Drama Hsc Course 2001

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Drama Hsc Course 2001

East Hills Girls Technology High School



Information for Teachers, Parents and Students


HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS HSC ASSESSMENT MANUAL 2016- 2017...... 3 INTRODUCTION...... 3 SCHOOL ASSESSMENT POLICY...... 4 a) Advance Notice of Assessment Tasks...... 4 b) Submission of Assessment Tasks...... 4 c) Submission of HSC Major Projects...... 4 d) Absence on Day of a Test or In-School Assessment Task...... 5 e) Absence on Day a Homework Assessment Task is Due...... 5 f) Documentation of Absences...... 5 g) Attendance...... 5 h) Prolonged Absences...... 6 i) Request for an Extension of Time for Assessment Tasks...... 6 j) Marking of Assessment Tasks...... 6 k) Unsubmitted/Incomplete Assessment Items...... 6 l) Computer Failure...... 6 m) Invalid tasks/non discriminating tasks...... 7 n) Malpractice...... 7 o) Plagiarism...... 8 q) Notification of Assessment Rank...... 8 r) Appeals, Complaints and Grievances...... 8 s) Review of Final Assessment Rank...... 8 VET COURSES...... 9 RULES FOR EXAMINATIONINATIONS...... 10 ASSESSMENT TASK SUMMARY CALENDAR...... 14 ANCIENT HISTORY...... 16 BIOLOGY...... 16 BUSINESS STUDIES...... 17 CHEMISTRY...... 17 COMMUNITY AND FAMILY STUDIES...... 18 DANCE...... 18 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY...... 19 DRAMA...... 19 ECONOMICS...... 20 ENGLISH STANDARD...... 20 ENGLISH STUDIES...... 21 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE...... 21 ENGLISH ADVANCED...... 22 ENGLISH EXTENSION 1...... 22 ENGLISH EXTENSION 2...... 23 EXPLORING EARLY CHILDHOOD...... 23 HISTORY EXTENSION...... 24 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY: MULTIMEDIA INDUSTRIES...... 24 INFORMATION PROCESS TECHNOLOGY...... 25 LEGAL STUDIES...... 25 MATHEMATICS – GENERAL 1...... 26 MATHEMATICS – GENERAL 2...... 26 MATHEMATICS...... 27 MATHEMATICS EXTENSION 1...... 27 MATHEMATICS EXTENSION 2...... 28 MODERN HISTORY...... 28 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION...... 29 PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO AND DIGITAL IMAGING...... 29 PHYSICS...... 30 SENIOR SCIENCE...... 30 SOCIETY AND CULTURE...... 31 TEXTILES AND DESIGN...... 31 VISUAL ARTS...... 32 VET...... 33 FRAMEWORKS...... 33 VERBS AND THEIR MEANINGS FOR ASSESSMENT TASKS...... 37

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 2 HSC ASSESSMENT MANUAL 2016- 2017 INTRODUCTION This booklet contains information about Assessment for the Higher School Certificate, 2016/2017. Section 1 details the school's Assessment Policy for Board Courses. Students should read this section carefully so that they understand and are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities. Section 2 contains the Assessment details for each course. This includes the course components and weightings as set down by the Board of Studies Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) and the Assessment schedule for each course. Keep this manual in a safe place for future and regular reference. Do not hesitate to call the school to discuss any aspect of the School Policy or the individual course assessment programs with the Deputy Principal in Charge, Mrs. Brunt.


Advice to Students and Parents - HSC Assessments

WHAT IS AN HSC ASSESSMENT? It is a mark (e.g. out of 50 for 1 unit, 100 for 2 units, etc.) which measures the achievements of each candidate relative to the other candidates doing the same course at this school. It will be reported on the Higher School Certificate as a mark out of 100 or out of 50 separate from the examination mark. The total assessment mark will be used at the school to give a ranking (position) in each course. To get an assessment in any course, students must complete assessment tasks worth more than 50% of the total assessment.

HOW ARE HSC ASSESSMENTS CALCULATED? a) Assessment components are set for each course by BOSTES. b) The school conducts a number of assessment tasks to test these components. c) The mark for each task forms part of the total assessment mark. Each task is given a weighting, which shows how much it contributes to the total mark. d) Components, tasks and weightings are different for different courses. Assessment details for each course are given later in this book. e) The school is only permitted to tell students their assessment rank, not their final assessment mark.

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING Where a student can demonstrate she has significant learnings which satisfy course requirements, she may apply for recognition of prior learning. This may result in her accelerating or undertaking extension work in a course.

Paid employment in areas related to vocational education courses may be recognised as prior learnings as a result of which, a student may be exempted from some work placement hours or these may be undertaken at her place of employment. Any student who would like to discuss recognition of prior learning should see her class teacher or Mrs Brunt (Deputy Principal).

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 3 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES Students are responsible for the assessment tasks in a number of ways. If a student acts irresponsibly she may not receive any marks. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO: i) be familiar with the assessment policies set out in this book. ii) attend school, be aware of due dates for assessment tasks and complete tasks on time. If absent for any reason, the student must on returning to school, check with her teachers to see if any assessment tasks have been set. Absence is not an acceptable reason for not knowing about a task. iii) be on time to all assessment tasks as she will not be given an extension of time if she is late to any task held in school time. A task will only be accepted late if the Deputy Principal in Charge or the Principal has verified that there is a legitimate reason for being late and is prepared to give her a note to that effect. iv) be present to attempt all in-school assessment tasks. This means being present all day that a task is due or that a task is set as an examination. Absence for part of the day will require acceptable documentation. If the student is present on the day of a task she must sit the task. If she is present on the day a homework task is due, she must submit it. v) hand in any homework assessment task on time and check that the teacher has signed it in. If she does not get a task signed in, she has no evidence that it was submitted. vi) if absent for an assessment test or on the day a task is due, bring a medical certificate or appropriate documentation justifying the student’s absence on her first day back at school. Refer to section on Documentation of Absences. vii) notify her teacher of any assessment problems in advance, if possible. viii) ensure that all work submitted is her own work and that all sources of information are correctly acknowledged ix) check the marking of each task when it is returned to her. x) check her assessment rank when it is given to her from time to time xi) bring ALL required equipment for every assessment task. Borrowing of equipment during an assessment task is NOT permitted.

SCHOOL ASSESSMENT POLICY a) Advance Notice of Assessment Tasks Students will usually be given 2 weeks’ notice of any assessment task particularly for those which require preparation or home study. b) Submission of Assessment Tasks Students must hand in assessment tasks at the beginning of the lesson for the course in which the task is set. Failure to comply will result in its being considered a late submission and a mark of zero will be recorded. Unless otherwise stipulated by the teacher, printed copies of word- processed assignments are required. Work on disk will only be accepted if that is the task requirement. Students must ensure the teacher signs in the task as evidence of submission. c) Submission of HSC Major Projects Students must hand in major projects before 9.00am on the date notified for submission of the project. If an alternate time has been set, they must be in class for all scheduled lessons on the day of submission.

