Test Review For The Renaissance And The Reformation

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Test Review For The Renaissance And The Reformation

WORLD HISTORY Final Exam STUDY Guide Name: ______

1) This STUDY GUIDE is DUE the day of the FINAL EXAM 2) The Final Exam is approximately 20% of your total grade 3) Format: 100-125 Multiple Choice Questions and 1-2 essay questions 4) A note card is allowed for the essay portion of the test 5) A practice test in on my website for review---try it after you have completed the study guide

Unit # 1 GREEKS & ROMANS Textbook Reading: Pages 5-14

Terms to know: Pericles, Direct Democracy, Monarchy, Aristocracy, Socrates, Plato, natural laws, Republic, Senate, Roman Law, Monotheistic, Polytheistic, Christianity, Judaism, Greco-Roman Thought, Judeo-Christian Thought, plebian, patrician

1) The period know as Ancient Greece was approximately from: a. 700 - 323 BCE b. 900 - 100 BCE c. 700 - 100 BCE d. 700 BCE - 200 CE

2) The period known as Ancient Rome was approximately from: a. 300 - 50 BCE b. 350 BCE - 800 CE c. 350 BCE - 476 CE d. 200 - 800 CE

3) List at least 3 Legacies of the Greeks & Romans (separately) Greeks Romans ______



4) Explain why Monotheistic religions were a problem for the Roman Empire  Hint: discuss the Judeo/Christian religions


5) Greco Roman Thought: ______(list 3 characteristics)

6) Judeo Christian Thought: ______(list 3 characteristics)

7) Emperor Constantine’s conversion to the Christian Religion was important because:


Sample Questions: (circle right answer)

Which would be a belief held by Greco-Roman thought: a. all glory should go to God b. living a life based on the 10 commandments is most important c. the individual human being should attempt to find truth and accomplish great feats d. all listed are true e. none listed are true

Which would be a belief held by Judeo-Christian thought: a. all glory should go to God b. living a life based on the 10 commandments is most important c. the individual human being should focus on accomplishing great things on earth d. All listed (A, B, & C) e. Only A & B Unit # 2 RENAISSANCE & REFORMATION Textbook Reading: Pages 5-12, 37-47, 48-56

Terms: Ancient Greeks, Ancient Romans, Renaissance, humanism, secularism, individualism, patron, perspective, vernacular, Medici, Machiavelli, Utopia, Gutenberg, printing press, Indulgence, Reformation, Lutheran, Protestant, annul, predestination, Henry VIII, Anglican church

1) List 2 of Man’s primary concerns during the Middle Ages ______

2) The most powerful person in Medieval Europe was: a) Priest b. Noble c. Peasant d. Soldier e. Prince

3) The Renaissance occurred approximately from: b) 400-1000 b. 500-1200 c. 1300-1600 d. 1450-1700 e. 1500-1800

4) List 2 factors which helped the Renaissance begin? (Why did it begin in Italy?)


5) List the 3 Themes of the Renaissance? How did these themes lay the foundation of our modern world?


6) Martin Luther posted the 95 Thesis in ______in ______: a. 1500, Italy b. 1517, Italy c. 1517, Germany d. 1525, Italy e. 1525, Germany

7) Why did Martin Luther post the 95 Theses? (What was his motivation)

8) Renaissance means: a. Religious revival b. Inspired Art c. Individualism d. Rebirth

9) The period of the Renaissance was a period of a. secular government b. non-secular government c. Monarchs ruling nations states d. Democratic governments of city-states

10) This “theme” of the Renaissance allowed society to strive to achieve one’s best: a. Humanism b. Secularism c. Individualism d. none listed

11) He changed from the Catholic Church to a Protestant Church to remarry: a. Richard III b. Richard II c. Edward II d. Henry VIII

12) Which is a legacy the Reformation left for Europe: a) Religion now united Europe b) City-states gained in power c) Monarchs lost power d) The Roman Catholic Church lost power e) None listed are legacies of the Reformation Unit # 3 SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION & ENLIGHTENMENT Textbook Reading: Pages 165-170, 171-182, 156-159

Terms to know: Scientific Revolution, Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, scientific method, Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes, social contract, John Locke, natural rights, philosophe, Voltaire, Montesquieu, Jean Rousseau, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Thomas More, Anglican Church, divine right,

1) How did the Scientific Revolution challenge both the church & the ancient scholars?

