the event, you must transfer back to IUSA AID by submitting a check request for the appropriate amount

o Officers who utilize grant funding will still need SOA card for purchases, or may be reimbursed if a business does not accept the SOA card

. IMU Facility Grant

 Provide by the Union for all facility/set-up/technology costs (except for food)

 See http://soa.indiana.edu/spacereservations.html for more info & last year’s application is in the binder Director of Banquet Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executive should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Create a slideshow and video at the banquet with photos, music to document events and achievements over the year

o Work with the Director of Social Media to gather pictures taken throughout the year

o Find pictures online from NRF and other students

 Contact IMU Events & Catering Services to coordinate logistics of event

o Create Menu

o Confirm number of attendees

o Room Set up

 Coordinate with Fashion Show any scheduling/logistics for the night

 Tally membership points and determine award recipients (Membership team) o Buy award certificate & award prizes for Officer of the Year, Member of the Year, Scholarships, other Awards, & Faculty appreciation

 Create invitation and distribute to members

 Seek out sponsors to fund the event

o Create proposal for sponsor

o Create itemized budget for sponsor

 Collect RSVPs and give banquet money to VP of Finance

 Serve as Welcoming Committee for guests at banquet  Name tags at banquet for officers & members attendingDirector of NRFSA Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executive should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Set meetings with the Executives and other Directors as needed and communicate with them on a regular basis

 Communicate with the NRF on upcoming events and contests

 Work with Director of Membership to ensure that all members are added to NRFSA (online)

 Educate members on the NRF

o Follow the NRF’s blogs, smartbriefs, social media, etc

o Update NRFSA bulletin board

o Create and maintain a resource about the NRFSA with facts and info (work with Marketing and Membership team to distribute)

o Work with Marketing team to better market NRFSA when recruiting new members

 Plan and execute trip to the NRF Big Show in New York (January) o Work with Marketing team to market event and educate members on event

o Decide on cost of trip

o Coordinate hotel rooms, transportation, registration, etc.

o Confirm reservations

o Provide roommate lists

o Create & distribute application forms for members

o Hold information sessions & provide trip details to participants as necessary

o Coordinate with Professors about other appointments in New York

o Plan a group dinner for attendees

o Make sure all money & forms are returned promptly (work with Finance) *including Liability forms

o Work with Director of Finance to prepare any deposits, cash advances (i.e. tip for bus driver)

o Create trip itinerary

o Thank you notes to NRF

o Create & distribute surveys to be completed by attendees

 Oversee and Promote scholarship programs (Student Challenge, Ray M Greenly, & Next Generation Scholarship)

o Distribute application materials

o Set internal deadline to review applications with Professors

o Help with the selection on finalists

o Communicate with all applicants

o Coordinate trips to the Big Show and Shop.org for winners

o Promote winners by working with communications team

 NRF Virtual Career Fair o Work with Professional Development team and Marketing team to promote event

o Help/educate students on the “virtual” career fair, assist them in signing up

 Seek feedback from the NRF Co-Directors of Professional Development Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executive should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the Executives, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc to the other Directors and Executives

 Be the team’s resource and leader, but also work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Organize resume book or collect resumes from each officer to distribute to companies at each mass meeting and the Retail and Design Forum

o Work with the team to create an internship/job list as a resource for members to use

 Recruiters

o “Host” recruiters when they are on campus for fairs, interviews, etc. in order to make the most of their time . Pair them with an officer or outstanding member

. Great networking opportunity for members

o Look into various companies scheduled to visit IU (Networking sessions) and create resource listed above

o Open interview and information sessions through the Business school or CDC

o Post on RSO Oncourse page as an announcement, as a resource on RSO Oncourse page under Professional Development tab, and as a resource on RSO website page

 Plan and coordinate luncheons, breakfasts, and small networking events when recruiters are on campus (usually around the career fair)

 Plan and execute mock interviews and career panel (Fall) and roundtables (Spring)

 Market the organization to corporate partners and recruiters

 Seek out new companies to do events with RSO and recruit our members

o Work with Director of Alumni Management for list of companies RSO has alumni at

 Validate and communicate the ROI of RSO to recruiters

 Partner heavily with CDC- every AMID student should be on IUCAREERS

 Educate students on the variety of careers within retail Director of Networking Events Professional Development Team Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other Directors and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executive should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Director.

