Alexandria Planning Commission Minutes

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Alexandria Planning Commission Minutes


A regular Planning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Ken Ryan.

The following members were present: Lesner, Anderson, Frank, Ryan, Senesac, Johnson The following members were absent: Osterberg The following advisory members were present: Weber, Schoonhoven

Under the procedures established by the Commission on October 1, 1973, the minutes of the February 17, 2004 meeting were approved.

1. Public Hearing – Conditional Use Permit Application – Van Surksum Auto Sales

The applicant is requesting to amend existing conditional use permit C-03-011 by increasing the allowed number of cars for sale on the lot from 25 to 35. The property is located at 304 Irving St. and is legally described as Lots 11 & 12 Blk 84, subject to temporary easement, “Original Alexandria”, Alexandria City (Ward 4).

City Planner Mike Weber reviewed the request with the Commission citing his recommendation and stating the applicant is seeking to expand the number of vehicles allowed to be stored/displayed under C-03-011 from 25 to 35.

Roger Van Surksum, addressed the Commission stating he apologizes for not having a narrative with the application and passed a copy of his narrative and revised site plans to the Commission. Mr. Van Surksum indicated he would like to address the three items raised in Mr. Weber’s memo, which were in non-compliance from the first conditional use permit. He indicated all of the conditions would be finished in the spring once the frost is out since it was late last year when the project was completed. Mr. Van Surksum explained the dimensions on the submitted plan were only rough estimates measured by himself and his son because they were not aware exact measurements were needed, thus he has given the Commission revised site plans with the correct dimensions. Mr. Van Surksum stated he will be putting a permanent ADA parking stall in front of the office building and feels the other stall could be placed in front of a row of vehicles since that is where most of the customers park now anyway and they have been able to use the second bay door with cars parked there. Mr. Van Surksum added the measurement of the entrance at 30’ was incorrect and it is only 15’. He added he would like the additional cars for a cushion and may not have 35 cars at all times and he has gone through major road construction on Hwy. 71 in Long Prairie so knows how that will work.

Commission Member Johnson wondered when the paving would be done. Mr. Van Surksum indicated it would be done this spring as soon as the frost is out of the ground. Commission Member Frank asked why the Commission should deviate from the original conditional use permit to allow parking in front of cars when the condition was clear to have one ADA parking stall and one parking stall for employees because they still do not have two stalls. Mr. Van Surksum stated they noticed that was where people were parking but thought is sensible to keep the ADA parking stall in front of the building. Commission Member Frank stated he understands that but they are not meeting the original condition. Mr. Van Surksum indicated he would be willing to eliminate a couple of spots along the south property line for a second designated parking stall. Chairperson Ryan asked what the status was of three pending conditions. Mr. Van Surksum indicated the screening of the south property line will be done in the spring but they are still in discussion with the neighbor as to what type of screening they want, and the landscaping and paving will also be done in the spring after frost is out.

Chairperson Ryan opened the hearing for public comment. Melvin Lukes, 312 Irving St., addressed the Commission stating he lives next to this property and likes the lot the way it is and is okay with putting more cars there but objects to bushes or fence because he is the one who will have to mow around them.

Ben Zacher, Zacher Investments LLC, 901 Hwy. 29 N, addressed the Commission stating he is the owner of the property and when he originally did the lot it had a large tree in the center, which was taken out and added a few more spaces for cars. Mr. Zacher added his plan is to have the lot blacktopped in June or July to make sure the frost is out of the ground and the landscaping is set up for this spring as soon as it can be done but doesn’t want to put the trees along 3 rd Avenue until after the road construction is finished. Mr. Zacher indicated he would approve of more cars being put on the lot.

Keith Dougherty, 2507 S Le Homme Dieu Dr., addressed the Commission stating he was concerned for the existing tree and wondered if blacktop would be right up to the tree. Mr. Zacher explained there is about 20’ around the tree, which has been landscaped with rock.

Hearing no further comments from the public Chairperson Ryan closed the public hearing.

Commission Member Johnson wondered how to address the condition of screening, which the neighbor doesn’t want. Mr. Weber explained the request is only to consider increasing the number of cars, not the screening. Commission Member Senesac wondered what the 10’ easement was for. Mr. Weber indicated it is a 10’ temporary construction easement from MnDOT for the 3rd Avenue construction project, which would leave the lot 10’ smaller on the north side since they would not be able park any cars in that easement area.

A motion was made by Johnson and seconded by Senesac to approve the Conditional Use Permit Application (C-04-002) of Van Surksum Auto Sales to expand the number of vehicles allowed to be stored/displayed under conditional use permit C-03-011 based on the following Findings of Fact:

1. The request is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan, commercial. 2. The request does meet land area, setback, shoreland, floodplain, and wetland requirements, all are not applicable. 3. The request will not depreciate the surrounding area. 4. The request is consistent with the character of the surrounding area, commercial to the east, west and north. 5. There are existing or proposed utilities adequate to accommodate the request, all utilities are existing. 6. There are existing or proposed streets adequate to handle the request, Third Avenue and Irving Street are existing. 7. The request will not place undue financial burden on the City. AND the following Conditions: 1. To allow no more than 33 cars to be stored/displayed on the lot at one time. 2. The above condition is not in effect until the conditions from C-03-011 have been meet with the balance of the lot to be landscaped and the north side along 3rd Avenue to be landscaped after the 3rd Avenue road construction has been concluded.

The motion carried by the following vote:

YES: Lesner, Anderson, Frank, Senesac, Johnson NO: None ABSENT: Osterberg 2. Old & Other Business

A. Final Plat – “Summer Meadows” – Lyndon & Donna Wilberg

Mr. Weber reviewed the final plat with the Commission stating three of the five conditions have been meet with the developer’s agreement being finalized and the sidewalks will be addressed in the agreement. Mr. Weber indicated due to the pending sidewalk policy he recommends the condition requiring sidewalks on both sides of the street should be amended to require sidewalk on one side of each of the proposed streets.

A motion was made by Frank and seconded by Anderson to approve the Final Plat, “Summer Meadows” of Lyndon & Donna Wilberg as presented with the following revised conditions from the preliminary plat:

1. A sidewalk plan be approved by the City Engineer and City Planner with sidewalks on one side of each of the proposed streets in the development. 2. The developer’s agreement to be finalized prior to the release of the plat for recording.

The motion carried by the following vote:

YES: Lesner, Anderson, Frank, Senesac, Johnson NO: None ABSENT: Osterberg

B. Conditional Use Permit – Thomas & Cathy Wagner

Mr. Weber reviewed the request with the Commission stating this application was tabled at the February meeting and the applicant provided revised drawings on Friday showing an estimated 3000 cubic yards of material to be moved by cutting the bluff back about thirty feet from the top. The scope of the work is much different than previously proposed. Mr. Weber explained engineered plans will be needed for this permit and a grading and filling permit be issued. He added the new drawings submitted by Mr. Wagner were substantially different from the original drawings and also included a wider area. Mr. Weber stated he recommends the Commission keep the item tabled and extend the 60-day review deadline to May 26, 2004 to allow the applicant to obtain the required engineered drawings for the project, as per the February 2004 Commission action.

A motion was made by Senesac and seconded by Anderson to extend the 60-day review deadline to May 26, 2004 to allow the applicant time to secure engineered drawings for the proposed project.

The motion carried by the following vote:

YES: Lesner, Anderson, Frank, Senesac NO: None ABSTAIN: Johnson ABSENT: Osterberg

Following further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

______Amy Riedel, Secretary Ken Ryan, Chairperson

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