Napa County Office of Education
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NAPA COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION Barbara Nemko, Ph.D., Superintendent
NAPA COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION April 4, 2017 A Regular Meeting of the Napa County Board of Education was called to order at Call to Order 3:35 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, at the Napa County Office of Education, 2121 Imola Avenue, Napa, California, President Janna Waldinger presiding. Members Present: Don Huffman, Jennifer Kresge, Jim Haslip, Ann Cash, Lisa Lindsey. Member absent: Steve Orndorf.
The salute to the Flag was led by Jim Haslip. Flag Salute
Visitors were welcomed to the meeting. Visitors
The Agenda was approved on a motion by Dr. Haslip and a second by Mrs. Approval of Lindsey. Ayes: Mrs. Waldinger, Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Kresge, and Mrs. Cash. Agenda Noes: None.
The Minutes of the March 7, 2017 meeting were unanimously approved on a Approval of Minutes motion by Mrs. Lindsey and a second by Mr. Huffman. Ayes - Mrs. Waldinger, Mrs. Lindsey, Mrs. Cash, Mr. Huffman, Dr. Haslip, and Mrs. Kresge. Noes: None. There were no comments from the public. Comments from the Public Caroline Wilson, Director of the Juvenile Court and Community Schools Student of the Programs, introduced David Casillas, Student of the Month from Liberty High, as Month a true example of someone who turned things around for himself. Ms. Wilson praised David for being a role model for other students.
Melissa Sifford, Teacher at Liberty High School, reported that David does extra credit work, and praised him for being a leader, athletic, smart, and funny.
Lindsey Baker, Teacher at Chamberlain High School, thanked David for always being so willing to help and going above and beyond what is expected. David volunteered to help at the Kiwanis Crab Feed and worked very hard from beginning to end.
David Casillas, Student of the Month, thanked everyone for giving him a chance to learn something new and that he tries hard to show others how to conduct themselves.
After a reception to honor David Casillas and to thank Board Member, Lisa Lindsey, for spearheading the trades panels at American Canyon High School, the regular agenda was resumed.
1 Napa County Board of Education April 4, 2017 – continued
Lucy Edwards, Director of Continuous Improvement and Academic Support, provided a PowerPoint presentation on the new method to evaluate the Presentation by Lucy performance of schools and districts called the California Accountability Model Edwards on and School Dashboard. Schools are given performance targets and the Dashboard California displays color coded results for easy analysis. The URL for Ms. Edwards Accountability presentation on the California Accountability Model and School Dashboard is: Model and School Dashboard
Gillie Miller, Director College and Career Readiness, presented information on proposed legislation, AB 445, to continue CTEIG funding past 2019. Presentation by Gillie Miller on Assembly Bill 445 1. Dr. Nemko reported that we are moving forward with the new site for the Calistoga Preschool. Barbara introduced Allen Rossi, Director of General Correspondence, Services, and asked him to report to the Board regarding the engineer’s survey Communications, and recommendations for the new Calistoga preschool site. and Reports
2. Mr. Rossi reported that the engineer’s survey showed that the site is larger than the current preschool site. They are working with a 1,900 square foot building in addition to a playground, sandbox, and shed.
3. Dr. Nemko reported that interviews with the WASC team went very well and they were impressed with what they saw. Our schools have always done very well with the social and emotional aspect of students’ growth, and it’s great to see that we are eligible for WASC accreditation due to our increased academic focus.
4. Dr. Nemko reported that the 5th Grade Challenge is Thursday, April 6 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We have 27 students and 7 celebrity adults.
5. Dr. Nemko gave a shout out to Julie McClure, Jeannie Puhger, and Anne Sutkowi-Hemstreet for all they do for our community. It was so wonderful to hear Lori Mooiman from the NVUSD comment that these three women contribute so much to the community due to their dedication and thorough preparation.
6. Dr. Nemko reported that she went to the Cool School Fundraiser Paint Night on March 29 at the NCOE, which was very successful and well attended.
7. Dr. Nemko reported that the Masons in Napa contacted her regarding their desire to recognize a Napa County teacher at a dinner or luncheon for Teacher Appreciation Week. They will be honoring preschool teachers, Padma Helton and Paula Rosales.
8. Dr. Nemko reported that she will be presenting our Digital Early Literacy program at a lunch and learn session at Congregation Beth Shalom tomorrow.
2 Napa County Board of Education April 4, 2017 – continued
9. Dr. Nemko reported that she will testify on a new bill that Senator Bill Dodd has introduced. The bill will give community colleges the right to run teacher Correspondence, credentialing programs. This is a low cost easy to implement strategy to a Communications, very big problem: teacher shortages. and Reports (continued) 10. Dr. Nemko reported that she sent a letter of support on behalf of Cecilia Aguiar-Curry’s new bill AB 273 “Unlocking Opportunities for Families” which will allow parents to pursue and enroll in English as a Second Language and/or High School Equivalency classes because their preschool children would automatically be eligible for subsidized child care under Title V funded programs.
