Office of Career & Job Search Services

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Office of Career & Job Search Services

DeKalb Technical College Office of Career & Job Search Services Procedures Manual

DTAE’s Mission/Vision Statements

DeKalb Technical College’s Mission and Philosophy

Student Services Mission Statement

The Office of Career & Job Search Services Purpose & Goals

General Information

Services Provided

Client Sign-In Procedure

Testing & Career Guidance

Career Information & Planning

Employment Assistance Resume Writing Job Search Procedures Job/Resume Posting Procedures Career Seminars

Program Evaluation Student Satisfaction Survey Weekly Staff Report Personnel Evaluation Form

Follow-Up Student Termination and Employment Status (ST/ES) KMS Database Graduate Survey Employer Survey Individual Client Follow-up Form

General Operating Procedures Telephone Answering Important Telephone Numbers Security Handling Incoming Mail Monthly Status Report Budget Procedures

1 DeKalb Technical College Office of Career & Job Search Services Procedures Manual Page 2

Travel Authorization to Travel Form

Expense Reports Credit Card Procedures Local Travel/Expense Form

Attendance Request for Leave Statement of Absence Payroll Timesheet

Staff Development Plan Reports

Student Assistant Procedures

Roles and Responsibilities of College Staff  Acting President  Vice President, Student Services  Vice President, Instructional Services/Operations  Vice President, Administrative Services  Vice President, Economic Development Programs  Director of Institutional Planning, Evaluation, and Effectiveness  Dean of Students  Director of Admissions  Director of Financial Aid  Registrar  Director of Marketing & Institutional Development  Coordinator of Student Activities  Director of Special Workforce Services  Special Needs Coordinator  Director of Adult Literacy  Instructors

Follow-Up System Data Utilization Maintenance Evaluation


The mission of the Department of Technical and Adult Education is to contribute to the economic, educational, and community development of Georgia by providing quality technical education, adult literacy education, continuing education, and customized business and industry workforce training to the citizens of Georgia.


Georgia will have a well-educated, technically trained, and highly competitive workforce that will be widely recognized as the best in the nation.


DeKalb Technical College is committed to promoting and improving the economic growth of the community by providing services responsive to the business community and by preparing citizens for employment in an ever changing workplace. The institute will accomplish this mission by providing general and technical learning opportunities specific to the needs of our community. This mission is pursued without discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, academic or economic disadvantage or disability.

DEKALB TECHNICAL COLLEGE Student Services Mission Statement

The mission of DeKalb Tech’s Student Services is to satisfy student needs for access, student growth and development, and transition to employment and lifelong learning opportunities; to satisfy institutional needs for enrollment, student records, effective management, and staff development; and to satisfy community needs for career information and education.


The Career Services units at Georgia’s Technical Colleges make up a comprehensive system of career information, development, and consultation. The programs and services are designed to enhance job readiness and employability skills. The objective of Career services is to assist students and graduates in obtaining employment and in assessing and redesigning career paths. The units serve as a clearinghouse for employment statistical data, and function as liaisons to connect students and the business community. Career Services contributes to career information, career development, and the career success of students in each college.

3 CAREER SERVICES General Philosophy

The Career Services philosophy at DeKalb Technical College reflects the belief that to be totally effective, everyone must unite with a focus to assist our students. Administrators, staff, instructors, and businesses, along with having positive community relations and an effective in- house communications network are the essential elements of a smooth and successful career services department.

It is the policy of DeKalb Technical College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age academic or economic disadvantage or disability in its programs and activities. The Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator for DeKalb Tech is as follows:

Daisy Davis, Dean of Instruction 495 N. Indian Creek Drive, Clarkston, GA 30021 Phone: 404-297-9522 extension 1163


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Office of Career & Job Search Services is to assist DeKalb Tech’s students, community residents, and employers to match individuals’ interests, abilities, skills, training, and experience with available employment opportunities as well as to effectively equip students with the job search and non-technical skills required to be successful in the workplace.


1. To ensure that the Career Services staff obtain the appropriate education and training to enhance and/or to acquire the skills necessary to effectively assist job-seekers and employers in addressing their needs.

2. To work in conjunction with the Admissions Department to assist students and community residents in effectively assessing their skills, interests, and preferences so that they, in turn, can select an appropriate career field to ensure a “good match” for successful employment.

3. To encourage career exploration by students and community residents by providing access to current information on growing/declining industries and related jobs. (Information provided in materials in our Reference Library or via the Internet.)

4. To provide seminars and one-on-one coaching in such job-related topics as writing resumes, preparing for interviews, creating a professional image, negotiating salaries, career advancement, and making the most of career fairs (a minimum of one seminar per quarter per campus; an average of fifteen one-on-one sessions with students per month.)

5. To provide workshops to instruct students on the job search skills necessary to effectively enter the “world of work” and the work ethics required to develop a successful career (a minimum of two per year.)

6. To connect job-seekers and employers through posting employment opportunities (a minimum of 200 per month) throughout the DeKalb Tech campus network as well as through hosting or collaborating with other organizations to host career fairs (a minimum of two per year.)

7. To establish solid partnerships with businesses to aid them in the recruitment, hiring, and retention of well-qualified employees.

5 Office of Career & Job Search Services Purpose & Goals Page 2

8. To schedule on-site recruiting activities for businesses, as frequently as needed (a minimum average of three per month.) These activities may include interviewing on- campus, making presentations on their specific organizations in a classroom environment, or facilitating workshops on career-related subjects for students.

9. To upgrade the office facilities, equipment, resources, and tools available to students for their job search, including career-related software packages as well as resume and job postings via the Internet.

10. To increase the number of graduates that utilize our office by 10% per year.

11. To achieve an annual overall placement rate reflecting that at least 90% of our graduates are employed in their primary or related fields of study.

12. To obtain feedback from students and graduates on the quality of service and support as well as employment opportunities received from our office (survey annually).

13. To obtain feedback from businesses on the quality of service and support as well as candidates for employment referred by our office (survey annually).

14. To obtain and publish information on businesses who hire our graduates and their respective entry-level salaries (updated annually).

15. To write success stories about our graduates for publication in DeKalb Tech’s various communications materials (at least four per year.)


Service Policies

DeKalb Technical College’s Office of Career & Job Search Services (Career Services) is available to all students, alumni, and community members. The job search services are provided without charge. The office establishes and maintains contacts with employers, including governmental agencies, businesses, and industrial firms, as well as public service offices, both local and national, to obtain viable job leads.

The ultimate objective of occupational training is to put people to work. DeKalb Technical College complements the training program with a job search assistance and follow-up program. This service extends to all students/individuals eligible for employment and is coordinated by the Director of Career Services. While every effort is made to ensure students are employable and to aid them in securing employment for which they were trained, the ultimate responsibility for finding a job rests with the student.

Career Services Offices are located in Room A-301 on the Clarkston Campus, and in the lobbies of Building A on the Covington-Newton Campus as well as on the Buford Highway Campus. The Director of Career Services and the staff that directly report to her are housed at the Clarkston Campus. The staff includes: a full-time departmental Secretary, a part-time Job Location & Development Specialist, a part-time Career Services Support Specialist, two part- time Career Services Specialists (School-to-Work Coordinators), and a part-time Administrative Clerk. On the Covington-Newton Campus, an Admissions/Recruiting Specialist also assists with Career Services activities. On the Buford Highway Campus, an Adult Education supervisor and two part-time secretaries assist with the Career Corner.

Office hours are: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at Covington-Newton and Burford Highway Campuses. On the Clarkston Campus, the hours are: Monday & Tuesday – 9:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.; Wednesday & Thursday – 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Access to the Career Centers and services during off-hours are available an appointment basis.

