County of Alameda s20

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County of Alameda s20


Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences Held on June 17, 2010 and June 18, 2010 ______



The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes made to the original RFP document are in bold print and highlighted, and deletions made have a strike through.

Please note that important changes have been made to Exhibit B (Bid Form) and Exhibit B-1. Bidders must submit their bid response using the Exhibit B-Revised (Bid Form) and Exhibit B-1 Revised attached to this Addendum No. 1 .

Page 6, Section II, Paragraph A (INTENT):


It is the intent of these specifications, terms and conditions to describe appropriate and compatible chemicals required by the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) for use in the water purification process. The County intends to award a one three-year contract (with option to renew for two additional one-year terms) to the bidder(s) selected as the lowest responsible bidder(s) whose response meets the County’s requirements.

1401 LAKESIDE DRIVE, SUITE 907, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612 510 208 9600 FAX 510 208 9626

I:\PURCHASING\Contracting Opportunities\Purchasing\Water Treatment Chemicals (900735)\Addendum1_WaterTreatmentChemicals.doc rev. 25 March 2010 County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900735, Addendum No. 1

Page 2 of 5 June 24, 2010

Pages 13-14, Section II, Paragraph E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – CHEMICALS), Item 2.c. (1)-(4):

c. Certificate of Analysis Affidavit of Compliance

(1) An affidavit of compliance shall be submitted with the bid/proposal. A certificate of analysis from a certified laboratory shall be submitted for each sodium chloride delivery to Zone 7. This report will contain the following:

(a) Date of manufacture (b) Date of delivery (c) Shipper ID (d) The percent of sodium chloride content by dry basis weight (e) Water-soluble impurities (calcium and magnesium and sulfate) (f) Water-insoluble impurities (g) Total impurities (soluble + insoluble)

(2) No deliveries will be accepted by Zone 7 unless accompanied by said certificate of analysis for the specific batch or lot of chemical delivered and the quality specifications listed in the above section are met.

(32) Charges for the certificate of analysis from a certified laboratory affidavit of compliance will be included in the bid price.

(43) Failure to supply the required certificate of analysis will be sufficient cause to reject a load. A certificate of analysis that does not meet AWWA Standard B200-07 shall be cause to reject the load. Failure to supply the affidavit of compliance may be cause for rejection of bid.

Pages 30, Section IV, Paragraph P (TERM/TERMINATION/RENEWAL), Item 1:

1. The term of the contract, which may be awarded pursuant to this RFQ, will be three years one year. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900735, Addendum No. 1

Page 3 of 5 June 24, 2010

Responses to Written Questions

Q1) Does Zone 7 perform water analysis for the water going into the Reverse Osmosis (RO) system? A) Yes.

Q2) What is the recovery of the RO system? A) 80%.

Q3) What scale inhibitor product is currently being used? A) Vitec 3000 NSF and Avista Technologies, Inc.

Q4) What is the current price of the scale inhibitor? A) $1.45/lb.

Q5) What is the dosage for the scale inhibitor? A) SG – 1.26; 2.0 ppm

Q6) What Clean-In-Place (CIP) chemicals are currently being used? A) RoClear L403 CIP Acidic Cleaner and RoClear L211 CIP Alkaline Cleaner. Note – District has not had to clean the membranes to date.

Q7) What is the current price of the CIP? A) $2.35/lb.

Q8) What presentation is required for the CIP? A) Liquid

Q9) Can the County please verify the quantity for 50% caustic soda is 1,226 pounds, as stated on Exhibit B? If 50% caustic soda weights 12.76 pounds per gallon then will the total estimated annual usage be 100 gallons per year? A) Zeroes were left off on the estimated yearly usage of 1,226. The updated quantity is 2,500,000 dry weight lbs. Please see revised Exhibit B-Revised.

Q10) Can the County please verify the quantity for 25% caustic soda is 260,000 pounds, as stated on Exhibit B? A) Yes, the estimated yearly usage is 260,000 dry weight lbs.

Q11) Can a bidder submit tiered prices for the different amounts being delivered (e.g., $XXX for deliveries made less than 2,000 gallons and $XXX for deliveries of more than 2,000 gallons)? A) No. For budgetary reasons, the fixed prices must be submitted as outlined in Exhibit B-Revised. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900735, Addendum No. 1

Page 4 of 5 June 24, 2010

Q12) If a bidder took exception to submitting firm pricing for three (3) years, would the bid be considered non-responsive? A) The bid would not be considered non-responsive. The County intends to award a one- year contract (with options to renew for two (2) additional one-year terms). Please see Exhibit B-Revised.

