Head Start Service Area Plan

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Head Start Service Area Plan

HEAD START SERVICE AREA PLAN Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance

PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION 1305.3 Determining community ATCAA identifies and Identify and describe Director Grant proposals Annually and as strengths and needs defines its service area as service area in all funding needed 1305.3(a) Each Early Head Start the counties of Amador and applications and other Community and Head Start grantee must Tuolumne related documents Assessments identify its proposed service area in its Head Start grant application and define it by county or sub-county area, such as a municipality, town or census tract or a federally recognized Indian reservation.

1305.3 (b) The grantee’s service Service areas have been Assure that DHHS ATCAA Executive Grant Awards As needed area must be approved, in writing, approved by DHHS officials. approvals are on file Director by the responsible HHS official in order to assure that the service Head Start Director area is of reasonable size and, except in situations where a near- reservation designation or other expanded service area has been approved for a Tribe, does not overlap with that of other Head Start grantees.

1305.3 (c) Each Early Head Start The community assessment Develop planning Director or Planning Schedules As needed and Head Start grantee agency is conducted tri-annually schedule that defines designee must conduct a Community and updated in each of the when community Minutes of Board and Tri-Annually Assessment within its service area other two years. assessments are PPC meetings once every three years. The conducted and/or Community Assessment must include the collection and analysis updated. of the following information about the grantee’s Early Head Start or Obtain Policy Council Head Start area: approval of schedule.

1305.3 (c)(1) The demographic Research a variety of data Gather and analyze Director or Community annually make-up of Head Start eligible sources to determine demographic data for designee Assessment and children and families, including their demographic make-up of service area, focusing on updates estimated number, geographic eligible children. needs and characteristics location, and racial and ethnic of eligible children and Head Start funding composition; families. proposals D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0aa1d42dd697651c01884d9cfb839a2b.doc 4/4/2018 HEAD START SERVICE AREA PLAN Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance


1305.3 (c)(2) Other child Research child development Obtain information from Director or Community annually development and child care and child care programs Local Child Care Planning designee Assessment programs that are serving Head that are available in both Councils, ICES and The Start eligible children, including counties. Resource Connection. publicly funded State and local preschool programs, and the approximate number of Head Start eligible children served by each;

1305.3 (c)(3) The estimated Gather data from local Obtain data from county Director or Community annually number of children with disabilities agencies that serve children offices of education, designee Assessment four years old or younger, including with disabilities. Valley Mountain Regional types of disabilities and relevant Center (VMRC), Disabilities Manager services and resources provided to California Children’s’ these children by community agencies; Services (CSS).

1305.3 (c)(4) Data regarding the Gather data on the Obtain data form county Director or Community annually education, health, nutrition and educational, health, public health designee Assessment social service needs of Head Start nutrition, and social service departments, State eligible children and their families; needs of Head Start eligible Department of Health, Health Services children from parents and Head Start Health Manager local agencies. Advisory Board, UC Extension, county social service agencies, and Head Start data base.

1305.3 (c)(5) Identify the educational, Review ATCAA Head Start Director or Community Annually The education, health, nutrition and health, nutrition, and social data base to determine designee Assessment social service needs of Head Start service needs of Head Start past and present needs. COPA database eligible children and their families eligible children and their as defined by families of Head Start families. Include this question in eligible children and by institutions in the community that serve young parent surveys. children; Contact schools and education offices to determine educational D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0aa1d42dd697651c01884d9cfb839a2b.doc 4/4/2018 HEAD START SERVICE AREA PLAN Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance

PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION needs. Contact county health departments to determine health and nutritional needs.

Contact county social service agencies to determine social service needs.