Responsibilities  Ensure that ALL responsibilities, tasks, and objectives of each team member and the team as a whole are met on time

 Set meetings with the President, the Directors, and the team as needed

 Communicate the team’s needs, accomplishments, etc. to the other Directors and President

 Work alongside team members and help them as needed

 Assist Directors of Professional Development with any help they may need

 Plan all networking luncheons, breakfasts, etc.

o Reach out to individual companies to hold said recruiting events, and then communicate with them to create and execute an event

o Create applications for events and chose members based on criteria agreed upon with President o Host events or find officers who can, and write thank you notes for companies

 Work with the Director of Marketing to create welcome resource for recruiters to give to them when they are on campus

. Could include map of IU, fun things to do, good places to eat, contact information, etc

. Create and continuously update a list of companies that are on campus throughout the year. Use the CDC and Kelley to get info (do not limit to just AMID & BUS.. also find out when they are on campus for marketing, web analytics, finance, etc.)

. Should include company name, recruiter contact info, dates and times they will be on campus, career fairs or seminars they are attending, when they will arrive, through which service (CDC or USCO), internships/jobs available, deadlines to apply to positions

 Partner with the Director of Internship Coordination to plan events for student’s regarding the internship process

 Coordinate Workshops

o One Prior to Retail & Design Forum

o Career fair prep such as resume workshops

o Contact CDC (Career Development Center) for a representative to assist workshops and resources

o Topics to Include:

. Body Language, interviewing skills/practice, resume, etiquette dinner, networking

. Idea: Create a power point slideshow to be shown at mass meeting of appropriate dress attire for Retail and Design Forum, interviews, Pre-night networking

. Idea: Create a power point slideshow to be shown at mass meeting of a “how to guide” for a pre-networking night

 Create resources to be used by members through newsletters, Oncourse, & mass meeting announcements with themes each month to aid professional development of members over the course of the year

Director of Alumni/Internship Relations Description Directors are the team leaders of the organization and are responsible for carrying out the vision and objectives of RSO. The Director will work in conjunction with the President and EVP to set goals, manage tasks, oversee their area of the organization, and ultimately drive the organization. The Director will meet with the Executive officers and update them on the progress, success, and opportunities of their team. They will also need to meet regularly with other VPs and collaborate with them on projects. All Directors and Executives should be on the same page at all times, which means that open and frequent communication is key. Directors must work closely with their teams to ensure that all RSO events and initiatives operate seamlessly. Directors set deadlines and checkpoints for team members, and ultimately they are responsible for ensuring that all the team tasks are completed on time and to the best of their ability. This means collaborating with the team, and at times helping with the team’s projects and tasks. Directors should be a resource for their team, should help individual team members with whatever they need it, and should be the one to communicate their team’s needs and work to the Executives and other Directors. The responsibilities of the each team member as set forth in this document are also the responsibility of the Directors.

Responsibilities  Create a database that includes all RSO officer’s & member’s internship information

o Member name

o Year in school

o Major

o Company interned at

o Time period of internship

o Contact information (phone, email)

 Facilitate contact between members interested in specific companies and previous interns

 Host informational events such as intern panels where students can gain more information on companies, interviewing, and the retail industry  Work with the Director of Membership Communications and Director of Social Media to create spotlights on the RSO website showcasing member’s internship experiences

 Aid Professional Development Team create new ideas to help students with the internship search process

 Search for alumni on sites such as LinkedIn and ask if they would be willing to give out contact information for private database

o Inform alumni only you will have access

o Database will be used to keep track of where alums work

o Ask if they are willing to speak with students who are interested in their company via email

 Create a private database that includes RSO alumni’s information

o Alumni name

o Company

o Position within company

o Contact information (phone, email)

 Analyze alumni information to create statistics showing:

o Variety of companies alums are employed at

o Number of alums RSO still has relations with

o Companies RSO should become more involved with

 Maintain relationships with alumni in order to increase involvement with RSO, obtain new speakers for mass meetings, and aid Professional Development Team

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