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Harlan County Schools

Primary 1 (Kindergarten) Yr. _____-_____Student ______Teacher______HARLAN COUNTY SCHOOLS PRIMARY 1 LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA

Primary 1 (Kindergarten) Yr:_____-_____ Student ______Teacher ______

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student.) 1. Apply abilities in language arts. A. Think clearly and solve problems about language (classify, decide, solve, compare). B. Talk and write clearly about language (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans and use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for many purposes. A. Be able to listen to and enjoy literature (rhyme, fairy tale, story). B. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, radio, television, CD-ROM). C. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, and explain a process). D. Possess technical skills: 1. listen/dictate/write/present: instruction, chart, thank-you letter, report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). 2. Technology: word processing, Internet, AV production E. Be able to use specialized vocabulary from all subject areas. Content Standards *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations

LANGUAGE ARTS (A.E. 1.1-1.4, 1.11 – 1.12, ____ask & answer questions about important Writing Products 5.1 – 6.3) details in complete thoughts Portfolio: Dictate ____recognize & respond to rhythmic & ____short story READING patterned reading materials ____summary of information from a content ____Open Response with Rubric Literature area lesson Reading Skills ____listen to a story, rhymes and fairy tales for ____short personal narrative Sight Word Recognition Skills details Grammar ____recites alphabet ____retell a story with the beginning, middle ____express ideas orally ____match upper & lower case letters end ____speak using complete sentences ____discriminate alike/different in forms ____illustrate or label pictures, drawings or ____discriminate between telling and asking ____discriminate alike/different in letters stories sentences ____discriminate alike/different in words ____identify audience & purpose in a drawing ____speak using correct grammar ____identify upper/lower case letters ____recite a rhyme with group or byself Spelling (alphabetically & randomly) ____discriminate between fact & fantasy ____write letter when given sound of letter ____recognize & write first name and last name ____tell how a story relates to real life Penmanship ____associate picture to word for meaning and Practical/Workplace ____hold pencil correctly clarity ____demonstrate understanding or spatial ____trace ____identify colors and color words concepts ____form letters correctly Phonetic Analysis ____demonstrate understanding of sequence ____write first name and last name ____reproduce/pronounce words ____demonstrate left to right directionality ____print capital letters ____discriminate beginning & ending sounds ____demonstrate understanding of top & ____print lower case letters ____identify beginning sounds bottom ____identify spoken rhyming words ____recognize front & back of book Speech Information ____verbally share ideas and feelings ____follow oral directions WRITING ____answer & ask questions in complete ____interpret pictures ____express thoughts/ideas through verbal thoughts ____identify spoken opposites and/or symbolic representation and know when ____tell ideas in sequence & know when your ____look at the speaker finished finished ____be quiet when someone is speaking ____recognize pencil/paper position ____speak loud enough to be heard but not too ____listen without distracting others ____recognize left to right and top to bottom loud ____listen & follow directions progression ____wait your turn to talk, do not distract others, & look at others when they are talking

MATH EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in math. A. Think clearly and solve problems in math (classify, decide, estimate, solve, compare, sort). B. Talk and dictate clearly about math (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans and use them (brainstorm, research, plan, organize, complete the task). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). E. Be able to use appropriate mathematical vocabulary. 2. Be able to apply math knowledge and skills to a variety or purposes. A. Be able to use math to solve problems in a step-by-step manner. B. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present). C. Be able to sort, pattern, graph, measure (non-standard units), and use manipulatives, calendars (know days of week), money (name coins), clock (morning/evening, day/night).

1 Primary 1 (Kindergarten) Yr. _____-_____Student ______Teacher______MATH (A.E. 1.5 – 1.9, 2.7 – 2.13, 5.1 – 6.3) ____sort objects into categories/colors Probability/Statistics ____Open Response with Rubric ____tell time to the hour ____develop simple understanding of bar Number/Computation ____identify objects: circle, square, triangle, graphs ____match numbers to objects 0 through 20 rectangle ____estimate quantities of objects 0 to 20 ____count to 20 ____demonstrate understanding of calendar: ____read a simple pictograph ____count backwards from 10 days, weeks, months ____read a simple bar graph ____subtract concrete objects from group ____locate objects in specified positions (top, ____add concrete objects to group bottom, middle, left, right). Algebraic Ideas ____identify numerals 0 through 20 ____use words for size & position (more/less, ____demonstrate a simple understanding of ____write numbers 0 through 20 most/least, few/many, big/little, heavy/light, patterns ____recognize repeated patterns in numbers thick/thin, over/under, above/below, top/bottom, ____predict what comes next in a pattern from 0 – 20 etc.) ____copy pattern from picture or model ____identify ordinal numbers and position (1st – ____demonstrate concepts: largest, smallest, ____add to patterns 5th) same, longest, shortest, more, less ____make own pattern Geometry/Measurement ____use non-standard units to measure ____identify coins: penny, nickel, dime, quarter

SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of abilities standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the students.) 1. Develop abilities in science. A. Think clearly and solve problems about science (classify, decide, estimate, solve, compare). B. Talk clearly about science (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans and use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply science knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research, hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusion). B. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). C. Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately). D. Know how to preserve the earth (reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse). E. Possess technical skills 1. listen/dictate/graph 2. technology word processing, Internet, AV production

SCIENCE/HEALTH (A.E. 1.10, 2.1-2.6, 5.1- ____identify opposites (light/dark, loud/soft) Earth & Space Science 6.3) ____classify objects (heavy/light, tall/short) ____recognize daily weather conditions ____Open Response with Rubric ____identify/know common plants, (trees, ____know air is all around us Health/Life Science flowers, grass, native plants, special interest) ____know that Earth is made up of land & ____identify body parts where they grow, & how to care for plants water ____demonstrate basic understanding of living ____identify/know common animals (farm, zoo, ____name the 4 seasons & their characteristics & non-living local, & special interest), where they live, how Physical Science they move (walk, crawl, etc.) & that they look ____classify objects by texture, size, shape, like their parents color

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in social studies. A. Think clearly and solve problems about social studies (classify, observe, decide, estimate, solve, compare). B. Talk about social studies (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend and narrate) using appropriate vocabulary. C. Make careful plans and use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply social studies knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information). B. Be able to relate social studies to your life. - view life from other perspectives and others’ point of vies. - Explain the effects important inventions, events, people, and moments have on you. - Think about other people and other places to solve problems and make decisions. - Relate current events to your life (be able to talk about current events). C. Possess technical skills -listen/dictate/write/present instructions, chart, thank you letter, letter of request. -technology word processing, Internet.

SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. 2.14-2.21, 2.29, ____talk about the meaning of family & know ____use good manners (please, thank you, take 2.32, 3.1-4.6, 5.1 – 6.3) what is important to family turns) ____Open Response with Rubric ____describe family groups & relationships ____respect the rights of others, peers, & Culture and Society ____talk about why families move property ____know age & birthday Geography ____know the American flag & how we show ____know what it is like where you live (urban, ____recognize up, down, left, right, top, bottom, respect for it (patriotic song: “America”) rural & community) above, below, near, far ____know the Pledge of Allegiance ____know address Government and Civics History ____know emergency phone numbers ____demonstrate knowledge of holidays & ____distinguish yesterday, today, tomorrow ____identify careers & community helpers traditions ____know how others lived I the past & what ____use appropriate classroom behavior was important to them 2 Primary 1 (Kindergarten) Yr. _____-_____Student ______Teacher______identify historical figures (i.e. George ____throwing ____echo clap rhythm patters Washington, Martin Luther King Jr.) ____catching ____identify long and short sounds ____kicking ____clap to a steady beat ARTS AND HUMANITITES Lifetime Activities Understand cooperative learning with Tempo PHYSICAL EDUCATION/DANCE (A.E. ____partner ____identify fast and slow tempos 1.7, 1.15, 2.22-2.26, 2.31, 2.33-2.35, 3.2) ____group ____Open Response with Rubric Dynamics VISUAL ARTS (A.E. 1.13, 2.22-2.27) ____identify loud and soft Understand Shapes ____Open Response with Rubric ____demonstrate loud and soft ____circle ____Line: identify straight, curved, zig-zag ____line ____Shape: identify circle, triangle, rectangle, Melody ____square square ____recognize high and low pitches Understands Directions ____Name: primary, secondary, and neutral ____recognize melodic, up and down movement ____right colors (red, yellow, blue, orange, green, violet, ____left black, white) Tone Color ____forward ____Texture: identify rough and smooth ____recognize voice: male, female, child ____backward ____Pattern: identify simple repeating patterns Personal Wellness that repeat shapes & colors DRAMA (A.E. 2.22, 2.23,2.24) ____recognize importance of exercise Art Process: Media ____Open Response with Rubric ____perform simple stretching exercise ____identify and illustrate experiences Dramatic Elements ____perform simple strengthening exercise Example: Pencil draw family enjoying activity ____retell a story orally ____feel and hear heartbeat together. ____pantomime an action with a beginning, Psychomotor Skills ____cultures and styles: recognize different middle, & end Perform locomotor actions people make different kinds of art Elements of Performance ____walk Art Process: Skill ____speak clearly ____run ____use scissors correctly ____listen & echo voice expressions ____hop on one foot ____control crayons ____move within character ____jump ____slide MUSIC (A.E. 2.22, 2.23, 2.24) ____skip ____Open Response with Rubric ____gallop ____identify 4 different voices (speaking, Manipulative Skills whispering, singing, calling) Understand difference between Rhythm

____Needs to complete Kindergarten (P 1) Level skills at the start of the next year which may result in more than four years needed in Primary Program ____Needs to review some Kindergarten Level Skills ____Is ready to begin First Grade (P 2) ____Has begun to master some First Grade skills and needs to continue the First Grade Skills

Year’s Summary (_____-_____)

Guardian’s Signature ______Date:______

Teacher’s Signature______Date:______

3 P2 (First Grade Yr.) ______-______Student______Teacher______Harlan County Schools PRIMARY 2 LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA Primary 2 (First Grade) Yr.: ___-_____ Student ______Teacher______LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student.) 1. Apply abilities in language arts. A. Think clearly & solve problems about language (classify, decide, solve, compare). B. Talk & write clearly about language (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 2. Be able to read, write, speak, & listen for many purposes. A. Be able to listen to & enjoy literature (fiction, nonfiction). B. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, radio, television, Internet, CD-ROM). C. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, & explain a process). D. Be able to produce personal writing (narrative), literary writing (short story), & transactive writing (letter). E. Possess technical skills: i. Listen/dictate/write/present: instructions, chart, thank-you letter, letter of request, proposal, report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorial, articles, speeches, letters). ii. Technology: word processing, Internet, AV production F. Be able to use specialized vocabulary from all subject areas.

Content Standards ____identify cause & effect ____properly use verbs: action words, verb ____make inferences endings, simple contractions *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations ____draw conclusions Punctuation ____name parts of a book: pages, title, table of ____developing the proper use of periods & LANGUAGE ARTS (A.E. content question marks 1.1-1.4, 1.11-1.12,5.1-6.3) Literature ____understand exclamation marks ____identify plot: beginning, middle & end of ____recognize quotation marks, apostrophes, & selection commas READING ____identify setting ____developing the proper use of capitals: ____Open Response with Rubric ____identify character traits/actions beginning of sentences, proper noun Reading Skills ____distinguish fact/fiction Correctness ____read/recognize & use sight words ____sit quietly without distracting others, Spelling ____identify initial consonants showing attentive listening ____spells assigned words ____identify final consonants ____asks appropriate questions ____demonstrate willingness to invent spelling ____identify short vowels Practical/Workplace for unknown words ____identify long vowels ____follow oral directions Penmanship ____identify silent e ____demonstrate sequencing ____write first/last name correctly ____identify blends ____read & follow simple written directions ____use appropriate finger spacing ____identify digraphs ____arrange words in alphabetical order ____use appropriate letter/number sizing ____identify vowel combinations ____choose books with appropriate interest & ____write legibly ____identify rhyming words ability level ____use correct character formation Structural Analysis ____read aloud smoothly Writing Products ____recognize compound words Portfolio, On-Demand Requirements, & Other ____recognize regular plurals WRITING Products: Comprehension: Word/Passage Meaning ____Personal Narrative Writing Process ____recognize context clues ____Short story/Poem ____demonstrate writing process steps with ____recognize antonyms ____Persuasive/Informative Pieces assistance: pre-write, write, revise, edit, publish ____recognize synonyms ____Friendly letter Idea Development ____recognize multiple meanings ____Thank you note ____identify the purpose for producing a piece ____read orally ____Journal entries using words, sentences, of writing ____read & write simple phonetic words drawings, & invented spelling ____identify the audience for a piece of writing ____restate meaning of given words Speech ____sequence ideas ____restate meaning of given sentences ____verbally share ideas & feelings ____write with meaning ____identify left to right directionality ____answer & ask questions in complete ____stays on topic Information thoughts Sentences ____identify main idea ____tell ideas in sequence & know when your ____recognize that words form sentences ____identify supporting details finished ____write complete, simple sentences ____summarize selections ____speak loud enough to be heard but not too ____identify asking & telling sentences ____utilize punctuation clues loud ____identify information that provides ____wait your turn to talk, do not distract additional clarity (bold-face print, italics, LANGUAGE others, & look at others when they are talking illustrations, capitalization, punctuation). Grammar ____categorize & classify ____properly use nouns: singular, plural, proper ____compare & contrast

4 P2 (First Grade Yr.) ______-______Student______Teacher______MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in math. A. Think clearly & solve problems in math (classify, decide, estimate, solve, compare, sort). B. Talk & dictate clearly about math (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, research, plan, organize, complete the task). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). E. Be able to use appropriate mathematical vocabulary. 2. Be able to apply math knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to use math to solve problems in a step-by-step manner (collect facts, select operation, complete operations, solve & label solutions). B. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present). C. Be able to sort, pattern, graph, measure & use manipulatives, clocks (to half hour), money (count to $1.00), calendars (length of day, week, month, year), & shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle) to solve problems.

____count & write by 25’s to 100 ____use a ruler to find length using inches & MATH (A.E. 1.5-1.9, 2.7 – 2.13, 5.1-6.3) ____recognize even & odd numbers centimeters ____write using math concepts & vocabulary ____relate position to ordinal numbers first to ____demonstrate understanding of volume ____open response with rubric twelfth ____demonstrate understanding of more, less & Number/Computation ____tell if numbers are greater than, les s than same ____understand terms: add, plus, how many in or equal ____demonstrate understanding of mass all, & plus sign ____develop & solve an addition & subtraction ____demonstrate understanding of larger, ____add one digit numbers without regrouping word problem smaller, heavier & lighter (with & without regrouping (with & without ____use a number line ____tell time to the hour & half hour using a manipulative, vertically & horizontally) Geometry/Measurement traditional & digital clock ____understand terms: subtract, minus, how ____classify objects-same/different(congruent), ____recognize a calendar as a form of many are left & minus sign color, shape measuring time ____subtract one digit numbers without ____identify, compare, & construct square, ____use a calendar to solve problems regrouping (with & without manipulative circle, triangle, rectangles, & ovals ____name the days of the week/months of the vertically & horizontally) ____describe & give examples of geometric year ____solve 2 digit addition & subtraction figures in terms of shape & number of sides ____demonstrate an understanding of problems without regrouping ____use cent sign & dollar sign temperature (hot & cold) ____understand place value (ones, tens, & ____identify & write the value of penny, nickel, Probability/Statistics hundreds) dime, & quarter ____interpret (a given) simple bar graph ____match sets with numbers ____identify whole, half, one third & one fourth ____illustrate data on a bar, line graph & ____count pictures/objects ____demonstrate understanding of shortest, pictograph with assistance ____recognize & write numbers to 100 longest, & same Algebraic Ideas ____order random numbers from least to ____measure using non-standard units of ____continue a given pattern with number & greatest measure shapes ____count & write by 2’s to 100 ____compare lengths of objects using a variety ____crate a pattern with numbers & shapes ____count & write by 5’s to 100 of tools of measurement ____count & write by 10’s to 100 SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of abilities standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in science. A. Think clearly & solve problems about science (classify, decide, estimate, solve, compare)./ B. Talk about science (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply science knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research, hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusion). B. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). C. Be able to use scientific equipment (magnifying glass, thermometer) appropriately (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately). D. Know how to preserve the earth (reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse). E. Possess technical skills 1. listen/read/dictate/write/present: instructions, chart, report, letter or request,, summary. 2. technology: word processing, Internet, AV production. SCIENCE/HEALTH (A.E. Health/Life Science *rotation ____know living/nonliving & characteristics of ____know the four seasons in order/weather 1.10, 2.1-2.6, 5.1 – 6.3) each( breathing, non breathing, eats, doesn’t eat) patterns & characteristics ____open response with rubric ____identify the five senses, their function & Physical Science Inquiry Skills: with assistance importance ____understand that all things are made of ____write using science/health concepts ____identify plant parts: stem, leaves, roots, matter ____know how to preserve the earth (reuse, seeds & growth process ____understand that light is needed for sight reduce, recycle, refuse) ____animal classification ____use simple magnets ____conduct simple experiments with assistance ____know how animals help people ____identify simple machines ____use tools appropriately to conduct Earth Science ____use simple instruments to demonstrate that experiments ____relate earth, stars & sun with weight & length are units of measurement ____interpret data accurately *heat & light ____summarize data with logical conclusions *night/day/shadow 5 P2 (First Grade Yr.) ______-______Student______Teacher______

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in social studies. A. Think clearly & solve problems about social studies (classify, decide, estimate, solve, compare). B. Talk & write clearly about social studies (present, persuade, collaborate, explain recommend & narrate) suing appropriate vocabulary. C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply social studies knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position & explain a process). B. Be able to relate social studies to your life. -view life from other perspectives & others’ point of views -explain the effects important inventions, events, people, & moments have on you. -think about other people & other places to solve problems & make decisions. -relate current events to your life (be able to talk about current events). C. Possess technical skills -listen/read/dictate/write/present instructions, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, proposal, report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology: word processing, Internet.