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 4 d) Absence on Day of a Test or In-School Assessment Task It is the student's responsibility to see the teacher to arrange to complete a task missed, on the first day of returning from an absence. (In most cases, a substitute test or alternative means of assessment will be arranged). The task must be completed on the day of return OR the first available time during examination periods. A medical certificate or other suitable documentary evidence to provide a sound reason for the absence will be essential and must be submitted on day of return to school. (See Form A and the Documentation of Absences) An invalid reason for absence (or failure to see the Deputy Principal in charge of Year 12) will result in a zero mark being awarded for the task. Absence from examinations is only allowed for illness, bereavement or, in some cases representing the school. Going on holidays is not an acceptable reason for absence from an assessment task or examination. If in doubt, ask Deputy Principal in charge of Year 12 well in advance of the examination period. e) Absence on Day a Homework Assessment Task is Due If a student is unable to attend school on the day a task is due, a parent or friend should submit the required task, or it should be submitted on the day prior to completion date. If this is not possible it is the student's responsibility to see the teacher on the first day of returning from an absence in order to submit the task. A medical certificate or other suitable documentary evidence to provide a sound reason for the absence will be essential, (See Form A and the Documentation of Absences) An invalid reason for absence (or failure to see the teacher) will result in a zero mark being awarded for that task. Students going on prearranged work placements must either submit the task prior to work placement OR arrange to have it submitted on the due date. Work placement is not an acceptable reason for requesting an extension of time on a task. f) Documentation of Absences Where a student is absent from a task or unable to submit a task through illness or extenuating circumstances, adequate documentation must be provided on the first day the student returns to school. Absences due to illness must be supported by a valid Doctor’s Certificate. Suitable documentation for other absences could include such things as Death or Funeral Notices or Court lists. Absences to attend employment, medical, dental appointments or driving tests are not acceptable reasons to miss an assessment task. Please ring the Deputy Principal in Charge of Year 12 to notify the school that the student will be absent from the task. On the day of return to school, the student must bring a copy of Form A together with the documentation to the Deputy Principal in Charge of Year 12 who will notify the Head Teacher. The student is strongly advised to keep a copy of the letter and documentation. Doctor’s Certificates which are not attached to a copy of Form A will not be considered nor will certificates not submitted on the day of return to school. The Assessment Committee reserves the right to question the validity of all doctors' certificates submitted by students and may in some circumstances disallow a doctor's certificate as an excuse for absence due to sickness, lateness of tasks, requests for extensions and so forth. In this instance the student will receive a zero mark for the task. g) Attendance Students must maintain a satisfactory pattern of attendance so they can progress and achieve outcomes. BOSTES now puts the onus of proof of meeting course outcomes on the student. Where, in the Principal's judgement, their pattern of attendance suggests that they could not have met course requirements or achieved course outcomes, students will be required to prove to the satisfaction of the Principal that they have met the course outcomes and satisfied course requirements. In circumstances where overall attendance is unsatisfactory, the student will be required to demonstrate why she should be allowed to continue her enrolment at the school. If unsuccessful, no Record of Achievement or Higher School Certificate or Result Notice will be issued.

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 5 h) Prolonged Absences Prolonged absence during school terms should, if at all possible, be avoided. The Principal has the authority to approve or refuse absences. Prolonged absences cannot be approved and could lead to a student not meeting outcomes. No allowance is made by this school for assessment tasks missed while a student is on holidays. Absences through illness and/or injury may be allowed if in the Principal’s judgement the absence is legitimate. In the case of prolonged or recurring illness or injury, a medical certificate will need to be supplied as evidence. In many instances, school work may be undertaken while at home or in hospital. In this way, the Principal may be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence for determining that a student has met course requirements and achieved the main outcomes of the course. In cases of prolonged absence and where work is not possible during the period of absence, the Principal may judge that catching up is not possible and determine that attendance is unsatisfactory. As far as possible, warning of the consequences of such a prolonged absence will be given. i) Request for an Extension of Time for Assessment Tasks If there is a valid reason why a student is unable to hand in an assignment on time, prior arrangements (e.g. application for extension of time) must be made with the Deputy Principal in Charge at least one week before the task is due (See Form B). Where valid reason is given the parent and student will be notified of the new date for the task. Where insufficient time or invalid reason is given, the parent and student will be notified and the task will have to be completed by the original specified date. If the task is not handed in on the due date a zero mark will be awarded for that task. In general, an extension will not be given for tasks which had many weeks’ preparation and research time. j) Marking of Assessment Tasks It is the student's responsibility to check the marking of any assessment task when it is returned. The marks for any task will be taken as final seven days after the task is returned, so a student must indicate any error in marking before this. A complaint about marking is not grounds for a later appeal against an assessment rank. k) Unsubmitted/Incomplete Assessment Items Students studying an HSC course must make a genuine attempt at assessment tasks which contribute in excess of 50 percent of the available marks. If a student's attempt at a particular task scores zero, it is a matter for the teacher's professional judgement whether the attempt is a genuine one. It is emphasised that completion of tasks worth exactly 50 percent is not sufficient. Tasks worth in excess of 50 per cent must be genuinely attempted. If this is not the case the Principal will be required to inform BOSTES and the course concerned may not appear on the HSC Result Notice or Certificate. Where a student is registered as having failed to complete one or more assessment tasks, parents/carers will be notified by a warning notice. N.B. Task components such as orals and practical work are compulsory in some courses. Non-completion of a compulsory task may result in non-completion of the course and an N award. l) Computer Failure Computer or printer failure or malfunction cannot be taken as an acceptable reason for failure to submit an assessment task on time. It is the student’s responsibility to save the work regularly and back it up to both hard drive and disk and print work regularly. If a failure occurs, the student must submit her last printed hard copy as evidence of work completed. If the assignment required it to be submitted on disk, the last saved copy is to be submitted.

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 6 m) Invalid tasks/non discriminating tasks Should a task not discriminate or be declared invalid due to administrative or other difficulties then an additional task may be scheduled. Students will be advised of the time of the new task but two weeks’ notice is not required as students will already have done their preparation. The weight of the invalid/non discriminating task will be reduced accordingly to allow for the additional task. In extreme cases, some invalid tasks will need to be discarded. This will be done at the Principal’s discretion after consultation with the appropriate Head Teacher/Teacher and Deputy Principal. If a situation arises where a student (s) has seen an examination paper or question prior to the task being sat, the task will be declared invalid and the task will be re-set and re-sat at the first feasible opportunity. Two weeks’ notice will not be given for the replacement task. n) Malpractice

Malpractice is any attempt to gain an unfair advantage over other students.

 All assessment tasks must be the student’s own original work. Any task or examination submitted must be the original work of the student submitting the task. Any student found cheating in a task or examination will receive a mark of zero. No two students can submit identical tasks as each must submit her original interpretation of the task, even where a component of the task involved group work. Failure to comply with this will lead to the award of a zero mark. Where doubt exists, the student(s) concerned may be set a task to verify their knowledge, skills and/or understandings assessed in the task. Notice need not be given as the student will have already prepared for the original task.

