Accounting, Finance and Economics Framework

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Accounting, Finance and Economics Framework

The Faculty of Management

Accounting, Finance and Economics Framework BA (Hons) Business Studies BSc (Hons) Marketing

Placement Handbook

Handbook 2017-2018

[Type text] 2 CONTENTS














Placement Handbook 2017-18 3 PLACEMENT INFORMATION

Students often say that the Industrial Training year is the most rewarding and enjoyable part of their course. It is an opportunity for you to work alongside professionals in your chosen area and see at first-hand how the knowledge and skills you have learnt on your course are applied in practice.

Around thirty percent of students are offered a role on graduation and occasionally some students return from placement with sponsorship to help them through their Final year. Doing well in your placement will enable you to build a portfolio of skills and competences which will prove invaluable when it comes to applying for permanent jobs when you graduate.

Whilst on placement, your initial contacts within the Faculty of Management Business School Placements Office are:

Karen Marshall Placement Coordinator BA (Hons) Business Studies with Pathways

01202 965466 [email protected]

Jackie Darke Placement Coordinator Accounting, Finance and Economics Framework BSc (Hons) Marketing

01202 965019 [email protected]

Our address is:

Bournemouth University The Faculty of Management Placement Office Room DG34, Dorset House Talbot Campus Fern Barrow Poole BH12 5BB


To enable you to:

• make an effective contribution to the employing organisation

• have first-hand experience of a working environment and in particular the problems encountered in trying to meet organisational objectives and to understand how such problems are tackled

• demonstrate your ability to understand your role in the work of the organisation by implementing instructions, directing understanding and assuring appropriate action to carry out successfully, tasks assigned to you

• develop both interpersonal and technical skills necessary for the successful completion of your work

• consider and discuss with colleagues and supervisors the relationship between theoretical concepts and the practical situations you meet

• apply careful thought to ways in which this experience may help you to plan your future

• make an effective contribution to the learning process within the course after returning to the University


1. You are first and foremost an employee of your placement company and will be expected to conform to their requirements in the same way as other employees. At the same time the University still considers you as a student and through contact with your PDA, the university will continue to monitor the evidence of your learning

2. Satisfactory completion of the placement year depends on the following:

i) A minimum of thirty weeks work experience (excluding holidays and sickness) ii) Achieving an appropriate level of performance in your work, as evidenced in the employer feedback iii) Demonstrating your performance and learning over the year to your PDA iv) Completion of a record of your learning (e-portfolio)

In order to be awarded a sandwich degree you must successfully complete the placement year.


Placement Handbook 2017-18 5 In the event of a student not completing the placement satisfactorily, the Board of Examiners will either require the student to withdraw from the course, or require the student to repeat the placement year, once more.

Please note that in the event of a requirement to repeat this part of the course, the arrangement of a satisfactory placement is the sole responsibility of the student concerned.


Your Placement Development Advisor (PDA) has a number of roles:

• To provide a link between you, your employer, and the University

• To confirm that you are doing work appropriate for a placement

• To check on your learning and to encourage the reflective learning process

• To discuss and appraise your performance with both yourself and your employer

• To encourage the idea of continuing professional development

In normal circumstances you will receive at least one face to face company visit during the placement year. Expect this meeting to last approximately an hour and a half to two hours. In addition you will receive one remote visit. You may contact your PDAs at any time if you need additional support.

Throughout your placement regular updates and announcements will be made via MYBU and it is important that you check it on a regular basis.

You will have the opportunity to discuss any aspect of the placement you wish with your Placement Development Adviser (PDA); indeed it is in your interests to give him/her as complete a picture as possible of your work and the placement experience. Please make sure that you work continuously on your Professional Development Portfolio in preparation for the meetings and that the work is at hand at the time of the face to face or remote visit.

Your PDA will expect you to make all necessary arrangements for the meetings by ensuring that you are available, and that your supervisor is also informed and is able to set aside some time to speak with your PDA. Similar formal arrangements should also be made for the ‘remote meeting’

Once the date of a meeting is arranged, (remote or face to face) please make every effort to keep it, as last minute cancellations are very inconvenient, involve a lot of re-arrangements, and may result in another student missing out on a visit altogether.

Review meetings are both a reflection and a planning activity. You will be encouraged to stand back from your role and identify and critically appraise the wider learning you have gained from your placement experience. You will be encouraged to reflect on your personal learning, identifying strengths and weaknesses and setting objectives for your development and future career development.


6 N.B. Please ensure you update your placement form on Mycareerhub with any changes or additional information. At all times the form must show up to date details of your work address, work telephone number, email address and managers contact details. Any major changes must be communicated to your allocated PDA.

If you change placement during the year, please complete a new placement form on Mycareerhub. Do not overwrite the old form.

