Demonologist - Kenneth Deel

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Demonologist - Kenneth Deel

Demonologist - Kenneth Deel - 20 Questions –

(Below- out on” Zombie road”, Children of the Grave shoot)

1. Where do you see ghost hunting and Paranormal groups, web sites or Ghost information, tours, Books Paranormal Radio and Television in 10 years?

Probably backing off as the “fad” era starts to drop off. Where people don’t join groups simply to say “I am in a Ghost Group” as too often for some it is like boasting to your friends that you are in a “cool rock band”. But anyone can claim to be a ghost hunter, and be “Tone def”, which concerns me. There is a rise on awareness of the reality of Ghost, we will probably see it more and more. I see it rising significantly before it falls off however, not exactly sure how far it will go until my projected ‘fad’ prediction takes place. However, I feel that there will likely be a rise before the fall.

2. What would you personally consider to be the definitive proof that ghosts are real?

Personal experiences. When you take a picture and get a ghostly image, often you are the only one who knows no one else was in the house. Or that couldn’t have possibly have been something “Normal”. Also getting shoved, or having things thrown at you off camera is a personal experience they doesn’t often make it to a video capture. Interaction to show an intelligence is also another thing that says that Ghost do exists. Better when a second witness is there to validate what you are seeing. Which was a pivotal moment for me as well.

Hard evidence? When we hear EVPs, we always ask “Are you sure that isn’t someone on your team?” Though the voice is clear and doesn’t sound like a “gurgling noise”, anyone might ask that.. And it may always hang over the top of all EVPs. Yes, it may still be someone’s voice whom neglects to mention they whispered that same sentence on the investigation. It is hard to come up with evidence that a third party can believe 100% percent, because His/Her team wasn’t there to lock the place down and witness it first hand. We have to take their word for it. So first hand experience means more. Unless we capture a ghost in a jar some how. Every piece of evidence can be explained off as ‘natural’ or ‘faked’ by some cynic, no matter how real it really is.

So I say get the evidence for yourself. And don’t expect others to be as excited or believing as you are. The one who was actually THERE to witness it, to better know it was real.

But if I had to pick one capture source, I would say (Film) Video, might be the best if the capture is worthy in showing others. You will always have the negatives to back you up as well…

3. What is the most real evidence you personally have uncovered so far?

An audio capture in the least likely of places. I have a Sansui 6 track, I lent to my Dad to play music with back in 1994, as he like to compose songs. Later one day he had me listen to something strange on the tape. A softly spoken woman’s voice spoke a clear long sentence. No such person was ever around that recorder or tape. The words that were heard spoken were indeed relevant also in validating this as “paranormal”. It was something personal said directly to my father is all I can say. (A Personal message)

I am not personally in this for “evidence”, that would be more of a “research” type of group. Which is not my forte’. (Although I still “research” my topics of interest.) Besides, I have never been really good at being with the right equipment at the right time. Going through a haunted location I merely observe. Using all of my senses. It’s like not bringing a camera to Disney world. I would just ride the rides, and take it all in, and let the others gather evidence. I do try to carry a recorder just to carry something for a team to go through later. But my own senses are my equipment I rely on. On investigations. 4. Are you skeptical of the claims others make of their findings?

I really have to be objective as I try to listen and validate the claims of a home owners experiences, rather than to rush to conclusion that it is the “real deal” or merely their imagination. For example. If I look at every family photo with dust, and say “Yes, that’s an Orb you have a haunting” that is ludicrous. So all evidence is scrutinized. When I see others work, I refrain from commenting on it unless specifically asked to do so.

I also feel it isn’t mine to ‘point the finger’ unless the client comes to me asking for help with a haunting gives unquestionably fraudulent evidence they said they have captured. I will have to drop the case, and keep an eye on that one so others, perhaps less experienced will not be duped by this person.

If there is an immediate need for it, I provide help that will help protect the family members from possible harm as we go through the interview and investigative process. Rather than to provide no help at all, as we await out own procedure to be carried out. Some situations require immediate action and there is no harm in the protection prayers and other advice and suggestions that I recommend for them to do.

Part of the problem with evidence as you can go either way, in saying to quick to judge as a “false positive”, and if there is a shadow of doubt it could be real. That concerns me, so I try to not ignore any ‘possible’ evidence. I feel the so-called “skeptics” will lean one way always, while some others so much want an audio, video or photo capture, they are partial to that mindset. I try to fall between there as “open minded” as possible to both sides. The “skeptic” or the side that wants to help prove the house is haunted.

5. If you could investigate your "Dream Haunted Hot Spot" where would it be?

Movies: The “House in Legend of Hell house” mansion or the “Changeling” house, but not after the story is played out, but during.

Reality--- I love creepy big old haunted mansions. I have no idea why exactly, probably from movies perhaps as a kid. House with Secret passage ways, still housed with old furniture. That place in Washington State they shot in Stephen kings “Rose Red’ would be great.