1305.3 (c)(6) Network with local agencies Serve on community Director or Community ongoing Resources in the community that that serve the Head Start agency councils. designee Assessment could be used to address the needs population. Attend agency of Head Start eligible children and Community and their families, including networking meetings Agency Meeting assessments of their availability and Reference resource accessibility. Minutes guides that list community agencies. 1305.3 (d) The Early Head Start Conduct the Community Community Assessment is Director or Planning Schedule Tri-annually and Head Start grantee and Assessment and annual Self scheduled to be designee delegate agency must use Assessment prior to completed just prior to information from the Community developing the Strategic the planning sessions. Assessment to: Plan, so that the resulting information is available for 1305.3(d)(1) Help determine the Summarize resulting Summaries of planning purposes. grantee’s philosophy, and its long- information to present to Community range and short-range program those participating in Assessment and Self objectives; development of the Assessment results. Strategic Plan. 1305.3(d)(2) Determine the type Using Community Invite parents of eligible Director or Planning session Tri-annually of component services that are Assessment data, children and members of designee sign-in sheets most needed and the program determine services to be the staff, Board, PPC, and option or options that will be provided in partnership with community agencies to implemented; parents, staff, Board, PPC participate in planning and community sessions. representatives.

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION 1305.3(d)(3) Determine the Recruitment areas are Develop an annual Family Engagement Recruitment Plan annually recruitment area that will be served defined annually based on recruitment plan that & Services Manager by the grantee, if limitations in the Community Assessment defines the recruitment Recruitment amount of resources make it data, and the numbers of area and targets areas of Documentation impossible to serve the entire Head Start eligible greatest need. service area. applications received for each area served. 1305.3(d)(4) If there are delegate N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A agencies, determine the recruitment area that will be served by the grantee and the recruitment area that will be served by each delegate agency . 1305.3(d)(5) Determine Location of centers will be During planning sessions Director or Strategic Plan Tri annually appropriate locations for centers decided based on (1) areas prioritize areas of designee and as needed. and the areas to be served by of greatest need, and (2) greatest need for Board and PPC home-based programs; and sufficient number of eligible centers. minutes children to support a Obtain PPC and Board center. approval for location of new centers. 1305.3(d)(6) Set criteria that A point system is used to Review, and revise if Eligibility Manager Selection Criteria annually define the types of children and select children from needed, the Selection families who will be given priority applications that have been Criteria that assigns the Program Committee Program Committee for recruitment and selection. submitted. points according to Minutes child’s needs and DHHS Policy Council initiatives. ATCAA Board and PPC Minutes

Obtain governance Director approval of Selection Criteria. Family Engagement & Services Manager

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION 1305.3 (e) In each of the two In years two and three staff Staff will update the Director Community Years years following completion of the will review the Community Community Assessment Assessment Updates two and three Community Assessment the grantee Assessment to determine if in the event significant Service Area agency must conduct a review to there have been any changes have occurred. Managers determine whether there have been significant changes. significant changes in the information described in paragraph (b) of this section. If so, the Community Assessment must be updated and the decisions described in paragraph (c) of this section must be reconsidered.

1305.3(f) The recruitment area The recruitment area is Develop and implement Family Engagement Recruitment Plan Annually must include the entire service based on the Community a yearly recruitment & Services Manager area, unless the resources available Assessment and targets outreach schedule to to the Head Start grantee are areas with the greatest ensure full enrollment inadequate to serve the entire need for services and during the program year. service area. largest number of Head Start eligible children.

1305.3(g) In determining the Due to our unique Select recruitment areas Family Engagement Recruitment Plan Annually recruitment area when it does not geographic area and based on the Community & Services Manager include the entire service area, the concentrations of Assessment data that Recruitment grantee must population, the recruitment show where eligible Schedules area is limited to the west population is side of the summit of Sierra concentrated. Recruitment Binder 1305.3(g)(1) Select an area or areas that are among those having Nevada Mountains. the greatest need for Early Head Start or Head Start services as determined by the Community Assessment; and

1305.3(g)(2) Include as many Head Start eligible children as possible within the recruitment area, so that:

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION 1305.3(g)(2) (i) The greatest number of Head Start eligible children can be recruited and have an opportunity to be considered for selection and enrollment in the Head Start program, and

