September 30, 2013, Volume VII, Number 39
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September 30, 2013, Volume VII, Number 39
FEAST OF SAINT JEROME Monday of the Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus – October 1, 2013 Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels – Wednesday, October 2, 2013 Feast of Saint Francis Assisi – Friday, October 4, 2013 Feast of Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska–Saturday, October 5, 2013 YEAR OF FAITH - Oct. 11, 2012, through Nov. 24, 2013
Question of the Week For Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 6, 2013 “‘Increase our faith.’ The Lord replied, ‘If you have faith the size of a mustard seed…’” Why did Jesus ignore their request and imply that they didn’t need more faith? What is Jesus suggesting by indicating that there is significant power in faith that is the size of a mustard seed? Do you believe your faith has this much potential? How would you cultivate such a faith? NCCL News
Be the First to Reserve a Hotel Room for the 2014 NCCL Conference
For the 2014 NCCL Conference and Exposition in St. Louis, the Planning Committee has determined that the information link for hotel reservations will be posted on the NCCL Facebook Page before it is posted anywhere else. FIND OUT FIRST how to register for your hotel room by liking us on Facebook at
Nominations Needed by October 18, 2013
The LDC is seeking nominations for persons to serve a three (3) year term on the NCCL Board of Directors. While Representative Council members will be securing nominations from their representative constituencies, NCCL offers all members the opportunity to nominate someone to be considered for this role.
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 1 The term for the three Board members would begin at the end of the NCCL Conference and Exposition in 2014 and continue until the same event in 2017. Please review the following documents along with the nomination form. Deadline is Friday, October 18, 2013.
Rep Council Roles and Responsibilities 2013 Pr ocess for Discerning At-Large Members - PowerPoint At-Large Board Members - Roles and Responsibilities At-Large Board Members Job Description LDC At-Large NOMINATION FORM Due to a change in practice and by request of the LDC, the NCCL Board of Directors has approved a change in the selection process for the officer slates for 2015. To allow more time for the LDC to create two slates for officer selection and voting in 2015, the nomination process will begin now rather than later. As an individual member you are invited to submit the names of persons who might be considered as a nominee for the office of president. Please familiarize yourself with the following documents including the nomination form. Deadline is Friday, October 18, 2013.
Process for Discerning Officer Slates Roles of Officers.doc LDC Officers Nomination Form - 2015 - 2018
Papal Intentions for October
GENERAL: That those feeling so crushed by life that they wish to end it may sense the nearness of God’s love. MISSION: That the celebration of World Mission Day may help all Christians realize that we are not only receivers but proclaimers of God’s Word.
Cardinal Dolan Applauds Pope's Interview With Jesuit Journal
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 2 In an interview with America, New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan expressed his joy with Pope Francis’ interview which was recently published in 16 Jesuit journals around the world. The in-depth interview highlighted the Holy Father’s thoughts on the mission of the Church in today’s world. Saying that his reaction made him want “to sing out a loud “Alleluia!”, Cardinal Dolan said that he was “exhilarated” that the Holy Father would have such a personal interview. “All of us take risks in doing this [...] but it’s worth the risk,” the Cardinal said regarding giving interviews. When asked for the reactions of the U.S. bishops, Cardinal Dolan, who serves as the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), stated that the bishops applauded the Pope’s words. The Holy Father’s emphasis on the new evangelization, he said, is also a top priority of the U.S. Bishops. “If the church is perceived as crabby, nagging, hung-up on a few ‘pet peeves,’ or judgmental, as unjust and inaccurate as that perception might be, we can’t evangelize very well,” Cardinal Dolan said. “What Pope Francis has done is popped the blister of that perception, and we bishops cheer him on. We are about a yes, not about a no.” While the Holy Father’s interview gave hope to many who have felt at times marginalized by the Church, others were caught off guard with his words. Cardinal Dolan told America magazine that both sides of the argument are missing something or rather, someone. “Pope Francis is probably frustrated that all the attention is on him, his interview, his statements. He wants the attention on Jesus,” the Cardinal said. “If we emphasize Jesus, His Person, teaching, salvation, invitation, death and resurrection, everything else works out.” Concluding the interview, the Cardinal of New York, said that the Holy Father’s words regarding discernment and the presence of God in one’s life moved him, especially when it comes to facing tough decisions within his Archdiocese. “Where is [God] as I decide to merge a parish? Where is He as I mull over the budget? Where is He as I worry about dwindling Mass attendance. Pope Francis claims He’s there! In all those neuralgic areas where we think He’s sleeping…No. He’s there. I better discern that presence and that direction,” Cardinal Dolan said. For America Magazine’s interview with Cardinal Dolan, go to: things/cardinal-dolan-frankly-speaking.
Pope: Unborn Child Has the Face of the Lord
“Every unborn child, condemned unjustly to be aborted, has the face of the Lord.” Pope Francis stressed these words during a meeting with hundreds of obstetricians/gynecologists at a conference sponsored by the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations. The conference theme was “The New Evangelization, the obstetric practices and the care of mothers.” The Holy Father began his address explaining that a paradoxical situation exists in today’s medical profession. On one hand, modern medicine has shown
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 3 progress in finding new cures for diseases. But on the other, the Pope warned, “we also find the danger that the doctor might lose his/her identity as a servant of life.”
