Board of Governors s1

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Board of Governors s1


A meeting of the Board of Governors was held on 15 July at 1.30pm.

Present: Dr J Atkinson Mr P Booth Mr R Bloom Mr R Cuffe Professor P Croney Mr D Eagle Mr C Fleetwood Mr J Hogg Mr A Howe Mr A MacColl (Chair) Ms S McArdle Ms J Morgan Ms S Kiddle Mr D Russell Ms B Silva Mrs B Simpson Mr A Waite Mr G Worsdale

Apologies: Mr D Heaton Mr J G Irwin Professor P Jones Ms S Khan Mr E Kunonga Mrs A Skelton Mr S R Tonks Professor J Turner

In Attendance: Dr D Bell Professor S Hodgson Mr M Page Mrs H Page Professor M Simpson Mrs S Thompson (Assistant Secretary) Mr S Walker (Clerk to the Board of Governors)

The Chairman welcomed Mr Godfrey Worsdale, Mr Dermot Russell, and Mrs Helen Page (as an Observer), to their first meeting of the Board.


It was NOTED:

1. That, The Henry Moore Foundation, of which Mr Godfrey Worsdale is the Director, is in receipt of funding applications from Teesside University.

2. That, no other member had declared a conflict of interest in matters on the agenda.


It was NOTED:

1. That Mr David Heaton and Mr Dave Eagle will be retiring from the Board (and in Mr Eagle’s case, the University) imminently, and that the Chair recorded his thanks on behalf of the Board for the valuable contribution that both Mr Heaton and Mr Eagle had made to meetings of the Board.

2. That the Nomination Committee has recommended the appointment of an individual, for whom a curriculum vitae had been circulated, confidentially, to all Members.

1 3. That, as Mr David Heaton, has retired from the Board, and, due to the recent appointment of new Members, the number of Governors now totals 25 (being the maximum number permitted by the Instrument of Government), and that at least half of the Board’s membership should be made up of Independent Members of whom there should, therefore, now be 13. Therefore, it is proposed to appoint Mr Alastair Waite, and Mr Edward Kunonga as “Independent Members”.

4. That elections for the positions of Officer Trustees of the Students’ Union took place during March 2016; that Ms Bruna Silva had been elected as President of the Students’ Union with effect from 1 July 2016; that Mr Adam Howe had been re-elected as Vice-President Education with effect from 1 July 2016; and that, consequently, the University Secretary proposed the appointment of Ms Silva and Mr Howe as Members of the Board.

5. That, in light of Mr Eagle’s retirement, the outcome of elections among the academic staff is that Mrs Helen Page has been nominated as the representative of the academic staff for the remainder of Mr Eagle’s tenure to April 2017.

It was AGREED: 6. To appoint Mr Ian Wardle as a Co-opted Member of the Board with effect from July 2016, until the AGM in the year 2019.

7. To transfer Mr Alastair Waite and Mr Edward Kunonga, from the constituency of “Co-opted Member” to “Independent Member” with immediate effect.

8. To appoint Ms Bruna Silva as a Member of the Board during her period of office as President of the Students’ Union.

9. To re-appoint Mr Adam Howe as a Member of the Board during his period of office as Vice-President Education.

10. To appoint Mrs Helen Page as the representative of the academic staff from September 2016.


It was NOTED:

1. That the Commissioner has concluded her consultation with Members of the Board in relation to upcoming vacancies and succession planning for the Board’s committees. (UT 3126 refers)

2. That Professor Croney currently attends the Resources Committee, the Employment Policy Committee, and the Student Experience Committee as an ‘Officer’. In line with sector practice, it is proposed that the Vice- Chancellor should become an ex-officio Member of these three standing committees. 2 3. That the Employment Policy Committee will now be known as the People and Organisational Development Committee.

4. That it has been suggested by the Chair of the Student Experience Committee, that all the Student Officers will attend meetings of the Committee.

5. That, during succession planning for future committee membership, gender balance awareness will be taken into consideration.

It was AGREED:

6. To approve the proposal for the Vice-Chancellor to become an ex-officio Member of the Resources Committee, the Employment Policy Committee, and the Student Experience Committee.