1305.3(g)(2) (ii), the Head Start program can enroll the children and families with the greatest need for its services

1305.4 Age of children and Children must be 3 years Review the Selection Eligibility Manager Selection Criteria Annually during family income eligibility. old by the age-eligible date policy and procedures summer 1305.4 (a) To be eligible for Head for kindergarten enrollment annually to assure that Family Engagement Priority Points months Start services, a child must be at in public schools for the they reflect the needs & Services Manager Worksheet least three years old by the date current year, with priority and characteristics of the used to determine eligibility for public school in the community in given to four-year-olds. community, the Head which the Head Start program is Children are then selected Start Standards and the located, except in cases where the according to the point most recent changes in Head Start program’s approved system as defined in the the Head Start Act. grant provides specific authority to Selection Criteria. serve younger children. Examples Review applications and of such exceptions are programs assign points per the serving children of migrant families Selection Criteria and and Early Head Start programs. using the Priority Points Worksheet.

Review applications and assign points per the Eligibility for Early Head Selection Criteria and Start is ages zero to three, using the Priority Points and pregnant women. Worksheet.

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION 1305.4 (b)(1) At least 90 percent Ten percent of the slots After all the income Eligibility Manager Selection Criteria Annually in of the children who are enrolled in may be filled by children in eligible children have August and each Head Start program must be above-poverty families, been selected, select the Family Engagement COPA Data Base ongoing as from low-income families. provided that there are no over-income children & Services Manager vacancies occur children with greater need, according to the as defined by selection Selection Criteria. 1305.4 (b)(2) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, priorities. up to ten percent of the children who are enrolled may be children from families that exceed the low- income guidelines but who meet the criteria that the program has established for selecting such children and who would benefit from Head Start services. 1305.4 (b) (3) through 1305.4 (b) (4) pertains to grants to Indian Tribes and is not applicable to ATCAA

1305.4 (c) The family incomes Families are required to Assure that proof of Family Advocates Income At the time of must be verified by the Head Start submit proof of income per income is submitted with Home Visitors Documentation application program before determining that a 1305.4 (d) prior to their each application, and child is eligible to participate in the application being reviewed. family size has been Management Application Checklist program. determined. Assistants 1305.4 (d) Verification must Income is calculated, and Eligibility Specialist Application include examination of any of the based upon family size, following: Individual Income Tax income eligibility will be Head Start Eligibility Form 1040, W-2 forms, pay stubs, determined using the Verification Form pay envelopes, written statements Federal Poverty from employers, or documentation showing current status as recipients Guidelines. of public assistance. 1305.4 (e) A signed statement by Maintain proof of eligibility Two signatures are Eligibility Manager Head Start Eligibility At the time of an employee of the Head Start by using the Head Start required on the Head Verification application program, identifying which of these Eligibility Verification Form Start Eligibility Eligibility Specialist Income documents was examined and Verification Form Documentation stating that the child is eligible to certifying income was Family Engagement participate in the program, must be maintained to indicate that income reviewed and eligibility & Services Manager verification has been made. determined.

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION Include the signed Eligibility Manager At the time of Verification Form and Enrollment proof of income in the Eligibility Specialist enrollment packet that goes to the Family Family Engagement Advocate. & Services Manager

Verification of income Family Advocates At the time of eligibility and proof of Home Visitors Enrollment income will be kept in the enrollment section of the child’s file.

1305.5 Recruitment of children. ATCAA’s recruitment Advertise in local Family Engagement Recruitment Binder Annually and 1305.5(a) In order to reach those process, as defined in the newspapers and print and & Services Manager throughout the most in need of Head Start services, recruitment Policies and on line publications. Recruitment Materials year each Head Start grantee and Procedures, assures an delegate agency must develop and active recruitment strategy With permission of the Waitlist Reports implement a recruitment process that is designed to actively inform that targets eligible families owner place signs, flyers, all families with Head Start eligible and encourages them to and banners in strategic children within the recruitment area apply. It is designed to locations. of the availability of services and assure that full enrollment Contact local agencies to encourage them to apply for is attained by the program’s request referrals of admission to the program. This start date. families to Head Start. process may include canvassing the local community, use of news Assign geographic releases and advertising, and use of recruitment areas to family referrals and referrals from Family Advocates and other public and private agencies. Home Visitors. Place Recruitment Binders at each site for staff to use.