 The Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) has decided to implement a Register of Malpractice in HSC Assessment Tasks. Implementation will begin in Term 4 with the 2016 HSC cohort. Any proven incidences of malpractice in school based assessment tasks and examinations will be recorded in this register. What types of proven malpractice will be recorded? Types of malpractice in HSC assessment tasks may include, but are not limited to: • Being in possession of unauthorised notes or electronic devices during a test or examination • Using the words, ideas, designs or workmanship of others without acknowledgement • Copying from another student • Paying someone to write or prepare an assessment task.

 Is the late submission of a task or a non-serious attempt considered malpractice? Late submission of assessment tasks may be malpractice where it is proven to be a deliberate mechanism to gain advantage over other students. Students may submit overdue assessment work for a variety of other reasons not considered malpractice, such as illness or misadventure. Submitted work may be classified as a non-serious attempt where it is frivolous or offensive. Where the school applies a penalty for a frivolous or offensive response, the issue will be recorded on the Malpractice Register.  Tasks must be completed by the student in the current assessment period in that course. A student may not hand in a task or part of a task completed for another assignment in this or previous years or work substantially prepared for another course. Students found to have committed this form of malpractice will be awarded a zero mark. In situations where it is established that the student has copied from another student or misrepresented work copied from a source or committed any other type of malpractice then a zero mark will be given for the task. The Head Teacher in

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 7 consultation with the Class Teacher will establish that malpractice has occurred. Parents will be advised in writing. If a student can produce conclusive evidence that malpractice could not have occurred, a written appeal may be lodged, with the Deputy Principal in charge, within 7 days. An interview with the student will follow and a final decision will be made. If malpractice has occurred, no substitute task will be given. o) Plagiarism Plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft. It is the taking of another person’s intellectual property, their ideas, writing, music etc. and using them without acknowledging where they came from. To avoid plagiarism students must ensure that they read and summarise work from reference material and then write it entirely in their own words. They must also correctly reference all sources of information, including websites visited, when submitting their work. Copying sentences from other sources and changing a few words or sentences is still classified as plagiarism. Plagiarism for all or part of a task will result in a mark of zero for the whole task. The task will need to be redone to meet course outcomes but the mark will not be changed. As all students must complete the “All My Own Work” program from BOSTES prior to the beginning of Year 11, NO allowance will be made for students claiming not to have realised that they have been involved in plagiarism if deemed by the school to have plagiarised work. p) Mobile Phones and Data Storage Devices No student may take a mobile phone or any item capable of storing information into an examination or assessment task. Having one in the room will automatically be taken as malpractice and a mark of zero awarded. Phones which must be brought to school may be left at the Office, or at the front of the examination room or gym during large examinations, with name attached. q) Notification of Assessment Rank The school will periodically inform students of their current assessment rank. Students will receive their final assessment ranking on their Year 12 Yearly Report. r) Appeals, Complaints and Grievances Any complaint about any issue should be made in the first place to the Class Teacher. Further appeals may be made to the Head Teacher of the appropriate faculty, and then to the Deputy Principal in Charge. Students have a right to appeal if they do not believe the granting of competencies, work placement issues or assessments have been carried out fairly and equitably. Appeals cannot be made directly to the Deputy Principal in charge without having discussed the issue with to the Class Teacher and/or Head Teacher first. Appeals are made regarding process but cannot be made about a mark/result. s) Review of Final Assessment Rank If the position assigned by the school and indicated by the final assessment rank differs significantly from a student's perception of what her rank should be, the student may seek an assessment review in that course. A request for an assessment review must be lodged with the Principal within four working days of receiving notification of the ranking. The school will complete their review and notify the student of the outcome. In conducting the review of Assessments, schools do not review the marking of individual tasks. The school must establish whether: * the weightings used are those specified by BOSTES in the course guides * the marks awarded are consistent with the school's Assessment policy * any computational or clerical errors occurred. When completed, schools are required to provide the Board with a schedule of reviews indicating the outcome. A student who is dissatisfied with the school's review procedures may appeal to BOSTES to pursue the appeal. Students must notify the Principal and must have the

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 8 documentation sent into BOSTES. Spare copies of the Forms are available from the Deputy Principal in charge.

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 9 RULES FOR EXAMINATIONS

Attendance and General information 1. Students are responsible for reading their examination timetables correctly. 2. Students must wear full school uniform to all school examinations. 3. Students must arrive at the examination room 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination unless otherwise approved. 4. Normally, no allowance will be made for students who arrive late for an examination. 5. Students must line up in alphabetical order by course outside the examination venue, even when there is more than one class in the course. 6. Students must sit in alphabetical order within each course in the examination room. 7. Once inside the examination room, no student may speak, except to a supervisor after the student raises her hand and the supervisor approaches the student. 8. No student is to communicate with any other student in any way during the examination. This includes verbal communication, written communication and gestures. 9. The teacher who is in charge of starting the examination will mark the roll. 10. Students must remain in the examination room for the whole of the examination time. 11. Students must leave the examination room silently and with due regard to students who are continuing in the examination room. 12. Any student absent from an examination must notify the relevant Deputy Principal in charge by telephone or fax on the day of the task and arrange a substitute task. On the day of return to school, the student must follow the procedures for sitting the task as outlined in the assessment booklet. 13. Any student using a computer during an examination is responsible for saving and submitting the work. If the examination is to be marked from a hard copy of the student’s response, the student must print her response. No allowance will be made when work is not saved correctly. What you can and cannot take into an examination 14. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have all the necessary equipment for an examination. No equipment may be borrowed during the examination. Students may take in a bottle of plain water in a clear bottle if they wish. No other types of drinks will be allowed. 15. Only Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) approved calculators may be taken into the examination room. 16. Students may not take mobile phones into an examination room and so should leave mobile phones at home. 17. Student may not take bags of any type into any examination room. This includes handbags and large pencil cases. Wallets may be placed under the student’s chair. Pencils etc are to be in a clear plastic bag. 18. Students may not take paper or written material into or out of, an examination room. 19. Students must place their photo identification card on the top right hand corner of their examination desk before the examination commences. 20. Students are responsible for ensuring that all sections of their examination papers are stapled together in the correct order and submitted to the supervising teacher before leaving the examination room. No allowance will be made if a section of a student’s response is missing from collected papers. 21. The school accepts no responsibility for valuables brought to school. 22. Any student not following the above rules, a zero mark will be awarded.

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 10 East Hills Girls Technology High School Phone: 9773 9160 Lucas Road, Panania, 2213

Fax: 9792 3853 PO Box 249 Panania, 2213

Principal: V. Necyporuk


Declaration of Student Absence on Day of Compulsory Test/Exercise/ Task is due

Details of Test/Exercise/Task Missed

Name: Year Course: Teacher: Test / Exercise / Task Date of task

I certify that ______was absent from school on ______, for the following reason(s). ______Complete the section below only if you do not have a Doctor’s Certificate The following documentary evidence is attached: (e.g. funeral notice, etc) ______SIGNED: ______(Parent/Carer) NOTE 1. This must be submitted to the Deputy Principal in charge, by the student on the first day's attendance after absence. 2. The student should always have a copy of this form. Spare copies are available from the Deputy Principal in charge.

