It S One Step Closer to My Ultimate Dream

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It S One Step Closer to My Ultimate Dream

I’m ready to go for DIQ It’s where I want to be, It’s one step closer to my ultimate dream Executive NSD!

To help me get there, I am very aware That every affirmation is my personal creation Each one needing my undying dedication!

First it begins with the bookings I am a MASTER on the phone! I always get a “Yes, I’d love to!” Because of my positive tone!

I am a full circle consultant Customer’s for life is MY plan, 2-3 skin care classes each week, Ending with $500 in hand!

By offering the Mary Kay opportunity I am ENRICHING women’s lives. I help them achieve their dreams, So they’ll become healthy, wealthy and wise!

I always recruit wonderful women They understand the dream I help them become great consultants And together we’ll build this team!

My faith and my family will always precede my Mary Kay Career My weekly plan sheet is based on this To keep myself in gear!

My income producing activities keep my business running smooth I plan my work and work my plan This keeps me on the move

I am a supporter of my sister consultants Our Go-give spirit is a must We take care of each other in every way Through integrity, loyalty and trust!

I always follow the Golden Rule It keeps me focused and track. And with the help of my customers and consultants alike I’ll soon be a director in a pink Cadillac! What positive messages are you going to tell yourself today and everyday? Being in Mary Kay for 10 years I have been able to watch the transformation in my own mind from going to somebody who was very cynical and sarcastic and I still battle that to be quite honest, to someone who's first thoughts are positive, encouraging and expecting. How does that transformation change? It happens with a lot of prayer, it happens with a consorted effort, it happens by practicing what it is that you say to yourself on daily basis. We have all heard that if you want to become better on the phone with booking, tell yourself that I am a MASTER booker! Everybody that I call will say YES! I have so many appointments on my books! I can't wait to get on the phone! I love the phone! The phone is my friend! I am a master at scheduling appointments! Everywhere I go people want to talk to me! I look the part, I act the part, and I sound the part! I am a MASTER at scheduling appointments! If you say something like that to yourself out loud everyday several times a day what a difference that will be. As Sue Kirkpatrick would say, "It would change the mental tape that you have been playing." Maybe your issue is self-confidence; maybe you have always had a battle worrying about what other people think. Try saying something like this to yourself, "I am a confidence, strong, capable woman. I make decisions easily and I'm pleased with the decisions that I make. I choose life. I make choices based upon what is best for me and not what is best for the people around me. I love my life. I am happy with my life! I am confidant with who I am. I know that I am a child of God." If you said those kinds of things to yourself everyday, wow what a difference it will make over time! Positive affirmations don't change your life today. They don't change your life tomorrow. It is a process of learning wonderful habits that are going to change how you think and feel for the rest of your life. Maybe you are great at selling and you really need to work on building your team, "I am a MASTER recruiter! I am a professional recruiter with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I can't wait to share this wonderful career opportunity everyday. I know how much it has changed my life. I never want to be selfish and not offer this career to anybody else. I exude a professional Mary Kay image. I look the part, act the part and sound the part everyday. I am attracting to me this wonderful way of life. I love to recruit! I love to share this wonderful opportunity! I am a MASTER at listening to people's concerns and relating them back to the Mary Kay experience. I am a Mary Kay Sales Director by January 1, 2003!" Those kinds of messages make a difference! What area of your business do you need to grow in? What area of your life do you want to work on? That's the place that you start with the Positive Affirmations! Why not start today? Write a couple of sentences down; make them personal and powerful for you. Xerox them and put them behind your toilet, on your refrigerator, and your rear view mirror! Love & Belief, Lisa Anne Harmon I believe that what we speak about we bring about. I believe that what we send into the lives of others comes back into our own. I believe that by having fun and helping others I can achieve my goals. I believe that fear and faith can’t co-exist so I choose faith and I’m taking God as my partner. I believe that God won’t put a dream in my heart that He won’t allow me to achieve. I am the proud Senior Sales Director of the Awesome Cadillac Unit Rachael Bullock!! - I’m disciplined in following routine so I’m free to find creativity - Be ALL-OUT SOLD-OUT passionately. Your playing small does not serve the world. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same Working with focus & belief, I wake up at 5 each day, taking God as my partner and leading the way. I hold 3 classes each week and gold medal each month—-sharing Mary Kay’s mission is our God-given vision. I am committed to excellence in everything I do and I want to help make your dreams come true! We’re going to the top and we can’t be stopped

Affirmation CD: Good music at beginning, 80% of what you put on a goal poster comes true….. It’s July, we’re excited. It’s a brand new seminar year and this is our year. I’m so excited because I’m on target in the month of July, I have over $8000 in team production and 8 great recruits and it’s so exciting. It’s august and we’re getting ready for back to school and I’m so excited because I’ve completed my power start for the month of august and I work daily on my mental bath by booking at least one new appointment daily, saying my affirmation, listening to a MK tape and checking my voice com daily. I work pro-actively . I only think great things. My team is so successful.