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1305.5(b) During the recruitment Follow up on list of Family Advocates Recruitment Contact Ongoing process that occurs prior to the applications sent to Form beginning of the enrollment year, a families, and assist Home Visitors Head Start program must solicit families in completing Applications applications from as many Head applications. Start eligible families within the recruitment area as possible. If necessary, the program must assist families in filling out the application form in order to assure that all information needed for selection is completed.

1305.5 (c) Each program, except Recruitment activities are Prepare recruitment Family Engagement Recruitment Binder Late spring and migrant programs, must obtain a carried out and applications materials. & Services Manager summer and number of applications during the are accepted throughout Waitlist Reports ongoing Conduct intensive recruitment process that occurs the year. Family Advocates prior to the beginning of the recruitment 3 to 4 enrollment year that is greater than months before beginning Home visitors the enrollment opportunities that of school year. are anticipated to be available over Continue recruitment the course of the next enrollment activities throughout the year in order to select those with year. the greatest need for Head Start services. 1305.6 Selection process. ATCAA’s Selection Criteria Children are assigned Eligibility Manager Selection Criteria Ongoing 1305.6 (a) Each Head Start Process and Procedure points according to the Procedure program must have a formal assures that children with Selection Criteria and Eligibility Specialist process for establishing selection the greatest need are given those with the highest criteria and for selecting children priority for enrollment. points are selected. Family Engagement and families that considers all eligible applicants for Head Start & Services Manager services. The selection criteria Review and update Eligibility Manager Selection Criteria Annually must be based on those contained Selection Criteria Procedure in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this annually, and submit to Eligibility Specialist section. the Parent Policy Council Policy Council for approval. Policy Council Minutes

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION 1305.6 (b) In selecting the Assure that children of Assign priority points to Eligibility Specialist Selection Criteria At time of the children and families to be served, lowest income and children each applicant; those Application the Head Start program must nearest the age eligibility points are based on the Eligibility Manager Waitlist Reports consider the income of eligible for kindergarten are given selection criteria families, the age of the child, the priority. established by the Policy availability of kindergarten or first grade to the child, and the extent to Council. Those families Family Engagement which a child or family meets the with the lowest income & Services Manager criteria that each program is and children who are required to establish in Sec. closest to age eligibility for Policy Council 1305.3(c)(6). Migrant programs kindergarten are given must also give priority to children priority for enrollment. from families whose pursuit of agricultural work required them to relocate most frequently within the previous two-year period. 1305.6 (c) At least, 10 percent of Assure that at least 10 Actively recruit children Family Engagement Applications ongoing the total number of enrollment percent of the total with disabilities by & Services Manager opportunities in each grantee and enrollment opportunities collaborating with special Selection Criteria each delegate agency during an are made available to education and other Family Advocates Procedure enrollment year must be made children with disabilities. disabilities agencies. available to children with disabilities who meet the definition for children Home Visitors Recruitment with disabilities in Sec. 1305.2(a). Procedure An exception to this requirement Disabilities Manager will be granted only if the Recruitment Contact responsible HHS official determines, List based on such supporting evidence as he or she may require, that the Ensure that children with Eligibility and Applications At the time of grantee made a reasonable effort to disabilities, as determined Disabilities Manager the application comply with this requirement but by their IFSP/IEP, and Selection Criteria was unable to do so because there was an insufficient number of those who are suspected Eligibility Specialist children with disabilities in the of having a disability, as Priority Points recruitment area who wished to determined by Family Engagement Worksheet attend the program and for whom professional referral, a & Services Manager the program was an appropriate VMRC Prevention Waitlist Reports placement based on their Individual Program Plan, or parental Education Plans (IEP) or concern, are given Individualized Family Service Plans priority points for (IFSP), with services provided enrollment.