“Although by their nature they are at the service of life, health professions are sometimes induced to disregard life itself,” the Pope said. “If you lose the personal and social sensitivity towards the acceptance of a new life, then other forms of acceptance that are valuable for society also wither away. The acceptance of life strengthens moral fiber and makes people capable of mutual help.” The Pope stressed that the final objective of a doctor is always in the defense and promotion of life. Continuing his address, the Holy Father appealed to all healthcare professionals, in particularly those in the field of gynecology, which he said are “called to collaborate in the creation of new human lives. “Yours is a unique vocation and mission, which requires study, conscience and humanity,” he said. “A widespread mentality of profits, the ‘culture of waste’, which now enslaves the hearts and minds of many, has a very high cost: it requires the elimination of human beings, especially if they are physically or socially weaker”. The Pope told the medical professionals present that every fragile person one encounters is an invitation to recognize the face of Christ, who in his flesh, “experienced the indifference and loneliness that often condemn the poorest, both in the developing world and in affluent societies.” The face of Christ he said can be seen in the unborn children condemned to abortion as well as the elderly and the sick. “You cannot discard them!,” the Pope exclaimed. Concluding his address, the Holy Father invited the participants to be witnesses in their professions of a culture of life. Your being Catholic entails greater responsibility: first of all to yourself , for the effort to be consistent with the Christian vocation, and then to contemporary culture , to help recognize the transcendent dimension in human life , the imprint of the creative work of God, from the very first moment of her conception.” Christ, he concluded, is counting on them to spread the Gospel of Life. You can read the full text of his talk at Face of Christ.
Catechetical Sunday – Only $1.00 a piece, Regardless of Quantity
This year, the Church celebrates the Catechetical theme Open the Door of Faith. Those whom the community has designated to serve as catechists have been called forth to be commissioned for their ministry.
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 4 NCCL still has a few remaining copies of its reflection journal which was edited by Michele Harris and the reflections were written by nine different NCCL members. The reflection book is entitled WELCOME! Open the Door – Pass through the gate – Seek the Christ. Sample pages from each of the writers are available on the NCCL Homepage ( The order form, with the $1.00 per book price, is available on the NCCL website. Hurry, while supplies last.
Vatican Official Promotes Charter of the Rights of the Family Recently a press conference was held at the Vatican press office with the participation of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, Helen Alvare, professor of law in the United States, and Francesco D'Agostino, an Italian jurist, to present the international work-conference on “The Rights of the Family and the Challenges of the Contemporary World”. In his address, Archbishop Paglia described the family as the subject of rights which are strictly related to the rights of the individual; “indeed, the family is a communion of persons, and its self-realisation depends to a significant degree on the correct application of the rights of those who compose this unit. Some of these rights are directly related to the family, such as the right of parents to responsible procreation and the education of their offspring; other rights, instead, relate to the nuclear family only indirectly”. The archbishop emphasized that the Charter of the Rights of the Family, 30 years after its publication, is unfortunately still a “little-known document”, despite being “a prophetic appeal in favor of the institution of the family, which should be respected and defended from all forms of usurpation”. You can read the Charter of the Rights of the Family ( He added that the Pontifical Council wished to convene an international conference, linked to the Association of Italian Catholic Jurists, to “return to the inspiration for these principles. It is true that we find ourselves in a new cultural context that questions the institution of the family even more radically than in the past. But the validity of the principles gathered and ordered in the Charter stands firm to this day”.
Pontifical Council for the Laity To Hold Seminar on the Dignity of Women
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 5 The Pontifical Council for the Laity has announced an upcoming seminar in October on the dignity and vocation of woman which will coincide with the 25th anniversary of Blessed John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter “Mulieris Dignitatem”. The theme of the seminar will be “God entrusts the human being to the Woman.” In a statement announcing the seminar, the Pontifical Council for the Laity stated that Blessed John Paul II’s apostolic letter “presents the concept of the order of love which helps define what is specific about femininity.” “In an order like this, a special kind of "prophetism" belongs to women in their femininity (cf. MD, 29), because it is they who receive love in order to give love. This is true beyond the specific relationship of marriage. It is a universal characteristic that can help us to understand the specific nature of womanhood,” the statement read. The role of women in the order of love will be the point of departure for the upcoming seminar. “Twenty five years after the publication of Mulieris Dignitatem, the presence and participation of women in social, economic, cultural and political life has been increasing all over the world,” the message from the Pontifical Council stated. However, in this day and age, there is a growing anthropological crisis that was described by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI as a “‘self-hatred’ among our contemporaries.” “It is being seen in so many ways, for example, in the crisis of male and female identity, the growth in gender theory, the widespread culture of death (abortion, euthanasia, the contraceptive mentality), the deterioration in human relations that resulted from the sexual revolution, the education emergency, and the law which is becoming allied to moral subjectivism,” the Pontifical Council’s statement read. The Pontifical Council for the Laity expressed its hope that the seminar will respond to Pope Francis’ invitation to be “protectors of creation, protectors of God’s plan inscribed in nature, protectors of one another and of the environment. “The seminar will be a time of deep reflection on the specific role of women in safeguarding the humanum and, with God’s help, will allow each one to be even more committed to giving their contribution in the various areas discussed,” the statement read. For more information regarding the seminar, go to:
Cardinal Wuerl - Francis in America : A pastoral message the church needs today
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 6 When I (Cardinal Wuerl) first read the substantive interview with Pope Francis in America, I was drawn by the pope’s openness, engaging style and repeated call to “go out” and meet people where they are. What is needed, he says, is nearness and proximity to those who are wounded. This certainly is a theme he has made something of a mantra in his ministry. I also immediately thought of his remarks as a vivid expression of the new evangelization—to present the Gospel in ways “new in ardor, methods and expression” (Blessed John Paul II, Address to the Latin American Episcopal Conference, March 9, 1983). In the interview Pope Francis says, “The proposal of the Gospel must be more simple, profound, radiant. It is from this proposition that the moral consequences then flow.” . . . Reading the interview again—because one really must read it multiple times to take in the richness of the Holy Father’s message—I realized it may be a whole new way for the pope to share his thoughts. This is not so much the pope speaking about what we need to know about the Gospel message as it is how to “do” the Gospel message. Again, it is the embodiment of his many invitations to “go out” to people, to build bridges, not walls, and establish a dialogue with all people, even those who do not embrace all of the church’s teachings. . . . The third time I read the interview, I focused on a few highly personal elements that really touched me. When the pope spoke about his prayer life, I felt he was actually talking to me. Finding a pattern for prayer—conversation—with God that works in the midst of all the requirements of our pastoral office was so reassuring because it was not abstract. It showed a pastor balancing his personal spiritual life with his ministry. . . . While I recognize this is an interview, not an apostolic exhortation, it is still the voice of the bishop of Rome, the pope, who is providing such pastoral emphasis. It is a gift. You can read Cardinal Wuerl’s full reflections at
