Churches Can Heal People by Worship Music Instead of Drugs

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Churches Can Heal People by Worship Music Instead of Drugs


CHURCHES CAN HEAL PEOPLE BY WORSHIP MUSIC INSTEAD OF DRUGS chapter 7 of Manual for Transformational Healing-God's Answer to Psychiatry %20REVISED.doc

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My calling is music. I have known it all my life, and part of its function is to heal others. I am trained in music and have played piano since age 4, over 50 years. (I am 56)

When I was very small I had the idea that I was put on earth to do music, and that it is holy.

I wrote music all my life. I studied classical music in college (Brown Univ.) and got a masters in jazz composition at New England Conservatory. I led my own jazz band for years and put out records.

Starting in college, I studied the effects of music from the point of view of different cultures and psychology. I have thought about that for 20 years. After I studied the bible and became a Christian, I started to really apprehend the way in which I was called to use my music. The bible and my relationship with God gave me an intellectual understanding and justification for the intuition I had carried all my life about the importance of my role as a musician.

The closer we get to God, the more aligned we will be with his purposes for our talents. All gifts we have come from God, and He has specific purposes for them. We need to seek that relationship with Him to see how he wants us to use them.

James 1:17 (NT) “every good and perfect gift is from above.” 2

The purpose of music, I believe, is to bring people into the presence of God, which heals them spiritually, emotionally and physically. It is also to bring prayers before God during worship, as intercession for others and for God’s purposes. I will elaborate on this later. Part of my testimony to the truth of who Jesus is that my relationship with the Holy Spirit and Jesus gave me a singing voice I did not have previously. When I had a band I had 3 singers in my band, singing my songs. As I called on the name Jesus, the Holy Spirit came and healed me, and gave me a voice to sing. I can remember one particular time when I was praying and repented of some sin, and instantly my voice got 5 times louder.

I will also explain how a lot of patients in mental hospitals are actually spiritually gifted and often musically talented, and have a similar call on their lives; to worship and pray for others. They need to develop the right relationship with God so that they know how to manage these sensitivities for their and other people’s benefit. Otherwise they just suffer and end up as patients, or in some other occupations, their talents left unused.

I have been trained and affirmed in my life with my musical and intellectual abilities; a lot of other people have not been so lucky. So they end up not aligned with God’s purpose in their lives. This is not at all their fault. The society does not have the understanding of how these people are to be used constructively. The churches need to understand the purpose, and so does the rest of society, to solve the problem.

A lot of “mental illness” will evaporate if the points I am making are received and applied. The way music is used in our society is also causing a lot of the mental illness in the general population. Pop music promotes a lot of anger and sadness and sexual behavior that is definitely not God’s plan. To anyone working in a mental hospital; be cognizant that any music you put on affects everyone there because of the spirits that the music transmits. Putting on pop music in such a place can affect the emotions of the patients in a way that is not constructive. It manipulates the emotions in negative ways. The only music I would recommend playing is worship music.

Even jazz, which a lot of people like, takes discernment spiritually. Some of the artists that perform jazz have unclean spirits around them and this transmits in their music. A lot of jazz has been used seductively and there are spiritual reasons behind this. I submit, for example, if a certain artist was using drugs while recording the music, that the spirit around that music has the spirits from the drugs and it is transmitted to the listener. So much rock music that was drug-inspired transmits the spirits that the drugs 3 invoked (all drugs invoke other spirits than God) and this is not beneficial to anyone. If a person who is a musical artist is into some ungodly philosophy, the spirits around them from their practice transmits in their music.

Musicians and singers really have a strong responsibility to consecrate themselves to God, so that they only transmit his spirit. One time I listened to a Christian trumpet player playing, and I felt the Holy Ghost fall on me as soon as he started to play. That is exactly God’s desire. That kind of ‘jazz’ would be acceptable to God. Another time I put on various records and asked God for discernment of the spirits around the records. I listened to a jazz musician (Chick Corea) who is into a religious philosophy that is unbiblical (Scientology). I felt a fogginess around my forehead and knew I needed to discard the record.