Please remember to notify your Placement Development Advisor if you are ill and away from work for more than a week.

International Placement Students on Tier 4 (General) Student Visa

Bournemouth University is required to monitor the following requirements for students on a Tier Four visa during the placement year. We would be grateful if you could complete the following:

 Please complete the Placement Form on MyCareerHub 14 days BEFORE starting your placement. Your Placement Coordinator is required to authorise your placement and send information to your employer in advance of your start date. The placement form can be found on Mycareerhub and clicking on ‘My Forms’ on the top menu bar.

The respective forms are as follows:

For Business Studies – BS Placement Details Form – Sandwich Placements 2017-18

For AFE and Marketing – AFE, BSMS Placement Details Form – Sandwich Placements 2017-18.

 Please complete the attendance form bi monthly from September 2017

If you have a significant problem whilst on placement

One of the aims of the placement year is to increase students’ self-confidence and self-reliance. Occasionally, students are faced with difficulties or challenges at work, and they are able to make an appointment with their supervisor to attempt to resolve the situation.

However, there may be occasions when you are faced with a problem and are unsure of the appropriate action to take, or feel unable to resolve the situation yourself. In such circumstances, you should contact your PDA or PC:

Placement Development Adviser Andrew Gouws Tel: 07970590366 / 01202 699690 [email protected] Maria Dymott Tel: 07718805468 / 01202 605437 [email protected] Felicity Robinson Tel: 07970590367 / 01725 518196 [email protected] Kim Appleton Tel: 07834172286 / 01202 496582 [email protected]

Placement Coordinators Jackie Darke Tel: (01202) 965019 [email protected] Placement Handbook 2017-18 7 Karen Marshall Tel: (01202) 965466 [email protected]

If your Placement Company wants to advertise a placement role.

If the company you are working for wants to advertise another placement role to Bournemouth University students they can do so by uploading their job description to the site is free to use and they can manage their vacancies online.

Useful Links, Helplines and Addresses askBU 01202 969696 [email protected]

Additional Learning Support 01202 965663 [email protected]

BU Student Union 01202 965765

SUBU Advice 01202 965779 (Student Centre) / 01202 967369 (Bournemouth House) [email protected]

BU Accommodation Office 01202 965385 [email protected]

BU Current Students

BU Finance Department 01202 961600 [email protected] advice/finance-support

BU International Students

BU Placements & Careers

BU Student Regulations

Chaplaincy wellbeing/chaplaincy

Student Wellbeing wellbeing/student-wellbeing

IT Services 01202 965515 For help with expired passwords, Mahara & all IT enquiries

Student Loans Company

8 Bournemouth Council Tax Office Town Hall, Bournemouth, BH2 6EB 01202 451451

HM Inspector of Taxes Holland House, 20 Oxford Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8DZ 0845 302 1451

Transport for London for student Oyster cards - (go to tickets / 18 + / apply online / coming to London on a work placement Contact askBU for the letter required)


In the light of recent terror attacks, BU has a duty of care to you. In this situation please contact +44 (0)1202 962222 or email [email protected] to inform us you are safe. Please also make contact with your Placement Development Advisor in this situation.

For advice you can consult and travel-advice

INSURANCE: All students on work placement, whether working at home in the UK or overseas, should ensure that they are fully insured in the working environment, and seek written confirmation of this from their employer.

If you are working overseas on your placement the University offers free travel insurance, please contact your placements office to arrange travel insurance. Other than this the University has no insurance in place which benefits students other than the normal Public Liability policy, i.e. a student making a claim would have to demonstrate that he or she suffered because the University was at fault.

In the UK, you would usually be covered by the employers' liability insurance, although you should verify this. Overseas, matters may be somewhat different. It is very important that you check you are covered for any accidents at work, to yourself and to others, and if the employer refuses to cover you, then you will have to meet this cost yourself.

Placement Handbook 2017-18 9 Health and Safety on Work Placement Information for Students

Students on industrial placements come within the scope of The Health and Safety (Training for Employment) Regulations 1990. In effect you are deemed to be an employee of the organisation providing the placement opportunity (‘Placement Provider’) - this is regardless of the duration or location of the placement and whether or not you are paid. This leaflet contains factual advice on the various responsibilities that exist during work placement. It is intended to supplement rather than replace the information which should be provided by your Placement Provider during your induction into the workplace and thereafter.

So what are your health & safety responsibilities?

As a student on placement you have the same legal duties as any other employee. They include:

- Taking reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do, or fail to do. This will include the disclosure of relevant personal information to your Placement Provider e.g. on disabilities; - co-operating with your Placement Provider on health and safety, and reporting promptly any situation you believe to be unsafe; - correctly using work items provided to you, including personal protective equipment, in accordance with training or instructions; and - not interfering with or misusing anything provided for your health, safety or welfare.