USCCB: Begin Consideration of Immigration Reform Legislation Invoking Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, released September 24, Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration, called upon members of the U.S. House of Representatives to begin consideration of comprehensive immigration reform legislation. In a message, released in advance of the January 19, 2014, World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis called for a “change in attitude’ toward migrants and refugees around the world, moving away from attitudes of “defensiveness and fear, indifference and fear,” typical of a “throwaway culture.” “Migrants and refugees are not pawns on the chessboard of humanity,” the Holy Father wrote. Archbishop Gomez echoed the Holy Father’s remarks, stating that the current situation in the United States undermines the human rights and dignity of migrants. “Migrants have few rights in
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 7 our economic system,” Archbishop Gomez said. “They are working for low wages in our restaurants and fields; our factories, gardens, homes and hotels. And these men and women have no security against sickness, disability or old age — and no protections against being exploited in the workplace.” Calling on the House of Representatives to correct this situation, Archbishop Gomez added, “I urge our leaders in the House of Representatives to debate and pass a bill that gives these undocumented men and women a path to citizenship and full membership in our society.” Pope Francis’ statement can be found at migrants-and-refugee. Benedict XVI Breaks Silence, Addresses Italian Non-Believer Pope-emeritus Benedict XVI has broken his public silence for the first time since his resignation, with a lengthy letter to an Italian intellectual. The retired Pontiff wrote and 11-page personal letter to Piergiorgio Odifreddi, the author of a book responding to Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth. With Benedict’s permission, substantial portions of the letter have been published in the Italian daily La Repubblica. In his letter to Odifreddi, Benedict XVI welcomes an “open dialogue” on questions of faith, and addresses the Italian writer’s points on Biblical scholarship and the understanding of Jesus. The retired Pontiff strongly defends the role of faith as a companion of scientific reason, and questions whether secular scientists sometimes overreach the boundaries of their own fields, venturing into “science fiction” to explain matters that strictly empirical analyses cannot explain. Benedict takes Odifreddi to task for using mathematical logic as, in effect, his own religion. He remarks: “I’m amazed that with one stroke you eliminate freedom, which… is the fundamental principle of the modern era.” Pope-emeritus Benedict also addresses the sex-abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, and his own role in addressing the scandal. “I never tried to cover up these things,” he assures Odifreddi. The retired Pope reminds Odifreddi that sexual abuse is not a problem unique to the Catholic Church. He points out that the proportion of priests guilty of abuse is similar to the proportion of abusers in other fields—although he concedes that this is not a comforting statistic. He concludes that “one must not stubbornly present this deviance as if it were a nastiness specific to Catholicism.”
FREE Professional Development Webinar – THIS Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Ave Maria Press, in partnership with the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, the National Association for Lay Ministry, and National Federation of Priests' Councils presents a series of free, online workshops on professional development for parish ministers. This webinar Catholics Going Mobile: Opportunities for Evangelization Using Mobile Apps is offered on Tuesday, October 1 at 3:00 pm EDT. You can register at PDW-10-01-2013
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 8 ( For a complete listing of professional development webinars in this series, please visit . Catholics Going Mobile: Opportunities for Evangelization Using Mobile Apps Tuesday, October 1, 2013 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
A recent study by the Pew Research Center found that over 90% of American adults use cell phones and 56% have smartphones (June 2013). According to the study, "the cell phone is the most quickly adopted consumer technology in the history of the world."
Knowing this, how can the Catholic Church use mobile technology as a part of the New Evangelization? How can we make sure the Church is not left behind the times as an increasing number of Catholics use mobile apps daily?
In this panel discussion, representatives from three dioceses who have experimented with mobile apps this year will share their experiences in creating and leveraging mobile technology to reach Catholics in their areas. The panel will include:
Sean Ater Cindy Black Being Catholic App My Year of Faith App Archdiocese of Cincinnati Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
Sarah Mealey & Craig Berry & Patrick Leinen from Little iApps Rediscover: App Confession: A Roman Catholic App Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis eVotions Apps My Year of Faith App Rediscover App
Listen as each of these representatives share their stories and suggestions for creating your own apps as tools for Catholic evangelization, then ask questions about how you can make this a reality in your parish or diocese.
Nominations Sought for NCCL Catechetical Award Among Others
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 9 Every year the NCCL Board of Directors chooses the recipient for its highest recognition: NCCL Catechetical Award, at its November meeting. After consultation with the representative Council, the Board makes the final decision. While nominations for the other awards, Distinguished Service and New Wineskins can be submitted as well, the final decision on those awards is not decided until 2014. While you may have shared names with your Representative Council member, you may also nominate as an individual. Please review the criteria and past recipients in the following documents before choosing to nominate.
2014 Catechetical Award Nomination Form 2014 Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form New Wineskins Award Application (diocesan level) 2013 New Wineskins Award Application (parish level) 2013 New Wineskins Award Application (diocesan level) 2013 New Wineskins Award Application (parish level) 2013
High School Football Coach Suspends Team for Cyberbullying Incident Matt Labrum, the head football coach at Union High School in Roosevelt, Utah, has taken the concept of character-building to a whole new level. Amid reports of cyberbullying and other off-the-field problems plaguing his team, Labrum suspended his entire football team—80 players in total—after a loss last Friday to Judge Memorial Catholic High School. According to the Deseret News, Labrum and his entire coaching staff sat the team down and instructed them to turn in their equipment, including uniforms. He then made it clear the team would not be allowed back on the field until they proved themselves—not as players, but as human beings.
“We looked at it as a chance to say, ‘Hey, we need to focus on some other things that are more important than winning a football game,” Labrum told the newspaper. “We got an emotional response from the boys. I think it really meant something to them, which was nice to see that it does mean something. None of them fought us on it.” You can read the complete story at Taking A Stand ( Friday night’s Homecoming game according to the Qwixcore game log from the contest shows that Union (3-3) and Emery (2-4) were tied at seven after one quarter, but then the visitors scored 14 in the second quarter to move ahead 21-7 and they coasted from there to a 41-21 win.