Deputy Principal’s Statement: ______SIGNED: ______Date: ______East Hills Girls Technology

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 11 High School Phone: 9773 9160 Lucas Road, Panania, 2213

Fax: 9792 3853 PO Box 249 Panania, 2213

Principal: V. Necyporuk


Parental/Carer Declaration Form - Extension of Time

I wish to apply for an extension of time for the following assessment task for my daughter/ ward

Name: ______of Year: ______

Assessment Task: Course: Date Due: Date Now Requested:

I certify that the extra ______day(s) is/are necessary as on these days ______was unable to work on the assessment task for the following reason(s): ______

DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE (A doctor's certificate, funeral notice, etc. should be attached)

SIGNED: ______(Parent) Date:

Please submit this form to the Deputy Principal in Charge

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 12 East Hills Girls Technology High School Phone: 9773 9160 Lucas Road, Panania, 2213

Fax: 9792 3853 PO Box 249 Panania, 2213

Principal: V. Necyporuk


Approval of Request for Extension of Time

Dear ______,

Your request for an extension of the date due for ______'s assessment exercise has been granted. It will NOW be due on ______.

The task is ______, and is a compulsory assessment task for the ______course.

SIGNED: ______

(Deputy Principal in Charge) ______

Decline of Request for Extension of Time

Dear ______,

Your request for an extension of the date due for ______'s assessment task has been declined, for the following reasons:


(Deputy Principal in Charge) Date:

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 13 ASSESSMENT TASK SUMMARY CALENDAR Term 4 2016 Term 1 2017 Term 2 2017 Term 3 2017 Week Courses Assessed Week Courses Assessed Week Courses Assessed Week Courses Assessed History Extension Photography 1 1 1 1 English Advanced Visual Art English Standard Design and Technology English Studies

2 2 Community and family Studies 2 Business Studies Visual Art 2 Assessment/ Disruption Free Week (CAFS) IT Multimedia 3 3 3 English Extension 2 3 Trial HSC Society and Culture 4 4 English Extension 2 4 4 Trial HSC Biology Maths Extension1 5 5 English Studies 5 Drama IPT 5 Legal Studies Design and Technology English Studies Economics PDHPE Modern History Textiles and Design Maths Extension 2 6 6 Exp. Early Childhood 6 Maths General 1 6 Maths General 2 Physics Senior Science Dance Photography x2 Chemistry 7 Ancient History 7 Drama English ESL 7 English Advanced 7 PDHPE English Advanced CAFS English Standard English Standard English Studies English Extension 1 Society and Culture Drama Biology Chemistry 8 IPT 8 Assessment/ Disruption Free 8 English ESL 8 IT Multimedia Physics Week Legal Studies Maths General 1 Modern History English Studies Mathematics Maths General 2 Society and Culture Mathematics English ESL English Studies Ancient History Physics Design and Technology Business Studies Half Yearly Examinations Biology PDHPE 9 Legal Studies 9 English Extension 2 Submission 9 Business Studies Senior Science 9 Photography Modern History Textiles and Design English Extension 1 and 2 Visual Art Exp. Early Childhood CAFS

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 14 Dance English Advanced Dance 10 Chemistry English Standard I0 Half Yearly Examinations 10 Textiles and Design 10 Economics Exp Early Childhood Economics Senior Science English Studies

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 15 SECTION 2 Assessment Schedule

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 16 ANCIENT HISTORY

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task4 Task Type Half Yearly Personality Trial HSC Society Examination Examination

Week T 4 W 7 T1 W9/10 T2 W9 T3 W3/4 Outcomes H1.1.1, 3.2, 3.4, H1.1,2.1,4.1, H1.1, 3.1 H1.1,2.1,4.1 Components Weighting 6, 4.2 4.2 4.2 % Knowledge and 40 10 10 20 understanding

Source-based 20 10 5 5 skills

Historical inquiry 20 5 5 10 and research

Communication 20 5 10 5

TOTAL MAR 100 20 20 30 30 KS

BIOLOGY Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Research Task Half Yearly Experimental Open Ended Trial HSC & Oral Examination Skills & Design Investigation Examination Task Report Week T4 W8 T1 W9/10 T2 W 5 T2 W9 T3 W3/4

Outcomes H 4,5, 6 Components Weighting H1,3,4,5 H,4,7,8,9,10 H11,12,13,14 H11,12,13,14,15 H1,2,3,4,6,7,8 % H13,14 9,10 Knowledge & Understanding of 40 10 15 15 H1-10 Skills in 1st hand investigations 30 5 10 10 5 Skills in scientific thinking, problem 30 5 5 5 5 10 solving & communication TOTAL MA 100 20 20 15 15 30 RK S

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 17 BUSINESS STUDIES

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Case Study Half Yearly Case Study Finance Trial HSC Operations- Examination Marketing – Extended Examination extended extended Response – response response Case study Week T4 W9 T1 W 9/10 T2 W2 T2 W9 T3 W3/4 Components Outcomes H1,2,5,8,9 H1,2,3,4,5,6,7, H3,5,6,8,10 H4,5,6,8,10 H2,3,4,5,6,8,9 Weightings % 8,9

Knowledge/Understa 40 nding of course 5 10 5 5 15 content Stimulus-based skills 20 5 10 5 Inquiry and Research 20 10 10 Communication of 20 business information, 5 5 5 5 ideas and issues in appropriate forms Total Marks 100 20 20 20 15 25

CHEMISTRY Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Report & Oral on Half Yearly Experiment Open book Trial HSC Open-Ended Examination al Skills & report on Examination Investigation Design research assignment Week T4 W 10 T1 W9/10 T2 W7 T2 W8 T3 W3/4 Outcome H1, 8,10 H1,2,4,5,6, H9,10,11 H4,5,9, 13, H1,2,3,4,5, Components Weighting H11,12,14,15 78,9,10,13 ,1213,14 H14 67,8,9,10 % Knowledge & Understanding 40 15 10 15 Skills in 1st hand investigations 30 5 15 5 5 Skills in scientific thinking, problem solving & 30 5 5 5 5 10 communication TOTAL MARKS 100 10 20 20 20 30

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 18 COMMUNITY AND FAMILY STUDIES (CAFS)

