American Petroleum Institute s1

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American Petroleum Institute s1

American Petroleum Institute Subcommittee on Aboveground Storage Tanks REFRIGERATED TANK TASK GROUP (RTTG)

Location: Bechtel offices – Houston December 6, 2007 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM


Attendance TG Members Doug Miller (chairman) CB&I API Staff Jack Blanchard CB&I Gordon Robertson API Larry Hiner CB&I Anant Thirunarayanan Bechtel Neven Krstulovic ExxonMobil Visitors Jiping Qui ExxonMobil Ray Penny (for J Lieb) TIC David Nasab KBR Masaki Takahashi IHI Rama Challa Matrix Kah-Kan Chan Matrix Keith Mash Shell (part time by phone)

Approve Minutes: The following minutes were approved  Sept 17, 2007 – San Antonio mtg

News / Announcements  Neven Krstulovic gave ACI 376 news. Sections not yet considered done are 1, 5, and 7. The load factors part of section 5 is the most significant unfinished piece.  100% expected by middle of 2008.  Then document will be processed by o TAC. o Verification committee o Public review

Review of Section Drafts  Results of November 2007 TG section balloting were reviewed; Section 6 by Blanchard and Challa. Section 8 by Hiner and Takahashi. Section 5 results not yet studied by Mash.  Changes to sections 1, 4, 12, A, R and Q also discussed.  R Challa presented his first draft of section 9.  Attached excel workbook gives actions taken at meeting and status of each section at conclusion of meeting. Third sheet gives a legend for the status designations.

Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet  Below is a quick summary of status by section. Status Level Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

76 8 9 10 11 12 A B Q R

Highlights of Section Draft Discussions:  Section 2- Gordon Robertson indicated that API staff can complete this Reference section without a draft by the task group. ------ Section 4 – Materials of construction will be moved to the list of things that are for agreement between purchaser and contractor.  Section 4 – Long discussion about requirement to have buyer name design life. TG members present were evenly split on this. ------ Section 5 – Long discussion of unlined concrete primary liquid containers. K Mash pointed out that all authorities on the subject agree that for non-pure products (like LNG) there will be slow leakage of the primary liquid container resulting in heavies (like propane/butane flowing down outside of primary container. Discussion of whether this should be allowed and if so whether such a tank should be defined in a separated defined category. ACI 376 says that a concrete primary liquid container is to be” liquid tight”, but defines “liquid tight” to allow a regulated rate of leakage. TG members are to give thought to this issue. Chairman Miller plans to email key questions to TG members to see what the TG consensus is on these issues.  Section 5 – K Mash indicated that the tank concept sketches distributed by Miller in Nov 26, 2007 email look good for use in section 5. ------ Section 6.1 on tank spacing will use “should” not “shall”  Section 6.2 on liquid levels needs a sketch  Section 6.3.2 needs work. Maybe we need to define terms “liquid tight”, “vapor tight”, “liquid containment”, and “vapor containment” as different so that required performance of secondary container of full containment tank can be accurately described for normal and for primary container spill conditions.  Section 6.3.9 Requirements for foundation heating may need to be revised for very dry, rock, and for permafrost locations.  Section 6.5.6 Possibility of R>1 for OBE will be eliminated.  Section 6 and 620-L: There needs to be an EQ meeting to resolve differences between API 625, ACI 376 and 620-L and to discuss R factor source documentation. Blanchard will organize this. ------ Section We agreed that default should be that double and full containment tanks have not nozzles through the shells or bottoms. But provisions will be made for exceptions since ammonia industry, for example, wants to use full containment tanks with nozzles through the shell. ------ Section 9: We want to address documentation including 625 nameplate, datasheet and certification in this section. R Challa volunteered to make a draft of these. This is needed quickly. ------ Section 12: J Blanchard to distribute for reference an ACI paper on dew points. ------ Appendix A: We need some introductory words to say that the product data is just guidance. Purchaser still needs to supply information as required by Section 4. ------ Appendix Q.6: Need to generalize this section title and some content since the outer vapor container of a double-wall suspended deck tank is not necessarily a Warm Vapor Container.  Appendix Q.6.1.1

Revisit Timeline for TG work Here is latest chairman analysis of timeline:

Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet

Plans for next Cycle of RTTG Activity We have 18 weeks from Dec 6 to April 15 meeting Duration Deadline Activity 4 weeks Jan 4, 2008 Update section drafts as needed and turn in to chair. ALL sections must be turned in, even if no changes have been necessary. 3 weeks Jan 25, 2008 Chair will merge the sections into one document (including affect of eliminating sections 7 and 11) and post for TG balloting 6 weeks March 7, 2008 TG members give comments on API balloting system. Results then posted 5 weeks April 14, 2008 TG members work with ballot comments in preparation for meeting. Plan for SCAST balloting  Plan to initiate SCAST balloting at S08 (April 14) meeting  Plan to provide for SCAST balloting section by section  Plan to ask who from SCAST would like to be excused from balloting of API 625

Note Next Meetings  April 14, 2008 all day RTTG mtg at S08 Refining Mtg – New Orleans  Summer 2008. Date not set. Not clear yet what will need to be done at that time. Possible need to meet to finalize items for SCAST ballot.

Review Action Items .  Jan 4 turning in of all sections to chair.  J Blanchard to organize seismic meeting.

Respectfully submitted, Doug Miller RTTG Chair

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