An Open Letter To The Parents Of The Stephentown 300
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 10 In a situation different from the aforementioned football coach, about 300 students broke into a house and had a party. After hearing about the event and listening to various comments, Kelly Lynch, Broadcast journalist and radio host, WGY 810 & 103.1 in Albany, NY, wrote an Open Letter To The Parents Of The Stephentown 300. Here is her opening paragraph. What planet do you live on? Last week, word got out that your children had broken into a home in Stephentown, NY and threw a party. More than 300 of them partied and drunkenly smashed windows, urinated on the floors, stood on tables, punched holes in the ceiling and stole a statue that was part of a memorial for the owner's stillborn grandson. Oh, it gets better. Before, during and after the party, they tweeted about it and posted pictures of themselves engaged in this behavior. She adds that the owner of the house, former NFL player Brian Holloway, “watched this unfold online while at his home in Florida. Instead of demanding the arrest of your kids, he instead created a website,, where he reposted their photos, identified the people involved, and called for ways to reach out to young people and show them that there are better ways to spend their time than drinking, drugs and vandalism.” Holloway wants to save these kids from going down a bad path, saying Stephentown has seen too many deaths involving young people and drinking or drugs. He “offered to welcome these derelicts back to his house for a picnic, where they would work together to make repairs and clean up the mess they left behind. I don't know that the rest of us would have been able to react the same way. And one kid showed up. One, out of the 300 teens who were there.” Kelly continues Instead of sitting little Johnny down and reminding him that what he did is not acceptable and then dragging him by the collar to apologize to Mr. Holloway, you chose instead to harass and threaten the victim. Let's not forget here, your child victimized this man by destroying his home. How dare you respond with anything other than regret, embarrassment, and a sincere apology instead of righteous indignation, threats of violence and lawsuits.
You can read the full story and watch a video as well, by going to An Open Letter (
Bringing Christ to the Digital Continent The Holy Father focused on three points during his address to the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications: the importance of communication for the Church, the internet and the encounter with Christ.
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 11 “In the last few decades, the various means of communication have evolved significantly, but the Church’s concern remains the same, taking on new forms and expressions,” the Pope said. “The world of social communications, more and more, has become a “living environment” for many, a web where people communicate with each other, expanding the boundaries of their knowledge and relationships.” Pope Francis told those gathered that the goal in communications is ultimately to dialogue with today’s men and women, who sometimes feel let down by “a Christianity that to them appears sterile.” In today’s globalized age, the Holy Father stressed, there is a “growing sense” of isolation, an inability to connect with others that impede people from building meaningful relationships. The 76 year old Pontiff told the Plenary Assembly that it is crucial to know how to dialogue with others, in the environments created by technology and social networks, “in such a way as to reveal a presence that listens, converses, and encourages.” Do not be afraid to be this presence, expressing your Christian identity as you become citizens of this environment. A Church that follows this path learns how to walk with everybody!” The challenge in proclaiming the Good News in the digital age, is not a technical one, the Pope said. “We must ask ourselves – and here I come to the third step – are we up to the task of bringing Christ into this area and of bringing others to meet Christ? Are we able to communicate the face of a Church which is 'home' to all?” the Holy Father asked.
“We need to descend into the darkest night without being overcome and disorientated; we need to listen to the dreams, without being seduced; to share their disappointments, without becoming despondent; to sympathize with those whose lives are falling apart, without losing our own strength and identity,” the Holy Father emphasized. Concluding his address, Pope Francis warned of the temptation within the Church of a “spiritual harassment that leads to a nominal encounter with Christ and not with the Living Person of Christ. To bring about the encounter with Christ in the full knowledge, though, that we ourselves are means of communication, and that the fundamental problem is not the acquisition of the latest technologies, although these are necessary to a valid, contemporary presence.” You can read the full article at Bringing Christ to the Digital Continent (
A Model for Dialogue: Courtyard of the Journalists
Recently the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture sponsored the "Courtyard of the Gentiles of the Journalists," featuring a dialogue between Italian Cardinal Gianfranco and Ravasi Eugenio Scalfari, one of the founders of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica and a nonbeliever. This is the same person to whom Pope Francis had penned a long letter. John Allen indicates “there was a grand irony listening to Ravasi and Scalfari's opening remarks. While the believer Ravasi quoted Marshall McLuhan, Hannah Arendt and Plato, the atheist Scalfari basically cited only one authority, Jesus of Nazareth, while also talking about how much he owed to the Jesuits and the
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 12 Franciscans.” He then offers a conclusion that I find worth repeating. “Both men, in other words, seemed determined to use points of reference the other could easily grasp, which in itself seems a sort of model for dialogue.”
FREE Webinar: Go and Make Disciples – Thursday, October 3, 8:00 PM CDT The Loyola Institute for Ministry at Loyola University New Orleans is hosting a free online webinar Thursday, October 3, 8 p.m. CDT and invites NCCL members to participate. The topic is Go and Make Disciples: Strategic Directions for Ministry with the Young Church with Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale, Ph.D. , Adjunct Professor, Loyola Institute for Ministry and Dr. Bob McCarty, D.Min., Executive Director of National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. At World Youth Day Pope Francis invited and challenged the young church to "Go, do not be afraid, and serve.” This is the same challenge; all those who minister to youth and young adults are invited to take up. In this webinar, we will explore the territory surrounding ministry to young people and what strategic directions need to be taken to move forward in making young disciples in our parishes, schools, and dioceses. We will dialogue about the directives given to us by Pope Francis and identify the implications that they have for effective ministry to the young church!