7. To approve the proposals of the Commissioner relating to Committee Membership as follows:

7.1 Audit Committee

1. Mr John Irwin (Chair) - retiring in December 2016 and to be replaced by Mr Chris Fleetwood - January 2017 2. Dr Jane Atkinson 3. Ms Karen Gater (Non-Governor Member), Hartlepool College 4. Mr John Hogg 5. Mr David Robertson (Non-Governor Member), Anderson Barrowcliff 6. Ms Amanda Skelton - retiring in December 2016 7. Mr Dermot Russell - to join with immediate effect

7.2 Resources Committee

1. Mr Chris Fleetwood (Chair & Treasurer) - to move to Audit – Jan 2017 2. Professor Paul Croney 3. Mr Robin Bloom - to become Resources Chair - Jan 2017 4. Mr Paul Booth 5. Mr Bob Cuffe 6. Mr Alastair Waite 7. Mr Steve Tonks 8. Mr Godfrey Worsdale 9. Mr Ian Wardle - with effect from late 2016

7.3 People and Organisational Development Committee

1. Mr John Hogg (Chair) and First Chair of Staff Appeals Panel 2. Professor Paul Croney 3. Ms Sue Kiddle 4. Ms Shahda Khan 5. Professor Philip Jones 6. Ms Siobhan McArdle

3 7.4 Student Experience Committee

1. Mr Paul Booth OBE (Chair) 2. Ms Georgina Askey 3. Professor Paul Croney 4. Mr Adam Howe 5. Ms Sue Kiddle 6. Mr Edward Kunonga 7. Ms Jill Morgan 8. Mrs Helen Page 9. Ms Amy Preston 10. Mrs Beverley Simpson 11. Ms Bruna Silva


1. That, the September meeting of the Board will be extended to include a planning session including the Dean of each School being invited to make a short presentation relating to their individual School.

2. That, in light of the recent referendum decision for the UK to withdraw from the EU, there is likely to be an impact on universities, and that the UUK’s Annual Conference will be focussing its theme on recent events – the outcome of which will be relayed to Members in due course.

3. That the University is in receipt of a draft report from the QAA following the recent Higher Education Review, and that thanks should be afforded to Professor Mark Simpson, and his team for bringing the process to its satisfactory conclusion.

4. That Mr George Hunt has recently been appointed as the University’s new Director of International Development.

5. That the Vice-Chancellor, during his recent visit to Hong Kong, met and consolidated the University’s provision at HKIT and held further meetings with the President of Hong Kong University, and the Principal of Shape, to investigate the possibility of collaboration in the future.

6. That Dr David Bell, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), has recently visited India to instigate a Teesside regional office in Delhi, as well as a visit to Sri Lanka to meet with a new strategic partner, and to Malaysia to initiate some staffing changes in the South East Asia office.

7. That the Vice-Chancellor has afforded his thanks to all members of staff who have enabled the Graduation Ceremonies to take place during the summer and to host the event solely on campus.

8. That an honorary doctorate will be bestowed on John Barratt, President and Chief Executive of US-based global design consultancy, TEAUGE, and a former student of what was then Teesside Polytechnic.

4 9. That, following approval, by the Board for the University to withdraw from sponsorship of Freebrough and Thornaby Academies, Freebrough Academy applied to the Regional School Commissioner to become a Multi- Academy Trust (endorsed by the University) which was approved – i.e. Teesside Learning Trust (TLT).

10. That, following a due diligence process, and Freebrough Academy Board approval, TLT will become the sponsor for Thornaby Academy.

11. That an OFSTED inspection has recently been carried out at Thornaby Academy, the results of which will not be in the public domain until September 2016.


It was AGREED:

1. To approve, as an accurate record, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 2016. UT 3151 STUDENT RECRUITMENT

1. That all School of Health & Social Care courses are performing well with the majority now being closed for new applications.

2. That recruitment elsewhere continues to be challenging, but the University is confident overall that targets remain achievable.

3. That a strong “Clearing” campaign is live and this, plus the Business offer is expected to deliver additional growth.

4. That International recruitment remains challenging and will be kept under constant review.

5. That the University is now active in offering Higher and Degree Apprenticeships which allow businesses to jointly design qualifications and apprenticeship standards thus meeting their requirements by developing the right skills for employees.

6. That, although part-time recruitment is currently down on last year, it is still very early in the part-time cycle, and it is anticipated that the introduction of Higher and Degree Apprenticeships will improve recruitment in this area.


It was NOTED:

1. That Members received a presentation from the Vice-Chancellor relating to the recent series of league table publications and received details of the metrics and data used in these publications.

2. That since 2011 (publication year 2012), the University has seen a sharp decline in rank across all league table publications.

3. That many of the league table metrics relate directly to Academic Schools/subject activity. Good Honours, Value Added (the score used in the Guardian publication to show the value in terms of output/degree classification based on the entry qualifications/tariff the student came to the University with), and Graduate prospects are the key indicators where Teesside generally see poor performance when compared to competitors.

4. That league table performance has been highlighted in recent All Staff briefings and is being followed up with individual School briefings.

5. That School Management teams have been asked to incorporate league table subject and course specific actions into their Annual action plans, targeting areas for improvement with clear measurable outcomes.

6. That action plans will be monitored by the University Executive Team and a newly established League Table working group (led by the Vice- Chancellor).

7. That discussion took place around the feasibility of Action Plans being built into a Performance Plan and shared with the Student Experience Committee.

