Worthington Fire Protection District Trustee Meeting Minutes September 19, 2007

Attendees: Melissa Ames, Dan Clark, Shannon Davis, Kevin Groody, Bill Rembold, Chief Gary Yurt, Assistant Chief Steve Dellis, Kevin Tyler

Absent: John McGlynn and Greg Davis

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm by Treasurer Dan Clark.

Secretary's Report

A motion was made by Bill Rembold and seconded by Kevin Groody to approve the August minutes, with changes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report

A motion was made by Bill Rembold and seconded by Shannon Davis to approve the July Treasurer’s Report, subject to audit. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Kevin Tyler and seconded by Kevin Groody to approve the August Treasurer’s Report, subject to audit. Motion carried.

Standing Committees

Audit – Dan Clark advised that the audit is underway and we should receive the initial report by the beginning of October.

Human Resources – Shannon Davis and Kevin Tyler met with Chief Yurt for his annual performance evaluation.

Assistant Chief Dellis advised that the JCFS Insurance Committee is in the process of obtaining a new dental insurance carrier, effective October 1, 2007. They are hoping to maintain the current flexibility and advised that this plan will allow us to change the plan according to the needs of the subscribers.

Long-term Planning – Bill Rembold advised that he will have completed the tenth year of the 10-year plan July 2008.

Political Action – Nothing to report at this time.

______Worthington Fire Protection District Page 1 of 3 Minutes –September 19, 2007 Meeting Chief’s Report

Chief Yurt advised that both stations are now YMCA Safe Places. FF Josh Lile implemented the program and all staff have been trained by the YMCA.

A motion was made by Dan Clark and seconded by Bill Rembold to declare a 1998 Ford Expedition as surplus equipment. Motion carried.

Cumulative county-wide statistics were also provided. A brief recap includes: there are over 400 paid and 557 volunteer firefighters, 10,065 fire responses, 10,818 medical responses, average fire runs per month are 1258, average medical runs per month are 1352, over 1M in property damage/loss, 1K safety inspections, 19 arson investigations and 395 new construction permits.

Chief Yurt attended the City of Barbourmede’s HOA meeting.

Currently, we have 6 new Recruits, 1 lateral from Pee Wee Valley and 1 reinstatement.

In June, it was learned that seven (7) fire protection districts were unknowingly subjected to contaminated air cylinders, thus contaminating the masks and SCBA’s, too, resulting in over 150K in repairs to the equipment (WFD alone). Chief Yurt asked that the Board approve upgrading all our certifying self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) for use in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) environments. The CBRN Upgrade requires a qualified Survivair, Inc. representative to inspect, modify, and test the previously all SCBA for CBRN protection.

The cost of the upgrade will be $15,570.00. It should be noted that $15,000.00 was allocated in anticipation of our portion of a grant award, which we did not receive. Chief Yurt asked the Board to approve a reallocation of $15,000.00 from the Capital budget for the upgrade, leaving an expense of $570.00. A motion was made by Bill Rembold and seconded by Kevin Tyler to approve the request to reallocate the funds and proceed with the upgrade. Motion carried.

Station One Update

Assistant Chief Dellis asked that a motion be made to move forward on the construction bid after providing the Board with schematic drawings of all floors. The motion was made by Kevin Groody and seconded by Shannon Davis. Motion carried. The bid will go out the first week of October and remain open for two weeks.

Old Business

Commissioners Bob Gravenkemper and Angela Hoffman provided an update of their efforts since the last Board meeting. Chief Yurt asked that they task him for the EMS Committee. ______Worthington Fire Protection District Page 2 of 3 Minutes –September 19, 2007 Meeting Announcements

We will be hosting an Open House at both stations on Sunday, October 28 from 2-6 pm.


A motion was made by Bill Rembold and seconded by Kevin Tyler to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Madison D. Steele, AA

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