So We Are Ambassadors for Christ, God Making His Appeal Through Us s1

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So We Are Ambassadors for Christ, God Making His Appeal Through Us s1

THE AMBASSADOR “So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:20).” Volume 13, Issue 6 A newsletter for the Pastors and Lay Leadership of the Charlottesville District June 2015

Children's Ministry Gathering If you have a heart for children, currently serve in Children's Ministry within your local congregation (as a volunteer or paid staff) or feel called to begin serving in Children's Ministry - then perhaps you may want consider this invitation for a new Virginia United Methodist Assembly Center/ Children's Ministry Gathering. We are meeting on the last Wednesday of each month at 9 am. The goal Blackstone Conference and Retreat Center is that each time we gather we may find VUMAC or BCRC is our conference Retreat Center. encouragement from one another and engage in It has been serving the Virginia conference for sixty helpful conversation regarding our ministry with the years. Our executive director is Mr. Sam next generation. We also envision that our gathering McCracken and he is doing a wonderful job of will be ecumenical in nature, therefore please share restoring the Assembly Center to its original beauty this information with others in your communities. and usefulness. We have just hired a Development Our next gathering will be at Panera Bread (the one Person, Debbie Baugham, and she will began work by Target) at 9 am on June 24. For more on May 11. Debbie will be contacting many in our information, feel free to contact me at conference to increase the usage of the facility and [email protected]. to ask for help in raising the funds needed to restore Blessings - Julie Nitzsche, Director of Children's the building. and Youth Ministry, Stanardsville United Methodist VUMAC received a bequest of $100,000 in 2014 Church from the Estate of H.S. Abernathy, a former UMM President and long-time member of Community UMW Events UMC in Virginia Beach. VUMAC installed a Bio- JUNE Mass Furnace that heats the whole building, all the 6th...... UMW Day at Ferrum College hot water and the swimming pool from wood chips. 19-21st..Virginia UM Annual Conference in This addition has cut the use of oil and saves Roanoke. VUMAC about $8000 a month. The whole first 20th...... Virginia Conference UMW Breakfast floor has been refurbished and looks beautiful. We have plans to refurbish the second and third floors JULY and these kinds of things happen because of gifts 11th...... Executive team meeting, 10am, like H.S. Abernathy and many others who help and Aldersgate, Friendship room Newsletter articles to have helped but we need your help to continue this. Communications Coordinator by the 18th. 24-26th..Mission Encounter at Blackstone Good things are happening at Blackstone but we cannot expect bequests to come each year so we Annual Conference Orientation must reach out to faithful “Partners” and new Sunday, June 7, 2015 at Aldersgate UMC, 1500 E. “Partners” who will help us thrive so that VUMAC Rio Rd., Charlottesville can continue to be a place of spiritual growth and 4:00 pm – Annual Conference Orientation leadership development for the clergy and laity of 5:00 pm – District Stewards our Virginia Annual Conference. Five Districts made commitments to VUMAC last year and we hope all 16 will help this year as we make our 2016 Budgets. Last year Charlottesville, Elizabeth River, nurses, resident advisors, social workers, lawyers, James River, Lynchburg and Staunton made Scout leaders, coaches and more. commitments. Danny Kesner and Tommy Herndon WHEN: serve on this Board and we hope you will consider June 12, 2015 8:00 AM-5:00 helping VUMAC. VUMAC gets no Conference PM Adult Version Funding. July 17, 2015 8:00 AM-5:00 VUMAC is our Conference Retreat Center and PM Adult Version welcomed more than 13,000 guests last year. Please August 21, 2015 8:00 AM-5:00 consider helping VUMAC. If you would like more PM Youth Version information or a program about VUMAC, please September 18, 2015 8:00 AM-5:00 contact Sam McCracken or Debbie Baugham at 1- PM Adult Version 434-292-5308. October 16, 2015 8:00 AM-5:00 See page 7 of this newsletter for donation PM Adult Version information. November 13, 2015 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Adult Version December 11, 2015 8:00 AM-5:00 Youth Ministry PM Adult Version WHERE: Region Ten Community Services SAVE THE DATE! Board District Youth Rally 500 Old Lynchburg Rd. Conference August 30, 2015 Center Room 500A, Charlottesville, VA Byrd Chapel UMC 22903 COST: Classes will be $25 per person for materials and lunch. REGISTER: Contact: Jane Lewis, 434-970-1282 Conference Events or [email protected] November 13-15, 2015: Middle School Retreat Region Ten provides mental health, intellectual disability, December 4-6, 2015: High School Retreat crisis and substance use services for adults and children living Region Ten Community Services Board in the City of Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna, Louisa and Nelson. Since Region Ten's Hosting 2015 Mental Health First Aid inception in 1969, we have grown to more than 500 Trainings employees working to enrich our community one life at time. WHAT: Mental Health First Aid is similar to First Aid and CPR. Mental Health First Aid helps individuals to support those experiencing Heart Havens Donations mental health problems and aids in getting people professional help and support. It is an interactive 8- hour course that teaches a 5-step action plan to offer initial help to people with the signs and symptoms of The above donation button is located on the home a mental illness or in a crisis, and connect them with page of the Charlottesville District website. the appropriate professional, peer, social, or self- This is a secure help care. For more information on Mental Health website, through PayPal, where you can go to donate First Aid, please visit to Heart Havens. or We offer two versions of Mental Health First Aid: the Adult Version and a Youth Version for Adults who work with adolescents. Choose Camp Young at Heart - An Ecumenical the one that is right for you. Camp for Adults of All Ages WHO: Local citizens, families, school Registration for Camp Young at Heart 2015 August personnel, police officers, corrections staff, nursing 25 – 27, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, held at Aldersgate home staff, hospital staff, government staff, faith UMC communities, employers, teachers, front desk staff, It’s time to register for our twelfth annual Camp