8. That Performance and Development Reviews will be taken forward and the issue of professional standards addressed.

9. That, if a particular subject area is deemed to be ‘failing’, then there will be a pause on resources for that area until an action plan has been put in place.

10. That a detailed analysis of the current league tables will take place to gain a clear understanding of the actions required.

11. That the Vice-Chancellor will be a member of all the Board sub- committees, which will allow for all relevant data to be available to these committees.

12. That there may be merit in engaging with businesses, as well as the sub- committees, in order to gain expertise in relevant areas.

6 13. That consideration might be given to having a clear target within the league tables as an aspiration to aim towards.


It was NOTED:

1. That the University is continuing to review its processes and strengthen procedures, which is improving international activities, enabling a continued positive impact on the visa refusal rate.

2. That robust monitoring and reconciliation of UKVI and University data continues, resulting in the refusal rate continuing to fall. The actual refusal rate as at 7 July 2016 is 4.8% (2014-15:6.5%).

3. That positive and intensive management and monitoring of international activities is ongoing.

4. That a future reduction by the Government to the visa refusal limit (currently 10%) remains a possibility.

5. That a presentation on International activity will be useful for Members at a future meeting of the Board.


It was NOTED:

1. That the Resources Committee has considered:

1.1 An update on the 2015/16 out-turn.

1.2 Financial forecasts for the three-year period 2016-2019, and outlined in a presentation to the Board.

1.3 The 2016/17 Revenue Budget.

2. That the financial context of the University continues to be challenging and extremely volatile due, primarily, to three key factors:

2.1 The increasingly challenging and competitive student recruitment market.

2.2 The continued significant uncertainty surrounding Government policy relating to the structure and funding of HE, along with the continual changes within the National Health Service, and Health Education England.

2.3 The potential impact of the outcome of the EU Referendum.

3. That recruitment to target remains a significant risk.

7 4. That the key financial parameters are all designed to deliver three objectives to ensure financial resilience, sustainability, and investment capability.

5. That there may be scope in relaxing the financial KPIs in order to invest in a transformational project(s) relating to the student experience.

It was AGREED:

6. To approve the 2016/17 Revenue Budget.

7. To approve the 2016 financial forecasts for submission to the HEFCE.

8. To authorise officers to allocate budgets for 2016/2017 in line with the forecasts.

UT 3155 CAPITAL BUDGET 2016/17 AND ESTATES PROGRAMME 2016/17 – 2018/19

It was NOTED:

1. That the Resources Committee has considered proposals for expenditure on the Estate in the context of a three-year programme.

2. That, in accordance with the Teesside 2020 Corporate Strategy, a new Estates Strategy and a new Campus Masterplan is currently in development by the University, supported by a consortia led by FaulknerBrowns Architects (UT 3157 refers).

3. That the 2016-19 Capital Programme currently contains a provision of circa £20m for Masterplan priorities.

4. That the strategic focus of the current programme is centered around the following elements:

4.1 Significant investment in key strategic initiatives (Masterplan and National Horizons Centre).

4.2 Focusing major investment on enhancing the student experience.

4.3 Increasing generic academic and student experience investment.

5. That, the Estates Programme presented, is a very positive and strong programme which will see overall investment of circa £46m over the period, £35.8m on the Campus and a further £10.2m of investment in associated infrastructure, IT and equipment. This demonstrates a clear and significant focus on student facing investment, recognising the importance of a high quality and vibrant estate (and associated infrastructure, equipment and IT) to the student experience and student recruitment and retention.

8 It was AGREED:

6. To approve the inclusion, within the financial forecasts, of the expenditure on the estate for the period 2016./17-2018/19, on the understanding that any major projects will require specific Board authorisation.

7. To approve the 2016/17 Capital budget on this basis.


It was NOTED:

1. That Strategic Risks have been reviewed and updated by the relevant Risk Owners and also reviewed by the University Executive Team (‘UET’).

2. That the update was considered and endorsed by the Audit Committee at its meeting of 30 June 2016 subject to the addition of Risk V – Impact of the UK ceasing to be a member of the European Union.

3. That additional current mitigating controls and planned mitigating controls have been identified for a number of risks, in particular, and due to continued challenges within the international recruitment market the projected rating has increased from ‘medium’ to ‘major’.

4. That, as the University is now anticipating a successful outcome from the recent QAA Higher Education Review, Risk F no longer includes ‘failure to achieve satisfactory outcome of the QAA Higher Education Review’ within its risk definition. A number of other amendments have also been made to the current and planned controls which referred to the Higher Education review. This has also had a favourable impact on both current and projected risks where the risk ratings have reduced from major to medium and medium to minor respectively.

5. Following discussions at the April meeting of the Audit Committee, Risk U has been expanded to now include reference to cyber fraud.

It was AGREED:

6. To endorse the Strategic Risk Management Update.


It was NOTED:

1. That Members have been provided with the fifth report of the financial year on capital and estates programme monitoring.