For more information, call 404-297-9522, ext. 1109 (Clarkston), ext. 3103 (Covington-Newton), and ext. 4001 (Buford Highway) The office’s email address is [email protected].


NOTE: Individuals using the services of the office are requested to sign-in on a customized computer program upon entering the office. (See Client Sign-in tab for sample.) The sign-in procedure enables us to have vital end-of-month report information.


Several assessment tools are available in the Career Centers to help individuals determine their interests, skills, and preferences, as they relate to employment opportunities. The most regularly used instruments are offered on the computer, allowing users to complete them at their own pace. These are GCIS (Georgia Career Information System), Choices by, and Computer Learning Works by Achievement Technologies. With the availability of inventories on the computer, the COPS/COPES/CAPS written assessment, while offered, is used on a limited basis.


Career guidance services are provided to current and prospective students of DeKalb Tech as well as to graduates. After tests are completed, interpretations are provided, along with printed materials, that help test-takers to further explore specific industries, job categories, and job titles. Individual assistance with career planning is also available through our office, with or without, formally taking a career assessment test. Those seeking career guidance or planning services should schedule an appointment with the Director of Career Services.


Students are encouraged to use the office’s computer-based tools as well as other reference materials for their job search. Our Career Library contains written materials, as well as audio and videotapes on many career fields and job titles, as well as local, national, and international employers. The computerized systems GCIS and CHOICES provide detailed information on specific job titles, along with related video clips. Information is also provided on educational institutions and their programs of study as well as sources for scholarships. Resume writing material, labor market data, and informative handouts are available to walk-ins, in addition to the employment opportunities available in the job books (organized by programs of study) and on- line. In addition, as a result of follow-up contacts with our former students, we maintain data on DeKalb Tech’s graduates’ starting salaries as well as the employers who have hired them.

8 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES In the area of Employment Services, the Office of Career & Job Search Services provides … 1. A job listing and referral service. 2. On-campus recruiting. 3. Assistance with career planning, employment interviewing, and writing resumes. 4. An annually repaired document (brochure) that provides job placement follow-up information, companies which hired DeKalb Tech’s students, and percentage of graduates hired in their primary or related field of studies. 5. Employer information, including contact information. 6. Seminars on Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, and Job Search Skills.

Job openings are posted on a magazine rack in the hallway outside of the Career Services Office (Clarkston), in notebooks inside the office (Clarkston), and on bulletin boards (Covington and Buford Highway). Employment information is distributed to faculty and staff at all three of our campuses and the Montreal Center. Over 200 job openings are received monthly via mail, fax, telephone, and walk-ins. DeKalb Tech had a 99.7% placement rate in FY 2002-2003.

Graduates are encouraged to work with the Career Services Office when actively seeking employment. Workshops are held quarterly, targeted to the next quarter’s graduates, to assist them with their job search.

PROGRAM EVALUATION Students evaluate the services offered by the Career Services Department annually through the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI). In addition, we have instituted a Student Satisfaction Survey form that allows students/users of the Center to provide daily feedback to us. If any of the survey forms indicate a concern, we address it immediately. If 20% or more of the ratings fall in the “Fair” or “Poor” categories --- on a quarterly basis --- we will develop a written action plan to make the necessary changes to improve our service.

FOLLOW-UP SERVICES Officially, DeKalb Tech uses the Student Termination and Employment Status (STES) Form to track our students --- leavers and graduates. The STES follow-up is performed in our Information Technology Department, by a Banner Support Specialist. Computerized printouts of information on leavers and/or graduates is provided to the Department Chairs who, in turn, work with the faculty of each program of study. They provide student status information to the Banner Support Specialist. Results from the ST/ES Report are submitted to DTAE and are used to calculate our final placement rate.

Career Services also mails surveys to our graduates and to their employers, if authorized. This information is compiled into reports and shared with each Department Chair and the Instructional Dean to be used for enhancing our programs and or encouraging our faculty to continue doing a great job!

Career Services follow-up functions are independent of the follow-up performed by DeKalb Tech’s Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness.


 Director (Coordinator)

 Job Location & Development Specialist

 Career Services Support Specialist

 Secretary

 School-to-Work Specialist (2)

 Administrative Clerk

10 Job Description

TITLE: Director - Career and Job Search Services

QUALIFICATIONS: As defined in Terms and Conditions of the State Board of Technical and Adult Education and DeKalb Technical College

REPORTS TO: The Dean of Students, Clarkston Campus

JOB GOALS: Performs duties of community and business networking, supervision, and guidance that result in gainful employment for students.

PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Serves as the Coordinator of career assessment & exploration, job search, and job placement services institution-wide.

2. Serves as an advisor to the Vice President of Student Services on issues related to Career and Job Search Services.

3. Supervises operations and staff assigned to the Office of Career and Job Search Services.

4. Establishes and maintains contacts with the employment sector to facilitate the hiring of DeKalb Tech students.

5. Manages the dissemination of information on current job opportunities to instructors, students, and graduates.

6. Provides individual coaching and job search assistance to students, graduates, and community residents.

7. Plans, organizes, and hosts Career Fairs for students and graduates with participation from faculty, administration, and employers.

8. Conducts Study Skills Workshops and Career Seminars that encourage student retention, career planning, and job placement.

9. Conducts yearly salary surveys which result in annual pamphlet cataloging program graduate salaries and employment information.

10. Manages the selection, processing, assignment, and administration of Student Assistants for all campuses.

11. Identifies and maintains K-12 sites for the America Reads/America Counts Program.

12. Serves as the manager of the School-to-Work Initiative.

13. Performs duties and functions with the DeKalb Workforce Center in collaboration with the Vice President of Student Services.

14. Performs other duties assigned by the Dean of Students.


EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually REV 9/01

11 Job Description

TITLE: ______Job Location and Development Specialist (JLD)______

QUALIFICATIONS: A Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Human Services Counseling, a Social Science or Business Administration. A minimum of one year’s experience, assisting individuals with career exploration and job search. Competent in using computer software applications and standard office equipment. Strong oral and written communications skills. Able to meet and interact with students, employers, and the general public in an effective and tactful manner, in–person and over the telephone. Able to use Internet resources as well as manage and complete multiple assignments. A detailed-oriented, self-starter with good project management skills and can work with minimal supervision. A team player that projects a positive attitude, a professional image, and shows a lot of initiative. Experience in a college setting is a plus.

REPORTS TO: Coordinator of Career & Job Search Services

JOB GOALS: Provide assistance to students and community residents in self-assessment, career exploration, and job search as well as perform community and business networking that result in gainful employment for our clients.

PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Locate and develop off-campus job opportunities for students who are currently enrolled in DeKalb Technical College. Students may receive Federal Work-study (FWS) Funds or they may be non-FWS eligible. The off-campus jobs that are located and developed must be suitable to the scheduling and other needs of the employed students and must, to the maximum extent practicable, complement and reinforce the educational program or vocational goal of the student. JLD jobs may be part-time or full-time, for either a profit or nonprofit employer.

2. Encourage students to participate in community service activities. The JLD Specialist must inform all eligible students of the opportunity to perform community services and must develop and make available information about community service opportunities.

3. Administer the JLD Program according to the appropriate statutory and regulatory provisions.

4. Generate total student wages exceeding the total amount of the federal funds spent under JLD.

5. Maintain records that indicate the amount and sources of our matching share, since DeKalb Technical College is required to pay 20% of the allowable costs for this position in either cash or services, (The required form for record keeping will be provided.) Annually, the JLD Specialist must provide information about its JLD activities on the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP.) They must report the total JLD expenditures, federal expenditures for JLD, institutional expenditures for JLD, number of students for whom jobs were located or developed, and total earnings for those students.