____awareness of historical figures Columbus, ____use line to create geometric shapes & free SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. Pilgrims, Native Americans, Washington, form shapes Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., current ____shape – identify diamond, ellipse, free form 2.14-2.21, 2.29, 2.32,3.1-4.6, President (organic) 5.1-6.3) ____color – identify as primary colors & neutrals ____write using social studies concepts & ARTS & HUMANITIES ____texture – identify the difference in visual vocabulary texture & actual texture ____open response with rubric PHYSICAL EDUCATION/DANCE (A.E. 1.7, Principles of Design Culture & Society 1.15, 2.22-2.26, 2.31, 2.33-2..35, 3.2) ____create & describe a pattern in terms of ____describe & understand roles & ____write using P.E. concepts & vocabulary color/shape responsibility of family & members ____open response with rubric Purpose of Art ____understand & identify groups that family Dance Elements ____describe/illustrate emotions belong to (church, clubs, etc.) Understand space ____use pencil & crayon self portrait ____state how other families are like & not like ____self____general Cultures & Styles your family understand directions ____recognize Native American to describe & ____understand that diverse groups celebrate ____in____out illustrate functional – utilitarian- decorative heritage & culture in a variety of ways understand levels objects ____identify community helpers & the duties ____high____medium____low Art Process they perform Psychomotor Skills Media: ____associate picture with a holiday Perform: locomotor ____identify a two-dimensional multimedia ____know personal information: full name, ____leap process such as pencil/crayon; pencil/markers; address, telephone number perform: non-locomotor pencil, crayons, paint ____arrange personal experiences in order ____twist____bend____turn ____recognize paper weaving Economics ____curl____shake____stretch ____understand concept of want vs. needs Personal Wellness MUSIC (A.E. 1.14, 2.22-2.27) ____understand money is a system of exchange Recognizes that: ____open response with rubric ____explain how families ear & spend money ____exercise affects body parts Rhythm Geography ____exercise affects heart rate ____recognize quarter note, quarter rest, & eight ____distinguish between/use a globe, a map, & perform: note a chart to understand surroundings ____various strength exercises ____read & clap rhythm patterns: quarter note, ____locate where your family lives on maps of ____various stretch exercises quarter rest, & eighth note your neighborhood/community Lifetime Activities ____recognize a steady beat, no beat ____describe how they/family can contribute to Begins to understand that: Tempo the preservation of the environment ____practice build skill levels ____recognize changing tempo: faster, slower Government & Civics ____sportsmanship involves rules & fair play in Dynamics ____demonstrate appropriate classroom games & sports ____recognize changing dynamics: citizenship Manipulative Skills louder/softer ____identify our country’s, state’s, & county’s Perform manipulative skills Melody name ____throwing____catching ____recognize high & low pitches ____identify the flag as an American symbol ____kicking stationary object ____recognize melodie up & down movement ____know the Pledge of Allegiance ____striking stationary object Tone Color ____know why rules are important ____dribbling stationary object with hands ____recognize voice: male, female, child ____knows & follows rules of society ____jumping long rope ____recognize different instrument sounds ____does own share Music Symbols ____respects the rights of others VISUAL ARTS (A.E. 1.13, 2.22-2.27) ____identify p – piano History ____write using arts concepts & vocabulary ____identify f – forte ____understand past, present, future in terms of ____open response with rubric weeks, months, years Elements of Design ____arrange some historical/personal facts on a ____line – identify wavy, jagged, thin, thick, DRAMA(A.E. 2.22, 2.23,2.24) timeline broken ____write using drama concepts & vocabulary ____open response with rubric 6 P2 (First Grade Yr.) ______-______Student______Teacher______Elements of Production Dramatic Elements of Terminology ____write using drama concepts & vocabulary ____select appropriate scenery for a story ____write a short personal narrative & present it History/Culture ____describe an appropriate costume for a as a monologue ____retell a Native American Myth, folk tales, character ____participate in an impromptu dialogue in a or legend ____describe the role of an actor familiar scenario

Year’s Summary (______-______) ____Needs to repeat P2 level skills at the start of the next year which may result in more than 4 years in the Primary Program ____Needs to review some 1st Grade level skills in 2nd Grade ____Is ready to begin 2nd Grade skills ____Has begun to master some 2nd Grade skills

Guardian’s Signature ______Teacher’s Signature:______


7 Primary 3 (Second Grade) Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______Harlan County Schools PRIMARY 3 LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA Primary 3 (Second Grade) Yr.: _____-_____ Student ______Teacher______

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level.) 1. Apply abilities in language arts. A. Think clearly & solve problems about language (classify, decide, solve, compare). B. Talk & write clearly about language (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 2. Be able to read, write, speak, & listen for many purposes. A. Be able to read & enjoy literature (realistic fiction, fantasy, nonfiction). B. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, radio, television, movies, Internet, CD-ROM). C. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, & explain a process). D. Be able to produce personal writing (narrative), literary writing (short story, poem), & transactive writing (letter). E. Possess technical skills 1. listen/dictate/write/present: instructions, chart, thank-you letter, letter of request, report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorial, articles, speeches, letters). 2. Technology: word processing, Internet, AV production F. Be able to use specialized vocabulary from all subject areas. Content Standards *A. E. indicates academic Expectations LANGAUGE ARTS (A.E. ____identify/listen for main idea/details Idea Development ____make inferences ____write including a topic sentence or main 1.1-1.4, 1.11-1.12, 5.1 – 5.5, ____draw conclusions idea with details 6.1-6.3) ____predict outcomes ____write with imagination a sequence of ____explain cause & effect proper sentences ____categorize & classify Organization READING ____alphabetize to the third letter ____sequence ideas correctly ____open response with rubric ____use a dictionary ____arrange ideas in logical order Sight Word Recognition Skills ____locate information in books using paging, ____write with fluency ____read, write, & use sight words table of contents, titles & glossary Sentences ____use medial consonants ____use library ____write with sentences of varying ____use short vowels ____locate author & title lengths/structures ____use long vowels ____organize & classify information ____use appropriate wording & language ____know 2-letter blends & digraphs ____use listening skills for context clues Language ____know 3 letter blends ____listen for answer to questions/interview Grammar ____know 3 letter digraphs Literature ____know definition of a sentence ____know final blends ____identify speaker ____know word order in a sentence ____know vowel combinations ____interpret punctuation clues ____identify the complete subject in a sentence ____know consonant controlled vowels ____read with fluency & expression ____identify the complete predicate in a ____know hard/soft g & c read & write a complete sentence sentence ____know/read silent letters ____recognize plot ____identify a simple sentence ____denote to sound: words that follow these ____recognize setting ____identify a telling sentence patterns: VC,CVC,CVVC,CVCe ____identify character traits ____identify an asking sentence Structural Analysis: Demonstrate knowledge ____distinguishes between & talks about Parts of a speech-Know definition of/use ____compound words realistic fiction, fantasy & non-fiction ____nouns (common, proper) ____contractions ____sits quietly without distracting others & ____nouns (singular, plural, possessive) ____prefixes shows the speaker their listing ____verbs (action, linking) ____suffixes ____asks appropriate questions ____present/past tense of a verb ____root/base words Persuasion ____irregular verb ____regular plurals ____listen for & identify fact/opinion ____pronoun ____irregular plurals Practical /Workplace ____adjectives ____abbreviations ____locate information ____articles a, an, the ____possessives ____identify information in bold, italic print ____homophones ____inflectional endings ____choose books with appropriate interest & ____know to name self last ____comparatives & superlatives (er, est) ability level ____subject/verb agreement Comprehension: Word Meanings ____read aloud smoothly & expressively with Correctness Demonstrate knowledge of proper phrasing Punctuation – Use ____context clues ____period at end of telling sentence ____rhyming words WRITING ____punctuation with abbreviations & initials ____antonyms ____question mark at end of sentence Writing Process ____synonyms ____exclamation mark at end of sentence ____demonstrate writing process steps with ____homophones/homonyms ____apostrophe with contractions assistance ____multiple meanings ____apostrophe with possessives Purpose/Audiences Information Mechanics – Capitalize: ____write with sense of audience ____listen to & follow oral directions ____first word of a sentence ____write with sense of purpose ____demonstrate/listen for sequence ____name titles & initials ____write with sense of voice ____follow written directions ____titles or written work ____follows multi-step directions ____greeting & closing of a letter 8 Primary 3 (Second Grade) Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______Spelling: Spell correctly ____recognize lower/upper case cursive letters ____Invitation ____the P1 & P2 Dolch word list ____know proper sitting position for correct ____Thank you note ____consonants in any position writing ____Envelope addresses ____consonant blends ____space words appropriately ____journal entries using sequences of proper ____digraphs ____write neatly & legibly sentence & appropriate spelling ____short vowel sounds ____develop speed with accuracy Speech ____long vowel sounds ____form letters/numbers correctly ____discuss & give a brief speech using ____r-controlled combinations Writing Products description ____plurals Portfolio, On Demand Requirements, & other ____use correct posture, body language, & ____contractions requirements enunciation when delivering a speech ____compound words ____Personal Narrative ____verbally respond to questions briefly & ____homonyms ____Short story, poem, or play clearly with complete sentences ____irregular tenses ____Persuasive/Informative Piece ____recite a poem or passage from memory Penmanship ____Friendly letter MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATION SECOND GRADE Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in math A. Think clearly & solve problems in math (classify, decide, estimate, predict, solve, compare, sort). B. Talk & dictate clearly about math (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, research, plan, organize, complete the task). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). E. Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary. 2. Be able to apply math knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to estimate & solve one-step daily life problems (estimate & explain estimation strategies, use cues to select operation, write problem sentence, solve & label solution). B. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present). C. Be able to use manipulative, graphs (bar, pictograph), charts, clocks (to the quarter-hour & in five-minute intervals), money (count to $2.00, make change to $1.00), calendars (length of a day, week, month, year), thermometers (Celsius, Fahrenheit), & shapes (cubes, spheres, cylinders, cones, pyramids, rectangular prisms) to solve problems. MATH (A.E. 1.5-1.9, 2.7-2.13, ____demonstrate understanding of terms: how Geometry & Measurement may are left, minus, subtract, how many more ____be able to divide a circle, square, & 5.1-6.3) than, difference rectangle into ½, 1/3, ¼, & ¾. ____write using math concepts & vocabulary ____demonstrate understanding of terms: add, Measurement ____open response with rubric addition, how many in all, total, sum, & addend ____accurately measure given amount of liquid Numbers & Computation Geometry & Measurement using cup, pint, quart, gallon, liter ____recall addition & subtraction facts to 18 ____recognize coin values ____determine amounts of liquid to a cup ½, ¼, ____add 2 & 3 digit numbers horizontally & ____add/subtract amounts of money using cent 1/3, 2/3, etc. vertically with/without regrouping & dollar signs without regrouping ____measure using appropriate units ____subtract 2 & 3 digit numbers horizontally ____use number line ____order objects by weight & length & vertically with & without regrouping ____identify ½, ¼, 1/3 & recognize fractions ____describe & give examples of plain & 3 ____count by 2’s, 3’s, 5’s, 10’s, to 100 forward are parts of a whole dimensional geometric figures in terms of shape & backward ____tell time to hour, ½ hour & on traditional & & sides ____round to nearest 10 digital clocks ____use calendar skills to demonstrate ____construct/solve one-step word problems ____define, use length & width understanding of measuring time ____recall multiplication facts 0’s, 1’s, 2’s, 5’s ____recognize & compare basic geometric ____identify lines of symmetry simple figures & 10’s shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, cube, ____use measurement inches & centimeter to ____multiply numbers horizontally & vertically cone, cylinder, pyramid, sphere 12 inches without regrouping (3X1= __X1) Number Computation Algebraic Ideas ____identify odd & even numbers ____know fact families & double facts (i.e. ____analyze patterns in number sequence ____order numbers to 2 digits 2+4=6, 4+2=6, 6-4=2, 6-2=4 & 2+2=4, 3+3=6, ____find missing addends: 5+__=12 ____identify place value of 3 digit numbers 4+4=8) Probability & Statistics ____be able to read, write, & compare numbers ____estimate quantities of objects to 100 ____read, construct & use bar graph & thru 999 (using >,<,= symbols) ____develop & solve addition & subtraction pictograph ____identify ordinal numbers & position (first- word problems twentieth) ____work number sentences vertically & horizontally SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of abilities standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student.) 1. Develop abilities in science. A. Think clearly & solve problems about science (classify, decide, estimate, solve, compare). B. Talk & write clearly about science (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply science knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research, hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusions). B. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). C. Be able to use scientific equipment (magnifying glass, thermometer) appropriately (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately). D. Know how to preserve the earth (reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse). E. Possess technical skills 9 Primary 3 (Second Grade) Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______1. listen/read/dictate/write/present: instructions, chart, report, letter of request, summary. 2. technology word processing, Internet, AV production.

SCIENCE/HEALTH (A.E. Physical Science ____understand how weather affects plants, ____understand/draw the water cycle system animals, people, both positively, & negatively 1.10, 2.1-2.6, 5.1-6.3) ____know the uses of water ____know & understand things that make up Inquiry Skills: With assistance ____define, explain pollution-causes/effects weather (temperature, wind, precipitation) ____write using science/health concepts & ____define, explain conservation- Earth/Space Science vocabulary purposes/effects ____know sun & stars, heat, light, earth, day, ____open response with rubric ____sound classification- soft, loud, etc. night, & shadows inter-relationships ____conduct simple experiments with assistance ____understand sound –vibrating, how it travels ____name & understand movements of plants, ____use tools appropriately ____understands concepts of light their names, relationships to the sun, patterns of ____interpret data accurately ____understands concepts of force, what it is movement (revolve & rotate) ____summarize data with logical conclusions (magnets are a force) ____understand the components of habitats: Health/Life Science ____understand friction food, water, space, shelter ____know & classify plant & animal habits, ____understands simple machines (lever, ____understand environments- desert, woods, detailed life cycles, characteristics of extinction, incline, pulley, plane, wheel) ponds, ocean, & how man can effect them & growth patterns ____know, understand, & be able to sort the (good/bad) ____identify the heart, lung, brain, stomach, & three states of matter (gas, liquid, solid) muscles ____read/use thermometer

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in social studies. A. Think clearly & solve problems about social studies (classify, decide, estimate, solve, compare). B. Talk & write clearly about social studies (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend & narrate) using appropriate vocabulary. C. Make careful plans & use them (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. Use the quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply social studies knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position & explain a process). B. Be able to relate social studies to your life. -view life from other perspectives & others’ point of view. -explain the effects important inventions, events, people, & moments have on you. -think about other people & other places to solve problems & make decisions. -relate current events to your life (be able to talk about current events). C. Possess technical skills -listen/read/write/present instructions, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, proposal, report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology word processing, Internet, AV production. SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. ____understand use of symbols or pictures to represent real objects 2.14-2.21, 2.29, 2.32, 3.1-4.6, ____locate equator, north & south pole on a ARTS & HUMANITIES 5.1-5.5,6.1-6.3) map/globe ____know the geography of a PHYSICAL EDUCATION/DANCE (A.E. ____write using social studies concepts & neighborhood/community (streets, rivers, lakes, 1.7, 1.15, 2.22-2.26, 2.31,2.33-2.35, 3.2) vocabulary roads, etc.) ____write using P.E. concepts & vocabulary ____open response with rubric ____solve how to get to & from school from ____open response with rubric Culture & Society other places Dance Elements ____compare & contrast family types Government & Civics ____perform sequence of patterned movements ____identify types of shelters ____create a list of safety rules ____perform simple folk dance ____demonstrate knowledge & understanding ____create a list of rules for home/school Personal Wellness of ethnicity ____demonstrate understanding of ____perform cardio-respiratory exercises & ____use & demonstrate listing manners & rules/responsibilities describe the benefits techniques ____cooperates for the good of all ____perform strengthening exercises & describe ____use listening skills for cooperative learning ____respects the rights & property of others benefits ____understand neighborhoods/communities History Psychomotor Skills ____identify & use map legends (key, ____construct timeline of student’s life ____demonstrate combinations of locomotor & directions, symbols) ____identify symbols of our country (pledge, non-locomotor skills ____know components of flag, White House, Lincoln Memorial, ____non-locomotor skill-push neighborhood/community (business, parks, American Eagle, Statue of Liberty, Uncle Sam) ____non-locomotor skill-pull homes, schools, etc.) ____identify communities that existed in history Lifetime Activities ____understand that members of a community (land & people before Columbus, Native ____describe need for sportsmanship have a responsibility to care for the environment American, pioneers, pilgrims) & ecology ____describe how/why (cause/effect) events VISUAL ARTS (A.E. 1.13, 2.22-2.27) Economics occurred in the community, state, or nation ____write using art concepts & vocabulary ____understand concepts of consumers & goods ____differentiate among fact, fiction, & opinion ____open response with rubric & services in relative historical events Elements of Design Geography ____Line: identify/use directional lines-vertical, ____identify basic directional words horizontal, diagonal, parallel ____use cardinal directions ____create a map to show location 10 Primary 3 (Second Grade) Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______Shape: identify/use geometric, ____cut & tear all kinds of paper into free, ____p-piano____f-forte____staff representation free-form shapes geometrical, or representational shapes, arrange ____treble clef____bar lines ____Form: recognize that form is the 3- & assemble in many ways Creating dimensional equivalent to shape ____build forms in clay using a pinch method ____begin composing simple rhythms ____Color: identify war/cool colors ____recognize properties of stone sculpture DRAMA (A.E. 2.22, 2.23, 2.24) ____Texture: recognize that lines show texture ____write using drama concepts & vocabulary – rough, smooth, & soft both actual & implied MUSIC(A.E. 1.14, 2.22-2.27) ____open response with rubric Principles of Design ____begin speaking & writing using music Elements of Production ____Pattern: describe patterns in compositions concepts & vocabulary ____select appropriate props for a character in a ____Contrast: recognize difference in lights & ____open response with rubric short script darks Rhythm ____select appropriate music to create a mood ____Space: identify space in comparison- ____recognize quarter note, half note, whole ____design a set for a fairy tale foreground, middle ground, background note, quarter rest, eighth note Elements of Performance Purpose of Art ____read & clap rhythm patterns ____memorize & present a poem to an audience ____describe & illustrate personal experiences Tempo ____demonstrate an understanding of character Cultures & Styles ____recognition of changing tempos by using correct movement & vocal expression ____recognize West African Arts to describe & Dynamics Dramatic Elements & Terminology illustrate experiences in functional-utilitarian- ____recognition of changing dynamics ____identify a script format decorative-objects Melody Art Process-Media ____recognition of high, low pitches ____use 2-dimensional expressions to illustrate Tone Color – Recognize books ____voice: male, female, children ____draw with a crayon on point, side, & end, ____family of instruments: brass, strings combine with thin paint as a crayon resist Music Symbols-Identify/demonstrate

Year’s Summary (______-______) P3 ____Needs to complete P3 level skills at the start of the next year which may result in more than 4 years in Primary Program ____Needs to review some P3 grade level skills. ____Is ready to begin P4 grade level skills ____Has begun to master some P3 level skills & needs to continue in the P3 level.

Guardian’s Signature______


Teacher’s Signature______


11 Primary 4 (Third Grade) Yr.:_____-_____Student ______Teacher______HARLAN COUNTY SCHOOLS PRIMARY 4 LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA

Primary 4 (Third Grade) Yr.:______-______Student______Teacher______

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student.) 1. Apply abilities in language arts. A. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, compare, simplify). B. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for many purposes. A. Be able to read and enjoy literature (realistic fiction, fantasy, fables, nonfiction). B. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, radio, television, movies, Internet, CD-ROM). C. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a mode., and explain a process). D. Be able to produce personal writing (narrative, memoir), literary writing (short story, poem, script), transactive writing (letter, brochure articles, etc.), writing to learn (journals and graphic organizers), and writing-to-demonstrate-learning (open response questions). E. Possess technical skills: i. Read/write/present: instructions, chart, thank-you letter, letter of request, letter of response, proposal, lab report, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). ii. Technology: word processing, database, Internet, AV production Content Standards *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations

LANGUAGE ARTS (A.E. 1.1-1.4,1.11- ____use and connect analogies ____respond appropriately to on demand 1.12,5.1-6.3) ____distinguish between & write about fact, writing fiction, fantasy, fables, opinion, nonfiction Purpose/Audience READING Practical/Workplace ____write with sense of audience Phonics-Identify ____follow oral directions ____write with sense of purpose ____2-letter blends ____follow written directions ____write with sense of voice ____digraphs ____identify speaker Idea Development/Support ____3 letter blends ____use pronoun referents ____write with fluency ____3 letter digraphs ____use punctuation clues ____write a topic sentence with elaborate ____final blends ____recognize proper structure supporting details ____vowel combinations ____arrange alphabetical order to fourth letter Organization ____consonant controlled vowels ____locate specific words ____arrange ideas in a logical sequence ____silent letters ____locate and name parts of a book (sentences) ____denote to sound: words that follow these ____use reference tools such as almanacs, ____combine sentences to construct more patters: vc, cvc, cvvc,cvce encyclopedias, computer reference programs, complex sentences Word Analysis: Recognize and research tools Language ____compound words ____use listening memory discussion ____use appropriate, rich wording and language ____contractions techniques ____identify and use poetic devices (i.e. ____prefixes ____use questions with pre/post reading activity alliteration, couplets, rhythm) ____suffixes ____organize time and materials ____identify simple sentence ____root words ____use homework strategies ____identify four types of sentences ____regular plurals ____incorporate test-taking skills command, statement, question, exclamatory ____irregular plurals ____choose books with appropriate interest and ____subject verb agreement ____abbreviations ability level Parts of Speech: Know Definition, use of ____possessives ____read aloud smoothly and expressively with ____noun (common, proper) ____comparatives & superlatives proper phrasing ____noun (singular, plural) ____identify syllables ____verb (action, linking) ____demonstrate ability to syllabicate ENGLISH ____verb (present, past tense) Comprehension: Word Meaning Writing Process/Products ____common irregular verbs ____recognize context clues ____demonstrate writing process steps with ____pronoun (object, possessive) ____recognize antonyms assistance ____adjectives (comparative, superlative forms) ____recognize synonyms ____graphic organizers ____articles a, an, the ____recognize homophone/homonyms Portfolio Pieces ____adverb ____recognize multiple meanings ____write transactive piece Correctness Experience with Text ____use KY Holistic Scoring Guide Punctuation: Use ____follow correct sequence ____personal narrative ____periods for command statement sentences ____identify main idea ____short story, poem, play ____periods for abbreviations and initials ____identify supporting details ____persuasive/informative piece ____question marks ____summarize ____letter to reviewer ____exclamation marks ____retell stories with elements Other Writing Products ____comma in dates ____compare/contrast ____friendly letter ____comma in letter greeting and closing ____draw inferences ____thank you note ____comma to separate city, state, county ____draw conclusions ____invitations ____capitalize 1st word in a sentence ____predict outcomes ____envelope address ____capitalize name, title, initial Literary Elements ____keep a journal ____capitalize greeting and closing of a letter ____recognize plot, setting, conflict, resolution ____respond appropriately to open response Spell correctly: ____recognize character traits/actions questions with rubric ____Dolch words ____use figurative language ____consonants in any position 12 Primary 4 (Third Grade) Yr.:_____-_____Student ______Teacher______consonant blends ____mastery of capital cursive letters ____use correct posture, face group, make eye ____diagraphs ____develop speed with accuracy contact, use appropriate body language and ____short vowel sounds ____write neatly and legibly enunciation when delivering speech ____long vowel sounds ____pencil, paper position ____verbally respond to questions briefly and ____r-controlled combinations ____master left to right progression clearly with complete sentences ____plurals ____emphasizing proper use of margin ____select, develop, and use visual aids, in a ____contractions Speech non-distracting manner when speaking to clarify ____compound words ____discuss and give a speech, informative or your ideas ____irregular tenses persuasive in nature ____recite a poem or passage with expression Penmanship and proper rhythm ____mastery of lower case cursive letters

MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in math. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, compare, simplify). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, research, plan, organize, complete the task). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). e. Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary 2. Be able to apply math knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to use the four-step problem-solving process (locate facts, identify questions, select operations, solve and label solution) and check for logical reasoning. b. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present). c. Be able to use charts, graphs (bar, pictographs, line, pie), tables, manipulatives, clocks (to nearest minute), money (count to $20.00, make change to $5.00), models and other resources to solve problems d. Possess technical skills (These technical skills may be used in math classes but are not part of the math curriculum): read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, research report, summary. e. Be able to use mental math strategies for addition and subtraction.