Page THE AMBASSADOR2 Young at Heart. Registration forms can be found at Pete Geoffrion (Erin) to the Orange Circuit and or Please select Jeffrey Smith (Lee) retiring your three classes (one for each time period) and put Chris Fuss (Carolyn) to the Greene Charge and them on your registration form. Please note that if Gordon Meriwether (Dana) to the York River you are signing up for either “Discovering Your District-West Point God-Given Gifts” or “Painting Your Memories”, Adam White (Angela) to Wesleyan and Nathan you only need to select one additional class.. Make Colwell (Shana) to the Staunton District-Epworth your check payable to “Broadus Memorial Baptist Church” and designate “Camp Young at Heart.” Tim Worley (JoAnne) to Trinity, North Garden and Norm Johnson (Perrie) retiring We have lined up a great list of classes and outstanding teachers, offering a wide variety of subjects, including many not previously offered. Registration fee is only $20.00 for one person or $35.00 for a couple. What a bargain! Additional expenses are covered by the sponsoring churches. We have also lined up some great entertainment for Cambodia Missionary visiting the your enjoyment during the lunch hour. You won’t Charlottesville District want to miss it. Clara Biswas a missionary with the General Board If you have never been to camp before, you will of Global Ministries of The United Methodist need to bring your own lunch. On Wednesday, we Church will be visiting the Charlottesville District are asking you to bring a meat, salad, vegetable, or on Tuesday, June 16th and Wednesday, June 17th. dessert to share. Drinks, coffee and snacks are Clara works with the “poorest of the poor”, provided every day. especially children, in slum areas and garbage dumps to facilitate their transfers to relocation and Camp Young At Heart will be held at Aldersgate rehabilitation centers in Cambodia. United Methodist Church on East Rio Road. There “To bring hope to the hopeless, bring light to those is plenty of parking available, the building is who are in the dark, bring Christ to the poor, and wheelchair accessible, and there is an elevator. share the love of God, summarizes Clara’s Please share this information with the other adults at understanding of her service. She shares the love of your church, as well as your friends and neighbors. God by improving living conditions, vocational You are our best recruiters! Spread the word! training, medical care, education on awareness of human trafficking and domestic violence. She A Time for Everything… ministers to the sick, HIV/AIDS patients and their June is a time for the Charlottesville District to say families, street children, widows and orphans. Clara good-bye to eight pastors and to welcome eight has worked for a long time with a church at one of pastors. We pray God’s blessings on all the the dumpsites and also works with the Berung Kok individuals and churches going through this time of Methodist church in Phnom Penh’s large slum area. transition. Clara speaks English, Bengali, Hindi and Japanese. Jan Rivero (Jeffrey Pugh) to Wesley Memorial and Born in Barisal, Bangladesh, Clara holds a Bachelor Ed Winkler (Nina) retiring of Arts degree in Social Science and a diploma in rural leadership and development from the Asian Craig Newman (Melissa) to Trinity, Orange and rural Institute in Tochigi-Ken, Japan. She is a Tom Barnard (Branch) to the Winchester District- member of the Church of Bangladesh, a united Crums denomination. Charles Townsend (Dixie) to the Gordonsville Please save the dates and join us for Clara’s Charge and Sue Ann Salmon (Jim) retiring presentation: Erin Geoffrion (Pete) to the Mineral/Mt. Pleasant Tuesday, June 16th, 6:30pm Charge and Barbara Gross (David Lagerveld) Aldersgate United Methodist Church retiring Dessert Social to follow program.