When I lived in the church and worshipped, I did not go to any counseling; I didn’t talk about my problems to anyone. I just worshiped God. Being in His presence healed me spontaneously.

“God inhabits the praises of his people.” Psalm 22.

What do we Heal? Mind, Body & Spirit

Each person has a body, mind, emotions, and a spirit. If we are sick in our spirit, this condition is called sin; it means we are not right with God. Often we can’t see that we are not right and this disease in the spirit manifests in the emotions and the mind. If it is not dealt with there, it can ultimately manifest in disease in the body. For example, there is a lot of literature in the journals of psychosomatic medicine that talk about a common, life-threatening disease that starts with c— (I will explain later that I don’t like to use the words of diseases; this can invoke the spirits that cause these diseases) personalities as someone who holds bitterness or unforgiveness about something. This is sin that can send a person to hell. The bible says that if we don’t forgive someone God won’t forgive us.

As a red light or warning, we can get physically sick as a sign that we need to repent and ask God to help us forgive. Once a person has dealt with the spiritual level, the physical level can be miraculously healed by the Spirit of God, instantly, through prayer.

I was spontaneously healed of a sexual disease, her—, when I repented of sexual sin. 4

The Holy Spirit warned me, “don’t do it again or it will come back.” Jesus said, “Go and sin no more” whenever he healed people. “Go and sin no more or a worse thing will come upon you” John 5:14 The bible says that a person needs to forgive so that a bitter root of unforgiveness doesn't spring up in a person's heart, which can then cause others to behave in a similar manner and make a repeating pattern. The pattern repeats so that we can see that there is an unresolved issue in the past that has affected our spiritual condition that needs addressing by prayer and repentance. “See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” Hebrews 12:15.

If a person has had a bad experience with some category of people they often then have a negative expectation of others like this; their negative attitude and the words they speak onto the situation have the effect of defiling others to recreate the problem. They need to forgive the past and pray for and expect the positive with others to break such a pattern.


They can be rebuked in Jesus’ name. I’ve been healed several times, of asthm—, and cance- and depress-- by rebuking them.

You doctors have been trained in psychiatry, which, I submit, is in serious error about the way in which it sees people and defines mental illness. The root of psychiatry is atheism, which is the reason for this. Freud was an atheist. Atheism is like a poison and any tree that has poison in its root is not going to bear good fruit. The bible says that a bad tree can not bear good fruit.

The DSM defines spiritual experiences as delusions or hallucinations. This is in direct contradiction to the Bible, which states that God, and other spirits, and angels, exist. (I told a doctor that I felt angels touching my head as I worshiped God while playing the piano and singing, and he wrote down that I suffered delusions).

My experience testifies to the truth of the Bible. If the Bible is telling the truth, then the DSM book is lying about what is real and what is not real. Worse, it commits an egregious sin against the spirit of God. It is called the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. 5

This is the only sin, according to Jesus, that will not be forgiven. It is attributing to the Devil something that is from the Spirit of God.

Paul the Apostle in his letters later says that there is only one sin that one should not pray for, for another person. I believe he is referring to this sin; the point being that a person needs to repent of his blasphemy for himself to be forgiven. For any lesser sin, someone else can pray for God to forgive them, but this one is so serious that a person himself needs to see the error and repent to God.

I submit that some of what psychiatry calls “mental illness” is in biblical lingo thoughts or emotions caused by “lying spirits” or “unclean spirits” which come from the Devil. These are spirits that are other than God’s spirit, the Holy Spirit. Spirits can influence our thoughts and our emotions.

I prayed for the gift of discerning of spirits which is a gift mentioned in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 12:10) which can give a person knowledge about unclean spirits and an awareness about their presence. The DSM book is guilty of blasphemy since it takes experiences of the spirit of God and calls them mental illness, which is the same as calling them as being of the devil. So doctors, when they misconstrue spiritual experiences that are from God as being mental illness, are unwittingly committing this sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I am explaining this so they may repent. Two different times a spirit of Depres— jumped on me from another person. One time, someone else who suffered from this condition prayed over me and his spirit jumped on me. I left crying and feeling suicidal and wondering what had happened. Another friend prayed for me over the phone and it left. He said to me, “Why did you let that man pray for you?” We need to discern; the bible says “ be not hasty in the laying on of hands.”