Some of these old European mansions and castles… The Paris Catacombs, probably because the idea of getting so far in you flashlight batteries die on returning 5 hours back is frightening. Just in thinking you might be in the dark feeling your way out. If that is possible. 6. What was your first Paranormal encounter?

I was seven years old I think. I had a print of that popular picture with the guardian angel next to the two small kids just before a wood bridge. When I looked at it one night after awaking for some reason, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a devil on the bridge. A classic red devil. Perfectly merged into the painting. I looked away, again and again, … still there. It eventually faded out over time slowly over a period of 3 minutes. But it was odd the way it look proportionally perfect with the right colors to blend into the scene as though the artist had painted it in. I of course had more significant things, a fiery face grew from inside a small pixel of light that swirled towards be, a hand through the mattress right in front of my face as I was lying in bed, and so on, but those are for another time to be told…

7. What scares you about Ghost Hunting or Paranormal Investigations?

It concerns me that I may bring home a spirit attachment to my family. Let me just say I bless my own house often and saying prayers to keep that from happening. I also try to avoid leisure hunts through known evil haunted locations that don’t involve client help, as so to not bring something evil back just while having fun going through and old house for example. The end doesn’t justify the means. It would be selfish to carelessly investigate for fun at the expense of my , now if I was single and alone, perhaps it wouldn’t matter so. But with 1 year old girl and 6 year old boy should have a more normal home life. And not be awaken by dark shadows late at night. Luckily my wife sleeps through everything. Sometimes awakes to me looking around, and I say “…Nothing.. Go back to sleep”

8. If you could work side by side with one of the Paranormal Investigator greats, who would it be?

The late Ed Warren. Hanz Holzer although I disagree with him on many of his “old school” ideas. Just after reading his books since the 70’s he is sort of a celebrity to me as Malachi Martin was.

In another thought, a lights out, private investigation with my paranormal friends, in a truly haunted and creepy large mansion would be great. It would be like the old days as a teen going through old farm houses with friends. Not pressure to get it done, no cables and equipment to unpack and repack. More like a classic “spending the night in a haunted house” scenario. I always loved the creepy old places, not sure why. Perhaps that is why I lean to horror movies like “The Changeling” more also. 9. Read any good Paranormal Books lately?

Lately, I am again thumbing through: “An Exorcist Tells his story” and “…More stories” (Fr. Amorth’s book), for “quotes” mainly. I read it a second time during our 13 day blackout in early 2006, good book for those who want to Study Christian Demonology.

10. What Question do people ask you most when you tell them your a paranormal investigator or personality?

Do you worship Satan? (Laughs) No seriously, first word on “DEMONOLGIST” is an ignorant assumption you are part of the problem and not the solution. I tell them “deliverance” and “Exorcism”. Keywords to help them understand. Although that just describe that side of my involvement with the paranormal. Without any ill preconceived notion that I am some sort of a “Necromancer” as they call it, or a Devil worshiper.

Other questions include: Have you ever seen a Demon? Are they real? Do you ever get scared? (Of course in answering yes to all three)

11. In your opinion, Where is the most Haunted city in America?

New Orleans, Atchison Kansas maybe. Pick one in an older state like ‘Connecticut’, such as ‘New England’.

12. Do you feel more people should get involved with Ghost hunting or Paranormal Investigation?

I would have to say no, unless they are more whom are in it for the right reasons. 1) Not to exploit it for media attention. (i.e. for books deals, TV shows, etc.) 2) Recklessly blessing homes and making matters worse 3) Careless protocols on investigations. 4) They never try to charge money for client help or research.

I know we hear of people offering CERTIFIED paranormal investigator courses, and think how can one be certified? But people should realize a good “starting point” is still priceless, as long as it is from a creditable source. So we don’t get people simply “making it up as they go”, adlibbing the whole time. Or using TV shows for a template of how to investigate. They will understand there is a set of guidelines and protocols that must be followed since we are dealing with people and other peoples property. So if we had more with the right initial training it would be better to have more ghost hunters.

Then we get into people trying to solve a haunting. This is where a certification class isn’t enough and how one can do far more damage by ineffectively blessing a home to try to remove evil spirits. I think to do nothing for most of these groups is a better choice in this part of the paranormal. Simply because far too many don’t know what they are doing.

So in saying are there enough properly trained investigators who are truly making a difference? Can’t say when we will have enough of them...

13. What does the future hold for you?

Book release by 2009 I hope (at least it will be completed by then if not published) : “The realm of the Demonic: A comprehensive guidebook to the demonic haunt” I plan on a Documentary on the same topic. Recently I have back away from some project to devote more time on this. I will also be giving Demonology lectures and also more workshops with fellow Paranormal Task Force member Greg Myers. My main personal goal is to educate groups in effective “ghost busting” and to make it more known that the demonic is real. I also have been creating Team logos for Ghost hunting Groups. The artwork often goes to web banners, t-shirts. I see this going further in the coming year. (see link below)

I will continue to do my new radio show “Demonology Today”, with co-host with Alan Glatzel, and Debra Johnson (Known from the “The Devil in Connecticut” story).