Q13) Page 15 of the RFQ, Paragraph E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – CHEMICALS), Item 3.b.(1).(a)-(c)., states: (1) Liquid caustic soda to be delivered in conformity with this RFQ will be no less than:

(a) 50% liquid caustic soda (NaOH) to the Del Valle Water Treatment Plant (DVWTP) at 601 E. Vallecitos Road, Livermore California (b) 50% to the Demin Treatment Plant at 5215 Stoneridge Drive, Pleasanton, California) (c) 25% or 50% based on request from treatment operator to the 8750 Patterson Pass Water Treatment Plant (PPWTP) at Patterson Pass Road, Livermore, California. It is inferred the strengths provided are to indicate the general grade/strength of product, since the actual specification limits for the 50% product are noted in the Certificates of Analysis section as 49-52 wt% as NaOH. Can this be interpreted as the product quality limits to be found in the Certificates of Analysis section? A) Yes.

Q14) Page 15 of the RFQ, Paragraph E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – CHEMICALS), Item 3.b.(1).(d)., states: The liquid caustic soda shall contain no more than 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) iron, no more than 2 mg/L mercury and no more than 0.5 mg/L nickel. Can the maximum concentration limit for the iron be 9 parts per million (ppm) and the concentration limit for nickel be 3 ppm? A) The American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard does not address this, so this has been an in-house (Zone 7) standard. Alameda County Water District (ACWD) accepts 9 mg/l iron as max and does not call out nickel; therefore 3 mg/l is acceptable.

Q15) Page 16 of the RFQ, Paragraph E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – CHEMICALS), Item 3.c. (1).(l)-(m)., states: (1) A certificate of analysis from a certified laboratory will be submitted for each liquid caustic soda delivery to Zone 7. This report shall contain the following: (l) Specific Gravity (m) Density at 60° lbs/gal Can only specific gravity be reported and not density? A) Yes. County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing RFQ No. 900735, Addendum No. 1

Page 5 of 5 June 24, 2010

Q16) Page 16 of the RFQ, Paragraph E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – CHEMICALS), Item 3.c. (4)., states: A one 200 mL sample of the delivered product will be provided by the Vendor, at the time of each delivery, if requested by Zone 7 either when the order is placed or at the time of delivery. In order to ensure these samples are representative of the chemicals being delivered, the samples shall be drawn from the delivery truck at the time of delivery. What is the expected frequency of the samples requests (e.g., every load or infrequently)? A) Infrequently, only in the event that Zone 7 suspects contamination.

Q17) Page 16 of the RFQ, Paragraph E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – CHEMICALS), Item 3.c. (4)., states: A one 200 mL sample of the delivered product will be provided by the Vendor, at the time of each delivery, if requested by Zone 7 either when the order is placed or at the time of delivery. In order to ensure these samples are representative of the chemicals being delivered, the samples shall be drawn from the delivery truck at the time of delivery. Will Zone 7 allow tank trailers to be bottom sampled at the unloading station where containment and safety showers would be available? A) Yes, if the volume to contain is less than one gallon.

Q18) Page 17 of the RFQ, Paragraph E (SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS – CHEMICALS), Item 3.d.(2)., states: In addition to the Patterson Pass Conventional Plant, the Zone 7 Ultra Filtration Plant located at 8750 Patterson Pass road generally receives loads of 200 to 400 gallons. These deliveries can be separate but usually will be made with a double connection when the conventional plant on the same site receives a normal delivery of 2000 to 4000 gallons. Does this storage tank have an inventory gauging system in place to prevent accidental tank overflows? A) Yes.

