State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) s1
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State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) announces an extension of opening dates of envelopes of open procurement competition (№10004-17) in order to provide the requirement of Personal Protective Equipments and clothing
Documents to be submitted for participation in the competition: . Application letter for participation in the competition (the letter is attached); .Bank document on payment of the participation fee; .Bid.
Application for participation in the competition (signed and sealed) and the bank document on payment for participation fee should be submitted in Azerbaijani, Russian or English languages no later than 23.05.2017, 5:30 p.m. by Baku time, to the address of the Purchasing organization specified in the notice. The copies of the required documents (except the bid) may be sent to the e-mail address of the contact person specified in the notice. In this case, the originals of the documents shall be submitted to the Purchasing Organization until the last day of submission of the bids. The deadline for submission of the bids: . An original and two copies of the bid shall submitted to the Purchasing Organization before 31.05.2017, 10:30 a.m. by Baku time. .Late bids shall be rejected without opening.
The acquisition of the aninvitation to bid and participation fee: . Those wishing to acquire an invitation to bid in Azerbaijani or English languages can obtain it from the contact person in electronic or print form after paying Lot 1 - 590 manat (VAT included) Lot 2 - 177 manat (VAT included) Lot 3- 590 manat (VAT included) Lot 4 - 590 manat (VAT included) Lot 5 - 177 manat (VAT included) Lot 6 - 236 manat (VAT included) Lot 7 - 118 manat (VAT included) or an equivalent amount in any other freely convertible currency to the below-mentioned account, till the date specified in the paragraph I of the notice, on any business day of the week from 09:30 a.m. to 05:30 p.m.
.Account number: International Bank of Azerbaijan OJSC, AZ38IBAZ38010019449306332120, TIN: 9900003871, Customer Services Department, Code: 805250, Correspondent account: AZ03NABZ01350100000000002944, TIN: 9900001881, SWIFT BIK: İBAZAZ2Х
.The participation fee is not refundable Bank guarantee: . Tender guarantee/bid bond to be submitted by the Bidder shall not be less than 1 (one) % of the total amount of the tender price. . An advance payment bond shall be at least equal to the sum of advance. . Contract performance bond is set at 5 % of the purchase contract value. The execution date of the Contract: It is required to fulfill the conditions of the purchase contract during the year on the basis of the agreed order The address of the Purchasing organization: Az 1029, Heydar Aliyev avenue 121, Baku SOCAR Head office Contact person: Akhundova Gulsum senior engineer of Procurement Department, Head Office
Phone: + 99 412 521-02-59 E-mail: [email protected]
The notice, information about the subject of procurement and application form to obtain tan invitation to bid are placed at the internet site: ( )
Time, place and the opening date of bids: Bids will be opened on 31.05.2017 at 11:00 a.m. by Baku time at the address of the Purchasing Organization specified in paragraph VI of the notice.
An information about contracts awards: An information about the final results of the competition can be obtained from the following web link:
The procurement group of Head Office, SOCAR (In the firm blank of the applicant) Application form for participation in open competition and for acquisition of ITB- Invitation to Bid (Set of Basic Conditions)
______city “__”______20__
Attn.: Mr. Fuad Haziyev chief of procurement group of Head Office, SOCAR
Hereby we, [full name of the applicant consignor (Contractor) is specified] confirm the intent of participation in an open competition No. 10004-17 (insert lot number) announced by Head Office of SOCAR for purchasing Personal Protective Equipment and clothing.
At the same time, we confirm the absence of any cancellation or bankruptcy procedures, activity interruption in relation to [full name of the applicant consignor (Contractor) is specified] or any situation making it’sparticipationimpossible. We kindly ask You to send the soft copy of an invitation to bid to the following e-mail address:______.