What duties does the University have during placement?

The University does recognise that it has a duty of care towards you in relation to your placement to the limited extent we can contribute to preventing foreseeable injuries. The University will give the Placement Provider any information that it holds which it has reason to believe may be needed in order to ensure your health and safety. The exception to this is where you disclose information to us that you wish to remain confidential – in this case you are advised to notify your Placement Coordinator and discuss the relevance of this to your placement.

10 A letter will be sent to your Placement Provider which explains the University’s interest in ensuring your safety while on placement. The University will respond to any negative feedback received from you by discussing this information with yourself/the Placement Provider in order to address any unresolved issues.

If you are concerned about any aspect of occupational health or safety during your placement, you should first discuss the matter with your contact at the Placement Provider to give them the opportunity to address your concerns. However, if you are not satisfied with their response, then please refer to your Faculty who will be able to provide further advice.

What does your Placement Provider need to do to ensure your health & safety?

Your Placement Provider has the primary duty under the law to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, your health, safety and welfare at work. In general, this means making your workplace safe and without risks to health.

This will include: ensuring their premises and machines are safe and that safe systems of work are set and followed; ensuring all materials and substances are moved, stored and used safely; providing you with adequate welfare facilities; giving you the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for your health and safety, and consulting with their workforce on health and safety matters.

The provision of induction in workplace health and safety arrangements remains your Placement Provider’s responsibility as this will include matters that only they will be aware of (such as the matters listed below).

In order to safeguard your health and safety, your Placement Provider must:

- assess the risks to your health and safety (and record the significant findings if there are 5 or more employees) and then make arrangements for implementing the health and safety measures identified as being necessary by the assessment - draw up a health and safety policy and bring it to your attention (if there are 5 or more employees) - appoint someone competent to assist with health and safety responsibilities - co-operate on health and safety with other employers sharing the same workplace - set up emergency procedures (e.g. action in case of fire etc.) - provide adequate first-aid facilities and report certain injuries and dangerous occurrences to the health and safety enforcing authority - ensure that the workplace has adequate facilities for ventilation, temperature, lighting, and sanitary, washing and rest facilities

Placement Handbook 2017-18 11 - ensure that work equipment is suitable, so far as health and safety is concerned, and that it is properly maintained and used - prevent or adequately control exposure to substances which may damage your health and provide health surveillance as appropriate - take precautions against danger from flammable or explosive hazards, electrical equipment, noise and radiation - avoid hazardous manual handling operations, and where they cannot be avoided, reduce the risk of injury - provide free any protective clothing or equipment, where risks are not adequately controlled by other means - ensure that appropriate safety signs are provided and maintained.

12 Money Matters

Please visit the following websites for current tax information:

Will I have to pay Tax and National Insurance? Yes you will be required to pay Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions. However you may be eligible for a refund if you do not intend to work again in the remainder of the tax year. Contact your Tax office for advice and for a claim form P50. Make sure you also get your P45 from your placement employer when you leave.

Council Tax – Contact AskBU for all Council Tax exemption queries. All students are exempt from paying Council Tax. Council Tax Exemption is valid for the duration of your course (including the placement year).

Can I still draw my student loan? (Applicable to sandwich year placements only) You are eligible for approximately 50% of the student loan whilst on placement. The Student Loan Company will send the renewal forms automatically if you have had a student loan previously. If you are having financial difficulties contact the Student Advice Centre or Keith Sutton in AskBU to discuss. AskBU will also process Student Status letters for loan approvals. Student Loans Website -

Employment Guidelines

The legislation is subject to change so please refer to the relevant websites. It is also important to remember that in any work situation there will be times when you will need to extend your goodwill and flexibility to your employer. Below is a list of key topics:

a. Contracts b. Notice Periods c. Minimum Wage (see link information below) d. Deductions e. Paid Leave / Sick Pay f. Working Time Regulations g. Absence from Work h. Accident Reporting

Please visit the official website for current legislation –

You can also ask questions related to employment issues over the phone or on line at

ACAS is an organisation devoted to preventing and resolving employment disputes NB Minimum wage

Students on Higher Education courses undertaking placements as part of their course need NOT be paid the minimum wage. It is therefore essential to agree salary prior to accepting the placement. Placement Handbook 2017-18 13 1216-national-minimum-wage-worker-checklist.pdf

When don’t I have to be paid the national minimum wage?

The following are indicators that you are not entitled to the NMW:

You are a worker who is exempt from the NMW by law. A limited number of groups are classified as workers but are exempt from the NMW under NMW law. This includes students undertaking work experience for no more than one year as a required part of a UK higher or further education course, some participants in specified government work or training schemes and voluntary workers. Further information on who is not entitled to the minimum wage can be found on the GOV.UK website.

14 Placement Handbook 2017-18 15

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