The Real Mind Control in America How the Mass Media Controls Your Thoughts and Actions

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The Real Mind Control in America How the Mass Media Controls Your Thoughts and Actions

The Real Mind Control in America – How the Mass Media Controls Your Thoughts and Actions by M.D. Creekmore When most people watch the evening news they do so thinking that they’re getting an honest and unbiased opinion, but in reality, they are being spoon fed the white house talking points for the day. If all you watch is main stream “news reporting” then you’re not getting the full story, and worse most of the time you’re being fed propaganda, to sway your opinion and to make you think and do what the power holders want you to. RT – How five American companies control what you think : There aren’t numerous US mass media news sources at all; there are just five. Five giant corporations control 90 percent of US mass media. And direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power-elites of the United States. These five conglomerates are that all the five major media conglomerates are corporate members of the Council on Foreign relations. Disney, Murdochs’ News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS). Their control spans most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, movie studios, and much of the web news content of the United States. These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States. And let’s not overlook the fact that all the five are also corporate members of the Council on Foreign relations which is controlled by the Trilateral Commission / The Bilderberg Group for those that don’t know the Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission are made-up of the super wealthy power elite, they meet once every year that we know of, and decide their goals for the year (more power and wealth) and also our fate. This list is supposed to be a complete list of Bilderberg members (as of 2013) but I’m not sure how complete or accurate it is, but as you go down the list you can see that the members control important and strategic infrastructure both in the United states and abroad… When these power elite want to sway public opinion and support, say to elect a political candidate that they control, or start a war to overthrow a dictator that they can’t control and to put in one that they can, they use the main stream media to push their agenda and to win public support… Brainwashed by America’s Media Unfortunately, today the original intent of the Founding Fathers has been subverted by a new doctrine – political correctness – originated by the left, and “freedom of the press” has regrettably become a means of propagating the viewpoint that only those tenets held dear by certain segments of our society should be reported as news. Contrary viewpoints must be labeled and reported not as news, but as the opinions of fringe groups, right-wingers or conservatives (not to be confused with society at large). Foremost among these fringe groups are any Bible believers – Jew or Christian. Moral absolutes are not acceptable, and only the rights of those people who are liberated from those antiquated thought patterns are protected by the First Amendment. Our entire population has been the subject of brainwashing for decades and the only truth that most know has been conveniently provided for them via the mainstream media. You are told what to wear, what to eat, how to raise your children, how to feel, how to act in your relationships with others, sex, how to talk, your religious views, political views, everything has been fed into the public subconscious by the mainstream mass media and social engineers . Most people think they are acting on their own free will but they don’t realize that their “free will” has been manipulated and influenced by a few power brokers. Most Americans have been robbed of free thinking and their own free will… This is the reason, we can have a national debt of over 17 trillion dollars, and our Constitutional rights being trampled on and all the public is worried about is who used the “N word” last or who won last nights ball game… Mass media brainwashing is why your neighbors aren’t prepared, why they think you’re some kind of a loon, a nut-job or an extremist for prepping, they have been lulled to sleep by the flickering box that sits in the living-room. Everything is okay, our political leaders have it under control, it’s not that bad, it’s not going to effect you… Set back relax and watch more TV… If they thought for themselves and did a couple of hours of real research, they would be prepping just as hard as you are… but they’re not and they won’t. Even shows like Doomsday Preppers are designed to make preppers look crazy, paranoid and out of touch with reality. That’s why the producers stress scenes like that in season three where the prepper group featured was building a gallows to be used to execution members if they got out of line, and why at the end of every segment, they have their “experts” downplay any threat that the prepper might be preparing for – the experts agree that (whatever it is will never happen and you’re silly to prep for it). Okay, now we’ve established that 90% of the mainstream media is owned by only five corporations and that those five corporations are controlled by the global elite, and they use this outlet to control and manipulate the American population. But they’ve hit a snag with the alternative media via the internet, as Hilary Clinton has stated; “we are in an information war and we are losing that war” granted she was officially referring to foreign media outlets like RT, and Al Jazeera America, but the internet via thousands of blogs and websites also contribute to the information war and give an independent view other than that from the spoon-fed controlled mass media “news reports” that you see on the nightly news. And that is why they are slowly, working angles to gain control over the internet and what is reported via the worldwide web, that’s what all of this Network Neutrality stuff is all about, it’s a first step. Then they will push for and implement an Chinese style internet ID system , then come the web bots that will search the internet for “hate speech”, whatever that is. Like always when imposing an agenda on the American people they take it one step at a time all leading up to the full completion of their goal, which in this case is to control the internet and to put an end to the last form of free expression. They want to put an end to independent thought and to muffle the last form of truly independent news and reporting available to the American people. Welcome to the new world order – it’s going to get interesting…

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