Webinars are free and open to the public, but attendance is limited to 100 participants and available on a first-come, first-served basis. For log-on information go to (
Conscience Protection in Health Care Seen as 'Must-Pass' Legislation
In a September 26 letter to the House and Senate, Cardinal Seán O'Malley of Boston and Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, chair the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities and Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, respectively said "Preserving religious freedom and the right of conscience for all who take part in our health care system" is an increasingly grave concern as Congress considers "must-pass" legislation in the days ahead. "Protection for conscience rights in health care is of especially great importance to the Catholic Church, which daily contributes to the welfare of U.S. society through schools, social services,
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 13 hospitals and assisted living facilities," wrote Cardinal O'Malley and Archbishop Lori. "These institutions, which have been part of the Church's ministry since the earliest days of our country, arose from religious convictions. They should not be told by government to abandon or compromise those convictions in order to continue serving their own employees or the neediest Americans. Nor should individual Catholics or others be told they cannot legally purchase or provide health coverage unless they violate their conscience." Cardinal O'Malley and Archbishop Lori identified the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) preventive services mandate, which requires virtually all employers to include female sterilization and all drugs and devices approved by the FDA as contraceptives in their employee health care plans, as a particular threat. "The mandate includes drugs and devices that can act against a human life after fertilization, implicating our moral teaching on abortion as well as contraception," they wrote. "We make our plea as religious leaders who strongly support universal access to health care," they added. "Such access is threatened by Congress's continued failure to protect the right of conscience. Those who help provide health care, and those who need such care for themselves and their families, should not be forced to choose between preserving their religious and moral integrity and participating in our health care system." Full text of the letter is available online at letter-to-house-2013-09-26.pdf
Biblical-Era Town Discovered Along Sea of Galilee A town dating back more than 2,000 years has been discovered on the northwest coast of the Sea of Galilee, in Israel's Ginosar valley. The ancient town may be Dalmanutha (also spelled Dalmanoutha), described in the Gospel of Mark as the place Jesus sailed to after miraculously feeding 4,000 people by multiplying a few fish and loaves of bread, said Ken Dark, of the University of Reading in the U.K., whose team discovered the town during a field survey. The Sea of Galilee boat is the most famous artifact that we can now associate with this newly discovered town. It dates back to either the first century B.C. or A.D. Although the boat was uncovered in 1986 the discovery of the town means we now know it was found on the ancient town's shoreline. You can read more at Biblical Era Town Discovered (
Atheists Starts Their Own Megachurch: Is It a Religion Now?
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 14 The Sunday Assembly—the London-based “Atheist Church” has announced a new “global missionary tour.” In October and November, affiliated Sunday Assemblies will open in 22 cities: in England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, the United States and Australia. “I think this is the moment,” Assembly founder Sanderson Jones wrote in an email last week, “when the Sunday Assembly goes from being an interesting phenomenon to becoming a truly global movement.” Structured godlessness is ready for export. A “service” was held this Sunday, September 29th in New York.
History Buffs – Take Note NCCL has recently added several articles to the History section of About NCCL on the Homepage ( If you are interested you might check it out. The most recent addition is pages 4-25 from the 1993 NCCL Commemorative Booklet. At the conference that year, NCCL adopted its new name which reflected its change in membership as it was no longer called the NCDD (National Conference for Diocesan Directors). The five pieces that are now placed in the History section include:
NCDD at Ten in 1977 NCDD Past - Future 1991 Commemorative History 1993 (First Mtg as NCCL) History of NCCL-OSVCD Presentation-75th Annual Conference History Highlights by the Decade
T.H.I.N.K. Five ways to bridge faith and social media
Sr. Rose Pacatte Shares her PowerPoint: T.H.I.N.K. Five ways to bridge faith and social media on Slideshare.
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 15 Our world is completely wired and often we cannot see the real connections that seem invisible. And it's not only young people who spend hours using social media every day, but more and more grown-ups are joining social media sites for a variety of motives. Even the Pope tweets. In this presentation I explore questions about social media, faith and education and share two frameworks for evaluating how students, teachers, and others create content and consume it. The T.H.I.N.K. strategy is easy to learn, apply and share with even young children. You can check it out at T.H.I.N.K. (
FREE Professional Development Webinar – Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Ave Maria Press, in partnership with the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, the National Association for Lay Ministry, and National Federation of Priests' Councils presents a series of free, online workshops on professional development for parish ministers. This webinar Msgr. Stephen Rossetti's Thoughts on the Priesthood Today is offered on Tuesday, October 8 at 3:00 pm EDT. You can register at PDW-10-08-2013 ( For a complete listing of professional development webinars in this series, please visit . Msgr. Stephen Rossetti's Thoughts on the Priesthood Today Presented by: Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti, Tuesday, October 8, 2013 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
In this webinar, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti will talk about the challenges of ministering as a priest today in this increasingly secular culture. He will talk about the specific demands this secular culture makes upon the priests and how to stand up and prosper under the stresses and pressures the culture imposes.
His new book, Letters to My Brothers: Words of Hope and Challenge for Priests, is a series of personal letters to his brother priests, a kind of personal conversation between him and his brothers on the state of the priesthood with all its joys and problems.
Join Msgr. Rosetti, leading expert on the state of the priesthood in the United States and the CEO of Saint Luke Institute, in this presentation and discussion about what it means to be a priest today. This webinar and his book are both realistic yet upbeat and inspiring reflections on what it means to be a priest today.
This presentation is co-sponsored by SLIconnect (, the education resource
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 16 of Saint Luke Institute. You can order Letters to My Brothers: Words of Hope and Challenge for Priests along with his other books Born of the Eucharist: A Spirituality for Priests and The Joy of Priesthood at the NCCL Amazon Bookstore.
Bishops’ Worship Committee Reflects On 50 Years of Liturgical Reform The U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship is marking the fiftieth anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium, the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, with a reflection on the liturgical reform of the last half century. The Committee published its statement, “Stewards of the Tradition – Fifty Years After Sacrosanctum Concilium”( tradition.cfm) on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) after the document was approved by the USCCB Administrative Committee at its Sept. 10-11 meeting in Washington.