Task Task Task Task Task 1 2 3 4 5 Research- Report- Parenting topic Half Yearly Work Topic Trial HSC Task Type IRP Support Examination Youth Examination Structures Employment Week T1 W2 T1 W7 T1 W9/10 T2 W9 T3 W3/4 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 Outcome 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 2.3, 3.4, 4.2 5.1 3.2 2.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 6.1 4.1 2.2. 2.3 5.2 6.2 4.1 4.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 Components Weighting 5.2 6.2 3.4, 5.1, 6.2 % 6.1 Knowledge & understanding of how resource management, positive 40 5 5 10 5 15 relationships, ranges of societal factors, & nature of groups, families and communities all impact on wellbeing. Skills in: i) Applying management processes to meet the needs of individuals, groups, families and communities 25 5 5 10 5 ii) Planning to take responsible action to promote wellbeing Knowledge & understanding about research methodology & skills in researching critical 35 15 5 5 5 5 thinking, analyzing & communicating

TOTAL MARKS 100 25 15 15 20 25

DANCE Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task Type CP, CC, CA MS, CC, CC, CP, MS Trial HSC CA Trial - Perf Exam Written Week T4 W10 T1 W7 T2 W10 T3 W3/4 Outcomes H1.1-1.3 H1.1-1.3 H1.1-1.3 H1.1-1.2, Components Weighting% H2.1-2.3 H3.1-3.3, H2.1-2.3 H4.1-4.5 H3.1-3.3 3.4 H3.1-3.3 H4.2-4.4 H4.1-4.2, 4.4 + major 20 10 10 Core Performance 20 5 5 10 Core Composition 20 5 5 10 Core Appreciation 40 20 20 Major Study

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 19 TOTAL M 100 20 30 40 10 A R K S


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Innovation Half Yearly Progress Marketing Trial HSC Case Study Examination Report Presentation Examination

T4 W9 T1 W9/10 T2 W5 T3 W1 T3 W3/4 Component Outcomes H2.2, H3.1, H1.1, H2.1, H1.1, H4.1, H4.3, H5.1, includes: Weighting H3.2, H5.2 H2.2, H3.2 H4.2, H5.1 H5.2, 6.1 H6.1, H6.2 % Innovation 40 20 10 10 and Emerging Technologies Designing and 60 10 20 20 10 Producing TOTAL 100 20 20 20 20 20 MARKS

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 DRAMA

Task Type Australian - Planning & Studies in Drama and Trial Examination Theatrical Development Theatre incorporating written Traditions of Individual examination, Group project [IP]. - Approaches to Performance Presentation - Class - Oral acting and Individual workshop presentation & Performance Presentation activities log book incl. - Related written preliminary reflections drafts & research.

Week T4 W 8 T1 W7 T2 W5 T3 W3/4

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 20 Components Outcomes H1.1, 1.2, 1.5, H 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, H1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, H1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, / 1.6, 1.7, 3.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 1.7, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Weighting 3.2, 3.3 3.3, 2.4, 3.5 % Making 10 10 10 10 40 Performing 10 10 10 30 Critically 10 10 10 Studying 30 TOTAL 20 20 30 30 MARKS 100


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Global Half Yearly Federal Economic Trial HSC Economy Examination Budget – In Issues Examination Research/Es class essay say Week T 4 W10 T1 W9/10 T2 W5* T2 W10 T3 W3/4 Components Outcomes H1,3,5,9, H1 2,3,4,5,6, H1,2,5,6,9 H1,2,7,9,10 H1,4,5,6,7,1 Weighting % 7, 10, 12 7, 8 10,11 0,11 Knowledge/Understa 40 15 5 20 nding of course content Stimulus-based skills 20 5 5 10 Inquiry and Research 20 10 5 5 Communication of 20 5 5 10 economic information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms TOTAL 100 15 20 15 20 30 MARKS * Note task 3 will be held two weeks after the May Federal Budget is brought down


HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 21 Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task Type Module A Area of Study Half Yearly Module C Module B Trial HSC Speaking Discovery Examination Viewing and Reading Examination Task Listening and Reading Representing Writing Task Writing Task and Task Experience Writing Close Study of Through Task Text and Text Language Society Week T4 W10 T1 W7 T1 W 9/10 T2 W7 T3 W1 T3 W3/4 Component Outcomes 1, 2, 4, 5 2, 6, 7, 10 1, 6, 9, 11 2, 5, 10 1, 3, 6, 8 3, 11, 12 Weighting % Area of 40 20 10 10 Study Module A 20 15 5 Module B 20 15 5 Module C 20 15 5 TOTAL 100 15 20 10 15 15 25 MARKS


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task Type Mandatory Tell us all Half Yearly The market Yearly The big Unit about it Classwork place- Classwork screen- We are English and Portfolio English and Portfolio English in Australian the Media the world of film-making business Week T4 W9 T1 W5 T1 W 8 T2 W5 T2 W10 T3 W1 Component Outcomes H1.1, H1.1, H3.1,3.2,4.1,4.2 H2.1,2.2,2.3 H3.1,3.2,4.1,4.2 H2.3,3.1,3.2 Weighting % Forms of texts: 30 Language & 5 5 5 5 5 5 Techniques Listening & 30 Viewing, 10 10 10 Speaking &Representing Reading & Writing 25 10 5 5 5 Planning &Working 15 5 10 Individually &Collaboratively TOTAL MARKS 100 15 20 15 15 20 15

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 22 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Module B Area of Study Half Yearly Module A Trial HSC Living and Discovery Examination Australian Examination Working in Speaking Reading/ and Visions Reading the Task Listening Viewing/ Writing Community Representing Listening Reading and Task Writing Task Week T4 W9 T1 W7 T1 W9/10 T2 W8 T3 W3/4 Outcomes Component Weighting 2,4,5,9,12 7 H6,7,9,11 H1,7-9,11,12 1-3,6 1-12 % Area of Study 50 20 20(10 List) 10 Module A 25 15 10 Module B 25 10 (5 list) 15 (5 list) TOTAL MARKS 100 10 20 20 15 35


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task Type Module A Area of Study Half Yearly Module C Module B Trial HSC Speaking Discovery Examination Viewing and Reading Examination Task Listening and Reading Representing Writing Task Comparative Writing Task and Task Critical Study Study of Writing Representation of Texts Texts & Task and Text Context Week T4 W10 T1 W7 T1 W 9/10 T2 W7 T3 W1 T3 W3/4 Component Outcomes 1, 2, 2A, 4, 2, 5, 7 2, 3, 6, 9, 11 7, 8, 10 4, 6,8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Weighting 5, 7 10, 11, 12, % 12A Area of 40 20 10 10 Study Module A 20 15 5 Module B 20 15 5 Module C 20 15 5 TOTAL 100 15 20 10 15 15 25 MARKS


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 23 Task Type In-class essay: Tutorial presentation Trial HSC Examination Critical response Week T1 W 7 T2 W9 T3 W3/4 Component Outcomes 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 Weighting % Knowledge & understanding of 25 5 10 10 complex texts and of how and why they are valued Skills in: 25 10 10 5  Complex analysis  Sustained composition  Independent investigation TOTAL MARKS 50 15 20 15


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task Type Viva Report Draft version of the Major Voce Work

Week T1 W 4 T2 W3 T2 W9 Component Outcomes Weighting % Objective 1 25 5 10 10 Skills in extensive independent investigation. Objective 2 25 5 5 15 Skills in sustained composition TOTAL MARKS 50 10 15 25


