I. Background:

A. Athens:

1. nomos = custom

2. Drako 621B.C. 3. Solon 594-2B.C. 4. Kleisthenes 511/10 B.C.

5. Perikles--Circuit courts, again

B.Other Legal Codes: 1. Gortyn Code-Krete; 2. Sparta-Lykourgos

II. 5th cent. B.C. Athens Courts: *isonomia = equality under law;

**all courts were "people's courts" --for all disputes

A. Format:

1. Chairman (no Judge)--for proper procedures

2. No lawyers--Plaintiff & Defendant gave speeches

3. Speeches --timed w/water clock (profess. writers ok)

4. Trial -only one day--cases, witnesses, evidence

5. Jury voted:

a. acquitted or guilty

b. penalty: heavy marks = heavy sentence

6. Appeal possible; lighter sentence possible

B. Juries:

1. annual 'pool'-6,000

--chosen by lot 600 ea.from the 10 Tribes

2. Daily--ea. jury selected by lot from jury 'pool'

3. Volunteers?--possible--evidence scanty (plays)

4. Jury sizes: large: 501 standard; 1501 poss. (imp. cases)

5. Case assignments--Juries assigned by lot, daily

6. Jury duty pay: (small) 2 obols per/day

7. Eligibility- citizen, over 30 years old

C. Punishments:

1. Fines, usually

2. No police (only Skythian slaves)

3. Penalties-range: fines, exile, death

4. Premeditation--a factor

II. Theory Behind Court Procedures: (= main contribution)

A. Verdict

1.via "Discussion" & evidence

2. via 'man-made' laws, not gods

B. Jury Service a Duty--of all citizens

C. Citizens should be judged by peers

D. Lawsuits-citizens initiated E. All citizens equal in ability to judge, speak, sue.