Angus and Mearns Directory and Almanac, 1847
ANGUS - CULTURAL SERVICES 3 8046 00878 6112 This book is to be returned on or before <51 '^1^ the last date stamped below. district libraries THE ANfiDS AND MEARNS DIHECTORY AND ALMANAC CONTAINING, IN ADDfTION Tffl THE WHOLE OF THE LISTS CONNECTED WITH THE COUNTIES OF FORFAR AND KING A.RDINE, AND THE BURGHS OF DUNDEE, MONTROSE, ARBROATH, FORFAR, KIRRIEMUIR, STONEHAVEN, &c. ALPHABETICAL LISTS INHABITANTS OF MONTROSE, ARBROATH, FORFAR, BRECHIN, AND KIRRIEMUIR; TOGKTHER WITH A LIST OF VESSELS REGlSTiSRED AT THE PORTS OF MONTROSE, ARBROATH, DUNDEE, PERTH, ABERDEEN, AND STONEHAVEN. MONTRO SE: . PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY JAMES WATT, standarboffice; EDINBURGH: BLACKWOOD AND SON, AND OLIVER A ND BOYD AND SOI*5i BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. NOTICE. The Publisher begs to intimate that next publication of the l>irectofy will contain, in addition to the usual information, I^ists of all Persons in Business, arranged according to their Trades and Professions. Although this will add considerably to the size of the book, it is not intended to increase its pric£'. —— — CONTENTS. AKSnOATH DlRRCTORV P^^fi, T»ge - Alphabetical List of Names 75 Hiring Markets - - 185 Banks, Public Offices, etc. 90 Kirrifmuir Directory— 98 Coaches, Carriers, etc. - !)1 Alphabetical List of Names - 104 General Lists - - 92—97 Coaches, Carriers, etc. - 104 Parliameniarv Electors - 88 Listuf Public Bodies, etc. Railway Trains, Arrival and Kincardineshire County - 163 Departure of - - - 97 Directory—Constabulary AueliinblaeLists . - 165 Commissioners of Supply and Jus- - • '60 Barrv Lists . - - - 1-22 tices of Peace ^' - - 16S Bervie Lists - - . 168 Commissary Court* Bbschin Directory— Freeholders and Electors - 151 Alphabetical List of Names 55 Game Association - • 164 Banks, Public OSices, etc.
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