Start with what you need to work on most: If negative, “I have a positive outlook on life, I can’t wait to get up each day and look at the wonders God has prepared for me today. I cam a cheerful, happy, positive person who sees the best in every person I come in contact with. If need to lose weight, “ I stop eating when I’m full. I only eat when I’m hungry. I love to snack on fresh fruits and vegetables. I drink 8 glasses of water a day. I choose to only put good things into my body. My body is the temple of the Lord. I choose healthy, nourishing foods on a daily basis.” Fear of phone, “I love to get on the phone. The phone is my friend. Everyone I talk to says yes. I cherish my phone time and I hurry through my day to get to my favorite time and can’t wait to schedule appointments every day.”

AFFIRMATION Accomplished, Achieving, Abundant, Believing Striving and Driving, Daring, Sharing and Caring Abundance is my birthright as God granted that to me, So I start out each morning on bended knee. Committed to excellence in everything we do, Come on up and join us, We’re looking for you! Yes, you, standing head and shoulders above the rest, We’re attracting women who only want the best. Women who are willing to make life good, With future Million Dollar director, Gail Hopwood!!

This is committed DIQ, ______, Working with focus and belief I feel energized when I wake up at 5 am to realize my potential I love working daily toward realizing my dreams It makes me feel like I can make a difference in the world It gives my life purpose and passion and Helps me to touch women’s lives in a positive way I’m passionate about taking care of myself and I have limitless energy And I power through a tough workout and it makes me feel invincible. I’m a master booker, a super seller and a record-breaking recruiter My datebook is always full with MK appointments and I am a top leader in the ______National Area I lead my people my example My powerful team produces $16,000 wholesale each month And we’re Cadillac bound I add 8 new personal team members every month and my unit adds 20 every month. I commit myself every day toward growing a little more, Reaching a little more towards realizing my God-given potential. And by supporting and enriching the lives and goals of the women God places in my life. I make women feel special, when they leave, they always feel great. I give them my energy, enthusiasm and a positive outlook. My unit works effectively and creatively to move forward as a powerful, positive force in Mary Kay I build my team daily with dynamic women who want more out of life My unit is united together with high energy, enthusiasm and focus Together we make a huge difference in the lives of so many women. WE are the ______, Million Dollar Women on a Million Dollar Mission and I am their proud leader, _____.

I’m ready to go for DIQ It’s where I want to be, It’s one step closer to my ultimate dream Executive NSD! To help me get there, I am very aware That every affirmation is my personal creation Each one needing my undying dedication! First it begins with the bookings I am a MASTER on the phone! I always get a “Yes, I’d love to!” Because of my positive tone!

I am a full circle consultant Customer’s for life is MY plan, 2-3 skin care classes each week, Ending with $500 in hand! By offering the Mary Kay opportunity I am ENRICHING women’s lives. I help them achieve their dreams, So they’ll become healthy, wealthy and wise! I always recruit wonderful women They understand the dream I help them become great consultants And together we’ll build this team! My faith and my family will always precede my Mary Kay Career My weekly plan sheet is based on this To keep myself in gear! My income producing activities keep my business running smooth I plan my work and work my plan This keeps me on the move I am a supporter of my sister consultants Our Go-give spirit is a must We take care of each other in every way Through integrity, loyalty and trust! I always follow the Golden Rule It keeps me focused and track. And with the help of my customers and consultants alike I’ll soon be a director in a pink Cadillac!

This is the year of the overflow, Not a sick day, not a broke day...every overflow day I'm shuttin' down old habits, I'm bringing out the new Cause this is the year I'm pressin' on through. Obstacles...don't get in my way Cause' I am bold with God's confidence Success is His way..And it is My way And I'm here to say....YES!!! Exceedingly and Abundantly This is our year We march forward in triumph, We know NO fear God's favor is upon us We stake our claim 40 unit members our mission Circle of excellence our game (unit circle of achievement) New Red Jackets every week of the year Red cars racing,,,,,plum suits gracing Our seminar anniversary stage Passion in action is what you see Record - breaking maniacs you and me!!! - Mary Pat Raynor, NIQ

Call to make a difference and a difference you will see I am clear on my purpose for you and for me We are on God’s mission to be the best that we can be Believing big and having it all Showing God’s abundance is the reason we were all called I started me business young, single and free But now with maturity I know where God wants me to be Over the top as a married millionaire With the fruits of His spirit growing everywhere I am persistently pursuing His prize with a purpose and a plan That will activate a passion in all God’s people to be the best that we can be I am the wonderful, wealthy Executive Senior Sales Director Kym Wells 3+3+3 is the Key to All Your Goals: 3 classes per week, 12 per mo.; $100 sales per class, recruiting info x 4 guests per class, 48 total = 5 new team members per mo., $600 personal order 13% check + sales income: 1st mo.: $1100, 2nd mo: $1250, 3rd mo.: $1536, 4th mo.: $1900, 5th mo.—45 team members, $37,00+ for DIQ production, 6th mo.= Fabulous 50’s Elite director with a paycheck of $8,478 and on- target for pink car

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