Another time, I laid hands on someone, and this spirit jumped on me. I was crying for no reason. Then spontaneously, I coughed and it left. I was fine. This is called self- deliverance. You can tell spirits to leave and cough, and they will leave. Spirits jump around all the time, just from contact. A lot of people suffer with certain conditions for the simple reason that they keep re-confessing them onto themselves.

Scriptures about healing: 1 Cor 12:9, “to another the gifts of healing by the same spirit” Is 53:5, “by his stripes we are healed” 6

Luke 4:18, “The lord has sent me to heal the brokenhearted.”

James 5:16, “Confess your sins to one another, & pray for each other, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”

Math. 8:16, “They brought unto him many that were possessed with devils; and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick.” Math 4:23, Luke 4:39, Mark 1:34 “He healed many that were sick of diseases, & cast out many devils.” 3:11 “& unclean spirits when they saw him, fell down before him and cried “Thou art the Son of God.”

Mark 16:17 “These signs shall follow them that believe – they shall lay hands on the sick & they shall recover.”


That is what this thesis seeks to explain. It is the biblical point of view on the subject.

Mental illness is caused by lying spirits that attack our thoughts or unclean spirits that attack our emotions (such as depress—)

The bible says that all thoughts are inspired either by God, the spirit of truth, or the devil, the father of lies.

James 3:15: “Wisdom from below is earthly, sensual and devilish.”

3:17: “but wisdom from above is first pure then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy.”

Lying spirits put thoughts in people’s heads that are not true. Medical science calls this “mental illness” and tries to treat this with drugs. The bible treats this by prayer; praying for lying spirits to leave in the name of Jesus. 7

Spiritual Burdens are burdens placed on people because of their sensitivity that they need to address through prayer. It is a gift, not an illness. The purpose of the gift is to use them to help others.

“MENTAL ILLNESS” is often really misunderstood SPIRITUAL BURDENS A lot of people that are called “mentally ill” are actually spiritually sensitive healers themselves, many of them gifted in music, who are “called” by God to heal others through prayer and worship. Unfortunately, a lot of them don't realize this, and the society doesn't realize this, and the churches don't realize this. Their value in the society is not understood and not being used. This is what needs to change. Putting them on drugs is exactly robbing them of the abilities to minister and pray for others. They need to establish a right relationship with God so they know how to pray and use their talents effectively to help themselves and others.

For example, a spiritually sensitive person “feels” the pain of others around them much more than some other people. Or they just feel pain, and don’t know why. Often it is precisely that they are spiritually sensitive, feeling the pain of others. It is not a chemical imbalance. It is a sensitivity given by God so that they will pray for others, and the others will be healed. This then lifts their pain. This is especially true of any person that has been born again, filled with the Spirit of God. And many of the mental patients I have met, are Christians who HAVE been filled with the spirit of God. So they suffer because they are feeling God’s suffering and the suffering of their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Let me explain this. Any person who has the Spirit of God living in them is connected to EVERY OTHER Spirit-filled believer. There is only ONE HOLY SPIRIT. IT lives in all these people simultaneously, interconnecting us. Of COURSE we feel each other’s pain! God cries with us when we suffer and we feel His grief for our suffering. God’s purpose in interconnecting us is to get us to pray for each other, to lift each other up.

He doesn't want us to go on drugs that block the pain and get us individually to feel better, numb to the sufferings of others. That is not God's intent. He wants us to learn to pray so that whatever is causing the pain, whether it is just emotions or sin, is dealt with. God gave us His spirit to create relationship between us and God, and us and each other. The drugs block our connection to God, and block our connection to each other. It is oppositional to the purpose of God. Another patient told me that the drugs made him numb. This is exactly what I am talking about. 8

All thought, according to the bible, comes either from God, the spirit of truth, or, the devil, the father of lies.