MATH(AE1.5-1.9, 2.7-2.13, 5.1-6.3) ____use calculations to check metric units as appropriate (ounce, pound, gram, ____write using math concepts and vocabulary addition/subtraction problems kilogram, inch, foot, yard, mile, centimeter, ____construct and solve word problems (one ____understand terms and use correctly: meter, kilometer, cups, pints, quarts, gallons) step) orally and written quotient, remainder, divisor, dividend, product, ____demonstrate elapsed time ____open response with rubric factor ____count coins up to $1.00demonstrate Numbers, Integers and Place Value ____know and recall multiplication facts to 10’s understanding ____count by 100’s to 1,000 ____multiply numbers without regrouping ____demonstrate understanding of cents, dollar ____count by 1000’s to 10,000 ____divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit sign, and decimal point ____read and write word form (5 digits) number ____identify bills ____use number line ____use basic functions of calculator : add, ____add and subtract amounts of money ____read and write numbers 0-9,999 subtract, multiply and divide ____find the perimeter and area and solve ____identify place value to 10,000 ____solve basic facts using simple technology problems for both ____estimate sums 10-100 tools such as a calculator and a computer ____demonstrate understanding of temperature ____estimate difference to nearest 10’s-100’s calculator and software (Celsius and Fahrenheit) ____round whole numbers to nearest 10’s and ____average whole numbers and compare Probability and Statistics 100’s Geometry ____demonstrate understanding of a bar graph, ____order numbers ____draw two and three dimensional objects pictograph and line graph ____extend and create number patterns using properties ____collect and organize data into line, pie, ____read and write numbers and their points on ____identify, describe and label congruent two charts and graphs a number line dimensional figures ____interpret graphs ____use >,<,= to compare whole numbers ____identify and describe symmetrical two ____make inferences from student collected Fractions and Decimals dimensional figures data ____identify fractional parts of a whole & set ____draw representations of line segments and ____determine outcomes from simple ____write equivalent fractions of angles probability ½,1/4,1/3,1/6,1/8 and whole ____graph points on a positive coordinate activities using manipulatives ____know placement of numerator/denominator system Algebraic Ideas ____add and subtract common fractions and ____identify flips, slides, and turns ____analyze patterns in number sequence decimals Measurement ____find missing addends(__+4=9) denominators ____use a digital and traditional clock to tell ____find missing subtrahends(__-3=1) Number Computation time to one minute intervals ____find a missing factor (__+4x4=20) ____add 4 digit numbers requiring regrouping ____demonstrate use of AM and PM ____find solutions to number sentences with ____subtract 4-digit numbers requiring ____demonstrate understanding of length, missing values (7+q=10, 9+5>10). regrouping weight, volume using standard/nonstandard and

SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of abilities standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in science. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, compare, simplify). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persity). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply science knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research, hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusions). 13 Primary 4 (Third Grade) Yr.:_____-_____Student ______Teacher______b. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). c. Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (safely, efficiently, accurately). d. Know how to preserve the earth (reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse). e. Possess technical skills 1. read/write/present: instructions, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of response, proposal, lab report, research report, summary. 2. technology word processing, Internet, AV production

SCIENCE (A.E. 1.10, 2.1-2., 5.1-6.3) electrical circuits, electricity is a force ____become aware of the concept of saving Inquiry Skills (2.1) ____understand that light can be reflected, money ____write using science concepts and refracted, or absorbed by an object Personal Wellness (2.31) vocabulary ____know that conductors & insulators inhibit ____identify and practice safety rules ____open response with rubric or aid the travel or heat ____be aware of emergency procedures ____demonstrate with assistance the inquiry Earth Science (2.1-2.6) ____identify basic health habits process: state problem, hypothesis, ____understand the stages of the water cycle ____understand basic food groups experiment, research, data, results, ____know how condensation & evaporation ____be aware of the food pyramid conclusion occur Mental Wellness (2.32) ____use tools appropriately ____know the concept of participation and its ____explain ways to develop friendships Life Science (2.2-2.6) measurement ____determine how to express emotions ____know the stages of the plant life cycle ____know that animal habitats are related to appropriately ____know the stages of the animal life cycle different climates ____identify purposes & proper uses of ____know organisms have basic needs needed ____know basic landforms medication to survive ____be able to name different types of ____identify risks of non-medicinal drugs ____know each plant or animal has structures landforms Community Resources (2.33) which serve different functions in growth ____know that different types of rocks are ____be familiar with community and survival composed of different materials resources/agencies ____understand that organisms will resemble ____know properties of soil their parents ____understand materials can be recycle and PRACTICAL LIVING/PHYSICAL ____understand that all animals depend on sometimes in different forms EDUCATION (A.E. 1.7, 1.15, 2.31, 2.33, 2.35, plants for food that nature and people affect the ____know that the sun provides the light and 3.2) food chain heat necessary to maintain life on Earth ____open response with rubric ____know the food chain and the ____describe an ecosystem Personal Wellness (2.31) interdependence of a food chain ____understands composition of earth-solid ____identify body changes which occur during ____know the relationship between rock, soil, water and gases physical activity predator/prey ____understands earth surface changes (erosion, Psychomotor (2.34) ____know the characteristics of carnivores, weather, etc.) ____perform a variety of nonlocomotor skills omnivores, and herbivores (e.g. push, pull, twist, turn, balance) Physical Science (2.2-2.6) ____perform a variety of locomotor skills (e.g. ____know the three states of matter PRACTICAL LIVING/HEALTH (A.E. 2.29, walk, run, hop) ____give the properties of each state of matter 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33) ____discover a variety of ways to manipulate ____know forms of measurement (length, ____open response with rubric objects (e.g. with hands, feet, elbow, head) volume, Individual Well-Being (2.29) ____discover movement concepts: body mass and temperature) ____know the effects of exercise and nutrition awareness(what the body is doing) space ____know tools used for measurement on body organs awareness (where the body moves) time ____know chemical changes of matter ____recognize the concept of an individual’s awareness (how quickly the body moves) ____know conditions that matter changes states responsibility to others effort awareness (how the body moves) ____students will understand that the position ____demonstrate responsibility to oneself and relationship (that occur while the body moves) of others Lifetime Activities (2.35) an object can change by pushing or pulling ____be aware of the role rules play on others ____use feedback to improve skills ____understand that sound is produced by ____be aware of conflict resolution and ____demonstrate cooperation with partners, vibrating objects communication strategies small group, large group by following rules ____know that magnets will attract/repel and Consumer Decisions (2.30) and practicing fair play are a force ____explain differences between wants and ____know that electrical currents move through needs

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome. Application of Abilities Standards should be at the developmentally appropriate level of the student). 1. Develop abilities in social studies. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, compare, simplify). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend, narrate) using appropriate vocabulary c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply social studies knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position, create a model and explain a process). b. Be able to relate social studies to your life. -view life from other perspectives and others’ point of view. -understand key forces (inventions, discoveries, people, events, moments) which have shaped our world -explain the causes and effects key forces have on you, the present, the future, use the past and present (other cultures and other places) to solve problems and make decisions -relate current events to your life (know sources related to current events, be able to talk about C. Possess technical skills -read/write/present instructions, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of response, proposal, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology word processing, database, Internet, AV production. 14 Primary 4 (Third Grade) Yr.:_____-_____Student ______Teacher______

SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. 1.2, 1.11, 2.14, 2.16, History (2.20) Dance Movements & Forms (A.E. 1.15, 2.22- 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 2.29, 2.32, Goals 3, ____create timelines for important events such 2.26) 4, 5, 6) as the arrival of Pilgrims, Columbus’ discovery ____identify & use locomotor & non-locomotor ____write using social studies concepts and of North America movements in simple patterns vocabulary ____understand Kentucky’s early development Historical & Cultural Context (A.E. 1.15, 2.22- ____develop open response with rubric and ____know how lifestyles and conditions have 2.26) writing portfolio pieces through the content area changed over time in Kentucky ____associate dance with specific cultures, Culture and Society (2.16, 2.17) ____know key discoveries/inventions purposes & styles ____locate and name city, county, state, state throughout US history from “Land Before ____write using art concepts and vocabulary capital, country and capital, continent, Columbus” to 1700’s Elements of Design planet ____know about food, clothing and shelter of ____recognize art with attention given to the ____apply principles of citizenship and develop people in history form “Land Before Columbus” elements of (line, shape, color, form, class rule to 1700 texture, space, value) or principles of design ____recognize chain of command of authority Principles of Design figure (ex. President, Vice President) VOCATIONAL STUDIES (A.E. 2.36, 2.37, ____demonstrate an awareness of the elements ____understand the differences between 2.38) of art and principles of design (ex. Balance right/wrong choices CAREER PATH OPTIONS (2.36) (Social (symmetry), contrast, space, and patterns) ____identify contributions of diverse Studies) Processes and Media individuals, ____compare different careers to determine ____explore a variety of media (e.g. crayon, groups, and cultures various job requirements pencil, paint) and processes (e.g. drawing, ____know how technology affects ____understand how different careers affect life painting, weaving) used for creating works of community/society past and present roles (e.g. parent, spouse, community art ____know how a community’s culture is leader) defined (language, music, art, dress, food, ____relate school studies to life pursuits MUSIC (A.E. 1.14, 2.22, 2.27) stories, folk tales) ____examine and group careers found in the ____speak and write using music concepts and ____know the culture of the first Americans community vocabulary ____know how communities in history were ____communicate the concepts of work and ____open response with rubric similar/different from communities today (US, career Elements of Music Canada, Mexican, immigrants, colonial Transition Skills (2.37) (Guidance Counselor) ____respond to music with minimal attention backgrounds, populations, language, religion, ____seek and demonstrate appropriate given to the elements of music (rhythm, economy, government, and family) resolutions to conflict melody, form, harmony, timbre, dynamics, Economics (2.18) ____demonstrate positive work ethics and tempo) ____understand producers and consumers habits ____demonstrate an awareness of the elements ____understand barter/money as exchange ____attempt new tasks and/or challenges with of music ____understand markets-exchange of goods & confidence Tone Color services ____use technology to display information in ____recognize voice: male, female, children ____demonstrates relevant investigation skills various ways ____recognize pitched, un-pitched instruments to solve specific problems in real life situations ____use team skills in a group to complete a ____recognize families of instruments: brass, (ex. supply and demand) task and/or solve problems strings, wood wind, percussion ____know about the finances of a community ____share tools and work cooperatively on a Historical and Cultural Content (taxes, resources, goods) task ____listen to music of diverse cultures, periods, ____know how the community is constantly Opportunity Planning (2.38) (Guidance and styles changing (technology, people, transportation, Counselor) economics) ____develop a transition plan from elementary to middle school DRAMA (A.E. 2.22, 2.23, 2.24) Geography (2.19) ____understand the concept of mentoring ____write using drama concepts & vocabulary ____map skills ____develop and implement a personal short- ____open response with rubric ____identify landforms (continents, countries, term goal based on self-assessment Elements of Drama etc.) ____create ways to identify personal strengths ____demonstrate an awareness of the elements ____identify bodies of water (oceans, rivers, assume responsibility for completing chores of drama such as plot, character, visuals (e.g. seas, lakes, etc.) scenery, costumes, props, make-up), and ____know how community relates to country, ARTS AND HUMANITIES (A.E. 1.13, 2.22, acting (e.g. voice expressions, diction, state, nation 2.27) projection). ____know how community is affected by Historical and Cultural Content geographic locations DANCE (A.E. 1.15, 2.22-2.26) ____demonstrate an awareness of different Government and Civics (2.14, 2.15) ____speak & write using dance concepts and cultures, periods, and styles which influence ____create rules for the classroom, society, etc. vocabulary dramatic works ____understand the concepts of rights ____open response with rubric Elements of Production /responsibilities (laws and expectations) Elements of Dance (A. E. 1.15, 2.22 – 2.26) ____recognize elements of production (sound, ____know how a community/county is ____identify & express elements of dance in a light, and audience roles) governed (legislative, executive, judicial) pattern of movement

Year’s Summary (_____-_____)

____needs to complete P4 level skills at the start of the next year which may result in more than 4 years in Primary Program ____Must remain in the Primary Program next year which will result in more than 4 years in the Primary Program ____Has Mastered P4 level skills ____Exiting Primary to fourth grade

______Teacher’s Signature Guardian’s Signature Date

15 Fourth Grade Yr. ____-____Student ______Teacher______HARLAN COUNTY SCHOOLS FOURTH GRADE LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA

Fourth Grade Yr:______-______Student______Teacher______

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome.) 1. Apply abilities in language arts. A. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). B. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). D. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for many purposes. A. Be able to read and enjoy literature (prose, poetry). B. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, Internet, CD-ROM). C. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a model, and explain a process). D. Be able to produce personal writing (narrative, memoir), literary writing (short story, poem, script), transactive writing (letter, brochure, articles, etc.), writing to learn, writing to demonstrate learning (open-response and graphic organizers), and reflective writing (i.e., letter to the reviewer). E. Possess technical skills: 1. read/write/present: instruction, table, chart, thank-you letter, letter of request, letter of response, inquiry, proposal, lab report, checklist, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorial, articles, speeches, letters). 2. Technology: word processing, database, Internet, AV production

Content Standards *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations

LANGUAGE ARTS (A.E. 1.1-1.4, 1.11-1.12, 5.1-6.3)

16 Fourth Grade Yr. ____-____Student ______Teacher______Phonics-Identify ____use punctuation clues ____identify simple sentence ____2-letter blends ____recognize proper structure ____identify four types of sentences ____digraphs ____arrange alphabetical order to fourth letter command, statement, question, ____3-letter blends ____locate specific words exclamatory ____3-letter digraphs ____locate and name parts of a book ____subject verb agreement ____final blends ____identify best reference source Parts of Speech: Know Definition, use of ____vowel combinations ____use listening memory discussion ____noun (common, proper) ____consonant controlled vowels techniques ____noun (singular, plural) ____silent letters ____use questions with pre/post reading activity ____verb (action, linking) Word Analysis:Recognize ____organize time and materials ____verb (present, past tense) ____compound words ____use homework strategies ____common irregular verbs ____contractions ____incorporate test-taking skills ____pronoun (object, possessive) ____prefixes ENGLISH ____adjectives (comparative, superlative forms) ____suffixes Writing Process/Products ____articles a, an, the ____root words ____demonstrate writing process steps with ____adverb ____regular plurals assistance Correctness ____irregular plurals ____graphic organizers Punctuation: Use ____abbreviations Portfolio Pieces ____periods for command statement sentences ____possessives ____transactive piece ____periods for abbreviations and initials ____comparatives & superlatives ____reflective writing ____question marks ____identify syllables ____KY Holistic Scoring Guide ____exclamation marks ____demonstrate ability to syllabicate ____open response ____comma in dates ____homophone/homonyms ____on-demand writing ____comma in letter greeting and closing Word Meaning ____personal narrative/personal expressive ____comma to separate city, state, county ____recognize context clues ____short story/poem/play/literary ____capitalize 1st word in a sentence ____recognize antonyms Other Writing Products ____capitalize name, title, initial ____recognize synonyms ____friendly letter ____capitalize greeting and closing of a letter ____recognize multiple meanings ____thank you note Spelling Experience with Text ____invitations ____spell Dolch words correctly ____follow correct sequence ____envelope address ____consonants in any position ____identify main idea ____keep a journal ____consonant blends ____identify supporting details Purpose/Audience ____diagraphs ____summarize ____write with sense of audience ____short vowel sounds ____retell stories with elements ____write with sense of purpose ____long vowel sounds ____compare/contrast ____write with sense of voice ____r-controlled combinations ____draw inferences Idea Development/Support ____plurals ____draw conclusions ____write with fluency ____contractions ____predict outcomes ____write a topic sentence with elaborate ____compound words ____open response with rubric supporting details ____irregular tenses Literary Elements Organization Penmanship(cursive writing) ____recognize plot, setting, conflict, resolution ____arrange ideas in a logical sequence ____develop speed with accuracy ____recognize character traits/actions (sentences) ____write neatly and legibly in cursive ____use figurative language ____combine sentences to construct more ____pencil, paper position ____use and connect analogies complex sentences ____emphasizing proper use of margin ____recognize fact, fiction, fantasy, opinion Language Practical/Workplace ____use appropriate, rich wording and language ____follow oral directions ____oral presentation using brief notes (not ____follow written directions read) ____identify speaker Grammar ____use pronoun referents ____identify simple subject predicate MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in math. A. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). B. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). C. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, complete the task). D. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). E. Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary. 2. Be able to apply math knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes. A. Be able to solve one- and two-step problems using the four-step problem-solving method with time, money, and measurement in standard and metric units (determine problem, select options, estimate, solve and label solution) and check for logical reasoning. B. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/together, present). C. Be able to solve one-step problems using graphs, charts, tables, calculators and computers (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately). D. Develop technical skills (these technical skills may be used in math classes but are not part of the math curriculum): i. Read/write/Present: instructions, table, chart, proposal, lab report, research report, summary ii. Technology: word processing, database, Internet, AV production ____count by 1000’s to 10,000 ____order numbers ____read and write word form (7 digits) ____use >,<,= to compare whole numbers MATH(AE1.5-1.9, 2.7-2.13, 5.1-6.3) ____use number line Fractions and Decimals ____write using math concepts and vocabulary ____read and write numbers 0-1,000 ____identify fractional parts of a whole & set ____construct and solve word problems (one ____identify place value to 10,000 ____identify simple, improper & mixed step) orally and written ____estimate sums 10-100 fractions ____open response with rubric ____estimate difference to nearest 10-100 ____write equivalent fractions of Numbers, Integers and Place Value ____round whole numbers to nearest 10 and ½,1/4,1/3,1/6,1/8 ____count by 100’s to 1,000 100 17 Fourth Grade Yr. ____-____Student ______Teacher______add/subtract common fractions with like ____identify and describe congruent two ____demonstrate understanding of cents, dollar denominators dimensional figures sign, and decimal point ____write and compare decimals ____identify and describe symmetrical two ____identify bills Number Computation dimensional figures ____add and subtract amounts of money ____add 3 digit numbers requiring regrouping ____draw representations of line segments and ____find the perimeter and area and solve ____subtract 3-digit numbers requiring angles problems for both regrouping ____graph points on a positive coordinate Probability and Statistics ____use calculations to check system ____demonstrate understanding of a bar graph, addition/subtraction problems ____identify flips, slides, and turns pictograph and line graph ____understand terms: quotient, remainder, ____state a rule for number/geometric patterns ____interpret graphs divisor, dividend, product, factor (input-output) ____make inferences from student collected ____know multiplication facts to 10’s Measurement data ____multiply numbers without regrouping ____use a digital and traditional clock to tell ____determine outcomes from simple ____divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit time to one minute intervals probability activities using manipulatives number ____demonstrate use of AM and PM Algebraic Ideas ____solve basic facts using simple technology ____demonstrate understanding of length, ____analyze patterns in number sequence tools such as a calculator and a computer weight, volume using standard/nonstandard and ____find missing addends(__+4=9) calculator and software metric units as appropriate ____find missing subtrahends(__-3=1) Geometry ____demonstrate elapsed time ____find a missing factor (__+4x4=20) ____draw two and three dimensional objects ____demonstrate addition/subtraction of time using properties SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in science. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communicates (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply science knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research , hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusions). b. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). c. Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately). d. Know how to preserve the earth (reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse). e. Possess technical skills i. Read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of response, inquiry, proposal, lab report, research report, summary. ii. Technology: word processing, database, Internet, AV production f. Use science to design simple technological solutions to problems including local issues g. Examine the role science plays in everyday life.