6. For those students employed in the America Reads/Counts Program, the JLD Specialist will also:  conduct quarterly orientation and training sessions  arrange for criminal background checks and follow-up to obtain the police reports  interface with the public school administrators to place them  monitor their work activities at the schools  process students’ timesheets  track students’ hours and funds spent in Excel database  complete student termination papers, as appropriate

7. Perform other duties assigned by the Coordinator of the Office of Career & Job Search Services.

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Twelve months (50 weeks) – part-time (25 hours per week)

EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually REV 8/03

12 Job Description

TITLE: Career Services Support Specialist

QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum of a high school diploma; some postsecondary education and at least five years’ experience in an academic or office environment preferred, using the skills outlined below. Experience in a Career Center a plus. A good knowledge of business English, spelling, basic mathematics, and modern office practices, as well as, excellent oral and written communications skills. Detail-oriented with the ability to accurately complete application forms and employment files, maintain office records, and prepare routine reports from such records. Able to meet and interact with students, employers, and the general public in an effective and tactful manner, in–person and over the telephone. A working knowledge of and ability to operate efficiently various personal computer software applications, including word processing (Microsoft Office), electronic spreadsheet (Excel), e-mail and communications. Able to use Internet resources as well as manage and complete multiple assignments. Able to work harmoniously with other employees, exhibit and maintain a positive attitude, demonstrate a willingness to learn, and have patience.

REPORTS TO: Coordinator of Career and Job Search Services

JOB GOALS: Perform duties of community and business networking as well as providing assistance in self-assessment, career exploration, and job search that result in gainful employment for students and community residents who use the services of the Career Center.


15. Establish and maintain contacts with the employment sector to facilitate the hiring of DeKalb Tech students; coordinates on-site recruiting for employers, as needed.

16. Assist in the dissemination of information on current job opportunities to instructors, students, and graduates.

17. Assist in providing individual coaching and job search assistance to students, graduates, and community residents.

18. Assist in the planning, organizing, and hosting of Career Fairs for students and graduates with participation from faculty, administration, and employers.

19. Assist in planning and facilitating Career Seminars that encourage student retention, career planning, and job placement.

20. Coordinate the selection, processing, assignment, tracking, and administration requirements of on-campus Student Assistants for all campuses.

21. Perform other duties assigned by the Coordinator of the Office of Career & Job Search Services.

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Twelve months (50 weeks) – part-time (25 hours per week)

13 EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually REV 8/03 Career Services Support Specialist Job Description Page 2

This position will coordinate the process of employing on-campus Student Assistants in the federal work-study program.

Activities to be performed include:

 developing advertising tools to recruit students  accepting applications as well as coordinate the interviewing and hiring of Student Assistants, primarily those assigned to on-campus duties  interfacing with the departments to determine their supplemental staffing needs  working with the Coordinator of the Office of Career Services to establish an equitable allocation plan within our budgetary constraints  upon approval by Financial Aid Department, interviewing students to determine their skills  identifying the best match between their skills and departmental needs  scheduling departmental interviews  following-up on selections/rejections  supervising the completion of employment packages  reviewing the employment packages to ensure forms are completed accurately  coordinating "start" dates  forwarding the employment packages to the Financial Aid Department who sends them to Personnel  collecting the students' timesheets on a monthly basis (which usually involves calling some students & faculty to remind them to turn them in)  forwarding them to the personnel who handle their payroll records  track (via Excel) and manage the Regular Student Assistants budget (on a monthly basis)  initiate termination papers for students who end their assignments  continuously problem-solving

14 Job Description

TITLE: School-to-Work Specialist (Part-time), Georgia School to Work Initiative

QUALIFICATIONS: As defined in Terms and Conditions of Employment of the State Board of Technical and Adult Education and DeKalb Technical College

REPORTS TO: Coordinator of Career and Job Search Services

JOB GOALS: Performs duties to ensure the success of the local school-to-work initiative [Career Transition & Work Retention Partnership (CTWRP)], funded by the Georgia School to Work Initiative, with an overall goal of building a sustainable system linking K-16 educational opportunities and careers for all learners, in accordance with federal grant guidelines, federal and state law, School to Work Office and Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education procedures.

PERFORMANCE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Serves as a Coordinator of the School to Work Initiative in which DeKalb Tech is the Fiscal Agent – The Career Transition and Work Retention Partnership (CTWRP).

2. Supervises the operations and staff assigned to the CTWRP.

3. Serves as liaison to members of the Partnership and the Director of School-to-Work (Coordinator of the Office of Career & Job Search Services.)

4. Provides support and technical assistance to members of the Partnership in the execution of the plans to bridge the gaps identified in the School to Work proposal.

5. Administers the GDTAE policies and conditions to ensure that the Partnership operates in compliance with policies and regulations throughout the funded period.

6. Ensures that grant objectives are achieved and that funds are used according to the rules and regulations stipulated by the Georgia Department of Technical and Education (GDTAE)

7. Manages the Partnership’s budget; serves as staff budgetary specialist in Partnership meetings; analyzes fiscal and programmatic operations of CTWRP activities to maximize Partnership cost effectiveness.

8. Compiles and submits monthly expense reports to the Vice President of Administration for reimbursement by GDTAE.

9. Assists in designing data collection methods, management objectives, and performance measurement criteria.

10. Assists in preparing analyses based upon research, observation, and recommendations by the Partnership.

11. Prepares documentation required for compliance reviews and progress reports.

12. Participates in local, state, regional, and national workforce development efforts designed to strengthen relationships between the Georgia School- to-Work Initiative and other workforce development initiatives as well as the CTWRP collaboration.

13. Performs other special duties required to ensure maximum effectiveness in the development of the CTWRP.

14. Performs other duties assigned by the Coordinator of Career and Job Search Services.

TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: Part-time (25 hours per week); through August 2003 (with DTAE funding)

EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually

15 REV 10/03 Job Description

TITLE: Administrative Clerk, School to Work Initiative

QUALIFICATIONS: As defined in Terms and Conditions of Employment of the State Board of Technical and Adult Education and DeKalb Technical College

REPORTS TO: Career Services Specialist, School to Work Initiative

JOB GOALS: Performs duties as the Administrative Clerk to the Career Services Specialist, School to Work Initiative


14. Serves as the Administrative Clerk to the Career Services Specialist, School to Work Initiative – The Career Transition and Work Retention Partnership (CTWRP)

15. Maintains the CTWRP’s annual calendar and assists with the logistics for the Partnership meetings.

16. Assists in preparing documents, correspondence, proposals, budget amendments, charts, and reports for the Partnership.

17. Establishes appropriate files and maintains the necessary record keeping to ensure the School to Work Office runs smoothly and the needed operational documentation is easily accessible.

18. Assists in compiling and submitting monthly expense reports to the Vice President of Administration for reimbursement by GDTAE.

19. Assists in preparing documentation required for compliance reviews and progress reports.

20. Participates in Partnership meetings; recording the minutes.

21. Provides support and technical assistance to members of the Partnership in the execution of the plans to bridge the gaps identified in the School to Work proposal.

22. Assists in the maintenance of the Career Center’s Job Books, Job Boards, Resource Library, and computerized Employer Database to ensure resources available to individuals targeted in the School to Work proposal.

23. Assists targeted individuals in the effective utilization of career-related computer software as well as on- line job search/resume posting services available in the Career Center.

24. Assists in the planning, organizing, and coordinating of Career Fairs, workshops, and seminars held for individuals targeted in the CTWRP proposal.

25. Assists in the tracking of participants in CTWRP activities and the measuring of employer satisfaction through the distribution, collection, and compilation of follow-up surveys.

