Aylesbeare Parish Council s1

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Aylesbeare Parish Council s1


AYLESBEARE PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES of the Meeting of Aylesbeare Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 2 November 2011 at 7.30pm.

PRESENT Cllr K Chun (Chairman) Cllr J Ayres (Vice-Chairman) Cllr Mrs S Coward Cllr Mrs G Hichens Cllr A Ringe

Clerk: Mrs L Parker

Others Present: District Cllr A Howard and 2 members of the public

1. Apologies of Absence Apologies were received from Cllr N Finegan who was away, District Cllr Mrs C Wright and County Cllr C Channon both for personal reasons.

2. Declarations of interests in Items on the Agenda No interests were declared.

3. Minutes The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting dated 5 October 2011 were confirmed to be correct.

4. Police Report PCSO Steve Trail had forwarded his report to the Clerk. During October there had been 2 recorded crimes, one of which was a minor complaint regarding dogs where no injuries were sustained. There had been 3 calls to the Police, 2 of which were road traffic collisions.

5. Reports of County & District Councillors District Cllr Mrs C Wright had emailed her report regarding an update on the Local Development Framework which had been forwarded to all Councillors. A debate then followed resulting in the fact that Aylesbeare needs to get started on producing a Neighbourhood Plan if it wants to change the shape of the village and encourage more development. Cllr Mrs S Coward would speak to Mr Norman Allison, the Chairman of the existing Parish Plan Committee, to see whether he would like to be involved again. A new committee would need to be formed, separate to the Parish Council, to take this forward. District Cllr A Howard The EDDC Management Committee, of which he is a member, has recently been considering lots of large developments of late mainly in Westhill and Tipton St John which has taken a lot of time. He had been, together with County Cllr Mrs C Channon, to a meeting of the Venn Ottery/Blackhill Quarry Liaison Group. Highways have agreed to a small widening of the A3052 in several places at the junction by the Halfway House which should make things a little easier. Since April, when the new route to the quarry started, there had been 12,000 crossings at that point with no incidents. The drivers had been well trained and were proud of their record. With the new painting of the road and small adjustments this good record should continue.

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6. Chairman’s Report The Chairman, Cllr K Chun, said that as a result of his article in Topics he had received a few phone calls from people in the parish. He wondered whether people in the parish would be interested in forming a group-delivery from an oil supplier which would make the rate cheaper. He would make further enquiries. He is to attend the Parish Paths Partnership Christmas Workshop at Kentisbeare on 23 November.

7. Clerk’s Report Mrs Parker has written to the United Reform Church Synod to ask if the weather vane is not required by the vendors of the chapel when it is sold that the parish be allowed to retain it and have it re-sited to preserve a little more of the village history. It is now in order for Cllr J Ayres to sign on the Parish Council account. This has taken since May for the bank to put into effect. It is becoming difficult for Tansi Ash and Juliet Muir to devote enough time and resources to keep ‘Off the Sofa Dayz’ sessions running in the way they would like. They have tried to get other parents to help organise events and have distributed leaflets asking for help but received no response. The 4-7 years age group is that which lacks activities within the village. Juliet would put an article in Topics to try to encourage help. The Parish Council would be taking part in the Christmas Tree Festival, run by Aylesbeare Church, once again this year.

8. Reports of Council Representatives on other Bodies Devon Association of Local Councils AGM – 8 October 2011 The Chairman and Cllr J Ayres had attended this meeting. Cllr John Hart, Leader of DCC, gave a speech on the history of DCC and how things have changed over the years. £400,000 is being set aside for local projects in parishes for Village Halls and community buildings. There followed a speech by John Coleman from DEFRA on Localism and the Big Society. Parish Councils and community groups will have frontline roles. It is hoped that the Localism Bill will make democracy more effective by decentralising and getting more public involvement. Cllr Ayres attended the workshop concerned with local leadership in affordable housing. Sue Southwell of the Community Council of Devon offered to come to Aylesbeare to answer questions on affordable housing. It was thought this could be steered towards the new Neighbourhood Plan Committee.

Ottery St Mary Healthcare Locality Team – 18 October 2011 Cllr Mrs S Coward is the Parish Council representative on this team. The Devon Youth Service has had a cut of 23.5% to the total Youth Service budget and 8 posts out of 28 have been lost. It is becoming more difficult to run youth clubs. An employee of the Early Years and Childcare Service of DCC explained the services which are available. Support and advice are offered before school and out of school, including support both for parents and people working in childcare settings. Despite the economic climate most posts have been kept. There is a Government requirement that GPs participate in a programme to set up/improve patient participation. Coleridge Medical Centre aims to expand the existing group and have 3 or 4 meetings a year to discuss ways in which the service could be improved. The hospital remains busy. Staff and patients from Honiton Hospital joined while a new floor was laid at Honiton and this proved beneficial with exchanging views and sharing ideas. Coleridge Medical Centre is oversubscribed and concern was expressed about the situation when Cranbrook and other local housing developments have been completed. It was felt that the Practice should think ahead and consider whether an extension and car park should be planned. The Later Life Forum is very popular with sessions every Tuesday at The Institute in Yonder Street 10.45am until 11.30am. 2 633/11