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Creative play Children’s Starting School activity & Services Case Half Yearly Classroom Visits Trial HSC playgroup field Study & Career Examination Report Examination visit report Investigation Week T4 W10 T1 W6 T1 W9/10 T2 W9 T3 W3/4 HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 24 Outcomes 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 1.4, 4.1 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.3, 2.2, 2.4, 1.1-5, 2.1-5, Components Weighting 2.2, 2.3,4.1, 2.1-4, 6.1, 6.2 4.1, 6.1, 6.2 6.1-2 % 4.2, V1.1, V1.2 Knowledge and 50 5 20 5 20 Understanding

Skills 50 20 15 15 TOTAL M 100 20 20 20 20 20 A R K S

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 25 HISTORY EXTENSION

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task Type Half Yearly Project Trial HSC Examination Examination Week T1 W 9/10 T3 W1 T3 W3/4 Outcomes E1.1, E2.2, E1.1, E2.1, E1.1, E2.2, Components Weighting E2.3 E2.2, E2.3 E2.3 % Assessment 10 5 5 tasks Project 40 40 TOTAL MARKS 50 5 40 5


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task Type Design and Half Yearly Major Project Trial HSC Planning Examination progress Examination Week Term 4 Term 1 Term 2 T3 W3/4 Week 8 Weeks 9/10 Week 2 Outcomes Components Weighting H3.1, 3.2, H 1.1, 2.1, 4.3, H 1.1, 1.3, 7.1, H 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 4.3, % 3.3, 5.1, 5.2 6.1, 7.1, 7.2 7.2 6.1, 7.1, 7.2

Knowledge and understanding of the organisation and management of, and 40 10 10 10 10 manufacturing processes and techniques used by, the focus area

Knowledge, skills and understanding in designing, managing, problem-solving, 60 20 10 15 15 communicating and the safe use of manufacturing processes and techniques in the production of projects

TOTAL MARKS 100 30 20 25 25


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4

Task Type Info Systems and Half Yearly Major Project Trial HSC Databases Examination Examination Week T4 W8 T1 W9/10 T2 W5 T3 W3/4

Outcomes Components Weighting H 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 H 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 H 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2 H 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 %

Project 20 5 15

Information 20 15 5 Systems and Databases

Communica 20 5 10 5 tions Systems Options 40 5 15 20


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Research Research Half Yearly Research Trial HSC Type media Case Study Examination Assignment Examination file (H/R + W/O) (W/O + (Consumers) (H/R, Crime, (Crime) Crime) W/O, Consumers) Week T4 W9 T1 W5 T1 W9/10 T2 W8 T3 W3/4

Outcome H1, H3, H1, H2, H3, H1, H2, H3, H1, H4, H5, H1, H2, H3, Component s H4, H6, H5, H6, H7, H4, H5, H6, H6, H7, H8, H4, H5, H6, s Weightin H7, H8, H8, H9 H7, H8, H9 H9, H7, H9 g H9, H10 % Knowledge & 60 20 40 Understandin g Inquiry and 20 5 10 5 Research Communicati 20 5 5 10 on TOTAL MARKS 100 10 15 20 15 40

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 27 MATHEMATICS – GENERAL 1

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task Type Class Task Half Yearly Open Book Trial HSC Examination Task Examination (Handwritten Summary only) Week T4 W8 T1 W9/10 T2 W6 T3 W3/4 Outcomes MG1H- MG1H-1,2,3,5, MG2H-1,2,3, Components Weighting analyses two- 1,2,3,4,5,7, 6,7,9,10 4,5,6,7,8, % dimensional 8,9,10 9,10 and three- dimensional models to solve practical problems, including those involving spheres and non-right- angled trianglesMG2H -5 C1 Knowledge 50 7 15 10 18 & skills C2 Applications 50 7 15 10 18

TOTAL 100 14 30 20 36 M AR KS


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task Type Class Task Half Yearly Open Book Trial HSC Examination Task Examination (Handwritten Summary only) Week T4 W8 T1 W9/10 T2 W6 T3 W3/4

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 28 Outcomes MG2H- MG2H-1,2,3, MG2H-1, 2,3, Components Weighting interprets the 1,2,3,4,5, 5,6,7,9,10 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 % results of 7,8,9,10 measurements and calculations and makes judgements about reasonableness, including the degree of accuracy of measurements and calculations and the conversion to appropriate units C1 Knowledge 50 7 15 10 18 & skills C2 Applications 50 7 15 10 18

TOTAL M 100 14 30 20 36 AR KS


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task Type Class Task Half Yearly Open Book Trial HSC Examination Task Examination (Handwritten Summary only) Week T4 W8 T1 W9/10 T2 W8 T3 W3/4 Outcomes P5,6,7,8, H1,2,5, H1,3,4,5 H1 to H9 Components Weighting H1,H5 6,7,8,9 8,9 % C1Knowledge & skills 50 7 15 10 18 C2Applications 50 7 15 10 18

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 29 TOTAL M 100 14 30 20 36 AR KS


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task Type Half Yearly Open Book Task Trial HSC Examination (Handwritten Summary Examination only) Week T1 W9/10 T2 W5 T3 W3/4 Outcomes HE1,6,7 HE 3, 4 HE1 to HE7 Components Weighting H1,2,5 - 9 H1 - 7 % C1 Knowledge & 25 7 8 10 skills C2 Applications 25 7 8 10

TOTAL MARKS 50 14 16 20


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task Type Half Yearly Class Trial HSC Examination Task Examination Week T1 W9/10 T2 W6 T3 W3/4 Outcomes E1-9 E2,3,7 E1-9 Components Weighting % C1 Knowledge & skills 50 15 15 20 C2 Applications 50 15 15 20 HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 30 TOTAL MARKS 100 30 30 40


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task Type Source Half Yearly Research Trial HSC Analysis Examination Analysis Examination (Core) (National (Personality) Study) Week T4 W8 T1 W9/10 T2 W5 T3 W3/4 Outcomes 1.1, 1.2, 3.3, 1.2, 2.1, 3.3, 2.1, 3.2, 3.3, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, Components Weighting 3.4, 4.1 4.2 3.4, 3.5., 4.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, % 4.2 4.1, 4.2 Knowledge and understanding 40 10 5 5 20

Source-based skills 20 10 5 5

Historical inquiry 5 5 and research 20 10

Communication 5 5 5 5 20 TOTAL MARKS 100 25 20 20 35


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Task Type Practical & Half Yearly Case Study Research Task Trial HSC Case Study Examination Examination Week T4 W7 T1 W9/10 T2 W5 T2 W9 T3 W3/4 Components Outcomes / H8,13,17 H 1-5, H7-11,17 H7-11, 16,17 H1-15,17 Weighting % 14,15,16

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 31 Knowledge and understanding of  Factors that 35 5 10 10 10 affect health  The way the body moves

