Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations Webquest Task Analysis Report
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Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations WebQuest Task Analysis Report Task List In this WBLS, students must: Awareness: Know other users Know who is logged in Know other members’ current statuses (such as busy online, offline, or away) Chat with other members Know other members’ background Know where they can find resources they need.
Content Navigate through the WebQuest Demonstrate understanding of material on assessments
Messages: Receive and send a chat message. Know who a chat message is from. Invite others to join the conversation. Exchange text files. Save the text messages of all conversations automatically. Recognize who is sending which message (during chat) Arrange the style of your messages.
Teaching Plan Sharing Be able to upload and download teaching plans Be able to search teaching plan by using a keyword search. (grade level, subject, or topic)
Resource Sharing Be able to post relevant information and resources. Be able to upload and download resource files.
Discussion Be able to post new topics. Be able to reply postings. Be able to edit and delete postings which were posted by themselves. Be able to attach files with their postings.
Announcement and News Be able to read announcements and news posted by instructor Be able to reply to announcements and news
Control/ Privacy Login with password Arrange the buddy list by adding or deleting buddies in buddy folder. Log out at anytime. Choose to have presence shown to other members (identify them as ‘online’) Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations WebQuest Task Analysis Report Registration Register a user account.
Help Read the introduction of the website. Contact with the instructor via email. Find the answers of frequent problems Assist classmates with help if needed
Prioritized Task List Core Task Important to Have o Nice to Have Awareness: Know other users Know who is logged in Know where they can find resources they need. Chat with other members Know other members’ background o Know other members’ current statuses (such as busy online, offline, or away)
Content Navigate through the WebQuest Demonstrate understanding of material on assessments
Messages: Receive and send a chat message. Invite others to join the conversation. Exchange text files. Recognize who is sending which message (during chat) Save the text messages of all conversations automatically. Know who a chat message is from. Arrange the style of your messages
Teaching Plan Sharing Be able to upload and download teaching plans Be able to search teaching plan by using a keyword search. (grade level, subject, or topic)
Resource Sharing Be able to post relevant information and resources. Be able to upload and download resource files.
Discussion Be able to post new topics. Be able to reply postings. Be able to attach files with their postings. Be able to edit and delete postings which were posted by themselves. Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations WebQuest Task Analysis Report
Announcement and News Be able to read announcements and news posted by instructor o Be able to reply to announcements and news
Control/ Privacy Login with password Arrange the buddy list by adding or deleting buddies in buddy folder. Log out at anytime. Choose to have presence shown to other members (identify them as ‘online’)
Registration Register a user account.
Help Read the introduction of the website. Contact with the instructor via email. Find the answers of frequent problems Assist classmates with help if needed
Functional Requirements List The following are proposed requirements. The students should have the: Awareness: Indication to know other users Indication to know who is logged in Indication to know other members’ current statuses (such as busy online, offline, or away) Ability to chat with other members Indication to know other members’ background Indication to know where they can find resources they need
Content Ability to navigate through the WebQuest Ability to demonstrate understanding of material on assessments
Messages: Ability to receive and send a chat message. Indication to know who a chat message is from. Ability to invite others to join the conversation. Ability to exchange text files. Ability to save the text messages of all conversations automatically. Ability to recognize who is sending which message (during chat) Ability to arrange the style of his/her messages
Teaching Plan Sharing Ability to upload and download teaching plans Ability to search teaching plan by using a keyword search. (grade level, subject, or topic) Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations WebQuest Task Analysis Report
Resource Sharing Ability to post relevant information and resources. Ability to upload and download resource files. Discussion Ability to post new topics. Ability to reply postings. Ability to edit and delete postings which were posted by themselves. Ability to attach files with their postings.
Announcement and News Ability to read announcements and news posted by instructor Ability to reply to announcements and news
Control/ Privacy Ability to login with password Ability to arrange the buddy list by adding or deleting buddies in buddy folder. Ability to log out at anytime. Ability to choose to have presence shown to other members (identify them as ‘online’)
Registration Ability to register a user account.
Help Ability to read the introduction of the website. Ability to contact with the instructor via email. Ability to find the answers of frequent problems Ability to assist classmates with help if needed
Prioritized Functional Requirement List
Core Task Important to Have o Nice to Have Awareness: Indication to know other users Indication to know who is logged in Ability to chat with other members Indication to know where they can find resources they need Indication to know other members’ background o Indication to know other members’ current statuses (such as busy online, offline, or away)
Content Ability to navigate through the WebQuest Ability to demonstrate understanding of material on assessments Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations WebQuest Task Analysis Report
Core Task Important to Have o Nice to Have Messages: Ability to receive and send a chat message Ability to invite others to join the conversation. Ability to exchange text files. Ability to recognize who is sending which message (during chat) Indication to know who a chat message is from Ability to save the text messages of all conversations automatically. Ability to arrange the style of his/her messages
Teaching Plan Sharing Ability to upload and download teaching plans Ability to search teaching plan by using a keyword search. (grade level, subject, or topic)
Resource Sharing Ability to post relevant information and resources. Ability to upload and download resource files.
Discussion Ability to post new topics. Ability to reply postings. Ability to attach files with their postings. Ability to edit and delete postings which were posted by themselves.
Announcement and News Ability to read announcements and news posted by instructor o Ability to reply to announcements and news
Control/ Privacy Ability to login with password Ability to arrange the buddy list by adding or deleting buddies in buddy folder. Ability to log out at anytime. Ability to choose to have presence shown to other members (identify them as ‘online’)
Registration Ability to register a user account.
Help Ability to read the introduction of the website. Ability to contact with the instructor via email. Ability to find the answers of frequent problems Ability to assist classmates with help if needed Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations WebQuest Task Analysis Report
Contact List Screen Intro Screen -Member name list -Purpose of Site : link to portfolio -Functions of Site First Screen -Be aware of members’ situation -‘Back’ to Main Page -Introduction of the Website- Welcome! : online or offline -Be able to send and reply - Registration directions messages to others Registration Screen -Login -Be aware of messages sent -User Information : user name from others : name, email : password - Logout : address, phone : brief introduction (After Login) Instructor’s Virtual Office : picture upload - Password setup Screen WebQuest Main Screen -Instructor Portfolio -News : name, email News Screen : education -Contact List : brief introduction -Announcement List : picture upload : read news -Instructor’s Virtual -Projects (link) : new and old news Office -‘Back’ to main screen -Classroom -Logout or other rooms -Resources - Logout Classroom Screen -Logout -Classes Resources Screen -Help : relevant articles -Relevant resource : assignments : posts, discussions : learning objectives : explanations : teaching plans : extra examples : activities : class lecture notes : quizzes - Logout - Logout
Logout Screen Help Screen -Technical problem [Returns User to First Screen] : contact instructor : contact website Administrator - Help : FAQ - Logout Renee Herrick Solving Linear Equations WebQuest Task Analysis Report