26. Performs other duties assigned by the StW Career Services Specialist.


EVALUATION: Performance of this job will be evaluated annually

REV 9/01


Individuals using the services of the Career Center are requested to sign-in on a customized computer program upon entering the office. The sign-in procedure enables us to have vital end- of-month report information.



Several assessment tools are available in the Career Centers to help individuals determine their interests, skills, and preferences, as they relate to employment opportunities. The most regularly used instruments are offered on the computer, allowing users to complete them at their own pace. These are GCIS (Georgia Career Information System), Choices by, and Computer Learning Works by Achievement Technologies. With the availability of inventories on the computer, the COPS/COPES/CAPS written assessment, while offered, is used on a limited basis.


Career guidance services are provided to current and prospective students of DeKalb Tech as well as to graduates. After tests are completed, interpretations are provided, along with printed materials that help test-takers to further explore specific industries, job categories, and job titles. Individual assistance with career planning is also available through our office, with or without, formally taking a career assessment test. Those seeking career guidance or planning services should schedule an appointment with the Director of Career Services.


Students are encouraged to use the office’s computer-based tools as well as other reference materials for their job search. Our Career Library contains written materials, as well as audio and videotapes on many career fields and job titles, as well as local, national, and international employers. The computerized systems GCIS and CHOICES provide detailed information on specific job titles, along with related video clips. Information is also provided on educational institutions and their programs of study as well as sources for scholarships. Resume writing material, labor market data, and informative handouts are available to walk-ins, in addition to the employment opportunities available in the job books (organized by programs of study) and on- line. In addition, as a result of follow-up contacts with our former students, we maintain data on DeKalb Tech’s graduates’ starting salaries as well as the employers who have hired them.


EMPLOYMENT SERVICES In the area of Employment Services, the Office of Career & Job Search Services provides … 1. A job listing and referral service. 2. On-campus recruiting. 3. Assistance with career planning, employment interviewing, and writing resumes. 4. An annually repaired document (brochure) that provides job placement follow-up information, companies which hired DeKalb Tech’s students, and percentage of graduates hired in their primary or related field of studies. 5. Employer information, including contact information. 6. Seminars on Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, and Job Search Skills.

Job openings are posted on a magazine rack in the hallway outside of the Career Services Office (Clarkston), in notebooks inside the office (Clarkston), and on bulletin boards (Covington and Buford Highway). Employment information is distributed to faculty and staff at all three of our campuses and the Montreal Center. Over 200 job openings are received monthly via mail, fax, telephone, and walk-ins. DeKalb Tech had a 99.7% placement rate in FY 2002-2003.

Graduates are encouraged to work with the Career Services Office when actively seeking employment. Workshops are held quarterly, targeted to the next quarter’s graduates, to assist them with their job search.


The following procedures are followed by the Career Services staff in coordinating career seminars and workshops:

(The Job Locator and Development Specialist (Clarkston) and the Admissions/Recruiting Specialist (Covington) take the lead in coordinating Career Seminars and Workshops opened to all of our students; the Career Services Support Specialist takes the lead in coordinating the quarterly Graduate Seminars.)

1. Career topics are chosen by reviewing the evaluations from previous seminars, listening to suggestions made by students, recognizing changes in the job market, and focusing on current trends.

2. Seminars and workshops are planned and coordinated with the assistance of all of the Career Services Staff.

3. Representatives of the business community may be called upon to be guest speakers, to role play with students, or to facilitate a workshop.

4. Dates are established and rooms are reserved to host the functions by contacting the Dean’s Office to determine available space.

5. The Coordinators of the Student Government Associations (Clarkston and Covington) are contacted to request the SGA purchase refreshments and other supplies needed for the workshops. Requests to the SGA must be emailed two to three weeks before workshop.

6. Flyers are designed and posted on bulletin boards in each building and on the school’s DTI News to inform both students and staff about the seminars and workshops.

7. Workshop attendees are requested to sign-in on forms designed to track students’ attendance at these sessions.

8. Evaluation Forms are provided to gain feedback on the workshops; student input is used as a basis of developing future workshops.

9. Once the workshops are complete the surveys and attendance sheets are filed in folders for future reference.


1. A list of labels must be requested from Karen Sills at ext 1237, Registrar’s office, after students apply for graduation.

2. Graduation applications dates can be found in the Quarterly Schedule of Classes currently published each quarter.

3. Preparation for the workshop will be coordinated between the Director of Career Services, Ms. Edwards, and the Career Services Support Specialist.

4. A standard invitation, copy of agenda, evaluation form and sign-in sheet are attached.

5. Mailing envelopes must have a return label on back.

6. Refreshments for the workshop must be coordinated with the Director of Career Services, Ms. Edwards and Ms. Blackwell, Coordinator of SGA. Arrangements must be emailed to Ms. Blackwell two to three weeks before workshop.

7. The labels are broken down into special coding found at the top of each person’s name. (Examples attached). Labels ending in the number 1 are students who are earning certificates and are not part of the workshop, but can be invited to take part in other seminars sponsored by Career Services. Labels ending with the number 2 are diplomas and a decision based on previous workshops can be made based on their attendance if they should be included in future workshops. Labels ending in 3 are Clarkston campus graduates and 4 represent the Covington campus. Graduates are your actual target for the workshop. The workshop is designed to help these students prepare for internships and the work environment.


The Career Services staff uses the following procedures while working with students, graduates, and non-students with resume preparation.

(The Job Locator and Development Specialist specifically works with students to secure off- campus employment; all other staff may work with all clients.)

1. When an individual comes to the Career Center requesting assistance with their resume, they are asked to provide their current resume for review. 2. If they do not have a resume and/or are having difficulty in knowing how to prepare one, they are provided a package with examples of a cover letter, a resume, and a follow-up letter, along with a list of action verbs. 3. The Career Services representative assisting the client takes time to inquire about their targeted job or career and gains an understanding of their past work history, education, and skills, so that they can better guide them in preparing an effective resume. 4. Clients are also directed to career exploration software, specifically Georgia Career Information System (GCIS), on the desktop or via the Internet, for researching various positions. The web address is 5. To use the web version, once on the Home Page, one must select the CLICK HERE TO ENTER icon, then enter the User Name (dekalbtc) & Password (gcis625). The main page will appear with links to a list of several career-related subjects, including information on writing resumes. 6. Clients are instructed to initially click on the link labeled OCCUPATIONS to gain access to a list of over 500 job titles. 7. Clients are asked to choose an occupation that is the most closely related to the field they would like to pursue. The program will provide the client with an overview of the job, daily work activities, tools utilized, aptitudes, education or training, and certifications needed to perform that job --- and more. 8. Clients are shown how to use the information provided from GCIS and the sample package to assist them in creating an effective resume for their targeted marketplace. 9. After reviewing the first draft of the client’s resume, Career Services staff provide suggestions on how to make the resume more effective, in order to enhance the client’s chance of securing an interview for the position or in the field they are pursuing. 10. Clients may use the computers in the Career Centers to work on their resumes, so that they may obtain immediate assistance from the staff. 11. The Career Services staff will work with clients to revise their resumes over and over until it meets their approval. 12. Before leaving, clients are asked to complete a survey to provide feedback on the assistance provided. 13. Clients are also encouraged to return for assistance in other areas as needed, and to keep the staff in the Career Center abreast of their job search, especially when a job is secured.