____know that organisms change environment ____know how condensation & evaporation SCIENCE (A.E. 1.10, 2.1-2., 5.1-6.3) for good and bad occur Inquiry Skills (2.1) ____describe role of science and technology to ____understand temperature ____write using science concepts and deal with local issues ____know that animal habitats are related to vocabulary ____recognize the role that science plays in different climates ____demonstrate with assistance the inquiry everyday life ____know the various factors that effect process: state problem, hypothesis, experiment, Physical Science (2.2-2.6) population to their environment research, data, results, conclusion ____open response with rubric ____understand renewable/non-renewable ____use tools appropriately ____know the three states of matter resources ____design and conduct simple experiment ____give the properties of each state of matter ____understand fossil fuels ____communicate results using graphs ____know forms of measurement (length, ____know basic landforms Life Science (2.2-2.6) volume, mass) ____be able to name different types of ____open response with rubric ____know tools used for measurement landforms ____know the stages of the plant life cycle ____know chemical changes of matter ____know that different types of rocks are ____know the stages of the animal life cycle ____know conditions that matter changes states composed of different materials ____know organisms have basic needs needed ____students will understand that the position ____know properties of soil to survive of an object can change by pushing or pulling ____understand materials can be recycle and ____know basic processes of plants ____describe position and motion of an object sometimes in different forms (photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration) by measuring and observing ____know that the sun provides the light and ____know each plant or animal has structures ____understand that sound is produced by heat necessary to maintain life on Earth which serve different functions in growth and vibrating objects ____know that earth materials are solids, water, survival ____know electromagnets and gases ____understand the structure of cells, tissue, ____know that magnets will attract/repel ____know fossils and how they relate to the past organs and systems in plants/animals ____know that electrical currents move through ____understand that behavior adaptation and ____understand that organisms will resemble electrical circuits extinction are influenced by the environment their parents ____know types of electrical circuits (series & PRACTICAL LIVING/HEALTH (A.E. 2.29, ____understand that all animals depend on parallel) 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33) plants for food ____understand that light can be reflected, ____open response with rubric ____know the food chain and the refracted, or absorbed by an object Individual Well-Being (2.29) interdependence of a food chain ____know spectrum ____know the effects of exercise and nutrition ____know the relationship between ____know that conductors & insulators inhibit on body organs predator/prey or aid the travel or heat ____recognize the concept of an individual’s ____know the characteristics of carnivores, Earth Science (2.1-2.6) responsibility to others omnivores, herbivores, producers, consumers, ____open response with rubric ____demonstrate responsibility to oneself and scavengers, & decomposers ____understand the stages of the water cycle others 18 Fourth Grade Yr. ____-____Student ______Teacher______be aware of the role rules play on others ____identify purposes & proper uses of ____discover a variety of ways to manipulate ____be aware of conflict resolution and medication objects (e.g. with hands, feet, elbow, head) communication strategies ____identify risks of non-medicinal drugs ____discover movement concepts: Consumer Decisions (2.30) Community Resources (2.33) body awareness(what the body is ____explain differences between wants and ____be familiar with community doing) needs resources/agencies space awareness (where the body ____become aware of the concept of saving PRACTICAL LIVING/PHYSICAL moves) money EDUCATION (A.E. 1.7, 1.15, 2.31, 2.33, 2.35, time awareness (how quickly the Personal Wellness (2.31) 3.2) body moves) ____identify and practice safety rules ____open response with rubric effort awareness (how the body ____be aware of emergency procedures Personal Wellness (2.31) moves) ____identify basic health habits ____identify body changes which occur during relationship (that occur while the ____understand basic food groups physical activity body moves) ____be aware of the food pyramid Psychomotor (2.34) Lifetime Activities (2.35) Mental Wellness (2.32) ____perform a variety of nonlocomotor skills ____use feedback to improve skills ____explain ways to develop friendships (e.g. push, pull, twist, turn, balance) ____demonstrate cooperation with partners, ____determine how to express emotions ____perform a variety of locomotor skills (e.g. small group, large group by following rules and appropriately walk, run, hop) practicing fair play

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATION Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in social studies. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend and narrate) using appropriate vocabulary. c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply social studies knowledge and skills to a variety to purpose. a. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position, create a model and explain a process). b. Be able to relate social studies to your life. -view life from other perspectives and others’ point of view -understand that human needs are met through interaction in and among social groups (family, school, teams). -understand key forces (inventions, discoveries, people, events, moments) which have shaped our world -explain the causes and effects key forces have on you, the present, the future -use the past and present (other cultures and other places) to solve problems and make decisions -relate current events to your life (know sources related to current events, be able to talk about current events) c. Possess technical skills -read/write/present instructions, table, chart, time lines, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of response inquiry, proposal, lab report, checklist, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology word processing, database, Internet, AV production

19 Primary 1 (Kindergarten) Yr. _____-_____Student ______Teacher______

SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. 1.2, 1.11, 2.14, 2.16, VOCATIONAL STUDIES (A.E. 2.36, 2.37, ____associate dance with specific cultures, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21, 2.29, 2.32, Goals 3, 2.38) purposes & styles 4, 5, 6) CAREER PATH OPTIONS (2.36) (Social ____write using art concepts and vocabulary ____write using social studies concepts and Studies) Elements of Design vocabulary ____open response with rubric ____recognize art with attention given to the ____develop open response and writing ____compare different careers to determine elements of (line, shape, color, form, texture, portfolio pieces through the content area various job requirements space, value) or principles of design Culture and Society (2.16, 2.17) ____understand how different careers affect life Principles of Design ____locate and name city, county, state, state roles (e.g. parent, spouse, community leader) ____demonstrate an awareness of the elements capital, country and capital, continent, planet ____relate school studies to life pursuits of art and principles of design (ex. Balance ____apply principles of citizenship and develop ____examine and group careers found in the (symmetry), contrast, space, and patterns) class rule community Processes and Media ____describe three levels of government (local, ____communicate the concepts of work and ____explore a variety of media (e.g. crayon, state, and national) career pencil, paint) and processes (e.g. drawing, ____recognize chain of command of authority Transition Skills (2.37) (Guidance Counselor) painting, weaving) used for creating works of figure (ex. President, Vice President) ____seek and demonstrate appropriate art ____understand the differences between resolutions to conflict MUSIC (A.E. 1.14, 2.22, 2.27) right/wrong choices ____demonstrate positive work ethics and ____open response with rubric ____identify contributions of diverse habits ____speak and write using music concepts and individuals, groups, and cultures ____attempt new tasks and/or challenges with vocabulary Economics (2.18) confidence Elements of Music ____understand producers and consumers ____use technology to display information in ____respond to music with minimal attention ____understand barter/money as exchange various ways given to the elements of music (rhythm, melody, ____understand markets-exchange of goods & ____use team skills in a group to complete a form, harmony, timbre, dynamics, tempo) services task and/or solve problems ____demonstrate an awareness of the elements ____demonstrates relevant investigation skills ____share tools and work cooperatively on a of music to solve specific problems in real life situations task Tone Color (ex. supply and demand) Opportunity Planning (2.38) (Guidance ____recognize voice: male, female, children Geography (2.19) Counselor) ____recognize pitched, un-pitched instruments ____identify five themes of geography ____develop a transition plan from elementary ____recognize families of instruments: brass, (location, place, region, environment, and to middle school strings, wood wind, percussion relationships within places) and use them to ____understand the concept of mentoring Historical and Cultural Content analyze geographic issues and problems in KY ____develop and implement a personal short- ____listen to music of diverse cultures, periods, and the US term goal based on self-assessment and styles ____map skills ____create ways to identify personal strengths DRAMA (A.E. 2.22, 2.23, 2.24) ____identify landforms assume responsibility for completing chores ____write using drama concepts & vocabulary ____identify bodies of water ARTS AND HUMANITIES (A.E. 1.13, 2.22, Elements of Drama Government and Civics (2.14, 2.15) 2.27) ____demonstrate an awareness of the elements ____create rules for the classroom DANCE (A.E. 1.15, 2.22-2.26) of drama such as plot, character, visuals (e.g. ____understand the concepts of ____open response with rubric scenery, costumes, props, make-up), and acting rights/responsibilities ____speak & write using dance concepts and (e.g. voice expressions, diction, projection). History (2.20) vocabulary Historical and Cultural Content ____explain how symbols, slogans, and Elements of Dance (A. E. 1.15, 2.22 – 2.26) ____identify various purposes for creating buildings represent ideas and events in KY ____identify & express elements of dance in a works of art history pattern of movement ____use appropriate terminology to describe art ____create timelines for important events such Dance Movements & Forms (A.E. 1.15, 2.22- from different cultures, periods and styels as the arrival of Pilgrims, Columbus’ discovery 2.26) ____demonstrate an awareness of different of North America ____identify & use locomotor & non-locomotor cultures, periods, and styles which influence ____understand Kentucky’s early development movements in simple patterns dramatic works ____know how lifestyles and conditions have Historical & Cultural Context (A.E. 1.15, 2.22- Elements of Production changed over time in Kentucky 2.26) ____recognize elements of production (sound, light, and audience roles)

____must remain in the fourth grade program next year

____has mastered 4th grade level skills

____exiting 4th to 5th grade

______Guardian’s Signature

______Teacher’s Signature

______Date 20 Fifth Grade Yr:_____-______Student______Teacher______HARLAN COUNTY SCHOOLS FIFTH GRADE LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA

Fifth Grade Yr:____-_____ Student______Teacher______

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome.) 1. Apply abilities in language arts. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 2. Be able to read, write, speak, & listen for many purposes. a. Be able to read & enjoy literature (prose, poetry). b. Be able to use mass media (newspaper, magazines, radio, television, movies, Internet, CD-ROM). c. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a model, & explain a process). d. Be able to produce personal writing (narrative, memoir), literary writing (short story, poem, script), & transactive writing (letter, articles, etc.) & persuasive writing. e. Possess technical skills: 1. read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, thank-you letter, letter of request, letter of response, inquiry, proposal, lab report, checklist, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters) 2. Technology: word processing database, desktop publishing, Internet, AV production Content Standards *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations LANGUAGE ARTS (A.E. ____able to determine the order of events in a ____independently uses a pre-writing, revising, paragraph proofreading & publishing process 1.1-1.4, 1.11, 1.12, 5.1-6.3) Word Recognition Portfolio Pieces ____reads fluently words that should be ____understands KY holistic scoring guide READING instantly recognized & understood ____write a personal narrative Reading Appreciation ____uses words that are spelled the same but ____write a letter ____reach individual Accelerated Reader goal have different meanings ____write a transactive piece ____select & read a variety of ____uses context clues, phonics, structure, & ____write a short story/poem/script/play dictionary skills to unlock unfamiliar words ____write a reflection materials for enjoyment Reading Skills ____open response with rubric Reading Comprehension ____capable of reading in all subject area ____on demand writing ____identify key elements of literature (plot, ____develops & increased reading rate ____uses only complete sentences in final draft mood, setting) ____uses sources of information ____self edits for mechanics, spelling, usage, ____name details of a setting ____utilizes table of contents & indexes capitalization, & punctuation ____recognizes author’s purpose of writing ____open response with rubric ____rewrites enhancing the writing for style, ____summarizes plots paragraphing, word choice, & clarity ____distinguishes between cause & effect WRITING ____writes fully developed paragraphs ____identifies similarities & differences ____stories have a beginning, middle & end ____uses proper spelling, punctuation, & ____draws justified inferences from text ____stories include setting, characters, plot, capitalization ____able to scan a reading selection to obtain conclusions ____uses proper paragraph format in multi- the main idea & specific details ____spells accurately in written work paragraph essays ____responds to (summarize, states main idea, ____keep a journal ____uses legible cursive writing stories, narratives, & non-fiction

MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome.) 1. Develop abilities in math. a. Higher think (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, complete the task). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). e. Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary. 2. Be able to apply math knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to solve complex problems with whole numbers using the five-step method (read problem, properly label, select operations, estimate solution, apply operations) & explain process. b. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present, analyze, conclude). c. Be able to use graphs, charts, tables, calculators, & computers to solve multi-step problems (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately). d. Possess technical skill (These technical skills may be used in math classes but are not part of the math curriculum): -read/write/present: instructions, table chart, letter of request, letter of response, proposal, lab report, research report, summary -technology: word processing, spreadsheets, database, Internet, AV production e. Be able to use mental math strategies for computation & estimation. MATH (A.E. 1.5-1.9, 2.7-2.13, Numbers & Counting ____read, write, & compare decimals through ____count, read, write, & order numbers 0- the ten-thousandths 5.1-6.3) 1,000,000,000 ____understand place value to nine digits ____order & compare numbers to 100,000,000 21 Fifth Grade Yr:_____-______Student______Teacher______maintain the memory of the multiplication Concepts ____measure length, width, area & volume in & division facts ____understand the basic functions on a standard & metric ____write expanded form of a number calculator ____demonstrate an understanding of range, ____add 3 five digit numbers with regrouping ____compare & order fractions & mixed mean, median, & mode ____subtract using 4 digit numerals with numbers using <, >, or =, not = ____identify the number of faces, edges, & regrouping ____compare & order decimals using <,>,or =, vertices of a geometric shape ____determine least common multiples not = ____measure ½ & ¼ inch units Operations ____writing equations ____calculate area & perimeter of triangles & ____estimate sum, differences, & products of ____find & write rules for number patterns rectangles whole numbers & decimals by rounding Time Geometry ____multiply using two & three digit numbers ____recognize, read, & write one minute ____identify & measure acute, obtuse, & right ____divide using two digit numbers intervals on a clock angles ____add/subtract fractions with like Money ____identify two & three dimensional denominators ____add & subtract money amounts using geometric shapes & classify geometric shapes ____find equivalent fractions $0.00 notation through $100.00 by attribute ____put fractions in lowest terms ____make change through $10.00 ____use a protractor to draw & measure angles ____add, subtract decimals to the hundredths ____read & write using $0.00 through to the nearest degree ____multiply decimals $10,000.00 ____use a compass to construct a circle ____round numbers through the nearest Measurement ____measure the parts of a circle thousand ____make, read, & explain graphs, tables & Probability ____solve simple equations using variables charts ____understand counting techniques ____know metric prefixes (kilo, centi, milli) & ____understand how sample size affects values outcome

SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 3. Develop abilities in science. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communicates (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 4. Be able to apply science knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research , hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusions). b. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). c. Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately). d. Know how to preserve the earth (reuse, reduce, recycle, refuse). e. Possess technical skills i. Read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of response, inquiry, proposal, lab report, research report, summary. ii. Technology: word processing, database, Internet, AV production f. Examine the role of science in explaining & predicting natural events (floods, earthquakes, volcanoes) g. Demonstrate the role science plays in everyday life & explore careers in science. SCIENCE/HEALTH (A.E. Physical Science Earth & Space ____know that energy is consumed when it ____know the cause & effect relationship 1.10, 2.1-2.6, 5.1-6.3) changes from one form to another between the sun’s rays & the Earth Life Science/Animal Kingdom ____identify that heat can be transferred in 3 ____know that weather conditions are different ways associated with fronts ____know the characteristics of the five classes ____recognize that the sun is the primary source ____know that weather conditions give rise to of invertebrates of energy on Earth & are present during severe storms ____recognize that animals adapt to their ____give examples of renewable & non- ____describe a water cycle environment renewable resources ____design & conduct different kinds of ____describe a food chain or food web ____know the parts of an atom (neutron, proton, scientific investigations to answer scientific electron) questions ____open response with rubric

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in social studies. d. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). e. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). f. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 3. Be able to apply social studies knowledge & skills to a variety to purpose. a. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position, create a model & explain a process). b. Be able to relate social studies to your life. -view life from other perspectives & others’ point of view -understand that human needs are met through interaction in & among social groups (family, school, teams). -understand key forces (inventions, discoveries, people, events, moments) which have shaped our world -explain the causes & effects key forces have on you, the present, the future -use the past & present (other cultures & other places) to solve problems & make decisions -relate current events to your life (know sources related to current events, be able to talk about current events) c. Possess technical skills

22 Fifth Grade Yr:_____-______Student______Teacher______-read/write/present instructions, table, chart, time lines, thank you letter, letter of request, letter of response inquiry, proposal, lab report, checklist, research report, summary, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology word processing, database, Internet, AV production SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. 2.14, 2.21, 2.29, 2.32,3.1-4.6, 5.1-6.3) Geography ____relate features of a globe to Earth’s geographic regions ____know how latitude & longitude d is used to locate places & separate time zones ____differentiate the major landforms & bodies of water on the Earth ____interpret information on a map using a scale, compass, & key ____compare characteristics of maps to their uses. ____identify characteristics of major regions of the United States History ____recognize important events in the early history of North America ____explore important figures & events in the colonization of the United States ____identify factors affecting the settlement of New England & the Middle Colonies ____recognize figures & events of the pre-Revolutionary period ____identify major reasons & events of the Revolutionary War ____recognize developments in American government Civics ____analyze the contents of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, & U.S. Constitution ____identify contents of the Articles of Confederation ____identify branches of the federal government as set forth by the Constitution ____understand how the democratic process can be used to affect change Economics ____understand changes in the economic system of the United States over time ____recognize the impact of economic factors on decisions made by individuals, businesses, & government in the United States ____understand the basic components of the economic system in the United States Culture ____know current & past cultures of the U.S. ____know what life was like for people when key influences on U.S. history occurred ____know about the culture of Native Americans ____compare how individuals & different cultural groups contributed to the development & expansion of the U.S. ____understand the contributions of women & minorities to the development of the U.S. Patterns of Change ____be able to describe the key influences of U.S. history from the perspectives in which they occurred ____be able to place key influences on U.S. history upon a timetable ARTS & HUMANITIES

PHYSICAL EDUCATION/DANCE (A.E. 1.7, 1.15, 2.22-2.26, 2.31, 2.33-2.35, 3.2) Dance Elements ____demonstrate the ability to perform a dance alone, with a partner, & in a small group using the three elements of movement (space, time, force) ____create a dance using the elements of dance ____describe how locomotor (walk, run, hop, jump, leap, skip, slide, gallop) & nonlocomotor (bend, stretch, twist, swing) movements are used to create simple dances Personal Wellness ____explain the relationship of exercise to fitness & wellness ____explain concepts of muscular strength & endurance, flexibility, & cardiorespiratory endurance ____perform stretching, strengthening, & cardiorespiratory exercises Psychomotor Skills ____improve competency & consistency in performing locomotor (walk, run, hop) & nonlocomotor (push, pull, twist, turn, curl, stretch, balance) skills in games & sports ____demonstrate movement concepts as they are used in various games & activities (space, awareness, effort, relationship that occurs between objects & individuals) ____exhibit motor skills with fundamental locomotor movement (walk, run, hop) in the performance of games & sports ____create & perform a dance as a member of a small or large group Lifetime Activities ____refine practice techniques to achieve consistency for a variety of physical activities ____demonstrate sportsmanship (complying with rules, responding appropriately) in games & sports activities ____investigate the benefits of participation in leisure, recreational, & competitive physical activity VISUAL ARTS (A.E. 1.13, 2.22-2.27) ____open response with rubric ____express ideas, images, or patterns utilizing elements of art (line, shape, color, form, texture, space, value) & principles of design (balance, emphasis, pattern) ____analyze how elements of art & principles of design are used in a variety of art works ____use a variety of media & art processes to produce two & three dimensional works of art ____create products that demonstrate forms of art from diverse cultures