June 2015 Page 3 malnutrition can be startling. Wednesday, June 17th: Hopewell UMC For the last 6 years, twice in each of the three cities (Lignum), Charlottesville Dist., in which we United Methodists have gathered, you (luncheon) Noon have been asked to bring “4 Cans 4 Conference” to benefit the local Food Banks, and the array of Please join us as we listen, learn and celebrate the nearby agencies and churches which draw from their amazing work that Clara does in Cambodia. For resources to help feed those in need. Together, “4 more information, please contact Deb Reynolds Cans...” at a time, we have contributed nearly [email protected] or 295-8217 60,000 pounds of food to help others, in the time of God’s peace and blessings be with each of you. the year when the “incoming” supplies are often at their lowest levels. So, on behalf of all those who are Summer Youth Mission Project “downstream,” THANK YOU for your generous June 25-28 Harrisonburg, VA and gracious gifts for this offering. A mission experience for youth in grades 6 through When we gather in June 2015, let me invite you to 12 to go out into the world, following Christ’s bring “at least” 4 cans of food - for every clergy and commandment to love and serve one another. As we every lay person who attends, so that, in a small partner with RISE, a UMC Faith Community, again way, we can help feed the children and families of this year, we will be engaged with homeless persons, the greater Roanoke-Salem area who are “at risk” immigrants, persons living in poverty, and a variety from hunger issues. of other opportunities. Students will be challenged Each person coming to the June 2015 Annual to see the world as Christ does and to see themselves Conference is asked to bring at least: a can of soup as God does, and build community with one or stew, a can of veggies or fruit, a can of meat or another. We will conclude our time together on fish, and a can with a pop-top (any contents) for Sunday with worship at RISE and a celebration! easy opening by the recipient. In addition, peanut · Cost is $175/ student butter and jelly are always needed, as are dry goods · Students: at least 3 and no more than 15 such as rice, pasta, pancake mix, grits, and mixes · Adult chaperones needed: at least 1 male and 1 such as Hamburger Helper and boxed macaroni and female (must be at least 21 years of age, able to cheese. provide transportation, and have completed safe sanctuaries training) Please DO NOT bring glass jars (they break too · Accommodations: the RISE mission house on easily), home-canned goods, bent or “crinkled” cans, Mason Ave. out-of-date items, or exotic or limited use things · Depart: Thursday, June 25 @ 9am and return (remember: not everyone loves things like your Sunday, June 28 @ 2pm favorite - pickled jalapeno pepper jelly!) · Early Registration by May 15 – email We will be setting up a large U-Haul truck near the [email protected] or call 434-841-0459. Late “Kits” trucks in the Convention Center Parking Lot, registration by June 1 – Add $10. Payment is due with banners and directional signs, to help with “one May 15 (you may mail or deliver checks to 'SUMC stop dropping off” of your items. If you’re not able Youth Mission') Partial refund available up to June to bring food, the Food Bank will be glad to receive 15. ~ Julie Nitzsche either cash or checks made payable to “Food Bank.” Director of Children's and Youth Ministry Stanardsville United Methodist Church Also, if you would like to help in the gathering of Dear Friends in the Family of United these gifts, consider spending a couple of hours with Methodists in the Virginia Conference! like-minded friends receiving the goods. I will be setting up a “Sign Up Genius” site by mid-May, and Did you know that 1 in 6 people in our invite you to help in the gathering, sorting, and Commonwealth are at risk for the issues of hunger? preparing of the goods for transport and delivery to Children, especially the younger ones, are those who the nearby Food Bank. are most affected, and the developmental results of

