Online Gaming And Internet Addiction
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Online Gaming and Internet Addiction
Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias. Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor. To LINK to any article, click on the titles in BLUE
Academic Search Premiere Articles How to open articles. Click on the BLUE link under the citation information for each article. Articles are already in MLA format. Then enter the username and password for the article database
Websites and Online Articles 1. Center for Online and Internet Addiction - Offers resources that deal with internet addiction, as well as offers tips on cyber-wellness. 2. Intervention Center - Ten Symptoms of Computer Addiction - Compiled by James Fearing, Ph.D. 3. Mental Health Net: Internet Addiction - Case study with references, and annotated list of links with ratings. 4. Psychiatric Times - Computer Addiction: What Is It? - Long article with scientific references, by Maressa Hecht Orzack, Ph.D. 5. The Psychology of Cyberspace: Computer and Cyberspace Addiction - Detailed research paper, symptoms, questionnaire, and articles. 6. Virtual Addiction: Internet Addiction Information - Information and professional as well as self- help resources on the growing problem of internet and computer addiction and their psychological and social implications. 7. The Quest to End Game Addiction - Article examining whether persistent online gaming is a harmless pastime or a serious addition. (December 05, 2001) 8. Video Game Addiction Treatment 9. IRL – In Real Life 10. Stop Gaming Addiction 11. Video Game Addiction 12. Video Game Addiction Article at The Parent Report 13. Gentile, D (2009). "Pathological Video-Game Use Among Youth Ages 8 to 18:A National Study". Psychological science : a journal of the American Psychological Society / APS 20 (5): 594–602. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9280.2009.02340.x. PMID 19476590. 14. Computer Game Addiction. Berkeley Parents Network. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 15. Hauge, Marney R. and James Robert 'Paynee'. Video game addiction among adolescents: Associations with academic performance and aggression. Paper presented at a Society for Research in Child Development Conference, Tampa Florida. April, 2003. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 16. Tanner, Lindsey (22 June 2007). "Is video-game addiction a mental disorder?". Associated Press. Retrieved 2009-05-09. 17. "American Psychiatric Association Considers 'Video Game Addiction'". Science Daily. 25 June 2007. 18. Brown, Gerald L. Impulse control disorders: a clinical and psycho biological perspective 15 March 2004 Retrieved 25 June 2007 19. Study finds computer addiction is linked to impulse control disorder The Australian News 24 October 2006. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 20. Griffiths, M.(2010)Online video gaming: what should educational psychologists know?. Educational Psychology in Practice, 26(1), 35–40. doi:10.1080/02667360903522769
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21. "Tejeiro-Salguero & Bersabé-Moran (2002).Measuring problem video game playing in adolescents". Retrieved 2009-10-04. 22. Ferguson, C.J.; M. Coulson, J. Barnett Griffiths. Journal of Psychiatric Research 45 (12): 1573– 1576. 23. Video Game Overuse May Be an Addiction: Experts.[dead link] Forbes 22 June 2007. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 24. E.J. Mundell (22 June 2007). "Video Game Overuse May Be an Addiction: Experts". HealthDay. experts.html. Retrieved 14 July 2010. 25. "Emotional and Behavioral Effects, Including Addictive Potential, of Video Games". Retrieved 31 January 2009. 26. Ferguson, Dylan. World of Warcrack: the addictive power of role-playing games The Manitoban Online 28 March 2007. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 27. Yee, Nick. The Daedalus Project: Addiction The Daedalus Project 9 July 2004 28. "Stages of MMORPG Addiction". addiction/. Retrieved 26 February 2011. 29. Online gamers addicted says study. BBC News 28 November 2006. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 30. Grüsser, S.M.; R. Thalemann, M. D. Griffiths (April, 2007). CyberPsychology & Behavior (Mary Anne Liebert, Inc.) 10 (2): 290–292. doi:10.1089/cpb.2006.9956?journalCode=cpb. Retrieved 9 May 2009. 31. "Online gamers 'are not unhealthy'". BBC News. 17 September 2008. Retrieved 2009-05-09. 32. Noyes, Katherine. Docs Retreat From 'Video Game Addiction' Diagnosis Tech News World 25 June 2007. Retrieved 27 June 2007. 33. Faiola, Anthony. When Escape Seems Just a Mouse-Click Away -Stress-Driven Addiction to Online Games Spikes in S. Korea. Washington Post Foreign Service 27 May 2006. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 34. Video game addiction: is it real? Harris Interactive 2 April 2007. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 35. "American Psychiatric Association Considers 'Video Game Addiction'". 26 June 2007. Retrieved 2009-08-09. 36. "Video Game Addiction: Mental Disorder? | Serendip's Exchange". Retrieved 2009-08-09. 37. MICHELLE L. BRANDT (2008). "Video games activate reward regions of brain in men more than women, Stanford study finds". Stanford University School of Medicine. Retrieved 2008-05-07. 38. Moore, Matthew (26 December 2008). "Men enjoy computer games 'because of basic urge to conquer'". The Daily Telegraph (London). news/3965269/Men-enjoy-computer-games-because-of-basic-urge-to-conquer.html. Retrieved 27 May 2010. 39. Swing, Edward; Douglas A. Gentile, Craig A. Anderson, and David A. Walsh (August 2010). "Television and Video Game Exposure and the Development of Attention Problems". Pediatrics 126 (2): 214–21. doi:10.1542/peds.2009-1508. PMID 20603258. maxtoshow=&hits=10&RESULTFORMAT=&fulltext=Edward+Swing&searchid=1&FIRSTINDEX=0&sort spec=relevance&resourcetype=HWCIT. Retrieved 2010-09-19. 40. Ferguson, Christopher (2010). "The influence of television and video game use on attention and school problems: A multivariate analysis with other risk factors controlled". Journal of Psychiatric