That is why I call statements either truths or lies. When I say that something is a lie, I don't mean that the person saying it is consciously lying. I mean that it is an untruth, and that the devil is inspiring the thought, making them believe a lie. If we think of untruths as lies, then we are more likely to consider that we are being manipulated by spirits that are deliberately lying to deceive us into believing untruths, which is the case.

When a ‘thought just comes in your head’ - that is inspiration, and inspiration means “a spirit goes into it.” This is telling us that thoughts come from the spiritual realm, are not internally generated by chemicals in our brain. The chemical response to our thoughts then affects our body. This is why someone can think himself sick or well.

“As a man thinketh, so he is.” Proverbs 23: 7

A prayer I pray a lot is for God’s thoughts to be our thoughts, and His heart to be our heart. All statements that are true don’t necessarily come from God; the devil sometimes uses the truth to accuse us. God doesn’t lie, but the devil uses both lies and truth for his purposes which are not from God.

What happens only happens because God allows it. God allowed the devil to test Job, in the book of Job. The devil had to petition God for permission to do this. God allows the devil, who is also called the Adversary, to chastise us when we have unrepentant sin, and to test us, as He did with Job, to refine us and prove us.

It is important for us to repent of any sin so that the adversary has no authority to attack us. We also need to do certain things to remove openings that give the devil an opportunity in our lives. I will talk later about the need to remove objects from around us that become spiritual openings for bad spirits to be around us. If you have books with lies in them around you, that is an opening for lying spirits to be around you and to inspire you with false thoughts. The DSM book, the psychiatric manual, is one such book. Having it around oneself brings false inspiration to the doctors that use it.

I was sent to go talk to a Christian counselor by a minister. 9

The night before, I had a dream that I went to her office and felt a pounding headache as soon as I went in. When I went there the next day that is exactly what happened. The dream had warned me. I told her that she had a lot of bad books in her office, since I saw that she had a lot of psychiatric material. She admitted to me that she had bad materials in her office. The psychiatric material, which has lies about God, had no place in a Christian counselor’s office. Her ministry was being polluted by false information.

There is a story in the gospels of a “demoniac”; an obviously mentally ill man that Jesus cast an unclean spirit out of; the man was immediately healed. This is the most common cause of mental illness; haranguing or tormenting spirits either in a person or around them, manipulating their thoughts or emotions. There are many unclean spirits around that are in alliance with the Devil that are assigned to people to cause them distress. These cause most mental illness.

I believe that “chemical imbalances” are a minority of the cause of mental illness. If a person eats a lot of sugar, they will definitely suffer in their emotions but one must also be aware that negative emotional states can be caused by spirits that either in- habit or oppress a person. When the person is prayed for in the name of Jesus, these spirits can be cast out of the person and his condition is immediately relieved. This is the evidence that it is spirits that cause most mental illness, not chemical imbalances.

A person can also simply be healed of a physical condition, such as a chemical imbalance, by asking for healing in Jesus’ name. When a person uses caffeine, they affect their blood sugar mechanism. Caffeine depletes B vitamins, which regulate the nerves. The drug is also an opening for spirits to attack them. I have felt the presence of a spirit around caffeine, that’s why I am saying it is both.

When a person uses street drugs and gets wired, they are both affecting their nervous system AND spirits go into them. Psychiatry has treated the nervous system with their drugs This may calm the person down, but it doesn't deliver the person from the spirits that went into them when they used the drug.

Furthermore, the psychiatric drugs are an opening for more bad spirits to go into the person. These drugs seem to produce a resistance to the spirit of God because the spirits they bring in are opposed to God. The use of psychiatric drugs is not addressing the spiritual level and it is adding to the problem. It is a horrible trap. Then the bad spirits that came to the person from the drugs afflict than and make them continue to have 10 mental illness problems. They get trapped in a vicious cycle that can only be broken by deliverance prayer, prayer to remove the spirits that have been attacking them or living in them .If they go back on the drugs, the problem repeats.

