Meeting was called to order by Chairman Turner with Sandquist, Beck and Beckman present. Kelly Lowery, Attorney and Don Schneider joined the meeting.

Beck moved to approve the agenda with the addition of crossmatch fingerprint machine request by the Sheriff and Recording lease in the Clerk’s office. Sandquist second, carried.

The vouchers were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the vouchers as presented. Beck second, carried.

The minutes of the November 15, 2016 meeting were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Sandquist second, carried.

Discussion was held on the overtime entry in building maintenance for the 2017 budget. Beckman will ask for clarification from Dan Pederson.

Lowery gave the Board a letter of intent for the courthouse window project that she constructed for their review. Turner expressed his concerns about this project due to leaving a large expense for the new Board to deal with. Discussion was held. Lowery explained that this letter is not contractually binding.

Lisa Ault, Human Service, joined the meeting for the Human Service monthly report. Sandquist moved to approve the Human Service December 20, 2016 agenda with the addition of attorney contracts. Second by Beck, carried. Beck moved to approve the minutes of the November 22, 2016 meeting as amended. Second by Sandquist, carried. Beck moved to approve the October 2016 financials. Second by Sandquist, carried. Ault presented the Board the 2017 Human Service Budget for signing. Ault presented documentation concerning CDHS Certification of Compliance. Beck moved to approve the CDHS Certification of Compliance for 2017 County Personnel and Merit System. Sandquist second, carried. Ault reported there will be a conflict with Brammer Law and will be looking into contracting with a different attorney. Ault left the meeting.

Beck moved to approve Investment Resolution #2016-032 to renew Certificate #333608 for $200,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .40% interest. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Sandquist moved to approve Investment Resolution #2016-033 to renew Certificate #333437 for $100,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .40% interest. Second by Beck, carried.

Juby Cumming, Assessor, joined the meeting. Cumming expressed concerns about the 911 Board and the financials that need to be taken care of. Cumming asked who is in charge of 911 Board to which the Board answered Toby Heath and Kody Blochowitz. Discussion was held. Cumming suggested the Board set up a meeting. There will be a meeting set up for Wednesday, December 28, 2016 at 6:30 in the courthouse community room. Cumming left the meeting. Beck moved to approve the Computerized System Lease Agreement between Saul’s Creek Engineering Inc and Sedgwick County for the Recording system in the Clerk’s Office for five years with a monthly lease cost of $910. Sandquist second, carried.

Larry Neugebauer, Undersheriff, joined the meeting. Neugebauer presented the Board with documentation concerning the purchase and description of a new fingerprint machine. This item has been budgeted for in the 2017 Sheriff’s budget, however, will need to be ordered now with approval and invoiced in 2017. Discussion was held. Beck moved to approve the purchase of the fingerprint machine from Crossmatch in the amount of $18,740.95. Sandquist second, carried. Discussion was held on the Law Enforcement contract with the Town of Julesburg. Beck moved to approve the Law Enforcement Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners, Sheriff’s Office and the Town of Julesburg for 2017 in the amount of $57,000. Sandquist second, carried. Neugebauer left the meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.

______Mark Turner, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board