MUSIC (A.E. 1.14, 2.22-2.27) Elements of Music ____express elements of music (rhythm, melody, form, timbre, harmony, tempo, dynamics) through, singing, instrument playing, moving, listening, reading, writing, & creating ____analyze how elements of music are used in performing, listening to, & /or creating music ____create music with developmentally appropriate performance techniques, practices, & music elements to communicate ideas & emotions 23 Fifth Grade Yr:_____-______Student______Teacher______create a simple composition using the elements of music Historical & Cultural Context ____describe music of diverse cultures, periods, & styles using appropriate terminology ____create products to demonstrate music from diverse cultures, periods, & styles

DRAMA (A.E. 2.22, 2.23, 2.24) Elements of Drama ____analyze the elements of drama such as plot, character, visuals (scenery, costumes, props, make-up) & acting (voice, expression, diction, projection) in a variety of dramatic works ____collaborate with others to create simple dramatic works using the elements of drama ____reflect on, interpret, & revise own work & /or works of others Historical & Cultural Context ____communicate recognition of specific cultures, periods, & styles within dramatic works ____examine the effects of time, place, & personality on dramatic works

____must remain in the fifth grade program next year

____has mastered 5th grade level skills

____exiting 5th to 6th grade

______Guardian Signature

______Teacher Signature


24 Sixth Grade Yr:______-______Student______Teacher______HARLAN COUNT SCHOOLS GRADE 6 LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in language arts. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for a variety of purposes. a. Be able to use literature (mythology, novels, essays). b. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, Internet, CD-ROM). c. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a model and explain a process). d. Be able to produce analyze, and respond to personal writing (narrative, memoir), literary writing (short story, poem, script), transactive writing (letter, article, editorial, etc.), and persuasive writing using set criteria (i.e., rubric, scoring guide). e. Possess technical skills: -read/write/present: instructions, reports (progress, research, lab), specifications, proposal, letters (complaint, request, application, response, recommendation), manual, form, checklist, resume, brochure, pamphlet, technical research, bid, technical analysis, summary, advertisement, announcement, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology: word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, Internet, search tools, AV production Content Standards *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations

LANGUAGE ARTS (1.2, 2.22, 2.24, 2.25, ____identify bias and/or misinformation Organization 1.11, 1.3, 1.4, 1.12, 1.1, 1.16) ____apply knowledge of organizational patterns ____arrange ideas in a subtle logical sequence (cause and effect, comparison, contrast, (sentences) sequence) to understand a passage ____be able to organize paragraphs & READING Practical Workplace (20%) compositions which demonstrate logical idea Reading Skills ____identify the sequence of activities needed development support of topic with transitions ____know purposes for the four types of to carry out a procedure ____combine sentences to construct more reading: information, literature, persuasion, & ____explain the relationship between complex sentences practical/workplace organizational aids and/or graphics (pictures, ____demonstrate sense of focus & purpose ____scan to find key information charts, graphs) & the content of a practical through writing ____skim to get the gist of a passage reading passage Language ____formulate questions to guide reading ____interpret the use of specialized words & ____use precise, rich language ____draw conclusions & make generalizations terms ____use effective, descriptive language choices about what is read ____locate & apply information for a specific ____choose correct & effective words ____reflect on & evaluate what is read purpose Grammar ____know the meanings of common prefixes & ____identify & construct: simple, compound, suffixes in order to decode unfamiliar words WRITING complex sentences ____identify words which have multiple Writing Process/Products Identify sentence parts meanings & select appropriate meaning for the ___open response with rubric ____subject context ____demonstrate writing process steps ____predicate ____use knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, & ____graphics organizers ____indirect object homonyms for the purpose of comprehending Portfolio Pieces ____direct object text ____transactive piece ____prepositional phrase ____connect information from a passage to ____KY Holistic Scoring Guide ____independent clauses students lives and/or real world issues ____open response ____subordinate clauses Reading Informational (25%) ____on-demand writing ____predicate noun ____apply knowledge of organizational ____personal narrative ____predicate object patterns: cause & effect, comparison, contrast, ____short story ____identify four types of sentences and/or sequence ____poem ____subject verb agreement ____identify supporting details & identify their ____play ____subject verb agreement in inverted order importance in a passage ____journal/learning logs Parts of Speech: Know ____summarize information from a passage ____writing to show knowledge in content area Nouns: Literature (40%) Purpose Audience ____common/proper ____identify figurative language such as ____write with sense of audience ____singular similes, metaphors, personification, & ____write with sense of purpose ____plural hyperbole ____write with sense of voice ____concrete ____analyze the relationship between events in ____write with sense of tone ____abstract a story & a character’s behavior Idea Development and Support Verbs: ____explain how a conflict in a passage is ____write with fluency ____principle parts resolved ____write a topic sentence with elaborate ____verb tenses Persuasion (15%) supporting details ____action/linking ____identify the author’s opinion about a ____writing demonstrates students ability to ____mental/physical subject reflect, make connections, draw conclusions, or ____verb phrases ____identify commonly used persuasive make applications to previous knowledge, ____irregular verbs techniques specific situations or scenarios Pronouns: ____identify the argument & supporting ____connect pre-existing knowledge to expand ____personal/possessive evidence new learning ____reflexive ____distinguish between informative & ____demonstrates the ability to make ____subject/object persuasive passages connections ____interrogative ____distinguish between fact & opinion Adjectives: 25 Sixth Grade Yr:______-______Student______Teacher______comparative/superlative Research Skills ____present information using appropriate ____proper ____appropriate use of dictionary, thesaurus, delivery techniques ____articles (a, an, the) technology, atlas, almanacs, maps, & graphs ____analyze effectiveness & purposes of oral Adverbs: (print & non-print forms) messages & audience responses ____comparative/superlative Speaking, Listening/Observing ____collaborate to gather & interpret Correctness ____student demonstrates appropriate auditory information from observing, speaking, & ____punctuate the four types of sentences comprehension listening & to prepare & deliver messages & ____commas, colons, semicolons ____engage in informal communication products ____capitalization ____practice appropriate verbal behaviors for a ____apply listening, speaking & observing ____use quotation marks in dialogue variety of audiences, purposes, & situations skills to conduct authentic independent inquiry Spelling ____apply appropriate nonverbal techniques to tasks in order to create products ____spell words correctly enhance communication Penmanship ____write neatly & legibly

MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in math. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze and revise when producing products).

2. Be able to apply math knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. f. Be able to use a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process (patterns, tables, diagrams, simplify, brainstorm, guess and check) in a step- by-step manner (research, thesis, support, recommendations). g. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present, analyze, conclude). h. Be able to use proper technique (pencil-paper, mental math, calculators, computers, and other technology) to assist problem-solving (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately) and to create, evaluate, solve problems with graphs, charts, and tables. i. Possess technical skill (These technical skills may be used in math classes but are not part of the math curriculum): -read/write/present: instructions, table chart, lab report, specifications, proposal, letters ( complaint, recommendation), manual, form, checklist, technical research, bid, technical analysis, summary -technology: word processing, spreadsheets, database, desktop publishing, Internet, search tools, AV production j. Be able to use mathematical terminology and notation

MATH (A.E. 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, ____identify prime/composite numbers Algebraic Ideas (2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12) 2.12, 2.13) ____factors (GCF) ____represent functions through input/output ____multiples (LCM) ____know algebraic terminology Number/Computation (2.7, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12) ____utilize estimation (rounding) ____simplify algebraic expressions ____understand rational numbers techniques/strategies ____solve problems involving substitutions ____fractions ____large & small quantities Probability and Statistics (2.8, 2.9, 2.11, 2.13) ____decimals ____computation skills ____collect, organize, analyze & interpret data ____percents ____application of properties ____circle graphs, line graphs, bar graphs ____ consumer ____commutative ____select an appropriate graph to represent applications ____associative given data & justify its use ____understand irrational numbers ____distributive ____compare data from various types of graphs ____square roots ____show relationship ____recognize that statistics can be interpreted ____pi ____open response with rubric in many ways ____understand properties Geometry/Measurement (2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11) ____mean ____real-life applications ____derive & use formulas for various rates ____median ____determine inverse operations ____distance/time ____mode ____add/subtract ____miles per hour ____range ____multiply/divide ____volume ____investigate & explain the role of ____demonstrate exponents ____surface area probability in everyday decision making ____scientific notation ____place value

SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 5. Develop abilities in science. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communication (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 6. Be able to apply science knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research , hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusions). b. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). c. Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (balances, microscopes, meter sticks, beakers). d. Apply knowledge of the relationship between humans, the environment, and the earth’s resources (pollution, conservation) to improve the environment. e. Be able to use technology and mathematics in scientific investigations. i. Read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, reports (progress, research, lab), proposal, letters (complaint, request, response), manual, checklist, pamphlet, bid, technical analysis, summary. ii. Technology: word processing, database, desktop publishing 7. Be able to communicate designs, procedures, and results of scientific investigations (models and scales). 26 Sixth Grade Yr:______-______Student______Teacher______

SCIENCE (A.E. 2.1- 2.6) ____analyze how the Suns’ energy arrives as Examine roll of genetics within living Scientific Inquiry (2.1) light with a range of wave lengths organisms ____be able to solve problems using the ____demonstrate how electrical circuits provide ____heredity scientific method a means of transferring electrical energy when ____DNA ____be able to conduct field & library research heat, light, sound, & chemical changes are ____genes/traits & experimentation produced ____innate/acquired behaviors ____be able to use scientific equipment Earth Science (2.1-2.6) Analyze regulation of physiological change & appropriately ____understand the layers of the Earth behavioral adaptations ____be able to integrate technology & ____investigate Earth’s systems ____homeostasis mathematics in scientific investigations to ____analyze Earth’s history ____adaptations enhance the gathering & manipulation of data ____understand constructive & destructive ____energy relationships/transfers through ____be able to communicate & defend a forces relative to landforms ecosystems scientific argument ____understand patterns of earthquakes, ____populations ____be able to understand that scientific history volcanoes, & deposition ____environmental issues & knowledge influence the design & ____understand the rock cycle ____extinction interpretation of investigations ____recognize products of the rock cycle each Applications/Connections in Science (2.2-2.6) ____be able to evaluate results of investigations having different chemical composition & ____describe the effects of science & of other scientists texture technology on today’s society ____be able to understand that scientific ____understand the water cycle ____explore science careers investigations are conducted for a wide variety ____understand methods of transportation of ____investigate the importance of scientific of reasons minerals to the ocean discoveries in world history ____open response with rubric ____understand composition of atmosphere & ____recognize the role of science in ____analyze properties of matter how it supports all human life populations, issues related to resources, & ____describe changes in properties of matter ____understand how the water cycle affects environmental changes ____determine boiling point of different patterns of weather & climate substances ____understand the Sun is a major source of PRACTICAL LIVING/HEALTH (A.E. 2.29, ____recognize that different substance have energy for the Earth 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33) *Can be integrated into different freezing points ____understand how the Sun’s energy affects other content areas ____evaluate gravitational forces & their effect the growth of plants, winds, ocean currents, & ____open response with rubric on objects at rest & in motion the water cycle Individual Well Being (2.29) ____differentiate Newton’s Laws of Motion ____understand that tilt of the Earth on its axis ____practice group processing strategies (e.g. ____measure forces on objects (i.e. velocity, & how that affects the changing of the seasons collaboration) (s.s. & l.a.) speed, acceleration, momentum, constant speed, ____recognize that small changes in the ____practice conflict resolution strategies (s.s & friction, gravity) atmosphere can significantly affect the Earth’s l.a.) ____recognize & separate different types of climate if the change lasts long enough ____describe the structure & functions of body mixtures ____recognize the environmental conditions & systems (e.g. reproductive, digestive, & ____investigate transfer of energy (e.g. heat, life changes that fossils provide circulatory) (science) light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound) ____understand the components of our solar ____identify abstinence as the only sure means ____differentiate between the characteristics system including the nine planets, their of preventing pregnancy & STD’s (science) that identify compounds & their components composition, size, structure, & surface features Consumer Decisions (2.30) ____differentiate how elements combine in a & orbital pattern ____compare products by price, quality, & multitude of ways to produce compounds ____understand the role the sun plays in availability to make informed decisions (math & ____classify substances into categories based determining the characteristics of a planet l.a.) upon their reactions ____recognize that large numbers of asteroids & ____consider environmental issues when ____predict conservation of mass within comets also orbit the Sun making consumer decisions (science) chemical reactions ____understand how the orbit of objects in the ____describe budgeting procedures for ____recognize that chemical elements do not solar system is what determines the day, year & achieving short & long-term goals (math) break down during normal laboratory reactions also eclipses Personal Wellness (2.31) ____analyze & differentiate between physical & ____understand that gravity is what keeps the ____recognize the strategies to maintain chemical changes planets in motion around the sun personal safety in the area of traffic & ____describe the motion of an object can be ____understand the size of our Sun as a star transportation related areas described by its position, directions of motion, ____be able to recognize its location & shape in ____practice basic first aid for a variety of life & speed the universe threatening emergencies (e.g. choking, shock, ____demonstrate that an object is subjected to Life Science (2.2-2.6) poisoning) balanced forces will remain at rest or will ____open response with rubric ____describe how diet, exercise, rest, & other continue to move at a constant speed & in a Investigate Organisms’ Structure choices affect body systems & the way they straight line ____cells work together to maintain health ____recognize that unbalanced forces will cause ____tissues ____describe the role of nutrients needed for changes in the speed or direction of an objects’ ____organs proper growth & development motion ____organ systems ____identify & implement how dietary ____demonstrate how vibrations in materials set Investigate Organisms’ Function guidelines, the food pyramid, & other nutrition up wave like disturbances that spread away ____cells resources are used in making daily food choices from the source ____tissues ____determine the impact of how diet, exercise, ____recognize that energy is a property of many ____organs rest & other nutritious choices affect substances & is associated with heat, light, ____organ systems appearance, performance, & disposition electricity, mechanical motion, sound, nuclei, & Investigate Organisms’ Growth ____describe the effects of diet, exercise & rest the nature of a chemical ____cells on body systems ____demonstrate the many ways energy is ____tissues ____recognize the risk factors, transmission & transferred ____organs prevention of communicable diseases (e.g. ____infer that heat moves in predictable ways ____organ systems hepatitis, colds, influenza, mononucleosis, TB, Analyze Reproduction AIDS/HIV/STD’s) & the impact of those Physical Science (2.2-2.6) ____asexual diseases on personal health ____identify how light interacts with matter by ____sexual transmission 27 Sixth Grade Yr:______-______Student______Teacher______describe risk factors for non-communicable ____practice time management & decision ____relate impact of exercise & nutritional diseases among adolescents (e.g. cancer, making strategies for stressful situations (test practices on the way adolescents look, feel, & diabetes, high blood pressure). taking, deadlines, etc.) perform ____practice the disease prevention strategies of ____practice setting long term goals to promote ____relate benefits of exercise & fitness to communicable diseases (e.g. colds, hepatitis, mental & emotional health physical development influenza, TB, mononucleosis, Community Services (2.33) ____evaluate their own health related fitness AIDS/HIV/STD’s) ____identify the health & safety hazards ____monitor intensity of exercise (e.g. resting, ____identify consequences & risks of encountered by adolescents (e.g. explosives, heart rate, recovery time) adolescents behavioral choices (e.g. tobacco, firearms, hazardous waste) ____apply principles of fitness training & alcohol, & other drug use, sexual involvement, ____recognize services & resources available in conditioning in activities violent behaviors) & alternatives to situations the communities (e.g. health dept., vol. Health ____identify the impact of exercise & faced by adolescents org.) nutritional practices on adolescent’s looks, Mental Wellness (2.32) ____recognize the relationships of feelings & performance ____recognize the symptoms, cause, & governmental standards (e.g. OSHA, Psychomotor Skills (2.34) treatment of mental illness (e.g. depression, inspections) as they relate to health & safety ____applies movement concepts in various anxiety) ____describe the role of individuals & society games & sports activities ____assess consequences & risks of choices & in preserving resources ____demonstrates principles of motor skill actions of smoking, drinking & other drug use ____recognize the health-related problems in refinement of adolescents & how they affect physical & local, state, national & international ____develop transitional motor skills for emotional health communities participation in games, activities, & rhythmic ____identify the resources that are available to ____open response with rubrics movements (baseball, soccer, basketball) fight drug addiction (e.g. guidance, FRYSC, ____analyze object manipulation to make drug counselor) PRACTICAL LIVING/PHYSICAL recommendations for improvement ____explain the effects of eating disorders on EDUCATION (A.E. 2.31, 2.34, 2.35) Lifetime Activity (2.35) individuals & their families & their need for ____demonstrates sportsmanship Personal Wellness (2.31) counseling for healthy body image ____demonstrates techniques & skills related to ____describe body changes following regular ____practice strategies for dealing with peer performance in games/sports participation in physical activity pressure, managing stressful situations, & ____identify benefits of regular participation in preventing violence leisure, recreational, & competitive physical activity

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 4. Develop abilities in social studies. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend) using appropriate vocabulary. c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 5. Be able to apply social studies knowledge & skills to a variety to purpose. a. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position, create a model & explain a process). b. Be able to relate social studies to your life.

SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. 1.2, 1.11, ____know physical characteristics of the world ____know about key people, events, inventions, 2.14, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, which have been key influences in shaping and discoveries within a given culture cultures ____know how archaeological evidence is GOALS 3,4,5,6) ____be able to compare the government and essential in the study and interpretation of Geography cultures of others with your own and relate history and the earliest civilizations ____open response with rubric cultures of their geographical settings ____know key influences on history and their ____be able to use a globe to show your ____know how the earth has changed sequence of occurrence knowledge of the earth physically, including causes and effects ____posses a logical sense of what life was like ____be able to use charts and maps to show ____know how different cultures have changed when key influences occurred. land and water forms the world’s geography ____know causes and effects of key influences ____be able to develop charts and maps which ____know techniques and strategies which have Economics show key information, such as population, been used to protect and manage the ____know the free trade system resources, climate, and vegetation environment ____be able to understand the implication of ____be able to develop charts, maps, and graphs ____be able to predict future changes in the supply and demand to depict change over time earth ____know the basic economic questions which ____be able to develop maps, charts, and graphs ____know the five themes of geography producers must consider (what to produce, how which show views of the earth at key points in (location, place, human-environment to produce it, and who will consume it) history interaction, movement, region). ____know how people, events, forces, and ____be able to locate important information on ____be able to apply the five themes to each of inventions have affected the economy (i.e. maps, such as population, resources, climate, the regions studies. competition, war, unemployment) vegetation and forms, and water masses ____be able to interpret how the five themes ____know how specialization and division of ____be able to use latitude and longitude to affect the culture of each region of study labor effect the economy locate History ____know how technology affected economies ____be able to state and support opinions about ____know key civilizations ____know why short-term gains often cause the earth based on globes, charts, maps, and ____know about key world cultures long-term losses graphs ____know about the daily life of people within ____know the work people did and the key civilizations sacrifices they made to be successful

28 Sixth Grade Yr:______-______Student______Teacher______DANCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in dance. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). b. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). c. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). d. The quality process (plan, draft, improvise, rehearse, critique, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply abilities within dance to a variety of purposes. a. Understand and recognize that dance is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. b. Be able to use movement ideas to compare a dance. c. Be able to create and perform a creative dance and/or a folk dance. d. Be able to create and perform with a partner a dance that has a theme. e. Be able to communicate an idea through dance with a unified beginning, middle, and end. f. Be able to perform a folk dance.

DANCE (A.E. 1.15, 2.22-2.26) ____know and be able to explain the principles ____know the role of dance in various cultures ____know how various size and focus elements of contrast and time periods can affect the meaning of dance (space) ____Be able to identify the call and response ____know the movements and styles that are ____know how the various time elements can and narrative compositional forms of dance characteristic of dances with Greek origins contribute to the meaning of a dance (duration, ____know the basic dance steps of the step-hop ____know that dances are often recreational rhythmic patterns, accent) and the grapevine (e.g. square dance, tap) ____know various ways to express tension or ____know how push and pull can affect various ____know basic steps and body positions of relaxation in dance dance movements different square dances ____know how heavy or light dance movements ____be able to keep your balance while can affect a dance standing or posing in many different positions

DRAMA/THEATRE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in drama/theatre. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). b. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). c. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). d. The quality process (plan, draft, improvise, rehearse, critique, and revise when producing products). 2. Be able to apply abilities within drama/theatre to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to express emotion and meaning through dramatic performances. b. Understand and recognize that drama/theatre is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. c. Be able to use electronic media. d. Be able to appropriate the connections between drama/theatre and other arts and humanities. e. Be able to use different dramatic elements to compare various theatrical performances.