11. Mrs. Lindsey reported that she and Gillie Miller, Director of College and Career Readiness, will implement three trades panels each year at the American Canyon High School. This year they will be featuring health, culinary, and wine industry careers.
12. Dr. Nemko reminded everyone to check out the new “free library” cabinet at the entry to the NCOE. The cabinet was made by the American Canyon High School construction class. A plaque is forthcoming to indicate the school, teacher, and students. We also have a “free library” cabinet at the preschool. Dr. Nemko encouraged everyone to take a book on their way out and to donate a book too.
13. Mr. Schultz provided a handout from CSBA “Legal Guidance – Providing All Children Equal Access to Education, Regardless of Immigration Status”.
14. Mrs. Waldinger thanked Dr. Apolloni for his leadership, diligence, and excellent work with regard to the NCOE Strategic Plan Report on accomplishments of the office.
Consent Agenda Item 5.A. (Temporary County Certificates) was passed on a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mrs. Cash. Ayes – Mrs. Waldinger, Consent Agenda Item Mrs. Kresge, Mr. Huffman, Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Lindsey, and Dr. Haslip. Noes – 5.A. (Temporary None. County Certificates)
Consent Agenda Item 5.B. (Board Member Compensation) provides for compensation to its Board members for attending meetings. The Board was told Consent Agenda Item that Mr. Orndorf did not request compensation. 5.B. (Board Member Compensation) On a motion by Mr. Huffman and a second by Mrs. Lindsey, the Board unanimously approved new Board Bylaw 9200 – Limits of Board Member Approval of new Authority. Ayes – Mrs. Lindsey, Mrs. Huffman, Mrs. Cash, Dr. Haslip, Mrs. Board Bylaw 9200 – Kresge, and Mrs. Waldinger. Noes – None. Limits of Board Member Authority
3 Napa County Board of Education April 4, 2017 – continued
Mrs. Kresge reported that they have the First Legislative Committee meeting on April 7. Discussion, Review, and Direction Re: Legislative Updates and Positions Dr. Apolloni reported that Kathy Conover – Manager of Early Childhood Education at the Napa Preschool Program will retire at the end of the school year. Personnel Activity Kathy has been with the NCOE for a long time and will be greatly missed. The Report Board accepted the Personnel Activity Report as presented.
Mr. Schultz reported that the plans for solar will be submitted to DSA on April 6. Mr. Schultz also reported that 10 trees in the NCOE parking lot will be taken out Update on Facilities over the weekend as they have been deemed a danger to the NCOE parking area Master Plan Process after the recent storms.
Mr. Schultz reported that the Audit Contract Selection is complete, and we have selected Christy White Associates to be our auditors. Audit Contract Selection Process Mr. Schultz reported that the assumptions are not too different from the second interim report. Costs are up and funding is flat. We have a modest deficit Report on the 2017- overall. The budget will come to the Board for adoption at the end of June. 2018 Preliminary Budget Mr. Schultz reported that 23 parents showed up to the Court and Community School parent night. The survey showed that there is a need for more counseling LCAP Update for every student who comes in, more offsite trips, and more sports. We are on target for math progress. However, the program is still working to find ELA curriculum that will improve student scores.
Board Bylaw 9222 – Resignation was presented by Dr. Apolloni and will be reviewed by the Board for approval at the May 4, 2017 meeting. Review Board Bylaw 9222 - Resignation Dr. Apolloni presented the Strategic Plan Report. The plan covers goals, initiatives, and accomplishments for the 30 month period of January 1, 2015 Preliminary Report through June 30, 2017. The next strategic plan implementation period will be on the NCOE July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020. Strategic Plan Accomplishments – January 1, 2015 through February 28, 2017 Dr. Nemko reported that the Staff Luncheon will be held Monday, May 15 at 11:30 a.m. at the Napa County Office of Education. Staff Appreciation Luncheon
4 Napa County Board of Education April 4, 2017 – continued
Mrs. Kresge reported that she attended a CCBE conference on foster care in March. She met Heather Hoffman at this conference and invited her to speak on human trafficking at an upcoming Napa County Office of Education Board Heather Hoffman – STRANDS, on AB meeting. 1227- Human Trafficking Prevention Education and Training Act Backup information on the consent items was included in the Board packets and is on file in the Superintendent’s office.
Future agenda items: 1) Second Reading and Board approval of Board Bylaw 9222 – Resignation, 2) LCAP Public Hearing, 3) Budget Public Hearing, Future Agenda 4) CCBE 2017 Fall Conference. Items There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Adjournment Barbara Nemko, Secretary es
Approved Date