I am also working with Alan Rupnick of I Am for plans for a 2009 convention.

14. Paranormal Conventions do you see them growing? And which ones are the Must go to ones?

They may grow, it may also diminish in the ‘fad’. It is a hard task to arrange for a convention, and not come out in the red. It is more often a money pit. So when a group comes out of it owing money, we won’t see a “second annual” convention from them. Most of us don’t have money to burn after all. Going to at least break even for it to be worth while.

I enjoyed the Mid-South convention in Louisville. I also may hit up a few merely to grab some documentary footage in the near future… It has to be more worth my while to retreat from the family form 3-4 days, so “Just for fun” at this point in my life, isn’t enough of a reason to go. ; ) When the kids are older, I will make the trek on my of these events, as well as to tour some more famous haunted places in America. The book release no doubt will fuel a reason to attend more. But we will wait and see what that might demand. Family is first here after all…

15. What is your most favored paranormal phenomena or subject?

Demonology, Spiritual warfare, Christian-Judeo theology. and the origins of ”Ghost” of course. There is a curiosity about all of it, beyond the desire to merely help those in need. I always loved the creepy old places, not sure why. The mystery? the intrigue. Perhaps…

16. Tell us about your best moment in investigating or conference attending for you?

Getting “results” are the best moments ‘closing the case’, but I have to say the old days when I was a teen going through old houses was a fond memory.

Official investigation: Zombie Road, (during the “Children of the Grave” shoot), seeing that ‘shadow people’ anomaly first hand in person, plus seeing this validated through a thermal imaging camera. Thus, scientifically” detecting the ‘colder’ presence of these “shadow people” on the hill, it was simply amazing. Even to someone who is consider a ‘Shadow spotter’ as myself, (because of the countless times I have seen ‘shadows’.) Interestingly, they slowly faded out over a period of 2 minutes after remaining visible for almost 5 minutes! Just as mysterious as their arrival. Unexplained indeed so many ideas on their origin/ reason for being there.

My personal experiences surpass anything I experienced on an official investigation. Simply a span of time from the age of 7 to current. For example, I witnessed an occurrence coined by Saint Adolphous’s as ”Marching Hordes” at the age of 16, and experienced a fully manifested demonic attack one morning in 1995, a hideous creature! This is just to name (vaguely) two incidences that were both very rare and very unusual paranormal encounters.

17. What is the hardest part about being a paranormal personality?

“Paranormal Politics” and ”Gossip” as I can be a target for getting any kind of media attention.

18. How do prepare for a ghost hunt?

Lots of sleep prior, I am not one to go on two hours sleep for long without it taxing on my overall health. I missed the investigation shoot of Pythian Castle for Children of the Grave. Because after 3 days of a few hours of sleep I got sick in a bad way and had to ‘call it a night’ early, to go to bed.

Before a ghost hunt I as expected do “prayers of protection”, and bring the proper holy symbols, to build a sort of “armor” to protect against the ‘dark forces’ that may lurk in any haunted location. “Just to be on the safe side.”

19. Have you ever taken a ghost Tour?

Just a ‘controlled’ guided building tours, more like a museum tour. Though interesting, not the same as a ”ghost hunt”.

20. What in the field of ghost hunting and Paranormal Investigating needs the most attention? I would have to say “Client Help”, when people request help with a haunting. But help from the wrong person or group can make things worse, so there needs to handled by experienced investigators. Who aren’t simply looking to exploit a help case for personal evidence to exploit of media attention. Many groups are all looking for their own personal “holy grail”, and ignoring what evidence other credible groups have attained.

Do we all need to rediscover what has been already learned? Or should we build upon what others have learned as ‘fact’, and not go to the trouble of trying to see it for yourself. I see most scientific research going no where because as in what I critic here, is far to often the mindset of so many groups out there. Each haunting is unique as a fingerprint, we should look for answers to new questions. And not simply re-answer old ones, time and time again.

This is the only way the Research/Science side of the paranormal will grow. Ask the good questions! Research them and share your findings. Don’t upload your 300 pictures of orbs online, trying to give yourself or your group notoriety. Try to truly contribute to the “science” of parapsychology! There is no need to try to find proof of the paranormal. And no matter what is produced someone will always try to debunk it, fact or not. So this is why I don’t waste time trying to prove to others Ghost, for example, exist. I help people understand and deal with their existence, but if someone refusing to believe. I am not wasting time in convincing them. And neither should any of you out there trying so hard to get evidence of the paranormal. --


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