2. That the 2015-16 Programme is not as intense as the 2014-15 programme, but will still see continued significant investment on the Campus.

3. That work to determine final outturns on complete major projects is ongoing, including final accounts and retentions, and that these final outturns and post implementation reviews will be presented to Members in due course.

4. That the Resources Committee has endorsed the current update.


It was NOTED:

1. That Members received a presentation relating to the draft Estates Strategy & Masterplan, consisting of the following emerging objectives:

 Objective A - Create a ‘central hub’ for student support  Objective B - Develop teaching facilities to enable the delivery of enhanced pedagogies  Objective C - Establish a new home for the Business School and improve the infrastructure for business and enterprise  Objective D - Enhance the quantity, quality and diversity of open access learning space provision  Objective E - Restructure the academic workspace and enhance student access  Objective F - Enhance the wider student experience  Objective G - Improve the quantity and quality of student residential accommodation  Objective H - Deliver a more consistent, high quality public realm and reduce dominance of car-parking on campus  Objective I - Improve integration of University within the town.  Objective J - Consolidate professional services

2. That a Value Proposition has been produced, and agreed, by the Estates Masterplan Project Board which outlines the light level strategic objectives, and supporting objectives, which the University wishes to utilise to guide the detailed work of the Masterplan

3. That a number of workshops for Members will be scheduled as the process progresses, as well as formal consideration through both the Resources Committee and the Board. 10 4. That discussion took place around exploring the benefits of liaising with the Local Growth Fund and how this might lead to local collaboration.

5. That the 10-year Masterplan is expected to be presented to the Board towards the end of the year.


It was NOTED:

1. That the recently approved Treasury Management Policy includes the Director of Finance & Commercial Development as a ‘B’ signatory on the University and subsidiary companies Barclays’ bank accounts.

2. That the Barclays’ bank accounts have A and B signatories. ‘A’ signatories can sign up to £5,000, and for payments > £5,000 an A and a B signatory is required.

It was AGREED:

3. To approve the addition of the Director of Finance & Commercial Development as a B signatory, and to instruct two members of the Board to sign the Barclays Bank UK Mandate Amendment Form.

UT 3160 ACADEMIC BOARD – 11 May 2016

It was NOTED:

1. That, Members have been provided with the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Board held on 11 May 2016.

UT 3161 AUDIT COMMITTEE – 30 June 2016

It was NOTED:

1. That, the Committee has considered:

1.1 The Strategic Risk Register (UT 3155 refers) 1.2 The Assurance Framework 1.3 Policy Update 1.4 International Update (UT 3152 refers) 1.5 Prevent Duty 1.6 Internal Audit 2015/16 – PWC Reports:  Risk Management  Data Returns (DLHE)  Data Returns (TRAC)  PCI DSS 1.7 Audit Plan 2016/17 1.8 UKVI Compliance – Grant Thornton Report 1.9 Implementation of Internal & External Audit Recommendations 1.10 SORP Update 1.11 Business Engagement Presentation 11 12 UT 3162 RESOURCES COMMITTEE – 7 July 2016 It was NOTED:

1. That, the Committee has considered:

1.1 Use of the University Seal 1.2 Revenue Budget Monitoring & Financial Forecasts (UT 3153 refers) 1.3 Treasury Management Update No 6 for 2015/16 1.4 Treasury Management Policy 1.5 Gift Aid Payments 2015/16 1.6 The Students’ Union Revenue Budget Update for 2015/16 1.7 Capital and Estates Programme Monitoring Report No 5 for 2015/16 and the Estates Strategy & Campus Masterplan 1.8 SORP Update


It was NOTED:

1. That the new Student Officer team took office on Monday 4 July 2016, and that the intention is to build on the good work of its predecessors.

2. That the Campaign priorities include:

2.1 SU on Tour 2.2 Anxiety Campaign 2.3 Postgrad Representation 2.4 BUCS Campaign on #take a stand – i.e. equality and diversity in sport.

3. That Members will be provided with a copy of the TUSU in Review booklet.

4. That the Students’ Union is in receipt of another national award – Best Bar Non Gold.

5. That the Students’ Union is sharing its work with the NUS and other universities on the TUSU Premium.

6. That Freshers 2016 will be a key part of the Students’ Union’s efforts to engage with every student at the start of their year.


It was NOTED:

1. That the following dates and times have been scheduled for meetings of the Board:

Friday 16 September 2016 Friday 18 November 2016 Friday 27 January 2017 Friday 24 March 2017 Friday 26 May 2017 Friday 28 July 2017

2. That the Graduation Ceremonies will take place from 18 July 2016 to 22 July 2016.


It was NOTED:

1. That it is not known when the University will receive guidance from DCLG relating to ERDF, in particular, with regard to NHC.


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