Graduate Council Curriculum Consent Agenda, 11/14/13 To access course forms log into e-Curr, go to reports- Graduate Council

Humanities Consent Agenda Liberal Studies LSH 415 UG Same Sex Unions Literature New course LSH 416 UG The Bhagavad Gita New course

Media Arts

MART 578 G Film Projects Change description, repeatability, title

MART 687 G Final Portfolio Production Change credits MART 688 G Production Lab Change credits, repeatability MART 699 G Final Portfolio Post-Prod Change credits MART 515 G Dig. Post-Prod. Change title

Science Consent Agenda Computer Science CSCI 412 UG Game and Mobile App New CSCI 543 G Human-Computer Interaction Change number CSCI 547 G Machine Learning Change number CSCI 548 G Pattern Recognition Change prereqs

Division of Biological Sciences BIOM 535 G Adv. Virol. New course / co-convene BIOB 410 UG Immunology Change prereqs Level I Graduate Program in Cellular, Retitling MS & PhD in CMMB Molecular and Microbial Biology

Forestry LEVEL I PhD in Forestry Retitle to PhD in Forestry & Conservation Science

Forest Resource Management FORS 434 UG Advanced Forest Roads Change credits FORS 435 UG Advanced Timber Harvesting Change credits, prereqs Change description, learning FORS 436 UG Project Appraisal outcome, prereqs, title FORS 437 UG Forst Ops/Appld Restor Capstn Delete course FORS 447 UG Advanced Silviculture Change prereqs

FORS 480 UG For/Rangeland Planning/Design Delete course

Ecosystems & Conservation NRSM 532 G Ecosystem Modeling Logic Change level, prereqs, title NRSM 418 UG Ecosystem Climatology New course NRSM 415 UG Environmental Soil Science Change prereqs

Forest Management FORS 540 G Disturbance Ecology New course

Society & Conservation NRSM 513 G Nat Res Conflict Resolution Change title

Resource Conservation NRSM 462 UG Rangeland Ecology Change description, prereqs, title

Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management PTRM 483 UG Comml Rec, Mktg, & Tourism Delete course PTRM 583 G Research & Dev. Tourism & Rec. New course PTRM 517 G Advanced Visitor Mgmt New course PTRM 554 G Geographies of tourism New course PTRM 574 G Perspectives in Human Dimen New course

Social Science Consent Agenda

Intercultural Youth and Family Development Level I Change Name Global Youth Development Journalism Program Modification Environmental Science and add portfolio option Natural Resource Journalism Anthropology Methods for Native ANTY 476 UG Change repeatability Languages

Communication Studies COMX 423 UG Org Comm Con & Train Change title COMX 512 G Sem Comm Conflict Change title

Environmental Studies ENST 530 G Greening Religion New course ENST 535 G Local Climate Solutions New course ENST 580 G Pol of Food New course

Geography GPHY 435 UG Hazards and Planning Delete course

Intercultural Youth and Family Development Level I Change Name Global Youth Development Journalism Program Modification Environmental Science and add portfolio option Natural Resource Journalism

Political Science PSCI 596 G Independent Study Change repeatability Politics of the World PSCI 437 UG New course Economy PSCI 433 UG International Law & Org Change prereqs

Psychology Change credits, description, learning PSYX 625 G Clinical Assessment outcome, title