Multiple Intelligences Inventory (Abbreviated)

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Multiple Intelligences Inventory (Abbreviated)

Multiple Intelligences Inventory (Abbreviated)

Knowing what you like or your preferences can be a key to knowing the best way(s) for you to learn. Read through the following categories, and note which items describe you best.

Linguistic ____ I really enjoy books. ____I hear words in my head before I write, speak, or read them. ____I enjoy word games, such as crossword puzzles. ____I have written something recently that I was proud of.

Logical—Mathematical ____I can quickly & easily compute numbers in my head. ____I enjoy math and science classes. ____I can think in abstract, clear, imageless concepts. ____I feel more comfortable when things have been measured or categorized in some way.

Visual/Spatial ____When I close my eyes, I can see clear visual images. ____I often use a camcorder or camera to record my surroundings. ____I enjoy visual puzzles, such as mazes, jigsaw puzzles, etc. ____I navigate well in unfamiliar places.

Bodily—Kinesthetic ____I take part in at least one sport or activity regularly. ____I find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time. ____I like working with my hands. ____To learn new skills, I need to practice them rather than simply read about them or watch them.

Musical ____I know when musical notes are off—key. ____My life would be less dynamic without music. ____I often have a tune running through my mind during the day. ____I often tap, whistle, or hum when engaged in a task.

Interpersonal ____I prefer team and group sports to individual sports. ____When I have problems, I prefer to seek help from other people. ____I am comfortable in a crowd of people. ____I would rather be at a party than home alone.

Intrapersonal ____I regularly spend time reflecting, meditating, or thinking about important life questions. ____I have a hobby or activity that I do alone. ____I have a realistic view of my own strengths & weaknesses. ____I am self-employed or have seriously considered starting my own business.

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