DRAMA/THEATRE (A.E. 2.22- ____be able to interact as an invented character ____be able to develop focused ideas for the 2.26) in improvised and scripted scenes environment of a production using visual ____understand how the turning point affects elements and visual principles (e.g. repetition, ____be able to create various characters and the plot development of a dramatization. balance, emphasis, contrast, unity). environments (e.g. place, time, ____understand theme and how it impacts a ____understand and apply knowledge of stage atmosphere/mood), for a script. scripted scene directions (e.g. persedium, stage right, stage left, ____understand how to create scripted scenes ____understand that theme and language upstage, downstage) based on personal experiences provide additional information about the plot ____know that there are different types of ____be able to select interrelated characters, ____understand character motivations in staging for various productions environments, and situations for various types specific dramatic works ____be able to critique improvisations using of dramatizations ____understand how empathy affects the dramatic elements and terminology ____understand how description, dialogue, and expression of emotions ____be able to explore character behaviors actions are used to justify the motivation of ____know that a character can be represented in based on observations, ethical choice, and different characters many forms (e.g. person, animal, entity). emotional responses. ____be able to use acting skill (e.g. body ____understand how various scenery choices alignment, control of isolated body parts) to can support the plot in dramatic performances develop basic characterizations ____be able to plan visual elements for improvised scenes or classroom dramatizations

MUSIC EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in dance. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). b. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). c. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). d. The quality process (imitate, explore, notate, improvise, revise rehearse). 3. Be able to read, write, perform, and listen to music for a variety of purposes. a. Be able to express emotion and meaning through music as an essential and integral part of human existence. b. Understand other cultures through music by listening, singing, and playing instruments. c. Know that music is “the universal language”. d. Be able to sing and play, listen to and enjoy music. e. Be able to use electronic media. f. Be able to appreciate musical heritage. g. Be able to appreciate the connections between music and the other arts and humanities. h. Be able to read music notation. 29 Sixth Grade Yr:______-______Student______Teacher______i. Understand advanced elements of music through group performance.

MUSIC (A.E. 1.14, 2.21-2.27) ____be able to sing and play, listen to, and ____know basic rhythm patterns with steady ____be able to express emotion and meaning enjoy music beat through music as an essential and integral part ____be able to use electronic media ____know the function of time signature of human existence. ____be able to appreciate musical heritage ____know partner songs and canons ____understand other culture through music by ____be able to appreciate the connections ____know that music has two genres (e.g. listening, singing, and playing instruments between music and the other arts and humanities instrumental, chorus) ____be able to read music notation ____know that music is “the universal ____understand advanced elements of music language” through group performance

VISUAL ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1.Develop abilities in visual arts a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, decide, compare). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend) c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing final product). 2. Be able to apply abilities within visual arts to a variety of purposes. a. Understand and recognize that visual arts is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. b. Be able to create and explain a piece of art. c. Be able to communicate an idea through a work of art. d. Be able to use different art elements to compare various works of art.

VISUAL ARTS (A.E. 1.13, 2.22-2.26) ____be able to clean up when finished creating use the principles of design (e.g. repetition, ____understand and recognize that visual arts is art balance-asymmetry, symmetry). a way of expressing the culture and history of a ____be able to judge art from technical criteria ____know different subjects (still life) that particular group of people and from an artistic vision convey meanings in artworks ____be able to create and explain a piece of art ____be able to create art in keeping with the ____know the difference between art processes ____be able to communicate an idea through accepted standards of decency and respect (e.g. painting, sculpture) and media (e.g. paint, a work of art ____understand the use of the elements of line pastels) ____be able to use different art elements to and color in two- and three-dimensional forms ____know that there are various purposes for compare various works of art ____know how different colors and groups of creating works of art (e.g. celebration, narrative) ____be able to use materials appropriately and colors are used to create artwork (e.g. hues) ____know the characteristics and style of safely ____know that the combination of the elements realism ____appreciate the creativity of others of art into an organized whole requires artists to

Year’s Summary

_____Must remain in the Sixth Grade Program

_____Has Mastered 66h Grade level skills

_____Exiting 6h to 7th Grade

______Guardian’s Signature

______Teacher’s Signature


30 Seventh Grade Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______HARLAN COUNT SCHOOLS GRADE 7 LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 3. Develop abilities in language arts. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze and revise when producing products). 4. Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for a variety of purposes. a. Be able to use literature (mythology, novels, essays). b. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, Internet, CD-ROM). c. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a model and explain a process). d. Be able to produce analyze, and respond to personal writing (narrative, memoir), literary writing (short story, poem, script), transactive writing (letter, article, editorial, etc.), and persuasive writing using set criteria (i.e., rubric, scoring guide). e. Possess technical skills: -read/write/present: instructions, reports (progress, research, lab), specifications, proposal, letters (complaint, request, application, response, recommendation), manual, form, checklist, resume, brochure, pamphlet, technical research, bid, technical analysis, summary, advertisement, announcement, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology: word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, Internet, search tools, AV production Content Standards *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations

LANGUAGE ARTS (1.2, 2.22, 2.24, 2.25, ____identify the author’s opinion about a ____writing demonstrates students ability to 1.11, 1.3, 1.4, 1.12, 1.1, 1.16) subject reflect, make connections, draw conclusions, or ____identify commonly used persuasive make applications to previous knowledge, techniques specific situations or scenarios READING ____identify the argument & supporting ____connect pre-existing knowledge to expand Reading Skills evidence new learning ____know purposes for the four types of ____distinguish between informative & ____demonstrates the ability to make reading: information, literature, persuasion, & persuasive passages connections practical/workplace ____distinguish between fact & opinion Organization ____scan to find key information ____identify bias and/or misinformation ____arrange ideas in a subtle logical sequence ____skim to get the gist of a passage ____apply knowledge of organizational patterns (sentences) ____formulate questions to guide reading (cause and effect, comparison, contrast, ____be able to organize paragraphs & ____draw conclusions & make generalizations sequence) to understand a passage compositions which demonstrate logical idea about what is read Practical Workplace (20%) development support of topic with transitions ____reflect on & evaluate what is read ____identify the sequence of activities needed ____combine sentences to construct more ____know the meanings of common prefixes & to carry out a procedure complex sentences suffixes in order to decode unfamiliar words ____explain the relationship between ____demonstrate sense of focus & purpose ____identify words which have multiple organizational aids and/or graphics (pictures, through writing meanings & select appropriate meaning for the charts, graphs) & the content of a practical Language context reading passage ____use precise, rich language ____use knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, & ____interpret the use of specialized words & ____use effective, descriptive language choices homonyms for the purpose of comprehending terms ____choose correct & effective words text ____locate & apply information for a specific Grammar ____connect information from a passage to purpose ____identify & construct: simple, compound, students lives and/or real world issues complex sentences Reading Informational (25%) WRITING Identify sentence parts ____apply knowledge of organizational Writing Process/Products ____subject patterns: cause & effect, comparison, contrast, ____demonstrate writing process steps ____predicate and/or sequence ____graphics organizers ____indirect object ____identify supporting details & identify their Portfolio Pieces ____direct object importance in a passage ____transactive piece ____prepositional phrase ____summarize information from a passage ____KY Holistic Scoring Guide ____independent clauses Literature (40%) ____open response ____subordinate clauses ____identify the meaning of a passage taken ____on-demand writing ____predicate noun from texts recognized as appropriate for middle ____personal narrative ____predicate object level students ____short story ____identify four types of sentences ____identify characteristics of short stories, ____poem ____subject verb agreement novels, poetry, & plays ____play ____subject verb agreement in inverted order ____describe characters, setting, conflict/ ____journal/learning logs Parts of Speech: Know resolution, theme, & point-of-view ____writing to show knowledge in content area Nouns: ____connect literature to real life Purpose Audience ____common/proper ____identify figurative language such as ____write with sense of audience ____singular similes, metaphors, personification, & ____write with sense of purpose ____plural hyperbole ____write with sense of voice ____concrete ____analyze the relationship between events in ____write with sense of tone ____abstract a story & a character’s behavior Idea Development and Support Verbs: ____explain how a conflict in a passage is ____write with fluency ____principle parts resolved ____write a topic sentence with elaborate ____verb tenses Persuasion (15%) supporting details ____action/linking ____mental/physical 31 Seventh Grade Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______verb phrases ____commas, colons, semicolons ____apply appropriate nonverbal techniques to ____irregular verbs ____capitalization enhance communication Pronouns: ____use quotation marks in dialogue ____present information using appropriate ____personal/possessive Spelling delivery techniques ____reflexive ____spell words correctly ____analyze effectiveness & purposes of oral ____subject/object Research Skills messages & audience responses ____interrogative ____appropriate use of dictionary, thesaurus, ____collaborate to gather & interpret Adjectives: technology, atlas, almanacs, maps, & graphs information from observing, speaking, & ____comparative/superlative (print & non-print forms) listening & to prepare & deliver messages & ____proper Speaking, Listening/Observing products ____articles (a, an, the) ____student demonstrates appropriate auditory ____apply listening, speaking & observing Adverbs: comprehension skills to conduct authentic independent inquiry ____comparative/superlative ____engage in informal communication tasks in order to create products Correctness ____practice appropriate verbal behaviors for a Penmanship ____punctuate the four types of sentences variety of audiences, purposes, & situations ____write neatly & legibly

MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 2. Develop abilities in math. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze and revise when producing products).

2. Be able to apply math knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. k. Be able to use a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process (patterns, tables, diagrams, simplify, brainstorm, guess and check) in a step- by-step manner (research, thesis, support, recommendations). l. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present, analyze, conclude). m. Be able to use proper technique (pencil-paper, mental math, calculators, computers, and other technology) to assist problem-solving (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately) and to create, evaluate, solve problems with graphs, charts, and tables. n. Possess technical skill (These technical skills may be used in math classes but are not part of the math curriculum): -read/write/present: instructions, table chart, lab report, specifications, proposal, letters ( complaint, recommendation), manual, form, checklist, technical research, bid, technical analysis, summary -technology: word processing, spreadsheets, database, desktop publishing, Internet, search tools, AV production o. Be able to use mathematical terminology and notation

MATH (A.E. 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, ____utilize estimation (rounding) Probability and Statistics (2.8, 2.9, 2.11, 2.13) 2.12, 2.13) techniques/strategies ____collect, organize, analyze & interpret data ____large & small quantities ____circle graphs Number/Computation (2.7, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12) ____computation skills ____scatter plots ____understand rational numbers ____application of properties ____histograms ____fractions ____commutative ____select an appropriate graph to represent ____decimals ____associative given data & justify its use ____percents ____distributive ____circle graph ____ consumer ____show relationship ____line plot applications ____open response with rubric ____compare data from various types of graphs ____understand irrational numbers Geometry/Measurement (2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11) ____recognize that statistics can be interpreted ____square roots ____derive & use formulas for various rates in many ways ____pi ____distance/time ____mean ____ordering on a number line ____miles per hour ____median ____apply & identify integers ____volume ____mode ____add ____investigate transformations in coordinate ____range ____subtract plane ____identify & describe the number of possible ____multiply ____congruence arrangements of several objects ____divide ____proportionality ____tree diagram ____order on a number line ____similarity ____basic counting principle ____magnitude Algebraic Ideas (2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12) ____sample space represented in the ____understand properties ____represent, interpret functions through form of a list, picture, chart or tree ____cross-multiplication input/output diagram ____real-life applications ____know algebraic terminology ____investigate & explain the role of ____relation of ratios & proportions ____use a variety of methods & representations probability in everyday decision making ____determine inverse operations to create/solve one variable linear one & two ____design & conduct probability experiments ____add/subtract step equation & interpret the results ____multiply/divide ____model equations ____explore concepts of randomness & ____relationships ____solve one step equations independent events ____demonstrate exponents ____model inequalities ____determine theoretical probabilities, ____scientific notation ____solve inequalities compare that to experimental results, & explain ____place value ____simplify algebraic expressions reasons why there might be differences ____identify prime/composite numbers ____solve problems involving substitutions ____ratio ____factors (GCF) ____investigate Cartesian coordinate plan ____decimal ____multiples (LCM) ____plot points ____percent ____graph linear functions SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 32 Seventh Grade Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______8. Develop abilities in science. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communication (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 9. Be able to apply science knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research , hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusions). b. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). c. Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (balances, microscopes, meter sticks, beakers). d. Apply knowledge of the relationship between humans, the environment, and the earth’s resources (pollution, conservation) to improve the environment. e. Be able to use technology and mathematics in scientific investigations. i. Read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, reports (progress, research, lab), proposal, letters (complaint, request, response), manual, checklist, pamphlet, bid, technical analysis, summary. ii. Technology: word processing, database, desktop publishing 10. Be able to communicate designs, procedures, and results of scientific investigations (models and scales).

SCIENCE (A.E. 2.1- 2.6) ____recognize that unbalanced forces will cause ____understand the role the sun plays in Scientific Inquiry (2.1) changes in the speed or direction of an objects’ determining the characteristics of a planet ____be able to solve problems using the motion ____recognize that large numbers of asteroids & scientific method ____demonstrate how vibrations in materials set comets also orbit the Sun ____be able to conduct field & library research up wave like disturbances that spread away ____understand how the orbit of objects in the & experimentation from the source solar system is what determines the day, year & ____be able to use scientific equipment ____recognize that energy is a property of many also eclipses appropriately substances & is associated with heat, light, ____understand that gravity is what keeps the ____be able to integrate technology & electricity, mechanical motion, sound, nuclei, & planets in motion around the sun mathematics in scientific investigations to the nature of a chemical ____understand the size of our Sun as a star enhance the gathering & manipulation of data ____demonstrate the many ways energy is ____be able to recognize its location & shape in ____be able to communicate & defend a transferred the universe scientific argument ____infer that heat moves in predictable ways Life Science (2.2-2.6) ____be able to understand that scientific history Physical Science (2.2-2.6) Investigate Organisms’ Structure & knowledge influence the design & ____identify how light interacts with matter by ____cells interpretation of investigations transmission ____tissues ____be able to evaluate results of investigations ____analyze how the Suns’ energy arrives as ____organs of other scientists light with a range of wave lengths ____organ systems ____be able to understand that scientific ____demonstrate how electrical circuits provide Investigate Organisms’ Function investigations are conducted for a wide variety a means of transferring electrical energy when ____cells of reasons heat, light, sound, & chemical changes are ____tissues ____open response with rubric produced ____organs ____analyze properties of matter Earth Science (2.1-2.6) ____organ systems ____describe changes in properties of matter ____understand the layers of the Earth Investigate Organisms’ Growth ____determine boiling point of different ____investigate Earth’s systems ____cells substances ____analyze Earth’s history ____tissues ____recognize that different substance have ____understand constructive & destructive ____organs different freezing points forces relative to landforms ____organ systems ____evaluate gravitational forces & their effect ____understand patterns of earthquakes, Analyze Reproduction on objects at rest & in motion volcanoes, & deposition ____asexual ____differentiate Newton’s Laws of Motion ____understand the rock cycle ____sexual ____measure forces on objects (i.e. velocity, ____recognize products of the rock cycle each Examine roll of genetics within living speed, acceleration, momentum, constant speed, having different chemical composition & organisms friction, gravity) texture ____heredity ____recognize & separate different types of ____understand the water cycle ____DNA mixtures ____understand methods of transportation of ____genes/traits ____investigate transfer of energy (e.g. heat, minerals to the ocean ____innate/acquired behaviors light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound) ____understand composition of atmosphere & Analyze regulation of physiological change & ____differentiate between the characteristics how it supports all human life behavioral adaptations that identify compounds & their components ____understand how the water cycle affects ____homeostasis ____differentiate how elements combine in a patterns of weather & climate ____adaptations multitude of ways to produce compounds ____understand the Sun is a major source of ____energy relationships/transfers through ____classify substances into categories based energy for the Earth ecosystems upon their reactions ____understand how the Sun’s energy affects ____populations ____predict conservation of mass within the growth of plants, winds, ocean currents, & ____environmental issues chemical reactions the water cycle ____extinction ____recognize that chemical elements do not ____understand that tilt of the Earth on its axis Applications/Connections in Science (2.2-2.6) break down during normal laboratory reactions & how that affects the changing of the seasons ____describe the effects of science & ____analyze & differentiate between physical & ____recognize that small changes in the technology on today’s society chemical changes atmosphere can significantly affect the Earth’s ____explore science careers ____describe the motion of an object can be climate if the change lasts long enough ____investigate the importance of scientific described by its position, directions of motion, ____recognize the environmental conditions & discoveries in world history & speed life changes that fossils provide ____recognize the role of science in ____demonstrate that an object is subjected to ____understand the components of our solar populations, issues related to resources, & balanced forces will remain at rest or will system including the nine planets, their environmental changes continue to move at a constant speed & in a composition, size, structure, & surface features PRACTICAL LIVING/HEALTH (A.E. 2.29, straight line & orbital pattern 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33) *Can be integrated into other content areas 33 Seventh Grade Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______Individual Well Being (2.29) ____describe risk factors for non-communicable ____describe the role of individuals & society ____practice group processing strategies (e.g. diseases among adolescents (e.g. cancer, in preserving resources collaboration) (s.s. & l.a.) diabetes, high blood pressure). ____recognize the health-related problems in ____practice conflict resolution strategies (s.s & ____practice the disease prevention strategies of local, state, national & international l.a.) communicable diseases (e.g. colds, hepatitis, communities ____describe the structure & functions of body influenza, TB, mononucleosis, ____open response with rubrics systems (e.g. reproductive, digestive, & AIDS/HIV/STD’s) circulatory) (science) ____identify consequences & risks of PRACTICAL LIVING/PHYSICAL ____identify abstinence as the only sure means adolescents behavioral choices (e.g. tobacco, EDUCATION (A.E. 2.31, 2.34, 2.35) of preventing pregnancy & STD’s (science) alcohol, & other drug use, sexual involvement, Personal Wellness (2.31) Consumer Decisions (2.30) violent behaviors) & alternatives to situations ____describe body changes following regular ____compare products by price, quality, & faced by adolescents participation in physical activity availability to make informed decisions (math & Mental Wellness (2.32) ____relate impact of exercise & nutritional l.a.) ____recognize the symptoms, cause, & practices on the way adolescents look, feel, & ____consider environmental issues when treatment of mental illness (e.g. depression, perform making consumer decisions (science) anxiety) ____relate benefits of exercise & fitness to ____describe budgeting procedures for ____assess consequences & risks of choices & physical development achieving short & long-term goals (math) actions of smoking, drinking & other drug use ____evaluate their own health related fitness Personal Wellness (2.31) of adolescents & how they affect physical & ____monitor intensity of exercise (e.g. resting, ____recognize the strategies to maintain emotional health heart rate, recovery time) personal safety in the area of traffic & ____identify the resources that are available to ____apply principles of fitness training & transportation related areas fight drug addiction (e.g. guidance, FRYSC, conditioning in activities ____practice basic first aid for a variety of life drug counselor) ____identify the impact of exercise & threatening emergencies (e.g. choking, shock, ____explain the effects of eating disorders on nutritional practices on adolescent’s looks, poisoning) individuals & their families & their need for feelings & performance ____describe how diet, exercise, rest, & other counseling for healthy body image Psychomotor Skills (2.34) choices affect body systems & the way they ____practice strategies for dealing with peer ____applies movement concepts in various work together to maintain health pressure, managing stressful situations, & games & sports activities ____describe the role of nutrients needed for preventing violence ____demonstrates principles of motor skill proper growth & development ____practice time management & decision refinement ____identify & implement how dietary making strategies for stressful situations (test ____develop transitional motor skills for guidelines, the food pyramid, & other nutrition taking, deadlines, etc.) participation in games, activities, & rhythmic resources are used in making daily food choices ____practice setting long term goals to promote movements (baseball, soccer, basketball) ____determine the impact of how diet, exercise, mental & emotional health ____analyze object manipulation to make rest & other nutritious choices affect Community Services (2.33) recommendations for improvement appearance, performance, & disposition ____identify the health & safety hazards Lifetime Activity (2.35) ____describe the effects of diet, exercise & rest encountered by adolescents (e.g. explosives, ____demonstrates sportsmanship on body systems firearms, hazardous waste) ____demonstrates techniques & skills related to ____recognize the risk factors, transmission & ____recognize services & resources available in performance in games/sports prevention of communicable diseases (e.g. the communities (e.g. health dept., vol. Health ____identify benefits of regular participation in hepatitis, colds, influenza, mononucleosis, TB, org.) leisure, recreational, & competitive physical AIDS/HIV/STD’s) & the impact of those ____recognize the relationships of activity diseases on personal health governmental standards (e.g. OSHA, inspections) as they relate to health & safety

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 6. Develop abilities in social studies. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend) using appropriate vocabulary. c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 7. Be able to apply social studies knowledge & skills to a variety to purpose. a. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position, create a model & explain a process). b. Be able to relate social studies to your life.

SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. 1.2, 1.11, ____be able to locate important information on ____know techniques and strategies which have 2.14, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, maps, such as population, resources, climate, been used to protect and manage the vegetation and forms, and water masses environment GOALS 3,4,5,6) ____be able to use latitude and longitude to ____be able to predict future changes in the Geography locate earth ____be able to use a globe to show your ____be able to state and support opinions about ____know the five themes of geography knowledge of the earth the earth based on globes, charts, maps, and (location, place, human-environment ____be able to use charts and maps to show graphs interaction, movement, region). land and water forms ____know physical characteristics of the world ____be able to apply the five themes to each of ____be able to develop charts and maps which which have been key influences in shaping the regions studies. key information, such as population, resources, cultures ____be able to interpret how the five themes climate, and vegetation ____be able to compare the cultures of others affect the culture of each region of study ____be able to develop charts, maps, and graphs with your own and related cultures of their History to depict change over time geographical settings ____know how and where key civilizations ____be able to develop maps, charts, and graphs ____know how the earth has changed were formed which show views of the earth at key points in physically, including causes and effects ____know about key world cultures through history ____know how different cultures have changed history the world’s geography 34 Seventh Grade Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______know about the daily life of people at ____posses a logical sense of what life was like ____know how people, events, forces, and various points in world history when key influences occurred. inventions have affected the economy (i.e. ____know about key people, events, inventions, ____know causes and effects of key influences competition, war, unemployment) and discoveries in the world, including Economics ____know how specialization and division of motivation and impact ____know the free trade system labor effect the economy ____know how archaeological evidence is ____be able to understand the implication of ____know how technology affected economies essential in the study and interpretation of supply and demand ____know why short-term gains often cause history and the earliest civilizations ____know the basic economic questions which long-term losses ____know key influences on history and their producers must consider (what to produce, how ____know the work people did and the sequence of occurrence to produce it, and who will consume it) sacrifices they made to be successful

DANCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 4. Develop abilities in dance. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). b. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). c. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). d. The quality process (plan, draft, improvise, rehearse, critique, and revise when producing products). 5. Be able to apply abilities within dance to a variety of purposes. a. Understand and recognize that dance is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. b. Be able to use movement ideas to compare a dance. c. Be able to create and perform a creative dance and/or a folk dance. d. Be able to create and perform with a partner a dance that has a theme. e. Be able to communicate an idea through dance with a unified beginning, middle, and end. f. Be able to perform a folk dance.

DANCE (A.E. 1.15, 2.22-2.26) pathways), time (e.g. rhythm, tempo), and ____know how to memorize and reproduce ____know how the contrast of force contributes force/energy (e.g. movement qualities) movement sequences to the meaning of dance (heavy/light, ____know the principles of transition and how ____know that there are movements and styles sharp/smooth, tension/relaxation, they affect the meaning of a dance that are characteristic of dances with Latin bound/flowing) ____know and be able to identify various American origins ____know how the use of various space, time, compositional forms (AB, ABA, canon) ____understand that dance is performed for and force elements contribute to the meaning of ____be able to generate movement ideas which various reasons (e.g. social) dance could be used to compose a dance ____know the basic dance steps and body ____be able to identify and describe the dance ____know the basic steps of the polka positions for ballets elements in a life performance ____know how different non-locomotor ____know the similarities and differences in ____know the critical elements that contribute movements affect dance movements (e.g. rise, steps and movement styles among folk dances to a dance in terms of space (e.g. shape, fall, dodge, sway) and classical dances from various cultures ____know how to isolate and move individual body parts

VISUAL ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1.Develop abilities in visual arts c. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, decide, compare). d. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend) c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing final product). 2. Be able to apply abilities within visual arts to a variety of purposes. e. Understand and recognize that visual arts is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. f. Be able to create and explain a piece of art. g. Be able to communicate an idea through a work of art. h. Be able to use different art elements to compare various works of art.

VISUAL ARTS (A.E. 1.13, 2.22- ____understand the use of the elements of line, ____know that there are various purposes for 2.26) color, value, and texture in two- and three- creating works of art (e.g. imitate dimensional forms nature/mimetic, celebration, functional, ____be able to use materials appropriately and ____know how different colors and groups of narrative) safely colors are used to crate artwork (e.g. hues, ____understand the similarities and differences ____appreciate the creativity of others values/tints, shades). among the characteristics of artworks from ____be able to clean up when finished creating ____know that the combination of the elements various eras and cultures (e.g. ancient and art of art into an organized whole requires artists to lineage based cultures, Renaissance, Realism). ____be able to judge art form technical criteria use the principles of design (e.g. contrast, ____know that there are comparisons and and from an artistic vision repetitions, balance) contrasts among artistic styles (e.g. ____be able to crate art in keeping with the ____know different subjects and themes that Realism/Naturalism) accepted standards of decency and respect convey meanings in artworks. MUSIC EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in dance. e. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). f. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). g. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). h. The quality process (imitate, explore, notate, improvise, revise rehearse). 6. Be able to read, write, perform, and listen to music for a variety of purposes. a. Be able to express emotion and meaning through music as an essential and integral part of human existence. 35 Seventh Grade Yr.______-______Student______Teacher______b. Understand other cultures through music by listening, singing, and playing instruments. c. Know that music is “the universal language”. d. Be able to sing and play, listen to and enjoy music. e. Be able to use electronic media. f. Be able to appreciate musical heritage. g. Be able to appreciate the connections between music and the other arts and humanities. h. Be able to read music notation. i. Understand advanced elements of music through group performance.

MUSIC (A.E. 1.14, 2.21-2.27) ____know various electronic instruments ____understand complex rhythms and changing ____know the temp moderato ____know the voices of the choir tempo ____understand the function of time signature ____know the extension of various degrees of ____know that there are similarities and and note values in symmetrical or usual time dynamics differences in the elements of music signature ____know how to read treble clef with ledger ____know differences among musical styles ____know triads and chords lines ____know characteristics of the Classical and ____know homophonic texture ____know how to verbally interpret 6/8 meter Romantic periods of music ____know musical forms (repetition, contrast) ____know how major scales are constructed ____know the many purposes of music ____know various rhythmic patterns

DRAMA/THEATRE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 3. Develop abilities in drama/theatre. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). b. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). c. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). d. The quality process (plan, draft, improvise, rehearse, critique, and revise when producing products). 4. Be able to apply abilities within drama/theatre to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to express emotion and meaning through dramatic performances. b. Understand and recognize that drama/theatre is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. c. Be able to use electronic media. d. Be able to appropriate the connections between drama/theatre and other arts and humanities. e. Be able to use different dramatic elements to compare various theatrical performances.

DRAMA/THEATRE (A.E. 2.22- ____know how character motivations affect a ____understand character development based on 2.26) dramatization observations, ethical choice, and emotional ____know how an audience’s empathy for a responses ____be able to create various characters, character enhances the plot ____understand the effect of publicity, environments (e.g. place, time, ____understand the function of scenery, programs, study guides, and physical atmosphere/mood), and actions that create lighting, and costumes in creating an environments on audience response and tension and suspense environment for a dramatization appreciation of dramatic performances ____know how to create improvisations and ____know how to visualize environments and ____be able to articulate the meanings scripted scenes to tell a story make design choices to communicate locale and constructed from one’s own and others’ ____be able to record dialogue and action for a mood dramatic performances script ____understand the technical requirements for ____understand all of the contributions that ____understand how descriptions, dialogue, and various improvised and scripted scenes must be made to create a dramatization (e.g. actions are used to discover, articulate, and ____be able to select elements of scenery, playwrights, actors, lighting, directors) justify character motivation properties, lighting, and sound to signify ____understand the knowledge, skills and ____be able to use acting skills (e.g. body environments discipline needed to pursue a career in theatre, alignment, control of isolated body part, etc.) to ____be able to plan visual and aural elements film, television, and/or electronic media develop characterizations that suggest artistic for improvised and scripted scenes ____know ways in which theatre reflects a choices ____be able to identify and discuss types of culture ____be able to invent character behaviors based staging used in productions (e.g. arena, thrust, ____know how culture affects the content and on observation of people proscenium) production values of dramatic performances ____understand how the rising action, turning ____understand and be able to apply the ____understand that theatre artists in different point, and falling action affect the plot improvisation of a story with action cultures present dramatizations in different ways development of a dramatization ____be able to self-critique improvisations and ____understand scenery and characters present ____know how to identify theme in specific contribute to class discussion in the artistic in dramatizations from Elizabethan period dramatic performances and texts process ____be able to identify situations and characters ____know how theme, language, and suspense ____be able to critique improvisations using from Greek cultures provide additional information about the plot dramatic elements and terminology

Year’s Summary

_____Must remain in the Seventh Grade Program

_____Has Mastered 7th Grade level skills

_____Exiting 7th to 8th Grade

______Guardian’s Signature Teacher’s Signature Date

36 Eighth Grade Yr._____-_____Student______Teacher______HARLAN COUNTY SCHOOLS EIGHTH GRADE LEVEL EXIT CRITERIA

LANGUAGE ARTS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 5. Develop abilities in language arts. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze and revise when producing products). 6. Be able to read, write, speak, and listen for a variety of purposes. a. Be able to use literature (mythology, novels, essays). b. Be able to use mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, movies, Internet, CD-ROM). c. Be able to conduct and present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, defend a position, create a model and explain a process). d. Be able to produce analyze, and respond to personal writing (narrative, memoir), literary writing (short story, poem, script), transactive writing (letter, article, editorial, etc.), and persuasive writing using set criteria (i.e., rubric, scoring guide). e. Possess technical skills: -read/write/present: instructions, reports (progress, research, lab), specifications, proposal, letters (complaint, request, application, response, recommendation), manual, form, checklist, resume, brochure, pamphlet, technical research, bid, technical analysis, summary, advertisement, announcement, persuasive pieces (editorials, articles, speeches, letters). -technology: word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, Internet, search tools, AV production

Content Standards *A.E. indicates Academic Expectations

LANGUAGE ARTS (1.2, 2.22, 2.24, 2.25, suffixes in order to decode unfamiliar ____identify bias and/or misinformation 1.11, 1.3, 1.4, 1.12, 1.1, 1.16) words Practical Workplace (20%) Reading ____identify words which have multiple ____apply the information contained in ____apply a variety of appropriate reading meanings directions & forms strategies to make sense of a variety of print & & select appropriate meaning for the context ____identify the sequence of activities needed non-print texts to reach personal goals, to ____use knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, & to carry out a procedure understand the human experience, to create homonyms for the purpose of comprehending ____explain the relationship between products, to accomplish authentic tasks, & to text organizational aids and/or graphics develop ideas in written/oral responses Reading Informational (25%) (pictures, charts, graphs) & the content of a Arts and Humanities ____use pictures, lists, tables, graphs, tables of practical reading passage ____read & understand a variety of material, content, indexes, glossaries, & chapter headings ____interpret the use of specialized words & making connections to students’ lives, to real to more completely understand a passage terms world issues, and/or to current events ____apply knowledge of organizational ____locate & apply information for a specific ____apply an understanding of literary elements patterns: cause & effect, comparison, contrast, purpose & styles to interpret different genres and/or sequence Writing Process/Products ____analyze transactive reading material to ____identify supporting details & identify their ____demonstrate writing process steps create responses through addressing issues, importance in a passage ____graphics organizers confirming predictions, paraphrasing ____make predictions & draw conclusions Portfolio Pieces information to support ideas, & based on a reading passage ____transactive piece formulating/supporting opinions ____summarize information from a passage ____KY Holistic Scoring Guide ____evaluate the effectiveness of techniques & ____connect information from a passage to ____open response organizational aids in transactive reading related topics, real life and/or current events ____on-demand writing materials to enhance understanding & to Literature (40%) ____personal narrative complete tasks ____identify the meaning of a passage taken ____short story ____identify & analyze authors’ positions, main from texts recognized as appropriate for middle ____poem ideas, & techniques of support in persuasive level students ____play materials ____identify characteristics of short stories, ____journal/learning logs ____select & read materials for enjoyment novels, poetry, & plays ____writing to show knowledge in content area ____employ reading strategies to locate & apply ____describe characters, setting, conflict/ Purpose Audience information in varied print & non-print resolution, theme, & point-of-view ____write with sense of audience resources for inquiry projects & other ____connect literature to real life ____write with sense of purpose authentic tasks ____identify figurative language such as ____write with sense of voice ____interpret how meaning is influenced by similes, metaphors, personification, & ____write with sense of tone authors’ use of language including dialect, hyperbole Idea Development and Support word choice, & sentence structure ____analyze the relationship between events in ____write with fluency Reading Skills a story & a character’s behavior ____write a topic sentence with elaborate ____know purposes for the four types of ____explain how a conflict in a passage is supporting details reading: resolved ____writing demonstrates students ability to information, literature, persuasion, & Persuasion (15%) reflect, make connections, draw conclusions, practical/workplace ____identify the author’s opinion about a or make applications to previous knowledge, ____scan to find key information subject specific situations or scenarios ____skim to get the gist of a passage ____identify commonly used persuasive ____connect pre-existing knowledge to expand ____formulate questions to guide reading techniques new learning ____draw conclusions & make generalizations ____identify the argument & supporting ____demonstrates the ability to make about what is read evidence connections ____reflect on & evaluate what is read ____distinguish between informative & Organization ____know the meanings of common prefixes & persuasive passages ____arrange ideas in a subtle logical sequence ____distinguish between fact & opinion (sentences) 37 Eighth Grade Yr._____-_____Student______Teacher______be able to organize paragraphs & ____common/proper Spelling compositions which demonstrate logical idea ____singular ____spell words correctly development support of topic with transitions ____plural Research Skills ____combine sentences to construct more ____concrete ____appropriate use of dictionary, thesaurus, complex sentences ____abstract technology, atlas, almanacs, maps, & ____demonstrate sense of focus & purpose Verbs: graphs through writing ____principle parts (print & non-print forms) Language ____verb tenses Speaking, Listening/Observing ____use precise, rich language ____action/linking ____student demonstrates appropriate auditory ____use effective, descriptive language choices ____mental/physical comprehension ____choose correct & effective words ____verb phrases ____engage in informal communication Grammar ____irregular verbs ____practice appropriate verbal behaviors for a ____identify & construct: simple, compound, Pronouns: variety of audiences, purposes, & situations complex sentences ____personal/possessive ____apply appropriate nonverbal techniques to Identify sentence parts ____reflexive enhance communication ____subject ____subject/object ____present information using appropriate ____predicate ____interrogative delivery techniques ____indirect object Adjectives: ____analyze effectiveness & purposes of oral ____direct object ____comparative/superlative messages & audience responses ____prepositional phrase ____proper ____collaborate to gather & interpret ____independent clauses ____articles (a, an, the) information from observing, speaking, & ____subordinate clauses Adverbs: listening & to prepare & deliver messages & ____predicate noun ____comparative/superlative products ____predicate object Correctness ____apply listening, speaking & observing ____identify four types of sentences ____punctuate the four types of sentences skills to conduct authentic independent inquiry ____subject verb agreement ____commas, colons, semicolons tasks in order to create products ____subject verb agreement in inverted order ____capitalization Penmanship Parts of Speech: Know ____use quotation marks in dialogue ____write neatly & legibly Nouns:

MATHEMATICS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 3. Develop abilities in math. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify, summarize). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze and revise when producing products).

2. Be able to apply math knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. p. Be able to use a variety of strategies in the problem-solving process (patterns, tables, diagrams, simplify, brainstorm, guess and check) in a step- by-step manner (research, thesis, support, recommendations). q. Be able to conduct research (locate, observe/gather, present, analyze, conclude). r. Be able to use proper technique (pencil-paper, mental math, calculators, computers, and other technology) to assist problem-solving (safely, effectively, efficiently, accurately) and to create, evaluate, solve problems with graphs, charts, and tables. s. Possess technical skill (These technical skills may be used in math classes but are not part of the math curriculum): -read/write/present: instructions, table chart, lab report, specifications, proposal, letters ( complaint, recommendation), manual, form, checklist, technical research, bid, technical analysis, summary -technology: word processing, spreadsheets, database, desktop publishing, Internet, search tools, AV production t. Be able to use mathematical terminology and notation

MATH (A.E. 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, ____real-life applications ____distance/time 2.13) ____relation of ratios & proportions ____miles per hour Number/Computation (2.7, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12) ____determine inverse operations ____volume ____understand rational numbers ____add/subtract ____surface area ____fractions ____multiply/divide ____a. cube ____decimals ____relationships ____b. cylinder ____percents ____demonstrate exponents ____c. rectangular prism ____a. < 1 ____scientific notation ____relationships among concepts ____b. consumer ____place value ____develop & apply proportionality & their applications ____identify prime/composite numbers relationships ____understand irrational numbers ____factors (GCF) ____scale models ____square roots ____multiples (LCM) ____actual figures ____pi ____utilize estimation (rounding) ____investigate transformations in coordinate ____ordering on a number line techniques/strategies plane ____magnitude ____large & small quantities ____congruence ____apply & identify integers ____computation skills ____proportionality ____add ____application of properties ____similarity ____subtract ____commutative ____counting techniques through shortest path ____multiply ____associative ____networks ____divide ____distributive Algebraic Ideas (2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12) ____order on a number line ____show relationship ____generalize rules to the nth term ____magnitude Geometry/Measurement (2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11) ____represent, interpret functions through ____understand properties ____discover & apply the Pythagorean Theorem input/output ____cross-multiplication ____derive & use formulas for various rates ____know algebraic terminology 38 Eighth Grade Yr._____-_____Student______Teacher______use a variety of methods & representations ____circle graphs board games, or grading scales, & make to create/solve one-two variable linear one & ____scatter plots predictions using knowledge of probability two step equation ____box & whisker plots ____identify & describe the number of possible ____model equations ____histograms arrangements of several objects ____solve one step equations ____make predictions, draw conclusions, & ____tree diagram ____solve two step equations verify results from statistical data & ____basic counting principle ____model inequalities probability experiments ____sample space represented in the ____solve inequalities ____select an appropriate graph to represent form of a list, picture, chart or tree diagram ____explain how change in one variable affects given data & justify its use ____investigate & explain the role of change in another variable ____circle graph probability in everyday decision making ____distance formula ____line plot ____design & conduct probability experiments ____simplify algebraic expressions ____box & whisker & interpret the results ____solve problems involving ____compare data from various types of graphs ____explore concepts of randomness & substitutions ____recognize that statistics can be interpreted independent events ____investigate Cartesian coordinate plan in many ways ____determine theoretical probabilities, ____organize tables ____mean compare that to experimental results, & ____plot points ____median explain reasons why there might be differences ____graph linear functions ____mode ____ratio ____determine slope ____range ____decimal ____determine equation of a line ____outliners ____percent (y=mx+b) ____gaps ____determine & interpret clusters, quartiles, Probability and Statistics (2.8, 2.9, 2.11, 2.13) ____clusters of data gaps, & outliners in data ____collect, organize, analyze & interpret data ____analyze situation, such as games of chance,

SCIENCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 11. Develop abilities in science. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communication (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 12. Be able to apply science knowledge & skills to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to solve problems using the scientific method (research , hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusions). b. Be able to conduct research (field research, library research, experimentation). c. Be able to use scientific equipment appropriately (balances, microscopes, meter sticks, beakers). d. Apply knowledge of the relationship between humans, the environment, and the earth’s resources (pollution, conservation) to improve the environment. e. Be able to use technology and mathematics in scientific investigations. i. Read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, reports (progress, research, lab), proposal, letters (complaint, request, response), manual, checklist, pamphlet, bid, technical analysis, summary. ii. Technology: word processing, database, desktop publishing 13. Be able to communicate designs, procedures, and results of scientific investigations (models and scales).