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Disability Staff will review Disabilities Manager Waitlist Reports Prior to the all applications of children beginning of with disabilities or Class Lists the year and/or suspected of having a as openings disability to determine Disabilities Reports occur appropriate placement in each class.

1305.6 (d) Each Head Start Maintain a waiting list of Screen and prioritize Eligibility Specialist Selection Criteria ongoing program must develop at the children who have been applications when they beginning of each enrollment year screened and ranked are received. Eligibility Manager Waitlist Report and maintain during the year a according to the Selection waiting list that ranks children Criteria. Place children on the Family Engagement according to the program’s selection criteria to assure that eligible waiting list according to & Services Manager children enter the program as rank. vacancies occur.

1305.7 Enrollment and re- Assure that children already Follow established Eligibility Manager Recruitment At enrollment enrollment. enrolled are given priority Recruitment and Procedure 1305.7 (a) Each child enrolled in a so that they are allowed to Selection Procedure when Eligibility Specialist Head Start program, except those remain until they are prioritizing for enrollment Selection Criteria enrolled in a migrant program, must eligible for kindergarten. which gives a higher Family Engagement be allowed to remain in Head Start until kindergarten or first grade is priority to children who & Services Manager Priority points available for the child in the child’s are re-enrolling. Worksheet

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION community, except that the Head Give priority to children Start program may choose not to transitioning from Early Transition/Transfer enroll a child when there are Head Start to Head Start. Request Forms compelling reasons for the child not to remain in Head Start, such as when there is a change in the child’s family income and there is a child with a greater need for Head Start services.

1305.7(b) A Head Start grantee Assure that vacancies are Staff will promptly notify Center Staff Waiting List As vacancies must maintain its funded enrollment filled within 30 days unless Eligibility Staff when a occur level. When a program determines there 60 or fewer calendar vacancy occurs. Next Eligibility Manager 30 Day that a vacancy exists, no more than days left in the program child on the waitlist will Drop/Replacement 30 calendar days may elapse before year. be selected to fill the Eligibility Specialist List the vacancy is filled. A program may elect not to fill a vacancy when vacancy unless there are 60 calendar days or less remain in 60 or fewer days left in Family Engagement the program's enrollment year. the program year. & Services Manager

If agency is not fully Service Area Enrollment Work Plan When agency is enrolled a work plan will Managers not maintaining be developed. full enrollment 1305.7 (c). If, a child has been Assure that participating Consider an income Eligibility Manager Application At time of found income eligible and is Head Start children who eligible child who is enrollment participating in a Head Start were found to be income returning for his second Eligibility Specialist Head Start Eligibility program; he or she remains income eligible their first program immediately succeeding Verification Form eligible through that enrollment year are considered to still year to continue to be Family Engagement year and the immediately succeeding enrollment year. be income eligible in the income eligible. A & Services Manager Transition Request Children who are en-rolled in a immediately succeeding recertification of income Form program receiving funds under the program year. is not required until the authority of section 645A of the third returning year. Application Head Start Act (programs for Ensure, whenever possible, families with infants and toddlers, that children transitioning Families wishing to Head Start Eligibility or Early Head Start) remain income from Early Head Start into transition their child from Verification Form eligible while they are participating Head Start receive Head Early Head Start into in the program. When a child moves Start services until enrolled Head Start; income will Priority Worksheet D:\Docs\2017-12-14\0aa1d42dd697651c01884d9cfb839a2b.doc 4/4/2018 HEAD START SERVICE AREA PLAN Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance

PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION from a program serving infants and in school. be re-verified. Priority toddlers to a Head Start program points for returning Waitlist Report serving children age three and children will be applied. older, the family income must be re-verified. If one agency operates both an Early Head Start and a Head Start program, and the parents wish to enroll their child who has been enrolled in the agency’s Early Head Start program, the agency must ensure, whenever possible, that the child receives Head Start services until enrolled in school.