The USCCB committee praised people who work in liturgical ministry and especially the liturgical leadership in the U.S. “Without your continued cooperation and self-sacrificing ministry, the implementation of the reformed liturgical rites after Vatican II, which have proven to be such a grace for the Church, could never have been undertaken” it said. Among the words of thanksgiving, affirmation and encouragement, the Committee noted the importance of participation by the laity at Mass.
“The Liturgy always has been and always will be about our taking part, our experiencing again and again, through rites and prayers the central events of our redemption and sanctification in Jesus Christ…We commend the great strides that have been taken to invite such engagement over the past 50 years: catechesis on the Liturgy that has shaped the role of the liturgical assembly, the service of the faithful in a great variety of liturgical ministries, and the devotion of so many to the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist,” the Committee said.
“Liturgical song has a preeminent place” in celebrating the Liturgy, the committee said. “Not only is it a means of active participation, but it is another source of beauty that can lift hearts and inspire worship.” The Committee added, however, that “To rely on the music of a single genre of style for the celebration of the Liturgy is to diminish the breadth and depth of our liturgical heritage and to risk the exclusion of the legitimate contributions of particular cultures and composers.” The document is available on line and is divided into seven sections Here is the Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2. Liturgical Reform and the Renewal of the Church 3. Rereading Sacrosanctum Concilium in its Historical Context 4. Fundamental and Foundational Principles
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 17 5. Liturgy as an Art and a Craft 6. Living What We Celebrate 7. Conclusion
Pope's Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees Released Today The president of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, Cardinal Antonio Maria Veglio presented Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. The event will be celebrated on January 19th, 2014 and will reflect on the theme: “Migrants and Refugees: Towards a better world."
Migration, the Cardinal said, “is an invitation aimed at the development of all humanity, including each person with his or her own spiritual and cultural potential'. If we accept that culture is an entirety of spiritual, existential and intellectual aspects that distinguish a society, including also ways of life, fundamental rights, value systems, traditions and beliefs, then it will be possible to confirm that the whole of human existence is permeated by attitudes of encounter and welcome,”
Archbishop Kalathiparambil, the secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, highlighted focused on the plight of migrants in today’s world where millions still find themselves living in refugee camps. Many, he also settling in more urban areas where it can be more difficult to “identify and help.”
“On the one hand, this is about ensuring a limit to human suffering, and on the other, to protecting and promoting a dignified life, at the same time offering adequate structures, stability and hope for the future. It must be said that there has been an increase in international minimum standards, for instance in relation to availability of food, shelter, education, healthcare, detention and repatriation. Besides, these international standards are of a qualitative nature and are therefore universal and applicable in any context.”
“The migrant emerges as a person and as a citizen with rights and duties and, first as a beneficiary of works of Christian charity, the migrant becomes a subject of evangelization, agent of God's providential plan for the edifying encounter between peoples and the diffusion of the Gospel,” Fr. Bentoglio said. For the full text of the Holy Father's message, go to:
Interactive Connections: Cultivating Digital Ministries
January 28 – 31, 2014 • The Doubletree by Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld • Orlando, FL
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 18 Join ministry and catechetical leaders – catechists, teachers, pastors, deacons, youth ministers and other parish leaders to learn how to integrate technology into our ministries and to network with others.
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Where to stay: Doubletree by Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld. Call 800-327-0363 to reserve your room at the special INTERACTIVE CONNECTIONS discounted rate.
Discípulos en la edad digital
On Sep 27, 2013 NCCL member Adrián Herrera shared his PowerPoint: Discípulos en la edad digital on Slideshare. Description: Se presenta las bases para el discipulado y poder seguir a Jesus a traves de reflexiones para meditar. A la vez tambien se presenta recursos digitales para la
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 19 catequesis y la evangelizacion. You can check it out at Discipulos en la edad digital (
The St. John’s Bible: Stories and Interviews
The Saint John’s Bible is an amazing achievement and work of art because it was created by an incredibly talented group of individuals. The experiences, skills, background and personal stories of the members of the Creation Team are as much a part of the Bible project as are the graceful words on the pages. To help share those stories, The Saint John’s Bible website has recently added an interesting and captivating new feature.
In May 2011, most of the Creation Team gathered at the Welsh home of Donald and Mabel Jackson to celebrate the completion of the Bible pages. This was the first time that the team had been together in one room during the entire fifteen-year project. They shared stories, memories and poured over the pages of Letters and Revelation, the final volume in the project. As part of the festivities, each member completed a video interview to talk about their individual experiences working on the project. These interviews provide rare insights into the making of the project and the community of people behind the pages.
These stories and interviews are now available for you to enjoy on The Saint John’s Bible website. Each Creation Team member has an individual webpage ( which features a photograph of the member and a short biography along with their video interview. These personal stories are sure to enhance your appreciation of the work these gifted individuals did to make The Saint John’s Bible a reality.
The Forging of Courage The following essay by Mary Courtwright of Cleveland, Ohio was aired on the September 27, 2013 edition of The Bob Edward’s Show on NPR. Here is the opening paragraph. If you care to read/listen to the complete essay, please go to I believe that courage is forged as one endures the fires of life and chooses to face the flames—even when no one is looking. As a child, I thought courage was an innate quality, passed down from parents or found within the solitude of church. I was taught to make responsible decisions and to treat others fairly, but no one told me that the most difficult choices are those that take place quietly in my own heart. It is easy to do the right thing when you have an audience, others from whom to derive judgment and receive praise. But when I found myself alone and pregnant at 19 years old, and solely
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 20 bore the responsibility to choose my path, I began to discover what “courage” really meant. It was a quiet moment spent in deep meditation that I knew what my decision would be. The message was clear: the child within me needed to be born and was more important than any discomfort, fear, or loneliness I might face. The decision to keep the child took courage, but not nearly as much as the long road ahead would demand.