Jesus said that some spirits only come out by prayer and fasting (Mathew 17:21) So whether the negative emotional state is caused by a spirit OR a physical cause, it can still be healed by dealing on the spiritual level. And this is dealing with the root that causes the problem in the first place. It is far more effective than trying to deal with physical or emotional or mental symptoms treating them as the cause, and not the effect.

The interconnection between the two is that when a person uses any drugs, that is a legal opening for bad spirits to come into them. There are liquor stores that say they sell “wine, beer and spirits.” They say this because the alcohol opens a person to bad spirits and they do things that they would not normally do.

I knew someone years ago who was labeled as being schizophrenic. He was my boyfriend. When he drank beer, his personality would change. A spirit would come into him and he would suddenly have 2 personalities in him. It was dramatic. He would say he had a German name, and he would go back and forth saying, ‘It is. It’s not.”

The second statement would be accompanied by a complete change of look on his face and a different sound in his voice. There were 2 spirits in him, contradicting each other. This only happened when he drank. It was a classic example of the alcohol being an opening for a bad spirit to enter him. This friend suffered immensely in the mental health system. He was trapped in a system that kept him on psychiatric drugs. His reaction to the drugs, which made him sleepy, was to drink tons of coffee and eat sugar.

The coffee was a reaction to the sedation of the psychiatric drugs. I used to tell him that if he stopped drinking coffee and eating sugar he wouldn’t need the psychiatric drugs. He was caught in a vicious cycle. I think if he had stopped both the psychiatric drugs and changed his eating habits to something healthy, he would have been all right. He just needed to also avoid any other drugs or alcohol He allowed some Christians to pray for him to be delivered from the bad spirits from all of the drugs, including the psychiatric ones and I believe it helped him.

Years ago I was hypoglycemic for awhile. When I ate refined sugar I cried. Then I took chromium, which regulates the blood sugar, and my system got stabilized. 11

So what are you supposed to do? You’ve gotten yourself thousands of dollars in debt to be a doctor and have trained to be a psychiatrist and now I’m telling you you’ve been studying lies.

I’ll tell you what I think you should do about this shortly. But first, let me say that it’s not the first time someone learned something and later found out it was false. You’re in good company. King Solomon, who was known as the wisest man in the bible, who prayed for the gift of wisdom and God gave it to him, studied many things in his time. He was a Renaissance man. He studied all of the different philosophies of the time, and said, finally,

“What is the conclusion of the matter? Fear God, and keep His commandments.” Ecclesiastes12:13.

The whole book is a man’s search for meaning and happiness. He tried different pursuits, like wealth, pleasure and finally knowledge. With knowledge, he said, what’s the point if you study a lot and then at the end forget it all?

“Much study is a weariness of the flesh.” Ecc 12:12

So he ended up concluding just to obey God. Everything else, he said, was vanity. I had the same experience. I studied the sciences at an Ivy League school. I was a planetary geology major for 3 years. I was interested in the origins of the universe and cosmological questions. I used to read arcane books on cosmology in the science library in college. I finally realized that the answers to my questions were not in science but in spirituality.

Science talks about How something operates. Spirituality talks about Why. I studied philosophies, psychology. I read new age books about all different spiritual perspectives for 10 years after college. I was looking for truth. Then I started reading the bible. After studying the bible for a few years (I have now been saved for over 18) I definitely came to the conclusion that a lot of what I had studied previously was wrong. That’s life. We learn as we go. What also confirmed what the bible was saying was my own experiences in the presence of God which I have had all my life, while playing music.

Spirituality teaches us spiritual laws in the universe. Gravity is a physical law. Spiritual laws are higher. The bible talks about spiritual laws. New age books do also, but they mix truth and lies. The bible is true. I was worshipping, playing the piano and singing to “Adonai, God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob “ and the response I got back was that God said to me for 2 weeks, repeatedly, was 12

“my word is true” and “don’t deny the name of my Son”.

I felt the Holy Spirit as he said it.