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Research 45 (6): 808–13. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2010.11.010. PMID 21144536. 1&_user=10&_coverDate=12%2F07%2F2010&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_origin=search&_ sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=4 42964e8fba20bf0c76e306767ecedd9&searchtype=a. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 41. "Video-Gaming Among High School Students: Health Correlates, Gender Differences, and Problematic Gaming". 2706v1. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 42. Barnett, Jane; Mark Coulson. "Virtually Real: A Psychological Perspective on Massively Multiplayer Online Games". Review of General Psychology. Retrieved 1 January 2010. 43. Kevin Kelly, Howard Rheingold (1993). "The Dragon Ate My Homework". Wired 1 (3). 44. "WHO study shows Finnish teenage boys as heavy computer users". Helsingin Sanomat. sers/1076153407318. Retrieved 2007-07-17. 45. Lea Goldman (5 September 2005). "This Is Your Brain on Clicks". Forbes. Retrieved 2007-07-17. 46. Fleming, Nic (3 April 2008). "Video game addiction 'like being on drugs'". The Daily Telegraph (London). on-drugs.html. Retrieved 2009-05-09. 47. Kravits, David (19 August 2010). "Addicted Gamer Sues Game-Maker". Wired (Hawaii). Retrieved 2011-03-21. 48. "China imposes online gaming curbs". BBC. 25 August 2005. 49. Dickie, Mure. China moves to zap online game addiction Financial Times 23 August 2005. Retrieved 27 June 2007. 50. "China Limits Teenage Internet Gaming". 3-RX Health Encyclopedia. 17 July 2007. http://www.3- Retrieved 2 February 2009. 51. "Statement of Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate at Practicing Law Institute on Telecom Policy and Regulation December 5, 2008". 5 December 2008. Retrieved 19 December 2008. "You might find it alarming that one of the top reasons for college drop-outs in the U.S. is online gaming addiction..." 52. "FCC Commish Blames Online Gaming Addiction as a Top Cause for College Dropouts". 11 December 2008. Retrieved 4 February 2009. 53. Jonathan Whitbourne (March 2002). "The dropout dilemma: One in four college freshmen drop out. What is going on here? What does it take to stay in?". Careers and Colleges. Retrieved 4 February 2009. 54. G, Krey. [
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58. Cause and Impact of Video Games Addiction. All about Health, News, Articles, Discussion. 5 February 2007 Accessed 8 May 2008. 59. "Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists React to AMA Recommendation on Video Games". The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP). 28 June 2007. recommendation_on_video_games. Retrieved 31 January 2009. 60. Cindy Burkhardt Freeman (January 2008). "Internet Gaming Addiction Treatments". The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. pp. 42–47. addiction/P4/. Retrieved 2008-05-07. 61. Li C. Kuo. Europe Opens Its First Game Addiction Clinic. Gamespy 1 June 2006. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 62. Maguire, Paddy (25 November 2008). "Technology | Compulsive gamers 'not addicts'". BBC News. Retrieved 2009-08-09. 63. GERANIOS, NICHOLAS K. (3 September 2009). "Internet addiction center opens in US". et-addiction-center-opens-in-US?ccs=1&ra=1. 64. Bennett, Nelson. When the game gets serious. Richmond News 8 December 2006. Retrieved 25 June 2007. 65. "Technology | S Korean dies after games session". BBC News. 10 August 2005. Retrieved 2009-08-09. 66. "Death by computer games". 1 May 2003. Retrieved 2009-08-09. 67. "Chinese gamer dies after 15-day session". VNU.Net. 1 March 2007. 68. "Chinese gamer sentenced to life". BBC News. 8 June 2005. 69. "Taiwan teen dies after gaming for 40 hours". The Australian. 17 July 2012. hours/story-fn3dxix6-1226428437223. 70. Korean drops dead after 50-hour gaming marathon (London Times) 10 August 2005 71. Korea Reacts to Increase in Game Addiction (GameSpot) 12 September 2005 72. S Korean dies after games session 10 August 2005 73. Salmon, Andrew (28 May 2009). "Jail for couple whose baby died while they raised online child". Seoul: CNN. Retrieved 9 June 2010. 74. "Vietnamese boy, 13, kills woman for money to play video games". The Earth Times. 20 November 2007. 75. Independent Online. "News – World: Teen accused of killing for gaming money". Retrieved 2009-08-09.[dead link] 76. Berghammer, Billy (24 February 2002). "". Nintendo World Report. Retrieved 22 November 2010. 77. "Twins Die Drowned In Bathtub While Father Plays On GBA". Playfuls. 25 November 2005. Archived from the original on 27 November 2005. Retrieved 1 February 2009.
