Holy Family Church Minutes of Pastoral Council Meeting November 19, 2013

Present: Cambria Smith, David Sanchez, Joe Butler, Tina Tran, Ed Panconi, Jessica Korzenecki, Valerie McAndrews, David Law

Absent: Kristen Anderson, Christina Altmayer, Kevin Klaus, Alma Lujan-Castro, Dante Puccinelli

Opening Reflections: David Sanchez had members read Sermon on the Plain from the gospels of Luke. The members reflected on those in poverty and how it should relate to the giving of ourselves.

The minutes from the previous meeting of Oct 22, 2013 were approved, they will be posted on the website accordingly.

Announcements: Technology lecture will be November 20, 2013. A list or Pastoral Council members will be placed on the web site to notify parishioners of the present members.

I. Cambria's Report:

Cambria's role of PLD is not due for renewal until 2015, it was previously reported 2014. The State of the Parish and The Beloved Disciple weekends both seem to have gone well, but it is too soon to report. David Law and Kevin Klaus have formed a committee to help the new fair chairs every year. Cambria reported finances slightly down in the weekly collections. Our Lady of Guadalupe niche is scheduled to be completed Dec. 2014. There will be a capital campaign to raise money to: refurbish the pews, paint the interior of the church, repair the stations of the cross, and install Our Lady of Guadalupe. This campaign will began in March 2014.

II. Commission Report by Ed Panconi:

Ed reported that Jessica Korzenecki, Joe Butler, Cambria Smith, and himself rotated through the Commissions during their last meeting of November 12, 2013. The purpose of this was to help guide the Commissions with the role they have in the Pastoral Plan and to answer any question the Commission members may have. The topics covered were the current and proposed roles of the Pastoral Council for: the focus of the parish as a whole, oversight regarding the Parish Mission Statement/Pastoral Plan, and working with the PLD. The topic for current and proposed roles of the Commissions were: link and connect members to the ministries (communicator/connector), Assess and support the ministries, vision and planning for future Parish participation, and the Commissions shall connect and support ministries. The second topic was membership and composition of the Commissions which include: Chair, Vice Chair, 6-8 members with prior ministry leadership experience. The membership of the Pastoral Council should include: Chair, Vice Chair, 8-10 parish leaders nominated with concurrence of PLD. The third topic was: meeting structure, frequency, and format.

The next meeting will be January 2014.

Respectfully Submitted, Judy Skitek (edited/amended by David A. Sánchez)