1. The employer calls Career Services and asks about the process for posting a job. 2. If the employer has a job ad or job posting already prepared: We ask the employer to fax (404-299-4243) or email ([email protected]) us a copy of the ad, and we explain the promotion process. We will post a copy of the job on our job rack, put a copy in our job books by DeKalb Technical College’s programs of study, send a copy to all three campuses and forward a copy to the appropriate Department Chairperson via inter-departmental mail. 3. If the employer does not has a job ad or job posting already prepared: We ask the employer for their name, phone number, name of the company and their fax number or email address, so that we may send them a copy of our Standard Job Listing Form. We ask the employer to complete all of the information on the form and fax or email it back to us. 4. Once the form is completed and faxed back to us we follow the procedures of number (3). 5. VIA MAIL 6. The mailbox for Career Services /Cynthia Dorsey Edwards should be checked periodically throughout the day for mail from administrators as well as job openings. 7. Open each position and write the date received on it. 8. Then the Secretary/Career Services Support person makes copies and posts them on the job rack, in our job books by DeKalb Technical College’s programs of study, sends a copy to all campuses and forwards a copy to the Department Chair person via inter-departmental mail. 9. WALK INS 10. If a perspective employer walks into Career Services, one of the Career Services staff members greets the employer and explains the job posting process to him/her. 11. END OF MONTH COUNT 12. At the end of every month, the jobs received via phone, email, U. S. mail and walk-ins have to be counted and filed. We have a Student Assistant count each job individually and put the count on our job tracking/routing form, which has columns for employers, programs of study, department chair and the three campuses. Once the jobs have been counted, the Student Assistant gives the count/job folder for that month to the secretary to add to the monthly status report.

Distributing Jobs Off-Campus The Clarkston Career Center is the primary collection site for job announcements. From this site, a copy of each job ad is sent to each of three campuses of DeKalb Technical College:

1. Covington-Newton Campus 2. Special Workforce Services, Montreal Campus 3. Adult Education Center, Buford Highway

To distribute job leads, place them in courier envelopes, apply a label, or address the envelope, place in bin labeled Montreal, Special Workforce Services, or Buford Highway in mailroom.

25 Archiving Jobs The Career Services Office maintains a file of job openings for one year. File the original set of job announcements in the designated drawers in the file cabinet.


Students evaluate the services offered by the Career Services Department annually through the Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI). In addition, we have instituted a Student Satisfaction Survey form that allows students/users of the Center to provide daily feedback to us. If any of the survey forms indicate a concern, we address it immediately. If 20% or more of the ratings fall in the “Fair” or “Poor” categories --- on a quarterly basis --- we will develop a written action plan to make the necessary changes to improve our service.


1. Each student/client that utilizes the Career Center is asked to complete a survey rating our Customer Service. 2. The survey is to be completed by each student that utilizes the Career Center at least once per quarter. 3. The Career Center Staff is responsible for making sure that the students complete the survey. 4. The surveys are located on the table in the Career Center on top of the clear container that the survey is to be placed in once it has been completed by the student/client. 5. At the end of each month the surveys are tabulated. 6. The comments, if any, are typed on a separate sheet of paper. 7. Both the comments and surveys are filed in a folder and kept at the office’s secretary’s desk. 8. At the end of each quarter, the surveys are all tabulated and entered, via computer, on a Student Satisfaction Survey Summary Form, along with comments. (See Sample). 9. The Survey Summary Report is to be given to the Dean of Students by the 10th of the month beginning a new quarter. 10. After the survey data is summarized, the Summary Report is given to the Director, Cynthia D. Edwards, for review and approval. 11. Once the Summary Report is approved make a copy, put in an inter-department envelope, and take it to Jean Hagen, secretary for Dean Teems.



The Director of Career Services is evaluated, annually, by the Dean of Students. The Career Services staff is evaluated, annually, by the Director of Career Services. All use the following Personnel Evaluation Form.


Officially, DeKalb Tech uses the Student Termination and Employment Status (STES) Form to track our students --- leavers and graduates. The STES follow-up is performed in our Information Technology Department, by a Banner Support Specialist. Computerized printouts of information on leavers and/or graduates is provided to the Department Chairs who, in turn, work with the faculty of each program of study. They provide student status information to the Banner Support Specialist. Results from the ST/ES Report are submitted to DTAE and are used to calculate our final placement rate.

The process begins when a student first registers for school. A registration form is generated and entered in the student information system (BANNER) by Student Services personnel. The BANNER data is electronically transmitted to the Regional Data Center at Waycross each quarter with the Seven Day Enrollment Report. The data center then returns a report to DeKalb Tech’s IT Department (Fran Cason, Banner Support Specialist), reflecting all active students, leavers, and graduates.

Our IT Department routes the report to each instructor to verify that the enrollment data is correct. After that, a complete history of all students is maintained in the BANNER system.

Exit interviews are conducted by the Instructors to determine placement and exit reasons. This information is placed on the termination reports entered into BANNER by the IT Banner Support Specialist. Copies of the termination reports are reviewed by the Vice President of Instruction, Vice President of Student Services, and the President. Copies of the termination form are filed in the student folder in the Registrar’s Office.

BANNER/Data Center reports are generated on a monthly, quarterly basis reflecting all graduate/leaver placement data for the IT Banner Support Specialist. These reports are used as a basis for the follow-up program.

In addition, the Office of Career & Job Search Services mails letters to graduates, annually, in an effort to determine their employment status, and at the same time, provides them an opportunity to evaluate their program of study and make comments for improvement. Those forms returned are summarized, analyzed, and furnished to the instructors and all key offices. Follow-up forms are also sent to employers of graduates who are working in their primary or a related field of study to evaluate the graduates’ skills and ethics. When a graduate does not return the questionnaire, numerous telephone calls are made in an effort to determine employment status and to offer job search assistance. This information is compiled into reports and shared with each Department Chair and the Instructional Dean to be used for enhancing our programs and or encouraging our faculty to continue doing a great job!

Job Placement and Follow-up Plans are evaluated continuously by the personnel using them. The follow- up process is discussed and evaluated during annual IES/PAS institutional standards review. The follow- up process at DeKalb Technical College is effective and continuous.

Note: The Department of Labor (DOL) has established a partnership with the Department of Technical and Adult Education (DTAE) that permits DTAE’s Career Services Directors to access the DOL database to determine the employment status of our graduates. Employment information is provided from the tax records when businesses submit their quarterly tax information. Although a valuable site, employment data may not be current; it may be 3-6 months behind.


The Career Services Office assists the Banner Support Specialist in receiving, recording, organizing, reproducing, and distributing follow-up data from the Student Termination and Employment Status (ST/ES) report to the appropriate persons for the purpose of analyzing the data.

Placement and follow-up data is made available to administrative and instructional personnel.

The following procedure is used for incorporating follow-up data into programs:

1. The Director of Career Services obtains information concerning each occupational program from the (ST/ES) report, as well as from former students (graduates and non- graduates) and employers via personal and telephone interviews and surveys collected.

2. This information is recorded, reproduced and distributed to Vice Presidents and the President.

3. A Career Services brochure is published annually which lists the types of employment and average starting salary of program graduates. This brochure is available to the public.


The follow-up forms are maintained by the Director of Career Services and are filed in the Career Services office. The placement records are available to authorized school personnel only —the president, vice presidents, and instructors.

Job placement and follow-up statistics, which the Department of Technical and Adult Education requires, are provided by the Banner Support Specialist through the Management Information Systems (MIS).

Career Services follow-up functions are independent of the follow-up performed by DeKalb Tech’s Office of Institutional Research & Effectiveness.







Below is our preferred way to answer an incoming telephone call and suggested answers for frequently asked questions. It is important to show enthusiasm and friendliness when answering the phone. Vital information is included in this section for office operations.

Answering the Telephone:

Good morning, (or Good Afternoon), Career Services. This is your name, may I help you?

This greeting will assist the caller to know whether he or she has connected with the correct office and/or what services we provide.

Screening Calls:

Often a caller asks for the manager in hopes of reaching someone capable of assisting them. Callers do not know that other persons in the office are qualified to help them. By fact-finding (asking questions) to determine the caller’s needs, the need to transfer the call may be eliminated and the caller’s request may be handled immediately.