Page THE AMBASSADOR4 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to 3385 North Franklin Street Christiansburg, contact me, either by calling Walker Chapel UMC in VA 24073 Arlington (703-538-5200) or by e-mail ([email protected]) as soon as possible. Engage your Church’s Women’s / Men’s Groups, Mission Golf ‘Til You Drop! Emphasis folks, Youth, Sunday School Classes, Lay Fundraiser for Member and Pastor(s) or even your congregation-at- Westview on the large. Send - or bring - 4 Cans, 4 Boxes of Cans, 14 or even 40 Boxes of Cans, or even $40 (which will James feed a great many hungry folks!). When: Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Where: Independence Golf Club Let’s pass 10,000 pounds of food in our 2015 “4 600 Founders Bridge Blvd., Midlothian, VA 23113 Cans 4 Conference” offering! Contact: Terry Kidd [email protected] Thank you for your generosity! 804-475-8115 – Cell Phone

Grace and peace. Lunch, snacks, and drinks provided! Jim EarleyWalker Chapel United Methodist Church 4102 N. Glebe Rd.Arlington, Virginia 22207Office - 703-538-5200Cellular - 571-239-3529Parsonage - 703-536-7720 The School for Children’s Ministries is On The Road again! Project SPY Three more locations this year. Learn Extraordinary Summer Project Youth (SPY) is a week long Lessons from Ordinary Objects offers three more mission adventure for middle and high school workshops. .5 CEU offered as well as certificates for students. It is a home repair ministry making homes preschool teacher accreditations. Please encourage safer, warmer, and drier for families in the New your children’s ministry team to attend. Only $20 River Valley who need our helping hands. per person. Brochure and Registration online: Spiritually, we seek to be God's hands and feet in the world. Because of God's love for us, we are working cid=3&ceid=1272&cerid=0&cdt=5%2f30%2f2015 to love others in tangible ways. During their stay, Fall dates and locations: students will be guided through a necessary home repair project, while experiencing dynamic worship September 12, 2015 Timberlake UMC and focused discipleship, topped off with incredible Lynchburg amounts of fun. Our Project, in essence, is to October 17, 2015 Thalia UMC VA provide you with all of the required support for you Beach to lead your students in a life changing ministry. If you would like more detailed information or would November 7, 2015 Good Shepherd like to schedule a meeting at your church, please UMC Dale City contact me, Justin Gilly ([email protected]). I look forward to hearing from you and I look forward to the seeing you this summer at Project SPY! 2015 SPY Weeks Building a Foundation for the Future Capital June 20 - June 26 June 27 - July 3 July 11 - Campaign update from the Wesley July 17 July 18 - July 24 Foundation at UVA July 25 - July 31 August 1 - August 7 Through the generosity and commitment of so many Contact Erin Johnson of you, we have raised $737,000 so far in gifts and 540-260-3402 [email protected] pledges, towards our goal of nearly $1.5 million. Our goal remains and the campaign will continue until our total is met, which includes repairs and June 2015 Page 5 renovations, along with a $200,000 endowment to fellowship hall. Dinner begins at 530PM with the help provide for future ministry. presentation from ~630-730PM. Come hear