SCIENCE (A.E. 2.1- 2.6) ____evaluate gravitational forces & their effect objects’ motion on objects at rest & in motion ____demonstrate how vibrations in materials set Scientific Inquiry (2.1) ____differentiate Newton’s Laws of Motion up wave like disturbances that spread away ____be able to solve problems using the ____measure forces on objects (i.e. velocity, from the source scientific method speed, acceleration, momentum, constant ____recognize that energy is a property of many ____be able to conduct field & library research speed, friction, gravity) substances & is associated with heat, light, & experimentation ____recognize & separate different types of electricity, mechanical motion, sound, nuclei, ____be able to use scientific equipment mixtures & the nature of a chemical appropriately ____investigate transfer of energy (e.g. heat, ____demonstrate the many ways energy is ____be able to integrate technology & light, electricity, mechanical motion, sound) transferred mathematics in scientific investigations to ____differentiate between the characteristics ____infer that heat moves in predictable ways enhance the gathering & manipulation of that identify compounds & their components Physical Science (2.2-2.6) data ____differentiate how elements combine in a ____identify how light interacts with matter by ____be able to communicate & defend a multitude of ways to produce compounds transmission scientific argument ____classify substances into categories based ____analyze how the Suns’ energy arrives as ____be able to understand that scientific history upon their reactions light with a range of wave lengths & knowledge influence the design & ____predict conservation of mass within ____demonstrate how electrical circuits provide interpretation of investigations chemical reactions a means of transferring electrical energy when ____be able to evaluate results of investigations ____recognize that chemical elements do not heat, light, sound, & chemical changes are of other scientists break down during normal laboratory reactions produced ____be able to understand that scientific ____analyze & differentiate between physical & Earth Science (2.1-2.6) investigations are conducted for a wide chemical changes ____understand the layers of the Earth variety of reasons ____describe the motion of an object can be ____investigate Earth’s systems Physical Science (2.2 – 2.6) described by its position, directions of ____analyze Earth’s history ____analyze properties of matter motion, & speed ____understand constructive & destructive ____describe changes in properties of matter ____demonstrate that an object is subjected to forces relative to landforms ____determine boiling point of different balanced forces will remain at rest or will ____understand patterns of earthquakes, substances continue to move at a constant speed & in volcanoes, & deposition ____recognize that different substance have a straight line ____understand the rock cycle different freezing points ____recognize that unbalanced forces will cause ____recognize products of the rock cycle each changes in the speed or direction of an having different chemical composition & 39 Eighth Grade Yr._____-_____Student______Teacher______texture ____organs prevention of communicable diseases (e.g. ____understand the water cycle ____organ systems hepatitis, colds, influenza, mononucleosis, TB, ____understand methods of transportation of Analyze Reproduction AIDS/HIV/STD’s) & the impact of those minerals to the ocean ____asexual diseases on personal health ____understand composition of atmosphere & ____sexual ____describe risk factors for non-communicable how it supports all human life Examine roll of genetics within living diseases among adolescents (e.g. cancer, ____understand how the water cycle affects organisms diabetes, high blood pressure). patterns of weather & climate ____heredity ____practice the disease prevention strategies of ____understand the Sun is a major source of ____DNA communicable diseases (e.g. colds, hepatitis, energy for the Earth ____genes/traits influenza, TB, mononucleosis, ____understand how the Sun’s energy affects ____innate/acquired behaviors AIDS/HIV/STD’s) the growth of plants, winds, ocean currents, & Analyze regulation of physiological change & ____identify consequences & risks of the water cycle behavioral adaptations adolescents behavioral choices (e.g. tobacco, ____understand that tile of the Earth on its axis ____homeostasis alcohol, & other drug use, sexual involvement, & how that affects the changing of the seasons ____adaptations violent behaviors) & alternatives to situations ____understand climate changes due to changes ____energy relationships/transfers through faced by adolescents of the Earth’s crust & atmosphere ecosystems Mental Wellness (2.32) ____recognize that small changes in the ____populations ____recognize the symptoms, cause, & atmosphere can significantly affect the ____environmental issues treatment of mental illness (e.g. depression, Earth’s climate if the change lasts long ____extinction anxiety) enough Applications/Connections in Science (2.2-2.6) ____assess consequences & risks of choices & ____recognize the environmental conditions & ____describe the effects of science & actions of smoking, drinking & other drug life changes that fossils provide technology on today’s society use of adolescents & how they affect physical ____recognize how human activities affect ____explore science careers & emotional health Earth’s land, water, & atmosphere ____investigate the importance of scientific ____identify the resources that are available to ____understand how the Earth’s limited discoveries in word history fight drug addiction (e.g. guidance, FRYSC, quantity of natural resources affect environment ____recognize the role of science in drug counselor) & society populations, issues related to resources, & ____explain the effects of eating disorders on ____understand how recycling & conservation environmental changes individuals & their families & their need for methods affect humankind & the quality counseling for healthy body image of life on Earth PRACTICAL LIVING/HEALTH (A.E. 2.29, ____practice strategies for dealing with peer ____understand the components of our solar 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33) *Can be integrated into pressure, managing stressful situations, & system including the nine planets, their other content areas preventing violence composition, size, structure, & surface Individual Well Being (2.29) ____practice time management & decision features & orbital pattern ____practice group processing strategies (e.g. making strategies for stressful situations (test ____understand the role the sun plays in collaboration) (s.s. & l.a.) taking, deadlines, etc.) determining the characteristics of a planet ____practice conflict resolution strategies (s.s & ____practice setting long term goals to promote ____recognize that large numbers of asteroids & l.a.) mental & emotional health comets also orbit the Sun ____describe the structure & functions of body Community Services (2.33) ____understand how the orbit of objects in the systems (e.g. reproductive, digestive, & ____identify the health & safety hazards solar system is what determines the day, year circulatory) (science) encountered by adolescents (e.g. explosives, & also eclipses ____identify abstinence as the only sure means firearms, hazardous waste) ____understand that gravity is what keeps the of preventing pregnancy & STD’s (science) ____recognize services & resources available in planets in motion around the sun Consumer Decisions (2.30) the communities (e.g. health dept., vol. ____understand the size of our Sun as a star ____compare products by price, quality, & Health org.) ____be able to recognize its location & shape in availability to make informed decisions ____recognize the relationships of the universe (math & l.a.) governmental standards (e.g. OSHA, ____recognize the type of galaxy in which the ____consider environmental issues when inspections) as they relate to health & safety Sun lies making consumer decisions (science) ____describe the role of individuals & society ____recognize that it may take light billions of ____describe budgeting procedures for in preserving resources years to reach Earth due to distance of achieving short & long-term goals (math) ____recognize the health-related problems in other Personal Wellness (2.31) local, state, national & international galaxies ____recognize the strategies to maintain communities ____be able to recognize a constellation personal safety in the area of traffic & PRACTICAL LIVING/PHYSICAL ____understand that constellations are seen in transportation related areas EDUCATION (A.E. 2.31, 2.34, 2.35) different locations of the sky in different ____practice basic first aid for a variety of life Personal Wellness (2.31) seasons threatening emergencies (e.g. choking, ____describe body changes following regular Life Science (2.2-2.6) shock, poisoning) participation in physical activity Classify & identify living organisms according ____describe how diet, exercise, rest, & other ____relate impact of exercise & nutritional to their characteristics choices affect body systems & the way practices on the way adolescents look, feel, & ____7 levels of classification they perform ____characteristics of the 5 kingdoms work together to maintain health ____relate benefits of exercise & fitness to Investigate Organisms’ Structure ____describe the role of nutrients needed for physical development ____cells proper growth & development ____evaluate their own health related fitness ____tissues ____identify & implement how dietary ____monitor intensity of exercise (e.g. resting, ____organs guidelines, heart rate, recovery time) ____organ systems the food pyramid, & other nutrition ____apply principles of fitness training & Investigate Organisms’ Function resources are used in making daily food conditioning in activities ____cells choices ____identify the impact of exercise & ____tissues ____determine the impact of how diet, exercise, nutritional practices on adolescent’s looks, ____organs rest & other nutritious choices affect feelings & performance ____organ systems appearance, performance, & disposition Psychomotor Skills (2.34) Investigate Organisms’ Growth ____describe the effects of diet, exercise & rest ____applies movement concepts in various ____cells on body systems games & sports activities ____tissues ____recognize the risk factors, transmission & ____demonstrates principles of motor skill 40 Eighth Grade Yr._____-_____Student______Teacher______refinement participation in games, activities, & Lifetime Activity (2.35) ____use basic offensive & defensive strategies rhythmic movements (baseball, soccer, ____demonstrates sportsmanship in games and/or sports basketball) ____demonstrates techniques & skills related to ____critique transitional movement sequences ____develop techniques to achieve consistency performance in games/sports & patterns to make recommendations for in performance in games and/or sports ____identify benefits of regular participation in improvement ____analyze object manipulation to make leisure, recreational, & competitive physical ____develop transitional motor skills for recommendations for improvement activity

SOCIAL STUDIES EXIT EXPECTATIONS Abilities Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 8. Develop abilities in social studies. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, decide, estimate, generalize, solve, relate, interpret, simplify). b. Communications (present, demonstrate, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend) using appropriate vocabulary. c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, & revise when producing products). 9. Be able to apply social studies knowledge & skills to a variety to purpose. a. Be able to conduct & present research (locate/observe/gather information, analyze a situation, draw a conclusion, predict an outcome, support a position, create a model & explain a process). b. Be able to relate social studies to your life.

SOCIAL STUDIES (A.E. 1.2, 1.11, 2.14, 2.16, Economics (2.18) ____examine the concept of culture (e.g. skills, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, GOALS 3, 4, 5, 6) ____understand the concept of imbalance tradition, language, art, & beliefs) in past ____write using social studies concepts & between unlimited wants/limited resources civilizations, the U.S., & the modern world vocabulary ____analyze advertisements, consider personal ____investigate & compare how cultures & ____develop open response & writing portfolio finances & examine opportunity costs social institutions have & do address human pieces through the content area ____explain how price of goods & service are needs in past civilizations, the U.S., & the History (2.20) determined by supply & demand modern world ____recognize importance of major historical ____recognize that all societies must deal with ____analyze & give examples of social U.S. documents (e.g. Magna Carta, Declaration questions about production, distribution & interactions, including conflict & of Independence, Articles of Confederation, consumption cooperation, among individuals & groups of Constitution, Bill of Rights) ____examine the basic economic questions past civilizations, the U.S. & the modern ____realize origin of early American settlers & considered by producers world why they came (e.g. Africans, Europeans) ____examine how problems of scarcity cause ____identify colonial life, religion & forms of the creation of economic systems VOCATIONAL STUDIES (A.E. 2.36, 2.37, government ____compare the two types of economies, 2.38) ____know causes, effects, & outcome of traditional command or market Career Path Options (2.36)*School Guidance Revolutionary War ____explore various economic institutions Counselor ____know causes, effects & outcome of War of ____explain how markets help buyers & sellers ____determine personal strengths, interests, & 1812 ____understand the use of money & the value of abilities( e.g. aptitude test, interest ____understand Jacksonian “democracy” goods & services inventories) ____demonstrate an awareness of the effects the ____explore how resources are used to make ____develop a career plan crusades had on world wide trade goods/services ____understand educational achievement ____see the relevancy of the Industrial ____examine relationship between risk verses determines career opportunities Revolution & its effects profits ____know career choice determines life roles & ____understand reasons for Western expansion ____investigate how competition impacts the life styles (e.g. income yields purchasing (e.g. Manifest Destiny) price of goods/services power) ____know leading causes of Civil War Government and Civics (2.14, 2.15) ____understand geographic area determines (e.g.admission of slave/non-slave states to ____students will be able to recognize & career options (ex. Occupational clusters) Union, cultural/economic differences between analyze different sources & forms of Transition Skills (2.37) *Social Studies the North & the South) governments over time (e.g. monarch, ____demonstrate mediation/facilitation skills in ____have knowledge of major programs parliamentary , republic, democracy, conflict resolution & problem solving designed to rebuild South after the war (e.g. socialism) ____identify good/bad work ethics (e.g. know success/failures) ____demonstrate knowledge of U.S. system of punctuality, honesty) Geogrpahy (2.19) government including system of checks & ____select appropriate technological devices for ____understand technologies influence on balances specific purposes human/environment interaction ____understand how individuals function in ____know valued employability attributes (e.g. ____know the five themes of geography democratic society communication skills, dependability) ____know how current events are influenced by ____know the constitution establishes a limited ____demonstrate personal behavior affects geography government with powers shared among safety of self & others ____recognize the importance of different levels Opportunity Planning (2.38) *School Guidance human/physical ____understand that governments formed to Counselor environment patterns establish order, provide security & meet ____have transition plan in place from middle ____explain characteristics of settlements & common goals to high school modifications ____understand that various regional & ____develop intermediate & short-term goals ____understand how settlement patterns geographical factors influence how ____evaluate personal presentation skills influence U.S. culture governments function ____examine the concept of net working/ ____understand physical environments’ affects ____examine the rights & responsibilities of teamwork on settlements individuals in American society by analyzing ____act as a mentor ____know migration & settlement patterns in democratic principles (eg. liberty, justice) ____develop & use strategies to highlight early world civilizations Culture & Society (2.16, 2.17) personal strengths

41 Eighth Grade Yr._____-_____Student______Teacher______VISUAL ARTS STANDARDS EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in visual arts. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, decide, compare). b. Communications (present, persuade, collaborate, explain, recommend). c. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist). d. The quality process (imitate, explore, notate, improvise, revise rehearse). 2. Be able to apply abilities within visual arts to a variety of purposes. a. Understand and recognize that visual arts is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. b. Be able to create and explain a piece of art. c. Be able to communicate an idea through a work of art. d. Be able to use different art elements to compare various works of art.

ARTS AND HUMANITIES (A.E. 1.13, 2.22, ____interpret works of art with attention given ____demonstrate understanding subject matter 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 2.26, 2.27) to principles of art such as repetition, pattern, (e.g. landscape, portrait, still life, abstract, & ____use appropriate art vocabulary as it relates balance, emphasis contrast, rhythm, non objective art) to the analysis of art works, periods, & cultures proportion, & movement (emphasis placed ____describe & compare the characteristics & (social studies) on symmetry/asymmetry, focal point, light & purposes of art representing cultures (e.g. dark, proportion, & movement) Near Eastern, African, European, Native Elements of Visual Arts (A.E. 1.13, 2.22 – 2.26) ____identify & describe a variety of art media: American, Asian, & Latin American), ____effectively write about the elements & two dimensional (crayon, pencil, fabric, yarn, historical periods, & styles (e.g. Renaissance, principles of design as they relate to works of paint-tempera & water color, ink & pastels) 19th Century Impressionism, Realism, art three dimensional (clay, paper-mache’, found Naturalism) ____interpret works of art with attention given objects (e.g. wood, glass, metal & stone) ____recognize art as having purpose (e.g. ritual, to the elements of art: line, shape, color, form, ____students will effectively convey their to imitate nature, be expressive & have a texture, space, & value with emphasis placed knowledge of the art processes focussing on narrative meaning) on shade (tint, shades), Color Group two dimensional art (painting, fabric design, ____be able to effectively use varieties of art (monochromatic), space (positive/negative & print making & mosaics) & three media, processes & subject matter to perspective) & value (line-shadow) dimensional art (ceramics, sculpture, & communicate ideas, feelings, & experiences architecture)

DANCE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in dance. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). b. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). c. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). d. The quality process (plan, draft, improvise, rehearse, critique, and revise when producing products). 7. Be able to apply abilities within dance to a variety of purposes. a. Understand and recognize that dance is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. b. Be able to use movement ideas to compare a dance. c. Be able to create and perform a creative dance and/or a folk dance. d. Be able to create and perform with a partner a dance that has a theme. e. Be able to communicate an idea through dance with a unified beginning, middle, and end. f. Be able to perform a folk dance.

DANCE (A.E. 1.15, 2.22 – 2.26) ____differentiate dance movements from LITERATURE *Language Arts Responding athletic or pedestrian movement Elements of Literature ____awareness of dance vocabulary (e.g. space, ____analyze, interpret, & differentiate use of ____characterization time, rhythm pattern, force) compositional form/body alignment (e.g. ____define (plot, structure, characters, point of ____express thoughts/feelings in dance ABA, call & response, narrative, balance, views, setting, language, style, theme) ____awareness of loco-motor movement (e.g. isolation of body parts, evaluation, landing) Literary Characteristics step, hop, grapevine, polka, waltz, two-step) ____Identify/differentiate fiction vs non-fiction ____identify non loco-motor movement (e.g. ____literary genres (e.g. folk literature, poetry, push, pull, fall, dodge, sway, rise) essays, plays, short stories, novels)

MUSIC EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 1. Develop abilities in dance. i. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). j. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). k. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). l. The quality process (imitate, explore, notate, improvise, revise rehearse). 8. Be able to read, write, perform, and listen to music for a variety of purposes. a. Be able to express emotion and meaning through music as an essential and integral part of human existence. b. Understand other cultures through music by listening, singing, and playing instruments. c. Know that music is “the universal language”. d. Be able to sing and play, listen to and enjoy music. e. Be able to use electronic media. f. Be able to appreciate musical heritage. g. Be able to appreciate the connections between music and the other arts and humanities. h. Be able to read music notation. i. Understand advanced elements of music through group performance. 42 Eighth Grade Yr._____-_____Student______Teacher______

MUSIC (A.E. 1.14, 2.21- 2.27) Define Timbre Historical & Cultural Context Define Rhythm ____electronic/synthesize Culture, Periods & Styles ____syncopation ____voices (soprano, alto, tenor & bass) ____Asian ____tempo (allegro, moderato, largo) ____key boarding ____European ____time signature (6/8) Define Dynamics ____recreational/ceremonial/artistic ____rhythmic duration (8th – 16th) ____crescendo/decrescendo ____Renaissance Define Melody ____dynamic markings ____Classical ____phrase Compare & Contrast Elements & Forms ____Romantic ____cadence ____sing/play using notation ____20th Century ____bass clef sign Identify & Classify ____Jazz ____notes (treble clef & bass clef notes) ____instruments (folk/orchestra) ____Spirituals/Gospel ____key signature components Compose & Notate ____musical theatre Define Harmony ____short pieces of music ____Baroque Period ____harmonic progressions (blues) ____sing/play alone *Analyze, interpret, & evaluate how factors ____modulation (major/minor scale patterns) ____analyze interpret & evaluate such as time, place & ideas are reflected in the Define From ____musical terms & elements to describe above time periods. ____theme & narration 1st & 2nd endings technical & expressive qualities ____identify & compare different styles of ____special signs & abbreviations music

DRAMA/THEATRE EXIT EXPECTATIONS Ability Standards (Apply the following to each content outcome). 5. Develop abilities in drama/theatre. a. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, interpret, perform, create, describe). b. Communications (express emotion, listen, respond). c. Goal setting/attainment (understand, notate, organize, demonstrate, practice). d. The quality process (plan, draft, improvise, rehearse, critique, and revise when producing products). 6. Be able to apply abilities within drama/theatre to a variety of purposes. a. Be able to express emotion and meaning through dramatic performances. b. Understand and recognize that drama/theatre is a way of expressing the culture and history of a particular group of people. c. Be able to use electronic media. d. Be able to appropriate the connections between drama/theatre and other arts and humanities. e. Be able to use different dramatic elements to compare various theatrical performances.

Elements of Drama (A.E. 2.22-2.26) ____sound/lighting a. Theatre *Language Arts ____identify vocabulary for scripted scene Musical Theatre ____plot ____identify jobs/skills needed to work in Dramatic Theatre ____rising action theatre Comedy Theatre ____turning point Elements of Performance *Health/P.E. Teacher b. Television ____falling action ____breath control c. Film ____theme ____diction d. Dance ____language ____body alignment/movement e. Cultures, periods, styles ____motivation Collaborative Artistic Processes ____relate theatre to personal experience ____setting ____Plan (performance, set design) Historical/Cultural Context *Social Studies ____mood ____perform (in class or assembly) Teacher ____characterization ____respond (reflect/critique performance of ____Greek Elements of Production self/others) ____Elizabethan ____staging (arena, thrust, proscenium) ____evaluate (self & others) ____Modern ____scenery (props) Real World ____costumes/makeup ____compare/contrast/identify

Year’s Summary (_____-_____)

____Must remain in the Eight Grade Program next year ____Has Mastered 8th Grade level skills ____Exiting 8th to 9th grade

______Guardian’s Signature Teacher’s Signature Date


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