Callers requesting to speak to the Director, Job Placement Manager, Counselor, or Specialist that may not be helped by other staff members, may be transferred to the Director of Career Services at extension 1232. For optimum service, most calls, however, should be handled at the general office number --- extension 1109.

Wrong Numbers:

The most frequent misdirected calls that the Career Services Office receives are those that should go to Admissions (extension 1602) or Personnel (extension 2145). The caller will be asking for admissions/course information or about permanent positions with DeKalb Tech. Tell the person that you transferring them to Admissions or Personnel and give the appropriate extension number, should you get disconnected or they need to call back. Announce to the Admissions or Personnel staff person that you are transferring a call to them, and provide a brief synopsis of what the person needs.


ADMISSIONS 1600/1602 (Terry Richardson – 1229) BUSINESS OFFICE 1233 (Rhonda Lederer) DEAN OF STUDENT SERVICES 1697 (Larry Teems – 1231)

CONTINUING EDUCATION 4000 (Dr. Martha Coursey – 4001)

FINANCIAL AID/VA 1166 (John Gottardy – 1110)

ADULT LITERACY 2501 (Debbie Milledge – 2522)


DEAN OF INSTRUCTION 1133 (Julian Wade – 1138)


PERSONNEL 2145 (Shirley Anderson – 2106)

REGISTRAR 1205 (Karen Sills – 1237)

STUDENT ACTIVITIES 1291 (Felisha Blackwell – 1111)


SPECIAL SERVICES 1155 (Lisa Peters)

VICE PRESIDENT – STUDENT SERVICES 2545 (Dr. Berman Johnson – 2202)

VICE PRESIDENT – ADMINISTRATION 2506 (Dr. Mike Richardson– 2507)

ACTING PRESIDENT 2524 (Dr. Robin Hoffman – 2126)


Admissions Terry Richardson 1229 Health Technologies Geri Moreland 1128 Business Technologies Dr. Deborah Gordon 1187 CIS/ENG Technologies Ernie Hensley 1147 General Education Lorenzo Pitts, Jr. 1253 Industrial/Transportation Tech. Natalie Kostas 1216


Security Personnel are available by calling extension 1143 (VP – Campus Operations, Clarkston Campus). In the event of a medical or security emergency, phone immediately. If extension 1143 is busy, dial “0” for Operator assistance.


The Dean of Student’s secretary normally handles an emergency involving a student. The current extension is 1697.

What is considered an emergency situation?

A close family member with a medical or threatening situation, a death of a close family member, or any situation that can only be handled by contacting the student at school.

It is against DeKalb Tech’s policy to release information to callers about its students. However, if a caller has a justified reason to contact a student, we obtain information form the caller so that we may return a call to them. Assure the caller that we shall do everything possible to relay the information.



Who handles the calls?

The Dean of Student’s secretary or another designated secretary or professional is responsible for contacting the student and relaying the information.

In the event one of these persons is not available, contact the VP – Campus Operations’ Secretary at extension 1143.


Receiving Mail:

The mailbox for Career Services/Cynthia Dorsey Edwards should be checked periodically throughout the day for information from administrators as well as job openings.

Particular attention should be given to correspondence directed specifically to the Director of Career Services, by name, as this may require immediate attention. Place in the “black mail bin” on the right hand side of the Career Services secretary’s desk.

Equal Opportunity Employment (EOE)/Affirmative Action Letters are received from many companies throughout the year. As the letters are received, they are kept in a file. A new file should be started each year. The letters are kept in file indefinitely. In the event legal action should occur, the Career Services Office could be asked to produce an EOE letter.

The letters occasionally state what job openings are available within their company should vacancies occur. All of these letters should include a statement regarding the company’s employment policy regarding age, color, sex, race, national origin, handicap, etc.

Sometimes, we are asked to sign a letter to return it to the corporation who mailed it to us, indicating that we understand and will abide by the statements in the letter. These should be signed by the Director of Career Services and a copy kept in our office.

Misplaced Mail:

Mail may have been misplaced in Cynthia Edwards/ Career Services mailbox. Special note to the title rather than name should be given, for example, Financial Aid Officer, Veterans Representative/Advisor, etc. Redirect these items to their proper mailboxes.


Various publications are received by the Career Services Office. A select few will be posted in notebooks in the Career Services Office for public viewing, i.e., Georgia Department of Labor, Georgia Labor Market Trends, AAR/EEO Affirmative Action Register, etc.

All mail and incoming information must be dated with the current date on the date stamp.


The Status Report is filed every month at the end of the month. Begin the count where the previous month ended, regardless of day. The Secretary will advise the Student Assistants (SA) when to collect the information for the Status Report every month.

1) Use the sign-in sheets for the month to calculate the number of people assisted in the office, seeking job-related information. Use SA sign-in sheets to count students. When these are totaled, they are filed in the filing cabinet.

2) Use the sheets in the graduate files, located in the filing cabinet, to calculate the number of program-related openings sent to graduates for the month. The total number of jobs and the total number of graduates must be recorded.

3) Use the Employer Contact Sheet located in the first section of the accordion file to calculate the number of job openings received for the month. Pull handwritten copies; attach contact sheet and file in the filing cabinet.

4) Use the sheet kept in the file folder labeled “Log for Mail-ins” to total the number of job openings received through the mail and faxed for the month. This folder is kept in the file on the counter. Place counted sheet to the rear of file.

5) Use the Student Assistant applications to count # of applications for SA positions for the month. The date the student completed the form is the date used.

Count # of completed employment papers received from Student Assistants. Maintain a record showing date and they location to which they were assigned.


1. Each fiscal year Career Services is issued a budget. (July, 01) 2. The Director & Secretary meet to discuss what needs to be purchased for Career Services for the year. 3. Once we have established what the department needs, the purchasing process begins. 4. Most things can be purchased on the department’s purchasing card, not to exceed $2,500.00 (including shipping) in a month. 5. All purchases have to be approved by the Director and the Dean of Students, Larry Teems. 6. When a purchase is to be made, the Director, Cynthia D. Edwards will decide whether it should be made by Credit Card or by Purchase Order.

Purchases by Credit Card 7. If the purchase is to be made via credit card, a requisition must be prepared. A blank copy of which can be found in the black budget binder on the Career Services secretary’s desk or on the DeKalb Tech Intranet site --- 8. Complete the requisition in its entirety. (See Sample) 9. Have the requisition reviewed and initialed by the Director. 10. Make a copy for the department’s files. 11. Put the original requisition in an inter-departmental envelope addressed to Dean Teems. In the event that Dean Teems will be away for a few days, he will have designated a manager to sign in his absence. (It is usually the Registrar, Karen Sills.) 12. Make sure that the requisition has for CREDIT CARD APPROVAL ONLY printed on it and highlighted with a colored marker. 13. Once Dean Teems has signed the requisition, the order is ready to be placed. 14. Contact the vendor and place the order, making sure that you get a confirmation number and an invoice sent. 15. The closing date for the purchasing card is generally the 27th of the month. At the end of each month that you have made a purchase on the purchasing card you will receive a statement on approximately the 30 or the 31st. This statement has to be reconciled. 16. Compare the charges on the statement with the credit card purchases recorded by the Secretary for that month. 17. Complete a Purchasing Card Reconciliation form. (See Sample) Have it reviewed and initialed by the Director of Career Services. 18. Make a copy of the Purchasing Card Reconciliation form, and attach all of the original requisitions and invoices for that month to it. (See Sample) 19. Those copies are taken to the Dean of Students’ secretary, Jean Hagen, for the Dean, Larry Teems, to review and forward to the proper office

Purchases by Purchase Order 20. You are to follow steps (8, 9, 10 and 11 above). 21. Dean Teems will forward the requisition to the proper office. 22. When the accounting department has received the requisition, they will email a Purchase Order document for that purchase. 23. Upon receipt of the Purchase Order document, the order may be placed. 24. When the order is delivered or picked up, ensure that an invoice is obtained. (Very important) 25. The Director of Career Services will review and approve the invoice by writing, “O.K. to pay vendor.” 26. The invoice is then copied and sent to Karen Carter for payment to the vendor. (Note: The invoice should reference the P.O.# given for that purchase). 27. All expenditures for Career Services is kept on an Excel spreadsheet detailing the budget. (See Sample).