***There were no verbal questions***


RFQ No. 900735, Addendum No. 1

The County of Alameda is soliciting bids from qualified vendors to furnish its requirements per the specifications, terms and conditions contained in the above referenced RFQ number. This Bid Acknowledgement must be completed, signed by a responsible officer or employee, dated and submitted with the bid response. Obligations assumed by such signature must be fulfilled. 1. Preparation of bids: (a) All prices and notations must be printed in ink or typewritten. No erasures permitted. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in ink or typewritten adjacent and must be initialed in ink by person signing bid. (b) Quote price as specified in RFQ. No alterations or changes or any kind shall be permitted to Exhibit B, Bid Form. Responses that do not comply shall be subject to rejection in total. 2. Failure to bid: If you are not submitting a bid but want to remain on the mailing list and receive future bids, complete, sign and return this Bid Acknowledgement and state the reason you are not bidding. 3. Taxes and freight charges: (a) Unless otherwise required and specified in the RFQ, the prices quoted herein do not include Sales, Use or other taxes. (b) No charge for delivery, drayage, express, parcel post packing, cartage, insurance, license fees, permits, costs of bonds, or for any other purpose, except taxes legally payable by County, will be paid by the County unless expressly included and itemized in the bid. (c) Amount paid for transportation of property to the County of Alameda is exempt from Federal Transportation Tax. An exemption certificate is not required where the shipping papers show the consignee as Alameda County, as such papers may be accepted by the carrier as proof of the exempt character of the shipment. (d) Articles sold to the County of Alameda are exempt from certain Federal excise taxes. The County will furnish an exemption certificate. 4. Award: (a) Unless otherwise specified by the bidder or the RFQ gives notice of an all-or-none award, the County may accept any item or group of items of any bid. (b) Bids are subject to acceptance at any time within thirty (30) days of opening, unless otherwise specified in the RFQ. (c) A valid, written purchase order mailed, or otherwise furnished, to the successful bidder within the time for acceptance specified results in a binding contract without further action by either party. The contract shall be interpreted, construed and given effect in all respects according to the laws of the State of California. 5. Patent indemnity: Vendors who do business with the County shall hold the County of Alameda, its officers, agents and employees, harmless from liability of an nature or kind, including cost and expenses, for infringement or use of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, secret process, patented or unpatented invention, article or appliance furnished or used in connection with the contract or purchase order. 6. Samples: Samples of items, when required, shall be furnished free of expense to the County and if not destroyed by test may upon request (made when the sample is furnished), be returned at the bidder’s expense. 7. Rights and remedies of County for default: (a) In the event any item furnished by vendor in the performance of the contract or purchase order should fail to conform to the specifications therefore or to the sample submitted by vendor with its bid, the County may reject the same, and it shall thereupon become the duty of vendor to reclaim and remove the same forthwith, without expense to the County, and immediately to replace all such rejected items with others conforming to such specifications or samples; provided that should vendor fail, neglect or refuse so to do the County shall thereupon have the right purchase in the open market, in lieu thereof, a corresponding quantity of any such items and to deduct from any moneys due or that may there after come due to vendor the difference between the prices named in the contract or purchase order and the actual cost thereof to the County. In the event that vendor fails to make prompt delivery as specified for any item, the same conditions as to the rights of the County to purchase in the open market and to reimbursement set forth above shall apply, except when delivery is delayed by fire, strike, freight embargo, or Act of God or the government. (b) Cost of inspection or deliveries or offers for delivery, which do not meet specifications, will be borne by the vendor. (c) The rights and remedies of the County provided above shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the contract. 8. Discounts: (a) Terms of less than ten (10) days for cash discount will considered as net. (b) In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of complete, satisfactory delivery of the supplies, equipment or services specified in the RFQ, or from date correct invoices are received by the County at the billing address specified, if the latter date is later than the date of delivery. Payment is deemed to be made, for the purpose of earning the discount, on the date of mailing the County warrant check. 9. California Government Code Section 4552: In submitting a bid to a public purchasing body, the bidder offers and agrees that if the bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2, commencing with Section 16700, of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, materials, or services by the bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to the bidder. 10. No guarantee or warranty: The County of Alameda makes no guarantee or warranty as to the condition, completeness or safety of any material or equipment that may be traded in on this order.

THE undersigned acknowledges receipt of above referenced RFQ and/or Addenda and offers and agrees to furnish the articles and/or services specified on behalf of the vendor indicated below, in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions of this RFQ and Bid Acknowledgement.

Firm: Address: State/Zip

By: ______Date______Phone______

Printed Name Signed Above: ______

Title: ______EXHIBIT B-REVISED COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFQ No. 900735 for Water Treatment Chemicals BID FORM

Cost shall be submitted on Exhibit B as is. No alterations or changes of any kind are permitted. Bid responses that do not comply will be subject to rejection in total. Quantities listed herein are annual estimates based on past usage and are not to be construed as a commitment. No minimum or maximum is guaranteed or implied. Prices quoted shall include freight and all other costs, or credits, associated with the procurement and delivery to the County of Bidder’s goods excluding sales/use tax.