Keila We are in conversations with our architect now, and the Bishop share about their work with at risk considering how we might structure our work in children in Brazil. All are welcome. If you have any phases, if needed. Reaching at least $950,000 questions please contact Mary Jeffries at (434) 227- would enable us to complete a solid “phase one” 0457. with essential work done in both the main building and the Cottage student house, including the addition of another student apartment in our UMW Dimes and Dollars for VUMAC to main building. Hitting this benchmark would allow celebrate 40 years us to begin work but also to save for future work, as United Methodist Women from across the Virginia the then increased rental income can be designated Conference will gather in Blackstone in October for the successive phases. 2015 to mark the 40th anniversary of the Dimes and We are thankful and amazed by the generosity Dollars program for the Virginia United Methodist Wesley friends on our district have demonstrated so Assembly Center. far. We were overjoyed to share the success and the The late Ethel Born in her book vision for our future with 200 people (and Bishop “Candlesticks” writing about the history of the th Cho!) at our April 11 50-Year Celebration and United Methodist Women in Virginia, reports that Groundbreaking. We are hopeful you will give or an estimated 700 United Methodist Women gathered make an increased gift to help us get even closer to in April 1975 at VUMAC to launch this program our goal. Listen to students talk about what this which has produced more than $1 million for the means in their lives, and keep track of our progress Assembly Center over the forty years. More than at: $31,000 was contributed by more than 300 local If you or your church have not yet made a gift or UMW units in 2014, according to Mrs. Dolly Porter, pledge, please consider doing so now. It will the UMW representative on the VUMAC Board of make a difference in this campaign and in the Directors. lives of students, now and in the future. If you “The United Methodist Women have had a have already made a gift or pledge, would you profound impact on the development of the consider an increased gift? Conference Assembly Center.” says Rev. E. T. Herndon, Jr., chairman of the VUMAC board of directors. “No other organization has provided this level of sustained financial support.” The relationship of Virginia United Methodist Women with Blackstone began in the 1940’s when UMW groups met at what was then Blackstone College. Reportedly, the United Methodist Annual Meeting has been held at VUMAC since 1973. The UMW conference president at that time said: “We are all increasingly excited about the possibility of making the Assembly Center at Blackstone into the kind of center which will truly serve the needs of the entire Bishop Oliveira and Keila Guimaraes to visit conference.” Mount Vernon UMC 76 Garth Road, Stanardsville, will be hosting Bishop Oliveira of the Brazilian A delegation from Virginia visited the North UMC and Keila Guimaraes, the national coordinator Alabama Conference to talk with persons who had of Shade and Fresh Water for our monthly Peace been involved in a program similar to “Dimes and Fellowship Dinner on June 2nd @ 530PM in our Dollars” there. Out of that visit came the call to