The contact information for propmtly responding the queries relating the documents submitted by us and other issues: . Contact person: ______. Position of the contact person: ______. Phone number: ______. Fax: ______. E-mail address: ______
Appendix: 1. Original of the bank document on payment of the participation fee – __ pages. ______(name, surname, patronymic of the responsible person) (signature of responsible person) ______(position of responsible person)
Unit of Name of material Quantity Standard № measure LOT 1 Jackets (warm lining, waterproof cloth coat, 1 unit 3218 QOST 25775-87 removable hood, metallic inserts) The jacket and pants for worker (warm lining, 2 set 13825 QOST 25775-87 cotton) Jacket (waterproof, warm lining, orange, 3 unit 150 QOST 25775-87 (lifesaver winter clothing)
Jacket for engineers (warm lining, waterproof 4 unit 6148 QOST 25775-87 raincoat cloth, removable hood)
5 Waterproof hooded raincoat unit 4687 EN 343
6 Vest (hot-lined, waterproof raincoat cloth) unit 242 QOST 25775-87
7 Yellow light Vest unit 300 EN 471
8 Overalls (leather) unit 50 QOST 25775-87
9 Overalls (warm lining, cotton) unit 534 QOST 25775-87 unit 10 Overalls (cotton) 6190 QOST 25775-87
11 Short-sleeved overalls (cotton) unit 173 QOST 25775-87
12 Disposable overalls DT117 unit 6536 EN İSO 13982-1
13 Bib-pants (cotton) unit 1541 QOST 25775-87
14 Bib-pants (rubber) set 31 EN-345, EN-347
15 Suit (leather, fire proof cotton) set 852 QOST 25775-87
16 Suite for worker (cotton) set 45321 QOST 25775-87 17 Suite for security (cotton) set 400 QOST 25775-87
18 Suit for engineers (president type cotton) set 9570 QOST 25775-87
19 Suit welder (fireproof canvas cloth) set 2495 QOST 25775-87
20 Long-sleeved suit for cleaner (cotton cloth) unit 2237 QOST 25775-87
21 Jacket-worker (cotton) unit 1541 QOST 25775-87 22 Trousers (waterproof, cotton) unit 300 QOST 25775-87 23 Trousers (cotton) unit 1722 QOST 25775-87 24 Short-sleeved shirt (cotton) unit 3150 QOST 25775-87 25 Shirt for security (cotton) unit 110 QOST 25775-87
26 Special suits (pontoon, Chevron and caps) set 110 QOST 25775-87
27 Working gowns (cotton cloth) unit 854 QOST 25775-87 Long sleeved gowns with trousers for cleaner 28 unit 530 QOST 25775-87 (cotton) (718-2A,704-2B) 1z10 29 Apron (cotton) unit 22 QOST 25775-87 30 Apron (fireproof canvas cloth) unit 2298 QOST 25775-87 31 Apron (rubber) unit 719 QOST 25775-87 32 Apron (waterproof, thick) unit 707 QOST 25775-87
33 Kerchief (cotton cloth) unit 1077 QOST 25775-87
34 Tie unit 540 QOST 25775-87 35 Balaclava Protection Lite unit 15352 QOST 25775-87 36 Mitten gloves (canvas) pair 126787 QOST 25775-87 37 Underwear unit 246 QOST 25775-87 38 Kneepad for electric welder pair 912 QOST 25775-87 39 peaked cap for security unit 90 QOST 25775-87 40 Pontoon pair 1400 QOST 25775-87 41 Cap 12/15-1 pair 167 42 Cap for sun protection unit 5330 QOST 25775-87 Waterproof hat with Baku High Oil School 43 unit 200 QOST 25775-87 logo on 44 Cap protection with a cockade unit 1500 QOST 25775-87 45 Tracer for electric welders pair 912 QOST 25775-87 SOCAR logo (Fabric, Sticky (9 cm x 9 cm), 46 unit 5000 QOST 25775-87 Flex) 47 Tunic sets for officers set 60 QOST 25775-87 48 Long-sleeved checkered shirt for student unit 220 QOST 25775-87 49 Long-sleeved blue T-shirt for students unit 220 QOST 25775-87 50 Long-sleeved T-shirt unit 2307 QOST 25775-87 51 Military short-sleeved T-shirt unit 3150 QOST 25775-87 52 Short-sleeved polo shirt HIS unit 34349 QOST 25775-87 53 Short-sleeved T-shirt 180 gr Electra unit 320 QOST 25775-87 54 Sleeveless T-shirt unit 20000 QOST 25775-87 55 Bags for personal protective clothing unit 357 QOST 28631-90 LOT 2 QOST R İSO 1 Liquid for eye washing unit 50 10993-1-2009 2 Medicines for first aid (without box) set 950 QOST R 50444-92 ТУ:8028-062- 3 Bags (for doctor) unit 10 429625160-2016 4 Medicine box (Metal) unit 100
5 Medicine box (Plastic, mobile portable) unit 50