Skills in:  Influencing personal and community health 10 10 10  Taking action 30 to improve participation and performance in physical activity Skills in critical thinking, 35 5 5 10 5 10 research and analysis

TOTAL 100 10 15 30 15 30 MARKS


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5

Task Type Major Work Research Case Major Work Major Work Trial HSC Proposal Study Progress Examination

Week T4 W9 T1 W7 T1 W7 T3 W1 T3 W3/4

Components Outcomes M1, 2, 4, 5 CH1, 2, 3. M1, 2, 3, 4, 5, M1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. CH1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Weighting 6. CH1 % Making 70 10 10 50

Critical & Historical 30 10 20 Studies

TOTAL MARKS 100 10 10 10 50 20

PHYSICS Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Report & Half Yearly Experimental Research Trial HSC Oral Examination Skills & Assignment Examination Open Ended Design Task Investigation Week T4 W 8 T1 W9/10 T2 W6 T2 W9 T3 W3/4

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 32 Outcomes H 1 – 9 H 1 – 7, 9 H 11 - 14 H 1 – 9, H 1- 10 Components Weighting H 11 - 15 H13-14 % Knowledge & Understanding 40 15 10 15 Skills in 1st hand investigations 30 5 15 10 Skills in scientific thinking, problem 30 5 5 5 15 solving & communication TOTAL MARKS 100 10 20 20 20 30

SENIOR SCIENCE Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Open Half Yearly Experimenta Open Book Trial HSC Ended Examination l Skills & Report on Examination Investigati Design Research on Week T4 W10 T1 W9/10 T2 W6 T2 W9 T3 W3/4 Outcomes H2,8,11- H1,2,4,6,7,8 H H1,3,4,5,13, H1 – 10 Components Weighting 15 9 11,12,13,14 14 % Knowledge & Understanding 40 15 25 Skills in 1st hand investigations 30 5 20 5 Skills in scientific thinking, problem 30 5 5 15 5 solving & communication TOTAL MA 100 10 20 20 20 30 RKS

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 33 SOCIETY AND CULTURE

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task Type PIP Depth PIP Progress Trial HSC Proposal Study: Examination Belief Systems T4, W8 Week (Friday) T2, W3 T2, W7 T3, W3/4 Components Outcomes H1, 6, 7, 9 H1, 2, 3, 5, H1, 4, 5, 6, 7, H1 - 10 Weighting 7, 9, 10 8, 9, 10 %

Knowledge 50 10 20 20

Research 30 5 5 15 5 Methods Communication 20 5 10 5

Total 100 15 30 25 30


Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type Major Textiles Half Yearly Properties Major Trial HSC Project Examination and Project Examination Proposal Performance Process Extended Diary Response Week T4 W9 T1 W9/10 T2 W5 T2 W10 T3 W3/4 Outcomes Components Weighting H 1.1, 1.2, H1.3, 6.1, H3.1, 3.2, H1.1, 2.1, H1.3, 3.1, % 2.1 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 4.1 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.2 5.1, 5.2 Knowledge & understanding of 50 20 10 20 textiles & textile industry Skills in design, manipulation, experimental, 50 20 30 analysis manufacture and selection of textiles. TOTAL 100 20 20 10 30 20 MARKS

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 34 VISUAL ARTS

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task Type BOW Half Yearly Body of Body of Trial HSC Presentation Examination Work Work Examination of Concept Progress Progress Week T4 W9 T1 W9/10 T2 W2 T3 W1 T3 W3/4 Outcomes H1,4,7,8 H7,9 H2,6 H1,2,3,4,5,6 H7,8,9,10 Components Weighting % VAPD 10 5 5 Body of Work 40 15 25 Art History 25 10 15 Art Criticism 25 10 5 10 TOTAL 100 15 15 20 25 25 M A R K S

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 35 VET FRAMEWORKS ASSESSMENT SCHEDULES: Business Services Entertainment Retail Services

Vocational Education and Training (VET) COURSES Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are offered as part of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) or Record of School Achievement (RoSA). VET courses are designed to deliver workplace- specific skills and knowledge and cover a wide range of careers and industries. VET courses for secondary students are developed by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES) and are based on national training packages. VET courses allow students to gain both HSC or RoSA qualifications and a qualification recognised throughout Australian as part of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF). These qualifications are widely recognised by industry, employers and tertiary training providers e.g. TAFENSW and Universities and will assist students to move easily between various education and training sectors and employment. Public Schools NSW, Ultimo is accredited as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) to deliver and assess VET qualifications to secondary students. Board Developed VET courses are classified as Category B subjects and ONLY ONE may contribute to the calculation of the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). These courses have an optional HSC examination. Students wishing to include a VET course in the ATAR calculation must sit the HSC examination. Board Developed VET courses have specified workplace requirement and include industry specific mandatory work placement (70 hours) or occasionally simulated workplace hours at school. Board Endorsed VET Courses do count towards the HSC or RoSA but do not have HSC examinations therefore can’t count in the calculations of the ATAR. Board Endorsed VET Courses have either mandatory or recommended industry specific work placement. Assessment in all VET courses is competency based. The student is assessed on what they can do (the skills) and what they know (the knowledge) that will equip them in the workplace. Students who have successfully achieved competency will have the skills and knowledge they need to complete workplace activities in a range of different situations and environments, to an industry standard of performance that is expected in the workplace. Competency-based assessment materials are designed to ensure that each learner has achieved all the outcomes (skills and knowledge). Competency-based training is based on performance standards that have been set by industry. Students will receive documentation showing the competencies achieved for the VET course undertaken.

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 36 HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 37 ULTIMO 90072 BOSTES Course BUSINESS SERVICES ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE Code: Preliminary Year 2016 - HSC 2017 2U X 2 YR:TBC QUALIFICATION: BSB20115 Certificate II in Business 4U X 1 YR:TBC Training Package: BSB Business Services Version 2 (TBC) S R U F S O Q E H A T

S e E O v V i HSC requirements - I B t T TERM UOC CODE Unit of Competency c Assessment Task Cluster & Exam estimate mark e S A l C U

E Methods of Assessment I

/ & weighting T D e A r N T I o

S C C S H 7 PRELIMINARY UOCs Contribute to health and safety of self 240 Indicative Hours Term 1 BSBWHS201 C M 15 Cluster A: At the Office and others Written task, scenario, observation of over 2 yrs BSBWOR204 Use business technology E E 15 practical work, risk assessment 35 hrs Work BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers E M 15 Cluster B: Service with a Smile Term 2 Scenario, written task, presentation, role placement BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace E E 15 play BSBINM202 Handle mail E E 10 Cluster C: It’s in the Post 25% Preliminary BSBITU203 Communicate electronically E E 10 Scenario, written task, case studies, self- Yearly Exam Term 3 assessment Participate in environmentally BSBSUS201 E M 15 sustainable work practices 35 hrs Work 7 HSC UOCs placement BSBITU307 Develop keyboarding speed and E E 25 Cluster D: Fast and On task 35% HSC Half Yearly Term 4 accuracy (TBC T1 2016) 60% Trial HSC Exam BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed E E 20 The final estimate documents Term 5-6 BSBITU202 Create and use spread sheets E E 20 Cluster E: Minding your own Business exam mark will only BSBINM201 Process and maintain workplace E M 20 (TBC T1 2016) be used as the HSC

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 38 information Prepare and process financial TLIP2029 E M 20 documents BSBINN201 Contribute to workplace innovation E M 15 Cluster F: Back to the Future exam mark in the Term 7 Work effectively in a business advent of BSBIND201 E M 25 (TBC T1 2016) environment misadventure. This BOSTES requires students to study a minimum of 240 hours to meet Units of competency from the HSC focus areas will be included in the Total hours 240 mark should be Preliminary and HSC requirements. optional HSC examination.