This Baby Was Supposed to Be Aborted
Claire Culwell's biological mother attempted to abort her and her twin while they were still in the womb. The twin perished, but Claire survived. Two weeks later, her mother gave birth... and Claire's miraculous story began. You can watch the video at This Baby (
Jesus Wasn't Just a Man - He Was Something More! The sentence “He was just a …”on this video may be troubling because it does not explicitly say that Jesus was both God and man. In fact, this is what the blurb states, “Our Lord Jesus Christ was born on this earth as a man... but he was so much more. He saved us from our sins. Watch this inspirational video and thank God for giving us His only Son.” You can watch it and decide for yourself at Jesus Wasn't Just a Man (
How To Be Yourself Some days, you need to remind yourself about what's truly important in life. So sit back with a cup of your favorite beverage and give yourself a few minutes to savor this sweet video, which gives you a prescription for happiness in two minutes, starting with "show up." Check it out at
Caring for Each Other
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 21 Trenton and Lindsay Cochran are best friends, brother and sister, support and inspiration. 10-year old Lindsay, who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy, has been in a wheelchair since she was 2. Trenton understands deeply that his life would have been very different if he didn't have a disabled younger sister. Not only is this mature 12-year old a helper and protector, he is an advocate and ambassador for kids with disabilities. "I would take a bullet for her," he says, as his grateful sister looks on. Watch this three (3) minute video at .
Video from an Eagle's Wing It's an incredible minute-thirty video of mountains, solitude, and restored vision of nature's majesty in the Chamonix valley of France's Mer de Glace. Just amazing! I have no idea how they filmed this from an eagle’s view. Check it out at v=G3QrhdfLCO8&feature=player_embedded.
Fast Food Worker Stood Up For Blind Customer, Gets National Praise
Here is a reason for family discussion, role playing and “What Would You Do?” moral situations. A 19-year-old Dairy Queen employee served more than ice cream at his Hopkins, Minnesota store recently: He stood up for a blind man after his twenty dollar bill, dropped on the ground, was scooped up by a sighted customer who refused to give it back. A typed letter of commendation now hangs on the wall of the DQ shop after a third customer saw the whole scene unfold and couldn't believe how manager Joey Prusak had handled the situation - going above and beyond what anyone could expect. Watch it at Doing What's Right ( .
Breakdancer With Genetic Disorder Inspires Special Needs Children LazyLegz, otherwise known as Luca Patuelli, was born with arthrogryposis (multiplex congenita). He's an amazing dancer, but he always needs crutches. What is more amazing is how he gets kids with special needs to dance. His attitude that anyone can dance is not only remarkable but it works. I was deeply touched by his commitment and his style in dealing with these children with special needs. You can watch the video at Ill Disabilities (
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 22 Bobby McFerrin's SpiritYouAll Honors His Father After 30 years of uplifting vocals, a cappella magic, 10 Grammys, and a wide swath of musical collaborations, in his new album Bobby McFerrin focuses on his own spiritual path. “I read the Bible every day,” writes McFerrin in the liner notes, explaining his special affinity for the Psalms. “Songs of praise, songs of prayer, songs of agony, songs of defeat. It’s all there, at the very center.” Grounded in faith, liberation, and the teachings of Jesus, this deeply spiritual album is also a loving nod to his father, Robert McFerrin Sr., the first African American man to sing a lead role with New York’s Metropolitan Opera Company. SpiritYouAll opens with the song “Everytime,” from the senior McFerrin’s 1959 album Deep River and Other Classic Negro Spirituals . “Fix Me Jesus” and “Swing Low” also appeared on Deep River , now wonderfully rearranged for a contemporary feel. SpiritYouAll features seven classic spirituals, five original tunes, and even a Bob Dylan cover, “I Shall Be Released.” If you listen closely to “Jesus Makes It Good” you’ll hear Bobby playing the instrument on which he began his musical career: the piano. And the sweet rendition of “He’s Got the Whole World” may become another classic for McFerrin in the tradition of his 1988 hit, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy.” McFerrin acknowledges listeners of all faiths in his notes. “These songs are based in my Christian faith but acknowledge and reflect the spirit of YOUALL, wherever your particular faith and journeys may take you.” You can order Spirityouall from the NCCL Amazon Bookstore.
Mia’s Thoughts for the Blessing of the Pets on the Feast of Saint Francis Hello there you everybodies. I have to share the biggest of wiggle waggles with you. I’ve been invited to bark a reflection at an outdoor Blessing of the Pets on the Feast of St. Francis. St. Francis is very special to me so I thought I’d share with you, the pawspective I am giving at the prayer service: My name is Mia. I am an Old English Sheepdog. I’m also a church dog and I work at St. Peter the Fisherman in Two Rivers. It is my job to greet people and to pawthor my own bulletin articles. My Mia Papa, Fr. Tom Reynebeau, works there too, as my assistant. Tonight I have brought along my Nanny Lyn. Since most peoples are not able to understand what I say, I have asked her to translate my barkies into people language. This is a most special of Feastdays. St. Francis is an extra good saint who did special works and was also a friendly buddy to all animals. St. Francis taughtdid us many important things about how to live nicely like, and so I want to tell you this: Don’t spend your days chasing squirrels, do what matters.
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 23 Don’t growl about the unexpected and don’t bite when a simple bark will do. Take naps. Being wiggley waggley always makes you feel better. Be happy with what you have, after all you can only play with one squeaky toy at a time anyhow. Learn new tricks, no matter your age. When loved ones come home, always run to greet them. Invite others to play with you. And most important . Listen to Your Masters voice! And nows for another thing, in case you don't know anything about St. Francis, I can tell you lots. When he was growing up he was a very bad boy. He wouldn’t come when he was called; he would not sit or stay; he'd eat all the treats instead of just one; he was growly to others and a big mean bully! But one day God talked to Francis and said “Hey there, dude guy, what do you think you are doing? I created you to be a good boy and you better start being good real soon, or you’ll be sent to the kennel for a time out. “ This made Francis feel very full of the remorse and he told God he was very sorry and that he wanted to start all over being good and would God please help him? And God said, “Oh yes for sure I will help you.” And God did. Well one day not long after, Francis was walking down the road and this big, huffy puffy, wolf came running up to him, and the wolf said “GRRRRR”, now that’s wolf talk for “You look big and tasty, I think I will eat you.” Francis just looked at the wolf and said, “Bad wolf. Didn’t your mother teach you to pray before meals?” Then St. Francis kneeldid down, and the wolf he too kneeldid down, and together they prayed: “Bless us O Lord and these thy gifts…” All of a suddenly the wolf did not feel so growlybad. Instead he felt like he should be a good boy! So St. Francis told the wolf, “Well if you are going to be good, and if you remember to pray every day, then you can come along and be my friend. Together we will build churches, and find poor people to help, and tell everybody about God.” This made the wolf all wiggly waggledy with joy and he became tame which is another word for being friendly like and good. When God saw how Francis and the wolf were trying to be good, God shouted out; “Big surprise for you two! Because you are trying to be holy, and lead people to me, I am going to give both of you a new name. Francis, your new name will be Saint. And you tame wolf, I’m calling you dog…D-O-G, and then God laughed real loud like because of
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 24 the funny He made, because spelled backwards, the name dog is G-O-D which spells GOD! And that's how Francis gots to be called Saint, and have the first church dog forever and ever. Amen.