TU 9398-056- 6 Individual first aid kit (Aİ-2) set 1200 42965160-2013 TU 9398-110- 7 Individual dry cleaning bag İPP-8 unit 1200 04872702-99 TU 9393-060- 8 Individual bandage bag unit 1200 42965160-2015 9 Plastic chain, f 8mm (for security barrier) roll 4 EN12899-3 TU 9398-024- 10 Sanitary bag set set 16 42965160-2013 QOST R 50444-92 11 Medical box (production) set 2262 ТУ: 9398-005- 42965160-00 QOST R 50444-92 12 Medical box (car) unit 447 ТУ 9398-042- 42965160-2010 QOST R 50444-92 13 Medical stretcher unit 10 ТУ: 9398-005- 42965160-00 LOT 3 EN ISO 20345 1 Shoes for workers (leather) pair 269 2004 EN ISO 20345 2 Shoes (leather) white pair 100 2011 EN ISO 20345 3 Shoes (leather) for engineers pair 8062 2004 EN ISO 20345 4 Shoes (leather) for student pair 220 2004 EN ISO 20345 5 Shoes (leather) YDS CL 100 pair 857 2004 EN ISO 20345 I E 6 Boots dielectric 10Kv pair 31 HRO SRA CI EN 50321 EN ISO 20345 7 Low shoes (leather) MG 02 pair 400 2004 EN ISO 20345 8 Low shoes (leather) metal tip pair 32548 2004 EN ISO 20345 9 Boots (leather) kersey pair 12464 2004 10 Boots (rubber, iron base and metal tip) pair 200 EN-345, EN-347
11 Rubber boots, long-necked pair 1085 EN ISO 20347
12 Dielectric overshoes 1Kv pair 382 QOST 13385-78 13 Rubber overshoes pair 637 TR TS 019/2011 LOT 4 1 Helmet unit 13764 EN 397 TR TS 019/2011 2 Gas mask, PŞ-1S, Briz-0301 unit 12 TU2568-010- 54598330-2007 TR TS 019/2011 3 Gas mask, PŞ-2 unit 7 TU2568-010- 54598330-2007 TU 8027-007- 4 Gas mask, QP-7 unit 1008 54598330-2007 No1-4 5 Pressure suit for working in sand unit 20 ANSI 289.1
6 Pressure suit for painting unit 20 ANSI 289.1
7 Welder shield unit 1204 EN166
8 Welder shield transparent unit 553 EN166 EN388 EN374-3 9 Rubber gloves, acid-resistant 40sm pair 5838 EN374-2 10 Gloves (textile and leather, warm lining) pair 5503 EN388 EN İSO 11 Disposable rubber gloves pair 11056 13982-1 12 Glove leather pair 13917 EN 388 EN60903:2003+Ac 13 Dielectric gloves 20kv class №2 pair 299 2:2005 CE1437 14 Nitrile glove with brass knuckles pair 230442 EN 388
15 Glove half woolen and leather pair 187101 EN 388
16 Welder gloves (leather) 40cm pair 23266 EN 388
17 Rubber kitchen gloves pair 1865 EN İSO 13982-1
18 Gloves spotted cloth pair 4920 CE EN 388 19 Glove leather (EOS) pair 10 EN 388
EN 166 20 Double glasses for welder unit 2193 EN170 EN 166 21 Black glasses unit 21937 ANSİ Z 87.1-2003 EN 166 ANSİ Z 22 Transparent glasses unit 42104 87.1-2003 23 Glass removed fluid unit 50 24 Mask, steam-aerosol, NIOSH standard unit 400 EN149 25 Protective for optical glasses unit 80 EN 166 EN170 TU 9398-024- 26 Black welder glass 51 X 108mm unit 18451 42965160-2013 27 Disposable valved respirator unit 16648 EN149 Respirator /mask M6200BL+ filter set 28 unit 3175 EN 140 ABEK1 29 Ear muffs (anti- noise earphones) unit 3503 EN 352-1
30 Earplugs 3M 1110 with lace pair 22205 EN352-2 LOT 5 1 Flashlight (for use in disinfection) unit 45 2 Belt for erectors unit 276 EN 358 3 Protective belt (full body) unit 1405 EN 361 4 Rope ladder unit 5 5 Scissors dielectric unit 2 QOST R52161 QOST R 50444-92 6 Safety lent (250m*7sm) roll 326 ТУ: 9398-005- 42965160-00 7 Mat (with special soaked material) unit 50
8 Dielectric mat unit 631 QOST 4997-75
9 Dielectric carpet 75*75 (1Kv) unit 770 QOST 4997-75 LOT 6 Inflammable fiery self-floating signal (with 1 unit 100 SOLAS 74 beacon) 2 Rescue rope Ø10mm meter 66400 EN352-2 3 Rescue rope Ø20mm meter 200 EN352-2 SOLAS 74/78 4 Rescue circle Ø70sm, 2.5kq unit 1440 2013/52/EU EN İSO 12402- 5 Life vest (with flashlight and whistle) unit 3165 3:2006 6 Belt rescue (civil defense) unit 28 EN361 EN358 7 Rope rescue, 50 meter unit 1 Automatic moving leaving smoke with SOLAS 74 8 unit 80 bombs EU DC 9181600 LOT 7
Personal Protective Equipment for Mines Rescue Militarized Service of Blow out Control 1 Personal protective clothing (for blowout EN İSO11612 set 30 operations) (for winter) EN1149-5 Personal protective clothing (for blowout EN İSO11612 2 set 30 operations) (for summer) EN1149-5 EN ISO 3 Protective boots (for blowout operations) pair 30 20344:2007 Personal protective helmet (for blowout ГОСТ Р 53269- 4 unit 30 operations) 2009 Balaclava Protection Lite (protection from 5 unit 30 ASTM F1506-10A flames) 6 Flame-resistant gloves (leather); pair 30 Flame resistant long Johns and Crewneck 7 set 30 ASTM F1506-10A Protection 8 Socks Protection (protection from flame) pair 30 ASTM F1506-10A