Purchases by Credit Card 1. If the purchase is to be made via credit card, a requisition must be prepared. A blank copy of which can be found in the black budget binder on the Career Services secretary’s desk or on the DeKalb Tech Intranet site --- 2. Complete the requisition in its entirety. (See Sample) 3. Have the requisition reviewed and initialed by the Director. 4. Make a copy for the department’s files. 5. Put the original requisition in an inter-departmental envelope addressed to Dean Teems. In the event that Dean Teems will be away for a few days, he will have designated a manager to sign in his absence. (It is usually the Registrar, Karen Sills.) 6. Make sure that the requisition has for CREDIT CARD APPROVAL ONLY printed on it and highlighted with a colored marker. 7. Once Dean Teems has signed the requisition, the order is ready to be placed. 8. Contact the vendor and place the order, making sure that you get a confirmation number and an invoice sent. 9. The closing date for the purchasing card is generally the 27th of the month. At the end of each month that you have made a purchase on the purchasing card you will receive a statement on approximately the 30 or the 31st. This statement has to be reconciled. 10. Compare the charges on the statement with the credit card purchases recorded by the Secretary for that month. 11. Complete a Purchasing Card Reconciliation form. (See Sample) Have it reviewed and initialed by the Director of Career Services. 12. Make a copy of the Purchasing Card Reconciliation form, and attach all of the original requisitions and invoices for that month to it. (See Sample) 13. Those copies are taken to the Dean of Students’ secretary, Jean Hagen, for the Dean, Larry Teems, to review and forward to the proper office









1. Time sheets are given to Career Services from Dr. Hoffman’s office on a monthly basis, which includes the names of all full-time employees. 2. Time should be entered on the timesheets on a daily basis. 3. Time should be coded according to the legend on the timesheet. 4. On Monday of each week, the payroll timesheet is reviewed and approved for the previous week by the Director, Cynthia Dorsey Edwards. 5. If a staff member was out during the week for any reason, i.e. on serving on jury duty, sick, attending a funeral, or on vacation, a Statement of Absence form must be completed and submitted with the timesheet, noting the length of time of and reason for the absence. 6. Once the timesheet and Statement of Absence(s), if appropriate, are complete and signed by the Director, they are taken to the Dean of Students’ secretary, Jean Hagen, for the Dean’s (Larry Teems) review and signature.


The Career Services Office is responsible for the placement of Student Assistants (federal work- study students) in various locations on- and off-campus. An application form must be completed to be considered for employment. (See sample)

Student Assistants can work a maximum of 15 hours per week and are paid $8.00 per hour. America Reads Tutors (Student Assistants) receive $9.00 per hour, and must submit to a criminal background check --- paid for by DeKalb Tech. To be eligible for federal work-study, a student must be enrolled in at least 6 federal credit hours.

The following determinations should be made when an application is submitted and the answers recorded on the form:

1. If the student applies for federal work-study positions, they must have received an award letter showing they are eligible. Copy the award letter, and attach it to the application if they have it.

2. Determine what hours the student is available to work.

3. List the student’s program of study. Show in what quarter they are currently enrolled. (How far they are into the program.) This information helps to determine how long they can be expected to be attending DeKalb Technical College.

4. Advise the student that we need to make a copy of their current quarter invoice, which will show fees paid and the number of credit hours they are taking.

5. Advise the student that we need a copy of their picture ID and Social Security Card.

6. Advise the student that 15 hours per week is the maximum number of hours that can be worked and that the pay is $8.00 per hour --- on-campus or $9.00 with America Reads – off-campus.

When an application is submitted, the student should be advised that their application will be placed on file. If an opening for which they may be qualified is available, they will be contacted or they can check back with the Career Services Office to see if any openings are available.

The applications are filed alphabetically in a folder kept in the stand-up tray on the counter by the Secretary’s desk.


Helping students and/or graduates successfully secure jobs in their fields or related fields of study is based on effectively networking with the business community and is a joint effort of the entire DeKalb Technical College staff.


The success of the Career Services program will depend greatly upon the efforts and cooperation of the Acting President of DeKalb Technical College. The Acting President shows her cooperation and support by:

* Encouraging and supporting the operation of a comprehensive Career Services program. * Providing adequate office space, adequate personnel, telephone services and office supplies. * Continuously informing all instructors of the career services program. * Analyzing and evaluating placement and follow-up data for the purpose of utilizing data for public information and program improvement. * Working with the state Employment Services Agency, businesses and industries and other agencies in the administration of the program. * Assisting with the promotion, coordination, operation, and evaluation of the school’s on- campus recruitment for employers. * Establishing rationale for the Career Services program and evaluating its effectiveness on an annual basis. * Scheduling and participating in an annual in-service session on placement and follow-up at the College. * Informing each member of the administrative and instructional staff of their responsibilities in the Career Services program through both written memorandums and periodic staff meetings. * Coordinating the activities of the Director of Career Services, the Vice President of Instructional Services, and the Vice President of Student Services relative to the Career Services program. * Insuring that Career Services information is included in appropriate school publications such as the catalog, student handbook, and faculty handbook.  Analyzing follow-up information and making appropriate improvements.


The Vice President of Student Services supports Career Services by:

* Encouraging and supporting the operation of a comprehensive Career Services program. * Providing adequate office space, adequate personnel, telephone services and office supplies. * Providing factual and up-to-date job placement data to prospective students, enabling them to examine the job possibilities available to graduates of different curricula offered by the school. * Informing prospective students of special requirements such as certification, licenses, special tests, and union memberships or physical limitations that would prevent them from receiving jobs. * Helping prospective students understand the ways in which the school can assist them in finding jobs. * Referring students to the Career Services Office for self-assessment, career exploration, and employment. * Counseling with students referred by the Director of Career Services.


The Vice President of Instructional Services supports Career Services effort by:

* Assisting the Career Services Specialist in maintaining liaison with the instructional staff. * Utilizing placement and follow-up data as furnished by the Regional Data Center to the President for promotion or program improvement purposes. * Making recommendations to the President concerning addition or termination of instructional programs or modification or restructure of existing programs. * Including the Career Services program in the orientation program for new instructors. * Performing the placement and follow-up duties as determined by school needs. * Implementing improvements to institutional programs and support services as indicated by follow-up information. * Informing prospective students of special requirements such as certification, licenses, special tests, and union memberships or physical limitations that would prevent them from receiving jobs. Helping prospective students understand the ways in which the school can assist them in finding jobs. Counseling with students referred by the Director of Career Services. Receiving job orders from employers when the Director of Career Services is not available.  Assisting the Director of Career Services with on-campus recruitment for employers.  Including the Career Services program in the orientation program for new instructors.  Referring students to the Director of Career Services for self-assessment, career exploration, and employment assistance.


The Dean of Students supports Career Services by:

* Encouraging and supporting the operation of a comprehensive Career Services program. * Providing adequate office space, adequate personnel, telephone services and office supplies. * Providing factual and up-to-date job placement data to prospective students, enabling them to examine the job possibilities available to graduates of different curricula offered by the school. * Informing prospective students of special requirements such as certification, licenses, special tests, and union memberships or physical limitations that would prevent them from receiving jobs. * Helping prospective students understand the ways in which the school can assist them in finding jobs. * Referring students to the Career Services Office for self-assessment, career exploration, and employment. * Counseling with students referred by the Director of Career Services.