UNIT OF EST. UNIT COST EXTENDED COST DESCRIPTION MEASURE YEARLY USAGE Citric Acid GAL. 3,200 (45% NSF Approved) Liquid Caustic Soda LB. 2,500,000 Hydroxide (50/50) Liquid Caustic Soda LB. 260,000 Hydroxide (25/25) Scale Inhibitor LB. 104,000 Sodium Chloride (salt) TON 10.5 99.9 (bagged) Sodium Chloride, (salt) TON 222 99.9 (bulk) TOTAL COST ALL ITEMS

SALES TAX (9.75%)


Bidder agrees that the price(s) quoted are the maximum they will charge during the term of any contract awarded.

FIRM: ______SIGNATURE:______DATE:______

PRINTED NAME: ______TITLE:______

Exhibit B Page 1 of 1 EXHIBIT B-1-REVISED COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RFQ No. 900735 for Water Treatment Chemicals

Informational Costs


Clean in Place (CIP) EACH

Deposit Charge for One Ton Container EACH

Container Lost Charge EACH

Demurrage Charge EACH

*These prices will not be considered as part of the bid evaluation cost. Vendor will be expected to provide these items at the stated costs during the term of any contract that is awarded as a result of this RFQ

Bidder agrees that the price(s) quoted are the maximum they will charge during the term of any contract awarded.

FIRM: ______SIGNATURE:______DATE:______

PRINTED NAME: ______TITLE:______

Exhibit B-1 Page 1 of 1 RFQ No. 900735


Below is the Vendor Bid List for this project consisting of vendors who have responded to RFI No. 900735 and/or been issued a copy of this RFQ. This Vendor Bid List is being provided for informational purposes to assist bidders in making contact with other businesses as needed to develop local small and emerging business subcontracting relationships to meet the requirements of the Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Program (described within the RFQ). For additional information regarding the SLEB Program, please visit our website at and/or contact the Auditor-Controller’s Office of Contract Compliance (OCC) located at 1221 Oak St., Rm. 249, Oakland, CA 94612 at Tel: (510) 891-5500, Fax: (510) 272-6502 or via E-mail at [email protected]

Please see the RFQ sections entitled ‘Calendar of Events’ and ‘Networking/Bidders Conferences’ for additional information. The Networking/Bidders Conferences scheduled for all current projects are posted on the GSA Calendar of Events website at This RFQ Addendum is being issued to all vendors on the Vendor Bid List;

RFQ No. 900735 - Water Treatment Chemicals Business Name Street Address City St Contact Phone Email Basic Chemical Santa Fe Mary Rose (562) 309- 12522 Los Nietos Rd. CA [email protected] Solutions Springs Gamber 2714 (562) 903- Brentagg Pacific 860 Wharf St. Richmond CA Laura Tua [email protected] 9626 (510) 790- Cargill Salt 7220 Central Ave. Newark CA Melissa Woodside [email protected] 8115 3000 East Birch St. (714) 579- Hill Brothers Chemical Brea CA John Padilla Jr. [email protected] #108 3333 1190 N. California Blvd. (925) 280- Malaco International Walnut Creek CA Debra Llama [email protected] #608 8710 (630) 305- Nalco 1601 W. Diehl Rd. Naperville IL Patricia Allen [email protected] 1531 (209) 835- Olin Corp. 26700 S. Banta Rd. Tracy CA John Schabacker [email protected] 7204 (423) 715- Olin Corp. TN Philip Burmeister [email protected] 9310 (313) 921- PVS Minibulk 10900 Harper Ave. Detroit MI Eileen McDonnell [email protected] 1200 (775) 240- Sierra Chemical 2302 Larkin Circle Sparks NV Dennis Moore [email protected] 9244 (775) 358- Sierra Chemical 2302 Larkin Circle Sparks NV Stanley K. Kinder [email protected] 0888 W (253) 872- Univar 8201 S. 212th St. Kent Laura Lanthier [email protected] A 5075 W Shawnasey (258) 872- [email protected] Univar 8201 S. 212th St. Kent A McCarthy 5000 m Kemira Water 3211 Clinton Pkwy (785) 842- Lawrence KS Shelly Robinson [email protected] Solutions Ct,Ste #1 7424 370 Wabasha St, N. – Jeennette (651) 293- Ecolab St. Paul MN [email protected] EUC13 Rubbelke 2267 American Water Ana Maria (813) 246- 9203-A King Palm Dr, Tampa FL [email protected] Chemicals Padgett 5448 Thatcher Company Ryan Barlow [email protected]

Exhibit L Page 1 of 1

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