1305.8 Attendance. Analyze Attendance Reports Enter daily attendance Family Advocates Sign-In/Out Sheets Daily 1305.8 (a) When the monthly to ensure 85% average into the COPA data base. average daily attendance rate in a daily attendance has been center-based program falls below maintained. 85 percent, a Head Start program must analyze the causes of Review attendance Family Advocates Attendance Records Weekly absenteeism. The analysis must weekly and follow-up include a study of the pattern of with families any Family Engagement absences for each child, including excessive amounts of & Services Manager the reasons for absences as well as absences.

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION the number of absences that occur If a site’s ADA falls below Family Engagement Attendance Reports Monthly on consecutive days. 85%, analyze the causes, & Services Manager the pattern of absences Attendance for each child, the Improvement Plan reasons for absences, and the number of absences that occur on consecutive days. Develop a plan of action to improve attendance that has fallen below 85%.

1305.8 (b) If the absences are a Follow established Provide parents with Family Advocates Attendance Policy At enrollment result of illness or if they are well Attendance Policies and absence policy during the Form documented absences for other Procedures. Provide family enrollment process. reasons, no special action is support when needed to Orientation required. If, however, the absences ensure a child has regular result from other factors, including temporary family problems that participation in the Parent Handbook affect a child’s regular attendance, program. When a child is absent, Progress Notes Ongoing as the program must initiate contact the parent to needed appropriate family support determine the cause of procedures for all children with four the absence. or more consecutive unexcused absences. These procedures must include home visits or other direct If a child is has three contact with the child’s parents. consecutive days of Contacts with the family must unexcused or emphasize the benefits of regular undocumented absences attendance, while at the same time staff will make a home remaining sensitive to any special visit. family circumstances influencing If the absence is due to Progress Notes attendance patterns. All contacts with the child’s family as well as temporary family special family support service problems, staff will Statement of Concern activities provided by program staff institute appropriate must be documented. family support procedures, including a referral to the Health

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Otherwise, staff will hold Parents, Teachers Attendance a parent/teacher Family Advocates Improvement Plan conference to develop an Attendance Improvement Plan with the parent to address the problem. 1305.8 (c)In circumstances where Assure the best placement If it is apparent that the Family Engagement Child’s file As needed chronic absenteeism persists and it for each child while child is unable to benefit & Services Manager does not seem feasible to include preserving the integrity of from the program by the child in either the same or a the program. regularly attending, and if different program option, the child’s the home base option is slot must be considered an enrollment vacancy. not feasible, the child will be dropped from the program. 1305.9 Policy on fees. Fees are not charged for Assure that staff Family Engagement Training records ongoing A Head Start program must not participation in the Head understands that at no & Services Manager prescribe any fee schedule or Start. However, the time does Head Start otherwise provide for the charging program may accept solicit or encourage any of any fees for participation in the voluntary donations from a payment from program. If the family of a child determined to be eligible for child’s family and will participating families as a participation by a Head Start record the donation as condition of a child’s program volunteers to pay part or program income. enrollment or all of the costs of the child’s participation in the Head participation, the Head Start Start program. program may accept the voluntary If a family does make a Family Advocates Fiscal Policies As needed payments. voluntary payment, it is submitted to the fiscal Fiscal Staff Receipt book department and handled as program income.

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PERFORMANCE STANDARD STAFF EVALUATION & STRATEGY ACTION TIME FRAME OBJECTIVE RESPONSIBLE DOCUMENTATION 1305.10 Compliance. Ensure compliance with all Staff will engage in an ERSEA staff Site Visit Reports ongoing A grantee’s failure to comply with program regulations. ongoing monitoring the requirements of this Part may process to ensure Monitoring Tool Tri-annually result in a denial of refunding or compliance with program termination in accordance with 45 regulations. Self-Assessment Tool Annually CFR part 1303.

PPC Approved 05-18-12 ATCAA Board Approved 06-08-12

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