A Thousand Mornings: Poems I am a Mary Oliver fan. I find her poems a great way to begin a time of prayer and reflection. Here is one of the poems from her newest collection. Whether you actually read the Morning paper or do it online, I believe her message is worth some time for reflection. If you like it and her poetry, you can buy A Thousand Mornings: Poems from the NCCL Amazon Bookstore. The Morning Paper
Read one newspaper daily (the morning edition is the best for by evening you know that you at least have lived through another day) and let the disasters, the unbelievable yet approved decisions, soak in.
I don't need to name the countries, ours among them.
What keeps us from falling down, our faces to the ground; ashamed, ashamed?
Popular Demand Propels New Papal Cologne Reminiscent of the Truth is Stranger Than Fiction piece that would often appear in The Wittenburg Door, comes a story in time for the feast of Saint Francis and supposedly in honor of our newest Pope.
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 25 Excelsis Fine Fragrances announced it has created an exciting new cologne and aftershave product made expressly to honor Jorge Mario Bergoglio, newly elected Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
Called simply, "Francis," the new papal fragrance responds to a groundswell of requests from customers of The Pope's Cologne, Excelsis' flagship product, which honors the late 18th Century Pontiff, Pope Pius IX. A second popular Papal cologne, Benedictus, honoring the current Pope Emeritus, was introduced in 2006. "I put a great deal of thought and effort into creating Francis," says Dr. Hass, "and we are simply thrilled with the enthusiastic early reaction to it. We are hearing words like 'gentle,' 'simple,' 'warm,' 'pleasing' -- and even 'heavenly' -- used to describe the new fragrance. These are precisely the terms used by the media and the new Pope's close associates to describe His Holiness' own character traits and personal demeanor."
Good Pope, Bad Pope: Their Lives, Our Lessons Why this book? I think the best reason lies in this commentary. “Every pope is by definition a remarkable man. But the popes whose stories you’ll read here were chosen because they reveal how the papacy developed. They show us how Christ kept his promise to his bride, the Church, not only in her health but also in her sickness. . . . the worst popes could do nothing to damage the teaching of the Church.” After all, “That’s why, even in its darkest moments, the story of the papacy is a story of triumph. And that’s why it’s worth knowing these twelve popes.” You can order Good Pope, Bad Pope: Their Lives, Our Lessons from the NCCL Amazon Bookstore.
Listen to Your Blessed Mother: Mary's Words in Scripture You are probably wondering how someone can write a book on the words of a person whose recorded words are very few but let me assure you that Gary Zimak digs deep to provide insightful reflections and real-life application. He spends five chapters on the Magnificat, three covering the Annunciation, two for the Finding in the Temple, two on the Marriage at Cana, and five drawing lessons from Mary's other (silent) appearances in the gospels and Acts. You can order Listen to Your Blessed Mother: Mary's Words in Scripture from the NCCL Amazon Bookstore. St. Joseph Altars Although this book is seen from the celebrations in New Orleans, it still captures the story of the St Joseph Altar with the prayers and rituals of the occasion. This book not only gives you ideas
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 26 of how to do your first St. Joseph Altar, but it also gives you original recipes to make and put on the altar. From St Joseph Bread to St Joseph sawdust to top the traditional pasta dish served with a hard boiled egg, it's all here to make your first altar a success. It’s not too early to begin planning for March 19th. You can order St. Joseph Altars from the NCCL Amazon Bookstore.
Knowing Jesus and His Message – Conociendo a Jesus y su Mensaje
This is an excellent resource. Immediately following the Learning Session on this resource at the NCCL Conference and Exposition in Cleveland, the NCCL Bookstore sold over fifteen (15) copies of the book in English and Spanish.
Based on the protocol used to evaluate elementary religion series, the book used fifteen standards for Pre-K and K through Grades 7 & 8. Included with the binder is a CD with all the materials available for duplication. This is an ideal help for any elementary catechist regardless of the series you might be using. Check out the following and use the Order Form. PREFACE - Knowing Jesus and His Message ( EXPLANATION - Knowing Jesus and His Message ( Standards - Explained ( Normas y Fundamentos ( ORDER FORM - Knowing Jesus and His Message (
Looking For A Good Book?
Stop by the NCCL Bookstore. Purchasing books, CDs, DVDs, and other products on Amazon through the NCCL Bookstore ( helps support this valuable online ministry.
If you are an on-line shopper and you frequent, please enter through the NCCL Amazon Bookstore as the organization benefits from every purchase you make. It’s an ideal way to support our ministry. Just go to our Home page ( and click on the Store tab or click on and it will take you directly to our bookstore. It doesn’t matter what you buy, as long as you enter through the NCCL Amazon Bookstore, we get a percentage of your purchases.
CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 27 We are just building our bookstore and adding titles every day, so if you have any suggestions for books you believe should be available through our bookstore, please drop NCCL a note. All books mentioned in CL Weekly are available at the NCCL Bookstore.
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CL Weekly – September 30, 2013 Page 28