2) List 4 Philosophes and one of their principal beliefs





3) How did the Enlightenment pave the way for Democracy and a direct challenge to Absolute Monarchy?



4) This astronomer supported/developed the idea of an earth centered universe: a. Galileo b. Copernicus c. Ptolemy d. Kepler e. Rene Descartes

5) Before the scientific revolution people found “truth” through a. The bible/church b. The ancient scholars c. The King d. Both A & B

5) This philosophe “mocked” the law and customs of France through satire: a. Voltaire b. Hobbes c. John Locke d. Montesquieu e. Rousseau

6) This philosopher felt mankind was “evil” or “wicked” and he wrote the Leviathan. a. Machiavelli b. Hobbes c. John Locke d. Montesquieu e. Rousseau

7) This philosopher believed in separation of power or “checks & balances”: a. Voltaire b. Hobbes c. John Locke d. Montesquieu e. Rousseau

8) Niccolo Machiavelli would agree with which statement a. Most people are good and honest b. A ruler should be very honest with his people using reason/logic to rule effectively c. A ruler should lie and cheat to effectively rule people d. Human nature makes people selfish & untrustworthy e. Both C & D Unit #4: FRENCH REVOLUTION Textbook Reading: Pages 193-216

Terms to know: “Liberty, Equality, & Fraternity”, Old Regime, 1st, 2nd 3rd Estate, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Estates-General, National Assembly, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Legislative Assembly, Napoleon Bonaparte, Coup d’etat, plebiscite, Battle of Trafalgar, Hundred Days, Waterloo, blockade, continental system, Palace of Versailles, Tennis Court Oath, Reign of Terror, Marie Antoinette, Congress of Vienna, Abbe Sieyes, Great Fear, Storming of the Bastille

Section 1: The Old Regime Social Hierarchy before revolution:

Section 2: Constitutional Government Estates General => National Assembly => Legislative Assembly

Section 3: Revolution Gets “out of control” The Reign of Terror. The leader: ______How long did it last: ______

The end result: ______

Section 4: Napoleon’s Empire The Directory => eventually leads to Napoleon’s rise to emperor

Napoleon eventually makes 3 primary mistakes that lead to his downfall: ______

1) List 4 positive results of the French Revolution (legacies) ______




2) The French Revolution starts in ____ and Napoleon’s rule ends in approximately a. 1982, 1815 b. 1782, 1821 c. 1789, 1793 d. 1789, 1814 e. it ended ?

3) All the following conditions were found in France before the revolution EXCEPT: a. the government was an absolute monarchy b. nobles help most of the important government positions c. there were unfair advantages to those in the First and Second Estates d. the bourgeoisie did not have to pay taxes

4) Napoleon accomplished all of the following EXCEPT: a. a uniform set of laws b. a stabilization of the economy c. a expansion of free speech d. an equal-opportunity public education system e. Napoleon established all listed (A, B, C & D) Unit # 5 INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION & IMPERIALISM Textbook Reading: Pages 253-272 302- 316

Terms to know: Enclosures, crop rotation, factors of production, entrepreneur, urbanization, middle class, industrialization, Adam Smith, Capitalism, economic system, nationalism, imperialism, Berlin Conference, Racism, Social Darwinism, Boer War, Assimilation, Paternalism, White Man’s Burden, Cecil Rhodes, Zulus, laissez faire, Karl Marx, communism, union, collective bargaining, strike

1) Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? Why?


2) Why did some countries Industrialize while others did not?


3) Why did workers suffer so much during the beginning of the industrial revolution?


4) What rights did workers gain during the industrial revolution to improve working conditions?


5) List the 2 Economic Systems which developed during the Industrial Revolution & founder of each one


6) How did the Industrial Revolution foreshadow a new “power structure” in the world?

7) List 5-6 reasons why Imperialism occurred. (hint: one would be economic)



8) What was the motivation behind the Berlin Conference?


9) Economic system that argued for no government regulation. a) communism b. capitalism c. socialism d. none listed

10) Which of these are important requirements of industrialization: b) well developed banking system c) large population d) abundant natural resources e) all listed

11) The agricultural revolution produced all of the following except a. more food output b. smaller farms c. population growth d. all listed occurred

12) Crop rotation was used to a. increase farm output b. ensure variety c.decrease farm output d. ensure government quotas

13) During the Industrial Revolution people moved from farms into cities. This was called: a. Urbanization b. Migration c. Rural growth d. Utilitarianism

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