Minutes of the Meeting of Knaresborough Town Council s1

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Minutes of the Meeting of Knaresborough Town Council s1

NDP Committee 02/08/2012 20


Councillors: J Batt, A Willoughby & C Willoughby

Staff present: The Office Assistant

Also present: Ms A Farmer (Civic Society), Mr S McBurney (Commercial Estates Group), Councillor J Sykes & Councillor S Bell (Scriven Parish Council) Councillor B Hearld (Goldsborough & Flaxby Parish Council).

Late arrivals: None Early Departures: None

NC12/ 054 Item 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the meeting

Apologies were received from Councillor M Gallico, Councillor P McNamara and Mr M Gudgeon (Co-opted Member – Chamber of Trade Representative).

NC12/ 055 Item 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

Councillor J Batt Member of HBC and NYCC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information. Councillor P Ireland Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information. Councillor C Willoughby Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information.

NC12/ 056 Item 3 – To consider and if thought fit, approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Committee meeting held on Wednesday 12 th July 2012

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Committee held on Thursday 12th July 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair subject to the following amendment: a) That ‘Councillor R Adams (Scriven Parish Council)’ be removed from the list of those present. b) That ‘Councillors J Sykes & S Bell (Scriven Parish Council)’ be added to the list of those present.

NC12/ 057 Item 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session

None. The Chair moved to the next item.

NC12/ 058 Item 5 – To Co-opt Members to this Committee NDP Committee 02/08/2012 21

Councillor B Hearld explained that Goldsborough & Flaxby Parish Council were yet to make a decision on whether they would like to be included in the Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan. This matter is due for further discussion at the next meeting of Goldsborough & Flaxby Parish council to be held on 10th September 2012.

No other parties were interested in being co-opted to the Committee at this stage. The Chair moved to the next item.

NC12/059 Item 6 – To consider overall progression of the Plan

The Chair explained a lengthy discussion was held at the Council meeting held on 30th July regarding the Neighbourhood Plan and the recommendations made by this Committee. It was resolved by Council that ‘KTC agree to the definition of the neighbourhood area as defined at the NDP meeting on 12th July 2012 and to submit details of the NDP proposal to HBS for publication and consultation on their website for a minimum of 6 weeks’. Council also resolved that the Terms of Reference for this Committee were changed to include, ‘This Committee is tasked with producing a draft and final version of a Neighbourhood Development Plan for Knaresborough but will come back to Council for approval before the final version is distributed to any external bodies’.

The Chair explained that this would be a lengthy process and we have made some progression, albeit slow. It is difficult to progress when HBC are still in consultation on the Local Plan/Core Strategy. HBC Planning Officers have spoken of some areas which could become more flexible within the Core Strategy such as ‘Category C Villages’. For example, more development may be allowed to take place in such areas.

The Chair asked whether the letter stating our intention to produce a NDP had been sent to HBC. The Office Assistant confirmed that the letter had been drafted and would be sent on 3rd August 2012.

Members felt that we should ensure these meetings became more structured in order to progress as promptly and efficiently as possible towards the ultimate goal of having a Neighbourhood Plan for Knaresborough.

RESOLVED: That this Committee draws up a list of all tasks required to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan, puts those tasks into sequence, and henceforth tables the first three items for discussion (those lower down the list gradually moving to the top). At the same time this Committee will draw up a list of proposed sites listing the reasons from HBC and our reasons for and against each site (Unanimous).

Councillor A Willoughby expressed concerns that attendance at these meetings is fairly low and requested that the dates of future meetings be scheduled.

It was agreed that this Committee shall meet on the first Thursday of each month:  Thursday 6th September 2012  Thursday 4th October 2012  Thursday 1st November 2012  Thursday 6th December 2012  Thursday 3rd January 2013 NDP Committee 02/08/2012 22

Councillor C Willoughby stated that as we have decided on a ‘Mini Local Plan’ we should also be including areas such as tourism and shopping. Councillor C Willoughby asked if this Committee could look at policies that are already in place and tailor them to Knaresborough in order to protect areas such as Abbey Road and Waterside from the negative impact of inappropriate development. Councillor C Willoughby suggested that a sub-group of this Committee would be the best way in which to take this forward. Members felt that as we had made the decision to go ahead with a ‘Mini Local Plan’ we should be moving ahead with all areas including housing, protecting tourism and shopping etc.

Councillor P Ireland stated that although we should do our best to stop inappropriate areas of development occurring in the Town, as has happened in the past, we are restricted by time and money.

RESOLVED: That Councillors J Batt and A Willoughby form a Working Group of this Committee to develop a Gantt Chart and look at tourism areas that this Committee would like to protect within the NDP and to also review sites for development which have already been considered by HBC (Unanimous).

NC12/060 Item 7 – To consider the following Correspondence:

None. The Chair moved to the next item.

NC12/061 Item 8 – Reports from Clerk

None. The Chair moved to the next item.

NC12/062 Item 9 – Motions submitted by Members (within the remit of this Committee)

None. The Chair moved to the next item.

The meeting closed at 9:00pm

Signed by the Chair: Date:

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