The intuition I had as a small child, that my purpose is to do music and that it is holy, has never left me. It is a truth deep in my spirit that I have never doubted. I feel it so deeply that I know it is true. My lifelong experience playing the piano always confirms this. I composed classical music. I composed jazz. I wrote children’s music and produced and marketed my own tapes and wrote shows about vitamins for the schools. I always had an intuition that doing jingles would exploit my gift and pollute the channel if I did it, so I never really got into that. I believe God’s spirit was present in much of my music that I wrote. But there were other spirits as well, because of the influences around me and the things I was studying.

After I became a Christian I saw the need to consecrate myself to remove the influences that were not from God in my music.

Doctors who want to heal also need to get close to God and remove the influences that are not true from around them. I went to a Christian counselor’s office. The night before I had a dream I got a headache when I went there. This HAPPENED. She had psychiatric books, which invoked bad spirits. I had the same experience at another counselor’s office, for the same reason.

I had a similar experience when went to see a psychiatrist at a hospital.

I felt the oppression around my head that was around him. He may have been drinking coffee, or it was the atheistic spirit around him. He later told me he was an atheist. He had read the bible though, and was familiar with it. One time, while talking to him, the Holy Spirit inspired him to suggest a particular sin I might be having trouble with. So God can inspire anyone, whether they believe in him or not!

Music is a very powerful connection to God. In the Old Testament, David played a harp and used to minister to King Saul, who was bothered by “evil spirits”. It says that when David played, the “evil spirit from the Lord left Saul.” Playing worship music 13 drives the devil away.

I have another story as evidence of the reality of spirits. I know that all music is inspired by spirits, a lot of it not beneficial. The spirits that inspired the music in the first place, are transmitted to the listeners when they play it. Music affects our emotions in such a powerful way because it transmits the spirits that cause these emotions.

I took a rock record one time, and broke it. It had a lyric that said “a friend of the devil is a friend of mine.” I thought to myself, “This is a lie that I don’t agree with. I prayed, as I broke the record,

“In Jesus’ name I renounce any lying spirits that are around me since listening to this record 15 years ago.”

As I snapped the record, something palpable lifted off my chest. My voice got instantly louder.

I also prayed for God to give me spiritual discernment of the spirits from the different records. One of the gifts of God, according to the New Testament, is the discernment of spirits. I took a record by a jazz artist that is into a spiritual philosophy that has lies in it, that are unbiblical (scientology). As I played the record, which was just piano music, I felt an oppression in my forehead. So there were unclean spirits around the artist and transmitting from the music. I threw the record away. Most composers have written things that are inspired by mixed spirits, some of it from God, some of it not.

There is a video made by a Christian musician interviewing various artists about the music they write and perform. John McLaughlin, a well-known guitarist for the last 30 years, is on the video saying, “When I play, it’s not me playing. Something comes over me.”

One hears this all the time from musicians and singers. We all know the experience of 'something comes over me when I play' The question IS, what spirit IS it? There are different spirits. The bible says there are only two sources of spirits; God and the opposite. There is only one Holy Spirit. There are also other spirits from God. The bible talks about the “7 spirits of God' which includes wisdom, among others. Rev 4:5 (New testament) I believe that musicians and singers who lead worship in churches need to consecrate themselves so that they are only being inspired by God. This is also true 14 for all worshippers and believers, since we are all supposed to worship God and pray.

This is why the Levites, in the Old Testament, were told not to drink wine before they went to minister worship music in the temple. God did not want any other spiritual influences, and wine and all drugs open one up to other spiritual influences.

When I was in college I studied different cultures’ ideas about music. The Ancient Greeks and Hindus had long discourses on the different moods that different types of music evoked in the listener. They had made a real science out of it. The west has lost this awareness and has not been timed into what they are doing with music, consciously. It is all unconscious manipulation.