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 39 HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 40 ULTIMO 90072 ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE BOS course code Preliminary Year 2016- HSC 2017 240 X 2 YR:26401 240 X 1 YR: 26402 QUALIFICATION: Statement of attainment towards CUA30413 Certificate III in Live Production and Services Training Package: CUA v 1 Live Performance and Entertainment F E Q V I S A T E E A T V I C S I

T Prelim and HSC O D C Assessment Task Cluster & B N E I TERM Unit Code Units Of Competency S Exam weightings to L


E Methods of Assessment C

T / S total 100%**

A H E T . R s S r O H C 6 PRELIMINARY UOCs Term 1 CPCCOHS1001 C M 10 Cluster A: White Card 35hrs Work placement Work Safely in the Construction Industry A CUSOHS301A Follow occupational health and safety C M 15 Cluster B: Safe and Sound CUASOU301 procedures E M 25 Observation, written, self- 10% Prelim Half Yearly Exam Term Undertake live audio operations assessment 1/2 20% Prelim Yearly Exam SITXCCS303 Provide services to customers C M 20 Cluster C: Let’s see it Term 3 CUAVSS302 Operate vision systems E M 25 Observation, written, CUAIND301 Work effectively in the creative arts industry C M 20 presentation, portfolio

6 HSC UOCs 35 hrs Work placement Term CUSSOU301A Provide sound reinforcement E E 20 Cluster D: Let there be light 4/5 Assist with production operations for live E M 25 Observation, self – CUASTA301 30% HSC Half Yearly Exam CUALGT301 performances E M 25 assessment, written Operate basic lighting CUASTA202 Assist with bump in and bump out of shows E E 20 Cluster E: Bump in Term CUASMT301 Work effectively backstage during E E 25 Backstage 40 % Trial HSC Exam 6/7 MEM18002B performances E E 20 Observation, self – The final estimate exam Use power tools or hand held operations assessment, written mark will only be used as the HSC exam mark in the advent of misadventure. This mark should be derived from two exams. HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 41 BOSTES requires students to study a minimum of 240 hours to meet Total Hours 250 Units of competency from the HSC focus areas will be Preliminary and HSC requirements. included in the optional HSC examination. ULTIMO 90072 RETAIL SERVICES ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE BOS course code Preliminary Year 2016 – HSC 2017 240 X 2 YR: 26901 QUALIFICATION: SIR20212 Certificate II in Retail Services 240 X 1 YR: 26902 Training Package: SIR07 3.3 Retail Services F E Q V I S A T E E A T V I C S I

T Prelim and HSC O D C Assessment Task Cluster & B N E

TERM Unit Code Units Of Competency S I Exam weightings to L

U Methods of Assessment E C

T total 100%** / S

A H E T . R s S r O H C 6 PRELIMINARY UOCs Cluster A: Safety SIRXWHS101 Apply safe work practices C M 15 Observation of practical, written, 240 Indicative Hours Term 1 portfolio of evidence over 2 yrs Cluster B: Customer Service SIRXCCS202 Interact with customers C M 20 35 hrs Work placement Communicate in the workplace to support team Workplace simulation, practical SIRXCOM101 and customer outcomes C M 8 observation, portfolio of evidence Communicate in the workplace to support team SIRXCOM101 C M 7 25% Preliminary Term 2 and customer outcomes Cluster C: Working in the Industry Yearly Exam SIRXIND101 Work effectively in a customer service C M 20 Written, visual presentation environment 35 hrs Work placement SIRXICT001A Operate retail technology C E 20 Cluster D: Retail Technology Term 3 Scenarios, written task, practical 35% HSC Half Yearly SIRXFIN201 Balance and secure point-of-sale terminal E E 15 observation 8 HSC UOCs Term 4 40% Trial HSC Exam Cluster E : Stock Maintenance SIRXCLM101 Organise and maintain work areas C E 10 Written assignment, practical observation SIRXINV001A Perform stock control procedures E E 20 ExamThe final estimate exam mark SIRXCCS201 Apply point-of-sale handling procedures C M 20 Cluster F : Sales and Security will only be used as Term 5 SIRXRSK201 Minimise loss C M 10 Scenarios, role play, written the HSC exam mark assignment in the advent of SIRXSLS201 Sell products and services E M 15 misadventure. This Term 6 SIRXMER201 Merchandise products E S 20 Cluster G: Retail General mark should be Selling - 7 E S 20 derived from two SIRXSLS002A Advise on products and services written assignment, workplace exams. Plan, create and maintain displays E E 15 simulation/practical observation HSC 2017 AssessmentSIRXMER202 Booklet Page 42 BOSTES requires students to study a minimum of 240 hours to meet Preliminary Units of competency from the HSC focus areas will be Total hours 240 and HSC requirements. included in the optional HSC examination.

VERBS AND THEIR MEANINGS FOR ASSESSMENT TASKS Account: state reasons for, report on, give an account of, narrate a series of events or transactions Analyse: identify components and the relationship between them and/or draw out and relate implications Apply: use, utilise, employ in a particular situation Appreciate: make a judgement of the value of Assess: make a judgment of value, quality, outcomes, results or size Calculate: Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information Clarify: make clear or plain Classify: arrange or include in classes/categories Compare: show how things are similar or different Construct: make, build, put together items or arguments Contrast: show how things are different or opposite Critically (analyze/evaluate): add a degree or level of accuracy, depth, knowledge and understanding, logic, questioning, reflection and quality to analysis/evaluation Deduce: draw conclusions Define: state meaning and identify essential qualities Demonstrate: show by example Describe: provide characteristics and features Discuss: identify issues and provide points for and/or against Distinguish: recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences between Evaluate: make a judgment based on criteria; determine the value of Examine: inquire into Explain: relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how Extract: choose relevant and/or appropriate details Extrapolate: infer from what is known Identify: recognise and name HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 43 Interpret: draw meaning from Investigate: plan, inquire into and draw conclusions about Justify: support an argument or conclusion Outline: sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of Predict: suggest what might happen based on available information Propose: put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action Recall: present remembered ideas, facts or experiences Recommend: provide reasons in favour Recount: retell a series of events Summarise: express concisely the relevant details Synthesise: putting together various elements to make a whole

HSC 2017 Assessment Booklet Page 44

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