Leechburg Area Board of School Directors
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CALL TO ORDER: The Special Board Meeting of the Leechburg Area Board of School Directors was called to order at 7:05 PM in the J. D. Orr Board Room of the Parker D. Baker Building by Ms. Terri Smith, Board President.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/MOMENT OF REFLECTION: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison and a Moment of Reflection was observed.
ROLL CALL: Mr. Neill Brady, Mrs. Megan Hamm, Mr. Joseph Michadick, Mr. Anthony Shea, Ms. Terri Smith, Ms. Angelique Richards, Ms. Jean Stull, Mrs. Helen Yurjevich and Mrs. Kathryn Vargo.
Also present were: Mr. Mark Jones, Athletic Director, Attorney Robert Cinpinski, District Solicitor, Ms. Patricia Camp, Board Secretary, Dr. Frank C. Prazenica, Jr., Acting Superintendent.
ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Dr. Prazenica reported on Pre-K Count Program and funding, authorizing ARIN personnel to assist with grant opportunities and read his Acting Superintendent’s message from District Newsletter.
Ms. Smith provided statement from District Solicitor regarding administrators placed on administrative leave for no more than 60 days pending CYF investigation results according to CYF process and guidelines and in no way shows a lack of respect or trust by the Board or Administration. Board votes this evening for designation of personnel listed on the agenda.
REMARKS BY VISITORS: Visitors are welcome to comment on any agenda items at this time, provided it is understood that all remarks from the floor are subject to the same parliamentary procedure followed by the Board under the direction of the president. Discussion from the floor will not be entertained while action is being taken on agenda items by the Board. Completed forms (blue forms for agenda items) will be collected for district records and will be used by the president in recognizing each speaker.
Tina Burtick RE: Basketball Coach 132 Floral Avenue Leechburg, PA 15656
Here we are again, supporting Coach Davies. Listened to speakers and Board members, continue to state not personal, shown support of program, concerns regarding participation in other districts, previous bullying, steps taken by Coach Davies to eliminate possible future situations, no evidence presented to this point, social media division, solidarity and unity needed. Coach Davies is a mentor in community. 2 Greg Miskinis RE: Basketball Coaching Position 165 Hillview Manor Road Leechburg, PA 15656
School District like a company, taxpayers own stock, large number of supporters at meetings, only one individual spoke against Coach Davies and taxpayers demand answers from Board members voting no against the rehiring of Coach Davies.
Mary Jo Diller RE: Basketball Coach 143 Hillview Manor Road Leechburg, PA 15656
Supporting Coach Davies, Board is elected by voters and voters supporting Coach Davies. Only one individual spoke against Coach Davies. Effective coach, teacher, leader and tremendous asset to District. Community support and basketball program success implemented in 2004. Act on facts, not allegations. Rehiring Coach Davies would begin to rebuild pride in Leechburg and solidify the Leechburg basketball community for years to come.
Patrick Mitch RE: Vote for Head Basketball Coach 466 2nd Street Leechburg, PA 15656 310 Shaler Street Pittsburgh, PA 15211
Started petition 6/7/16 for reinstatement of Coach Davies and accountability/transparency of School Board and received 240 signatures as of today. Petition emailed this evening, designed to be brought to School Board and not a popularity contest. Graduated in 2006, had Mr. Davies as teacher and coach. Involved when became aware of Coach Davies not being rehired as Boy’s Basketball Head Coach. No public comments from Board regarding open discussions on decisions of this magnitude. He presented comments regarding pride in community and work of Coach Davies as Head Coach. NEW BUSINESS: A. PERSONNEL: 1. Mr. Shea made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brady to hire Mr. Corey Smith to the position of Basketball Boys Varsity Head Coach for the 2016-2017 school term pending receipt of all required clearances.
Mrs. Hamm noted need to move forward and build successful path for students, school and community and make decision on this matter. Not casting vote against Corey Smith and any program will benefit with him as part of their program. Urge every member to support the selected coach and if truly about children, lead positive lives regardless of what life hands you. Mr. Brady noted he supports dedication of community and need to support program in its totality. Ms. Smith noted recently has seen the dedication and commitment of Coach Davies that has been spoken of in recent months. Board members advised to state last name of candidate during Roll Call Vote. 3 ROLL CALL: Mr. Brady -- Davies Ms. Smith -- Smith Mrs. Hamm -- Davies Mrs. Stull -- Smith Mr. Michadick -- Smith Mrs. Vargo -- Smith Ms. Richards -- Davies Mrs. Yurjevich -- Smith Mr. Shea -- Smith Motion Carried.
OTHER 1. Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brady to request approval for the Superintendent Elect or Acting Superintendent to request assistance from the ARIN Intermediate Unit 28 to assist with any reports or administrator functions through July 29, 2016.
Voice Vote – Motion Carried. All Ayes.
2. Mr. Shea made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Yurjevich to hire Mr. Mark Jones to the position of Temporary Acting K-12 Assistant Principal at a salary to be determined effective June 14, 2016.
Voice Vote – Motion Carried. All Ayes.
3. Mrs. Hamm made a motion, seconded by Mr. Brady to permit Ms. Camp to carry over five (5) additional requested vacation days.
Voice Vote – Motion Carried. All Ayes.
Mrs. Vargo extended a thank you to Dr. Prazenica for coming to District on two separate occasions to assist as Acting Superintendent, grateful that he extended himself and appreciates what he’s done. Board concurred.
REMARKS BY VISITORS ON ITEMS NOT INCLUDED ON THE AGENDA (OPEN FORUM): Visitors are welcome to make comments relating to topics not covered on the agenda, within reasonable limits of time, and under the rules pertaining to parliamentary procedure as provided in the district policy. Completed forms (white forms for non-agenda items) will be collected for district records and will be used by the president in recognizing each speaker.
Danielle Lovelace RE: Report 139 Logan Avenue Leechburg, PA 15656
Date to pass budget June 29, 2016, has Board and Administration exhausted all means other than raising taxes, new superintendent’s contract provisions, Special Investigation Report release, Acting K-12 Principal’s salary release and next scheduled School Safety Committee Meeting.
Discussion ensued regarding Public Work Session scheduled for June 22, 2016 to further discuss proposed General Fund Budget and Business Office available to answer any questions. PSERS 4 contributions, tax increase based on last year’s state funding figures, contacting state representatives regarding grants available, need for budget and finance meetings, superintendent contract provisions, multiple Right-To-Know Requests for Independent Investigation Report, Board decisions based on Leechburg Police Chief Diebold’s report, criminal investigation released and need to clarify policies and procedures were followed. Independent Investigation Report not released per advice of the District’s Solicitor, Attorney Robert Cinpinski. Board is supportive of all sides of the issues. Temporary Acting K-12 Assistant Principal’s salary based on a per diem or flat rate and approved at future voting meeting. Need to schedule next School Safety Committee Meeting and to advertise/post accordingly once scheduled.
Pete Mitch 466 Second Street Leechburg, PA 15656
Questioned Board member relations on basketball team, recluse themselves from votes if children on team, lack of support for community and possible personal agendas.
Discussion ensued regarding Board member’s vested interest in community and no legal requirement to recluse from voting due to family members on team or coaching. Need for support, unity and continued support of programs.
ADJOURNED: On a motion by Mr. Shea, seconded by Mr. Brady the Special Board Meeting of June 13, 2016 adjourned at 8:04 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia R. Camp Board Secretary