The Director of Admissions supports career services by:

* Informing prospective students of special requirements such as certification, licenses, special tests, and union memberships or physical limitations that would prevent them from receiving jobs. * Helping prospective students understand the ways in which the school can assist them in finding jobs. * Including the Career Services program in the orientation program for new students. * Referring students to the Director of Career Services for placement assistance. * Counseling with students referred by the Director of Career Services.


The Financial Aid Officer supports career services by:

* Assisting WIA recipients with placement upon completion of their program of study. * Providing the Career Services Specialist with placement information on WIA students. * Developing and maintaining a good working relationship with the Director of Career Services. * Provides accurate and current MIS information on all Financial Aid Students.


The Registrar supports career services by:

 Providing information on student enrollment  Verifying and/or providing student course information


The Marketing and Institutional Development Director supports Career Services by:

 Publicizing success stories of our graduates  Providing promotional items for distribution to business representations, students, and potential students


The Student Activities Coordinator supports Career Services by:

 Helping to publicize career seminars and workshops  Providing food and/or promotional items for the seminars and workshops


The Director of Special Workforce Services supports Career Services by:

* Assisting New Connection to Work/GA Fatherhood recipients with placement upon completion of their program if applicable. * Providing the Director of Career Services with placement information on New Connection/GA Fatherhood students. * Developing and maintaining a good working relationship with the Director of Career Services. * Providing the Director of Career Services with the information on job openings and new employer contacts. * Provides accurate and current MIS information on New Connection/GA Fatherhood students.


The Special Populations Staff supports Career Services by:

* Developing and maintaining a good relationship with the Director of Career Services. * Assisting the Director of Career Services and instructors in providing employability training to students. * Reviewing follow-up records and assisting the Director of Career Services to insure information on students is correct for the placement and follow-up statistics. * Referring students to the Director of Career Services for self-assessment, career exploration, and employment assistance.


The Director of Adult Literacy assists the Career Services office by:

* Furnishing job needs and follow-up information to Adult Literacy instructors and students. * Performing other placement and follow-up related activities as determined by school needs * Providing accurate and current MIS information on Adult Literacy students.


Instructors are the key ingredient in good job placement and the primary contact with students and employers. The responsibilities of DeKalb Technical College’s instructors are: * Developing and maintaining a good working relationship with the Career Services Office. * Assisting the Director of Career Services in referring students to potential job opportunities for which they are trained. * Being actively involved in the placement of their graduates. * Keeping informed about the local job market. * Making continuous contact with local employers and providing feedback to the Career Service Office when appropriate. * Encouraging employers to contact the school. * Providing the Career Services Office contact information to employers when appropriate. * Providing an orientation for all new students which includes the following:

- Encouraging students to take pride in a job well done. - Assisting students in accepting on-the-job discipline. - Relating to students a realistic awareness of job opportunities available and of job responsibilities. - Making students aware of the job search and follow-up service available to them.

61 INSTRUCTORS (Continued)

* Arranging field trips to various companies in order to enhance student’s knowledge of available job opportunities. * Simulating a classroom and laboratory atmosphere similar to that which graduates will experience in the work environment. * Making the necessary changes in both curriculum and equipment as indicated by student follow-up recommendations and patterns with the approval of the state standards. * Receiving job vacancy notices from the Career Services Office and informing students of job openings. * Referring students to the Career Services Office for job search assistance. * Providing the Career Services Offices with and informing students of job openings. * Assisting students in developing job interview skills (interview techniques, letters of response, resumes, etc.) * Reviewing follow-up records and assisting the Director of Career Services to ensure information on students is correct for the placement and follow-up statistics. * Providing information on job openings to the Career Services Office. * Maintaining an active Program Advisory Committee.


Check the box for Career Services several times during the day.

Open each envelope. Clip to correspondence.

Date all Miscellaneous Incoming and Mail-in Jobs with stamp in upper right hand corner, if possible.

Place miscellaneous mail in folder labeled Miscellaneous Incoming. Place this folder on the secretary’s desk.

Mail-in Jobs:

Highlight each position in yellow.

Highlight each closing date, if shown, in blue.

Count and enter the number of positions in the upper right corner. Use the following guide to determine numbers:

Few-3 Some-5 Many-10 These-5 Plural jobs count as 3

Place check beside # in upper right hand corner when entered into log to indicate that it has been logged on the tally sheet.

Reduce all legal size mail-in jobs before placing them folder.

Place mail-in or faxed job orders in folder labeled Job Orders - Incoming. Place folder on secretary’s desk.



After determining that job openings have proper instructions and addresses for inquirers, stamp, count, and log on mail-in sheet by category. (See Sample) Two copies of the CDC openings are received and distributed. Place one in Government (Federal section) job book and one in display case. Count these jobs only once.

All job openings should be placed in the proper category in the Job Books.

Omni Hotels and WSB TV-Radio Job orders need to have a label attached to them (see sample) asking them to list DeKalb Technical College as a referral source when apply. These labels are kept in the front of the tally sheet file.


Purge the mail-in job books after two months from date of entry unless the closing date of the position extends past this period.

COPY: Job Openings received by mail that pertain to programs of study taught at DeKalb Tech are copied and given to the Department Chair of that program.


Routine Procedures:

The Job Listing Form is used when an employer does not have a prepared job ad to share with us. (See attached form).

Example: Employer: I am looking to hire three electronics technicians for my company, would you provide me with a list of candidates?

Answer: I will be glad to take your information regarding the job opening and make it available to our graduates. I will also look in our files to see if we have appropriate candidates in our files to refer to you.

As part of posting procedures, we mail a copy to graduates who have registered with this office. Also, copies are placed in job books in our office, boards outside the office for after hours review as well as on selected job websites via the Internet. Copies are sent to instructors in the fields related to the opening and Career Services colleagues at DeKalb Tech’s other campuses.

Instructor Referrals:

Employer: I would rather have the instructor refer qualified students to apply than to have the information posted on a board and mailed to graduates.

Answer: We can place the information in the instructors box and note that he/she should refer qualified students to your office. Are you in agreement with this?


In Person or Send Resume Only:

Occasionally, the caller states that persons need to apply to their company in person or by sending a resume. We ask whether the company wants their phone number posted on the job opening notice to be contacted by individuals who have questions. If they do not choose to have the number posted, we indicate in large print on the top of the order, DO NOT POST PHONE NUMBER. We do require the company’s phone number on the handwritten copy of our office files.

To ensure accuracy, it is necessary to repeat the address and telephone information to the employer.


The Department Chairpersons receive a copy of openings related to their program. Attach label, form, (see sample) and place in their box.


A copy is sent to individual instructors, if listed on the typed job order form. Attach form, (see sample), place in their box.


Graduates who are currently registered with the Job Placement Office (See Graduate Request Form) are mailed copies of openings. Separate by the type of job, attach form, send to ones in file in regular envelope by U.S. mail. The graduates we have on file are filed by program of study behind the department in which their program falls. When a job order is mailed, note back of each graduate’s form with:

Date Initials of person sending information Total number of jobs mailed Employer’s name as shown on the order

Note: General jobs are not mailed to graduates.

The graduate file is purged monthly. A form letter (see sample) is mailed to each graduate who has not contacted us in the last six months. Note back of the form all contact with graduates. Record on the back of the form all contact, with initials of person sending purge letter. A date of six month’s time is typed on the form. At the end of this time, the graduates’ files are purged if they have not responded. The form is removed from file and filed alphabetically in the graduate file behind the active files.


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