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78. "New Mexico mom gets 25 years for starving daughter". Associated Press. 3 June 2011. 79. "Addicted: Suicide Over Everquest?". CBS News. 11 February 2009. 80. "Ohio teenager Daniel Petric killed mother over Halo 3 video game". 13 January 2009. 1111118553464. Retrieved 19 January 2009. 81. "Lawyers to make closing remarks in Daniel Petric murder trial". 17 December 2008. 2. Retrieved 19 January 2009. 82. SHEERAN, THOMAS J. (16 June 2009). "Ohio teen who killed over video game gets 23 years". Associated Press. killed-over-video-game-gets-23-years-AP. Retrieved 2009-06-17. 83. Yerman, Jordan (16 June 2009). " gets-23-years-life-murder". NowPublic. killer-gets-23-years-life-murder. Retrieved 2010-05-25. 84. Sheridan, Michael (26 November 2010). "Teen kills his mother for taking his PlayStation". New York: NY Daily News. 17_teen_kills_mom_with_claw_hammer_for_taking_away_his_playstation_court.html. Retrieved 17 February 2011.
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8. Reed, Jebediah. "31 MILLION American Adults Show Signs Of Compulsive Internet Use." Popular Science 270.1 (2007): 37. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. 9. Holliday, Heather. "Hooked On The 'Net." Psychology Today 33.4 (2000): 10. Academic Search Premier. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. direct=true&db=aph&AN=3188669&site=ehost-live 10. Young, Kimberly. "Understanding Online Gaming Addiction And Treatment Issues For Adolescents." American Journal Of Family Therapy 37.5 (2009): 355-372. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=44155408&site=ehost-live 11. Mehroof, Mehwash, and Mark D. Griffiths. "Online Gaming Addiction: The Role Of Sensation Seeking, Self-Control, Neuroticism, Aggression, State Anxiety, And Trait Anxiety." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 13.3 (2010): 313-316. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. 12. Wen-Bin, Chiou. "Induced Attitude Change On Online Gaming Among Adolescents: An Application Of The Less-Leads-To-More Effect." Cyberpsychology & Behavior 11.2 (2008): 212-216. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=31696358&site=ehost-live 13. "Research Digest." Journal Of Child Psychotherapy 37.1 (2011): 87-94. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=59362800&site=ehost-live 14. Griffiths, M.D., and M.N.O. Davies. "Research Note." Journal Of Computer Assisted Learning 18.3 (2002): 379. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=9206045&site=ehost-live 15. Petry, Nancy M. "Commentary On Van Rooij Et Al. (2011): 'Gaming Addiction'- A Psychiatric Disorder Or Not?." Addiction 106.1 (2011): 213-214. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. 16. Sattar, Pirzada, and Sriram Ramaswamy. "Internet Gaming Addiction." Canadian Journal Of Psychiatry 49.12 (2004): 869-870. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. 17. Wan, Chin-Sheng, and Wen-Bin Chiou. "The Motivations Of Adolescents Who Are Addicted To Online Games: A Cognitive Perspective." Adolescence 42.165 (2007): 179-197. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=24990592&site=ehost-live 18. Rizzo, Skip. "Cybersightings." Cyberpsychology & Behavior 6.1 (2003): 107-113. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=9184529&site=ehost-live 19. Hopley, Anthony A. B., and Richard M. Nicki. "Predictive Factors Of Excessive Online Poker Playing." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 13.4 (2010): 379-385. Academic Search Premier. Web. 31 Jan. 2013. direct=true&db=aph&AN=57656415&site=ehost-live
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