Exeter Airport Consultative Group – 19 October 2011 Cllr Noel Finegan attended this group meeting. Matt Roach, Finance Director, has now been appointed MD. There is an addendum to the Masterplan out to consultation. The original Masterplan published in October 2009 was linked to anticipated growth in passenger numbers to 1 million per annum whereas the numbers are down to 700,000 per annum. July, August and September have all been down on budget and comparisons to these times last year. Income generation is needed through initiatives such as commercial land deals on the southern and northern sides of the Airport to help pay for future developments. Noise complaints were down to 3; ground engine running noise and an ambulance flight from the Scilly Isles. Free 10 minute parking for drop-offs is now at car park P4 which is a long walk from the terminal building. The car park P1, opposite the terminal building, has a minimum £1 fee for 30 minutes. The signage will be improved to ensure drivers can see the options in time for them to choose their preferred car park. Regular users such as taxis can get a 50% discount.

Neighbourhood planning event at EDDC – 1 November 2011 Cllr Mrs S Coward was at this meeting, the first half of which was concerned with the Localism Bill, the exact contents of which are, as yet, unknown. There was reference to communities discussing ‘Right to Buy’ and directly elected mayors. This led on to the need for Neighbourhood Plans which will be recognised documents and could amend parish boundaries. Neighbourhood Plans would be followed by referenda held in conjunction with elections. It is hoped that planning will be revolutionised with residents taking part in the planning process.

9. Planning Application A decision made between meetings due to time constraints was ratified: Application No: 11/2233/FUL (Adjacent parish) Applicant: Mr S Prettyjohn Location: Land south of Withen Lane, Farringdon Proposal: Extension to agricultural building to provide cover for existing yard Observations: Recommend approval

10. East Devon District Council: Planning Decisions – Refusals Application No: 11/1709/FUL Applicants: Mr & Mrs W Thomas Location: Boundary Oaks, 11 Village Way Proposal: Construction of first floor extension

Application No: 11/1926/FUL Applicant: Mrs R Fisher Location: Spring Cottage, 1 Village Way Proposal: Demolition of existing outbuildings and replace with 1.5 storey garage block with games room/home office over and single storey shed to the rear

11. East Devon District Council: Planning Decision – Withdrawal Application No: 11/1349/MFUL Applicant: Mr P Slade Location: Bendarroch School Proposal: Conversion of part of existing school building into 1 x 3 bedroom dwelling and construction of a further 10 dwellings comprising 3 x 4 bedroom, 2 x 3 bedroom and 1 x 2 bedroom (open market units) and 2 x 3 bedroom and 2 x 2 bedroom

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(affordable shared equity units)

12. Finance Payment of the following invoices was approved: Mrs L Parker – Parish Clerk £221.93 Community Ccl of Devon – AGM & conference fee £30.00 It was noted that a credit has been made to the Recreation Fund Account from the Community Fund £100.00

13. Queen’s Diamond Jubilee To consider the age at which mugs will be donated and other requirements Resolved: Mugs would be issued to children 16 years and under. The Clerk would check the number of children, bearing in mind the figures come from Doctors’ records and there are 3 possible surgeries used in the parish. The Clerk and Chairman would liaise towards the end of November for the final figure to order but a suggestion was made of 125.

14. Exeter International Airport – Addendum to Masterplan published in 2009 The document, which has been circulated, was considered. Resolved: The Clerk to write in full support of the Addendum.

15. East Devon District Council – Car Parking Survey 2011 The document, which has been circulated, was considered. Resolved: The Clerk would collate all the comments given and respond accordingly.

16. Ottery & District Skaters & BMX Trust The letter dated 17 October regarding a donation from next year’s Precept was considered. Resolved: The clerk would respond that this Parish Council would continue to consider a donation and perhaps gauge the interest of children prepared to use the facility from the parish.

17. Recreation Area Report During the half term holiday the trampoline and the nest swing have been well used. All in good order.

18. Correspondence Received The Playing Field: Autumn 2011 Ken Abraham: introduction re internal auditor Groundwork South West: introduction re grounds maintenance Devon & Cornwall Police Authority: public engagement with the Police Authority The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons: the guide to taking part East Devon Volunteer Support Agency: Autumn newsletter Senior Council for Devon: Newsletter October 2011 Bicton College: Posters regarding bonfire display

19. Date of next meeting Wednesday 7 December 2011

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.11pm.

……………………………………………….. …………………………………………….. Chairman Date 4

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