The Hindus believed different scales evoked different emotions. They had long lists of the scales, and then lists of the spirits that were being invoked, and the corresponding emotions that these spirits produced. They did not differentiate between God’s spirit and “bad spirits”; in their theology, all spirits are part of God. Christian theology understands that there are spirits that are not holy, that are unclean. A lot of our music invokes these spirits and produces behavior that is unholy, or sinful. Music that is sexually seductive, for example, results in sexual immorality. Music inspired by the Holy Spirit does not do this. A lot of prerecorded music has both on it. It can have the Holy Spirit and unholy spirits in addition, if the people who recorded the music had unclean spirits around them because of unconsecrated behavior, like smoking. This happens in live worship situations as well. The people leading the worship may have other spirits around them and it transmits when they play and sing, if they have not repented of the sin and prayed to cleanse themselves.

Coffee is an opening for unclean spirits because of the caffeine. It is an opening for a spirit of addic—-.

Some years ago there was a woman on the worship team of my church. She was on lithium. When I went there, I felt a wooziness come over me as soon as I entered the church. The lithium had her in a fog and it was transmitting to the whole church. Another friend of mine said he was getting attacked by a spirit of confus-. (God had told him what it was). It was coming from her, when she sang. 15

I prayed for God to consecrate the church and the pastor removed her from the worship team.

Caffeine spirits can jump from 1 person to another by physical contact or talking. Often when I talk with someone drinking coffee, I get more talkative. When they touched me, I picked up agitation. Parents whose kids are hyper should quit coffee. The kids pick up spirits from their parents. The same with pets. Sometimes cats go into heat and spray because they pick up unclean spirits from their owners and what’s in the apartment. This happened to me with my cat. I had occult new age books in the room. After I removed them, the cat stopped going into heat.

Doctors who interview patients sometimes diagnose them as ma—-, because they seem hyper; what they don’t realize is that the patient is picking up the spirit from the Dr. who is drinking coffee!

The sense of sacredness of music that I had as a child came from God himself; because it didn’t come from my parents. One time I was playing the piano and my mother was trying to talk to me, and I remember thinking “doesn’t she know this is holy and she shouldn’t interrupt?” I believe that each of us has been given the ability to recognize truth deep within our spirit. It is the devil that attacks our mind with doubt to try to get us to doubt the truths we know.

We need to pray for the Mind of Christ, for God’s thoughts to be our thoughts, so that our thought life aligns with the truths we already perceive in our spirit. When a truth comes to us from the presence of God, there is a deep peace that accompanies it. We may also feel His presence, in the form of His love flooding through us. This is a palpable sensation of the presence of a spirit. It is much more real than an “emotional state”. Love is evidence of the presence of God. I played the piano and sang to God for someone and asked what she felt and she told me, “I feel love for you”. I told her that was exactly due to the presence of God.

“Every good gift comes from above” James 1:17

So love comes from God.

Jesus said, in John 15:9 “Abide in my love.” 16

“If you keep my commandments you will abide in my love.” John 15:10

The first time I went to a Christian service it was a house church from the Vineyard Christian Fellowship, a charismatic non-denominational church. They were worshiping God and Jesus. I felt a spirit of love pouring thru the air, flooding thru me.

I felt like hugging people I didn’t even know.

Psalm 22 says “God inhabits the praises of his people”.

CHECKLIST for UNPOLLUTING one’s mind and spirit What you watch, read, listen to - is all openings for bad spirits to attack you. If a person listens to something bad they can get an earache. If they watch something bad their eyes might have a problem.

THINGS TO LOOK OUT FOR: Cigarettes Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, etc. Any other drugs - including psych medications

All drugs which affect the mind are openings for unclean demonic spirits Books



Symbols on jewelry or as art around you

Music is all inspired by different spirits which get transmitted when we listen to it.

TV has a lot of sexuality and violence, and the commercials for food open us to desires for food. Watching sexual videos is an opening for unclean sexual spirits to go into a person.

Profanity 17

Using foul language is evidence that those spirits have come over a person. If it comes out of their mouth it is because they have an unclean spirit. If they are sinning sexually, they have a spirit and that is why the language comes out of their mouth.

The spirits transmit through verbal and physical contact. If you watch 2 people talk and one uses profanity, usually the other one does it too, because the spirit jumps onto them.