Page THE AMBASSADOR6 United Methodist Women of Virginia to accept a Below is the latest update as of May 14, 2015 on our similar challenge. Mrs. Born, in her book, cites these giving as the C’ville District. We are doing quite words that were a part of that challenge: “Once in a well but it would be wonderful if a few more while we have an opportunity to dream a dream and churches of our 74 on the District could help some. catch a vision and perhaps a long while afterward, Rachel Miller at Aldersgate UMC is our Imagine No we can look back and say- wasn’t a great idea.” Malaria District Coordinator and can give you In 1979, the United Methodist Women fundraiser ideas and show you where you can get began an effort to raise funds for what would free items for this ministry. become the Goodson Lodge which was dedicated in Maria Maxwell is hoping to have the majority of the 1989. In addition to these fund raising efforts, the funds turned into the Conference Office by June 1 so United Methodist Women, led by Mary Jordan, we will have an idea at Annual Conference how formerly president of United Methodist Women on many lives we have saved. the Arlington District, have given hundreds of hours This campaign will run through Sept 1 in case you in making and installing drapes for guest rooms and would like to use INM as your VBS mission project. other areas throughout the Blackstone facilities. Every Life Save A Life-thanks for all that you are “The fall UMW Annual Meeting and the doing so that VA United Methodists can save annual spring Spiritual Life Retreat are special 100,000 lives! $10 saves a LIFE. events for us at VUMAC,” says Sam McCracken, current executive director at Blackstone. “We Danny J. Kesner anticipate that the Annual Meeting on October 23-25 Charlottesville District Superintendent will be a special time as we celebrate the 40th 434.977.4254 anniversary of this Dimes and Dollars program which has so greatly benefited VUMAC.” INM Spreadsheet - $3,492.80 Contact: Sam McCracken, VUMAC Charlottesville 434-292-5308 District Funds $2,257.00 [email protected] Church donations $14,654.47 Individuals $325.00 Credit Card (Online) $1,000.00 Advance $00 Total Funds Raised $21,729.27 Total Lives Saved 2,173 The Wesley Foundation at UVA Churches Involved 31 The Wesley Foundation at UVA is our campus Dist. Average Wkly worship 4,384 ministry and great things are happening! Click here to read the latest from students and alumni, reflecting on campus ministry and our 50-year celebration with Bishop Cho. Or, type into your browser to access Wesley’s Website: and your congregation can be partners with Wesley in reaching young adults by praying for this ministry, including us in your annual budget, making a gift for our innovative capital campaign, and providing Thursday night dinners during the academic year. Thanks for taking a look at this edition of The Wesley Word -- we hope to hear from you soon!

Imagine No Malaria Update June 2015 Page 7 2015 Annual Conference The 2015 session of the Virginia Annual Conference will be held at The Berglund Center (formerly the Roanoke Civic Center) in Roanoke, VA, June 19-21. Theme of this year's Annual Conference is “From Members to Disciples.” This year Annual Conference will elect delegates for the 2016 General Conference & 2016 Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference using electronic devices (for the first time). Due to the extra time needed for voting, annual conference will begin earlier than usual with Clergy and Laity sessions held Friday from 10am thru Noon and the opening plenary session will begin at 2pm. Annual Conference Preachers Retired Bishop Charlene Kammerer Bishop Young Jin Cho Virginia Annual Saturday morning Conference MISSION Service Sunday Morning Saturday evening WORSHIP ORDINATION Service

Reverend Young Bong Kim Annual Conference Teacher Pastor Korean UMC of Greater Washington Reverend Tim Bias Friday Evening General Secretary for the MEMORIAL Service General Board of Discipleship

Kits for UMCOR to be collected at Annual Conference Various types of Relief Supply Kits will be collected at the 2015 Virginia Annual Conference session. Kit collection is being conducted to replenish the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) supply. Local churches are encouraged to collect items for any of the most requested UMCOR kits — Bedding, Birthing, Cleaning, Health, Layette, School and Sewing Kits — and bring them to Annual Conference. For kit instructions, go to UMCOR/Relief-Supplies. Kits should be taken to the two tractor-trailers at the far end of the Roanoke Civic Center Parking lot A, near the intersection of Williamson Road and Orange Ave. (across from the Sheetz Gas Station). Kits will be received THUR., June 18, 12noon-2:00p.m.; FRI., June 19, 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m.; and SAT, June 20, 8:00a.m.-12noon. CASH for KITS send directly to Conference Treasurer If you prefer to contribute cash to enable United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) to purchase relief kits, you can contribute $50 for each bedding, kit; $8 for each birthing kit; $55 for each cleaning kit; $12 for each health kit; $35 for each layette kit; $11 for each school kit; and $18 for each sewing kit.. In addition, UMCOR asks for $1 per kit ($1.50 for cleaning buckets) to cover processing and shipping and $1 for toothpaste for each health kit. Please do NOT bring checks to Annual Conference. ALL checks (for processing and shipping, for toothpaste and in lieu of providing kits) should be made payable to “Virginia Conference UMC,” earmarked for “KITS” and mailed to Treasurer, Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 5605, Glen Allen, 23058 any time prior to Annual Conference, and no later than Aug. 31. VOLUNTEERS needed to COLLECT KITS at Annual Conference More volunteers are needed for this year’s “Kits for Conference” collection at Annual Conference. You can help (1) write information on a clipboard; (2) sort kits; (3) seal boxes; or (4) load boxes onto the tractor-trailers. Kit collection will take place Thursday, June 18 from 12-2:00 p.m.; Friday, June 19, from 8 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and Saturday, June 20, 8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. If you can volunteer to help, e-mail Virgil Decker at [email protected] or contact Jeff Wilson at Huntington Court UMC, (540) 366-3465, to indicate what time you would be available.


