Presiding Chairman: (Introduce yourself) Good Morning/Good Afternoon, and welcome to the 93rd Annual Greater New York Dental Meeting. I am ______, your Presiding Chairman. I, along with the other subcommittee members who are present in the room, am here to assist you throughout the program. Before I introduce your clinician, I ask the other volunteers in the room to stand and wave. They can also answer your questions. I ask that you give your full attention to a short video featuring our General Chairman.

Presiding Chairman: (Video to be started by AV representative and clinician. Please show the video now. FYI this video will explain the CE Education Process and includes a few short announcements pertaining to the rules of the Javits Center)

Presiding Chairman: (after the video-introduce your speaker) We are fortunate to have Dr.______, with us today. (Read his/her credentials listed under his/her name in the 2017 Speakers Section of your Program Guide which is available when you check in.) His/her program today is entitled______. (Read from Program Guide) The first three numbers of the CE code are _ _ _ and the course number is _ _ _ _. Without further delay, please give a warm welcome to Dr.______. (Do not use his/her first name).

Presiding Chairman: (at the end of the Program) I would like to thank Dr. ______for an excellent program that was both interesting and informative. The final three digits of the six number CE code are _ _ _ and the course number is _ _ _. Thank you for attending the Meeting today and please remember to stop by the Exhibit Floor on your way out.


If this completes a morning program offer to take the clinician to lunch at the Hospitality Lounge located in Rooms 1E03/04/05 on the First Level. At the end of an afternoon program, offer the clinician the opportunity to come to the Hospitality Suite at the Marriott Hotel in Room 4329.

1. Please check to make sure the clinician received his honorarium in the mail.

2. Make sure the person collecting tickets at the door, does so for each person entering the room. Only individuals with SCOUT passes can enter the course without a ticket. All attendees and students must have badges. 3. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our programs or the Presiding Chairman process, please feel free to stop by the Executive Headquarters located in the Crystal Palace on the 3rd Floor near Registration. We would be happy to hear your thoughts and ideas.

4. If you cannot attend your session, please notify the Committee Chairman, Name (cell phone number 000 000-0000). As difficult as it may be to find a last minute replacement, we would prefer to hear about it ASAP.

5. All volunteers helping in an educational room should complete a Volunteer CE Card (available in the Executive Office in the Crystal Palace) and remember to drop it off in the Executive Office, so we can enter you into our system and give you CE Credit for this program.

6. We might be assigning Dental Students to help you in the room, please remember to introduce yourself and welcome them.


1. DO NOT GIVE OUT FINAL CE NUMBERS UNTIL THE END OF THE PROGRAM (Attendees are notorious for asking for the numbers in advance)

2. Please remember to utilize the headphones provided if you are presiding at a workshop.

For workshop programs: All hand pieces and motors must be secured with a driver’s license or credit card at the beginning of the session. They will be returned at the end of the session after those hand pieces/motors