Individual United Methodists and local churches and church groups across the conference have an opportunity to assist in the ministry of VUMAC through a “partnership” gift. Every year, for more than 60 years, the Blackstone retreat center has been serving hundreds of children, youth, and adults by providing facilities for educational and spiritual experiences in missions, evangelism, discipleship, stewardship, music, and worship involving lay persons and clergy. Lives have been changed here. Hearts have been warmed. Wounds have been healed. Careers have been changed. You can be a part of this ministry by becoming a “VUMAC Partner”: Let us know of your support today.

LEGACY PARTNER $5000 GOLD PARTNER $1000 SILVER PARTNER $500 BRONZE PARTNER $200 OTHER PARTNER $____ Yes, I (WE) want to be a Partner with our Conference Assembly Center:

NAME: (For an individual or church or church group) ______


CHURCH: (If Partner is an individual) DISTRICT: ______

SPECIAL PARTNERSHIPS: Thru the years, local churches and individual United Methodists have sponsored the renovation of guest rooms or meeting rooms within the Assembly Center. We would welcome the time to talk with you about this opportunity at Blackstone. There are wonderful memorial gift opportunities at VUMAC.

Contact VUMAC at 434-292-5308 Make checks payable to: Virginia United Methodist Assembly Center (VUMAC) Mail: VUMAC, P.O. 22, Blackstone, Va. 23824-0022

# # # A Prayer for Annual Conference

You have called us, O God, Enable them to seek first your kingdom to do the work of your church and its righteousness. as careful and efficient stewards. Give all delegates a love for your whole church— To this end we bind together our congregations a desire not only to serve you as we now can June 2015 Page 9 and govern them through the work but also a determination to bring unity of Conferences in which we consult to divided churches, and consider together that the world may more readily receive the Gospel pressing matters before the church. and find in our manner of living it out Give wisdom and vision to those who serve us the way of peace and unity. as delegates to our Virginia Annual Conference. Through Christ who is the head of the body, the Let not the weariness of their duties distract them church. Amen. nor the emotion of the issues they face prejudice them in the decisions they must make. Selected from This Day: A Wesleyan Way of Prayer by Laurence Hull Stookey. Copyright © 2004 by Abingdon Press. Used by permission.

Page THE AMBASSADOR10 The United Methodist Church Charlottesville District Office 914 E. Jefferson St., Suite 104 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Email: [email protected]


Newsletter Deadline - June 15 Please send your submissions for the July 2015 issue of The Ambassador to Carol Frost at [email protected] by June 15.

The Ambassador by email If you would like to receive The Ambassador by email, or if your email address has changed recently, please send an email to the District Office with your request to [email protected].

June 2 Bishop Oliveira of the Brazilian UMC and Keila Guimaraes at Mount Vernon UMC June 3 Golf Fundraiser for Westview on the James June 6 UMW Day at Ferrum College June 15 Deadline for the July Ambassador June 16 Clara Biswas, Missionary at Aldersgate UMC June 17 Clara Biswas, Missionary at Hopewell UMC June 19 – 21 Annual Conference in Roanoke, VA June 24 Children’s Ministry Gathering June 25 Summer Youth Mission Project

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