If you watch something bad, pray afterward to cleanse yourself. You can say WASH ME JESUS, or I PRAY THE BLOOD OF JESUS OVER MYSELF.

Books - what you read is an opening for different spirits which have inspired those books. Even having them around you, not reading them, is a legal spiritual opening for those spirits to be around you.

Art - a lot of art from different cultures invokes spirits correlating to different religions. Those spirits can then be around you in the place where the art is.

Religious symbols - either worn as jewelry or around you as art or on book covers around you, are openings for the spirits they invoke. Many devil worshippers know this - that’s why they put pentagrams on their walls.

The Falun Gong use a swastika as their symbol. Because it is linked historically and spiritually to Nazism, and the atrocious evil associated with that, it has brought them serious problems. The Falun Gong are a spiritual practice from China. The Chinese have been taking their organs to sell for money, killing them.

Jewish stars - I have felt oppressed by Jewish stars for years. The symbol is arguably referred to in the bible as a false god.

“Ye have borne the tabernacle of your images the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.” Amos 5:26

God tells the Jews to repent of using this symbol. It is commonly referred to as the star of David, but this is a misnomer. King David never used it. His son Solomon put it on his shield, and he got it from Egyptian art. The symbols in Egypt were invoking false Gods, which God proved during the Passover story to be not as powerful as the God of the Bible. Hitler put the Jewish star on the Jews, and he never would have used it if he 18 thought it would protect them from him. He was a devil worshipper, so he probably knew it would give him authority over them.

The Jewish star is not the biblical symbol for the Jews. The menorah is. The nation of Israel will remove curses if they change the symbol of the flag.

Acts 7:43 also refers to another spirit - the Star of your God

Peace signs - are an opening for the devil. The symbol was used by Devil worshippers who took a cross, inverted it, and broke the arms to create the symbol. One of the devil’s tricks is to circulate a symbol and tell us it has one meaning, peace, when it really gives him authority to invoke his presence over the people near it. The hippy generation was deceived by this symbol which gave the devil an opening to tempt people with sex and drugs.

Crucifixes - I feel that wearing CRUCIFIXES can bring on a person the sufferings of Jesus. He is not still on the cross — he is in Heaven now and when He returns it will be victoriously, from Heaven. One time I went to a Catholic church to meditate and as I stood at the crucifix, the Holy Spirit said to me, “He’s not there. That’s the past.”

Jesus said “I come that ye may have life, and life abundantly.” John 10:10

Mary statues - One time the Holy Spirit spoke to me at a Catholic charismatic prayer meeting and said “talk to my children”. I asked “what do you want me to say?” and he said “Look not to Mary, but to me.”

Statues violate the 10 commandments. They say

“Thou shalt make no graven image; thou shalt not bow down and worship them.” Exodus 20

Years ago a friend of mine who was spiritually mature came to my house and said, “If you get rid of your books you will be singing better.” At the time I had no singing voice, even though I wrote music and had my own band and played the piano. As I removed my books which included new age books and some science and philosophy books, my voice got louder. My chest opened up so I could sing better. I felt oppression around me leave. When I got rid of books by Sigmund Freud, I felt something around my head go away. It was spirits associated with psychiatry which don’t bring mental 19 peace.

Another friend came to my house and while we prayed she saw a vision of Jesus in the room, looking away from us. I asked her what she thought it meant and she said “He doesn’t feel comfortable here. Would you feel comfortable with books around you that had lies about you?” This made intuitive sense to me so I got rid of my new age and science and philosophy books that had lies about Jesus or the bible. The peace of God came to my apartment after that.

Ask God to give you discernment about what to remove in your house and what not to carry around with you. Discernment of spirits is a gift of the Holy Spirit. God wants us to ask for spiritual gifts. If you get a bad feeling around something, or some kind of pain or discomfort in your body, that is a signal that something around you is unclean.

Divination devices like tarot cards or Ouija boards are occult and will bring bad spirits to a person. Remove them. Also repent to God for using them and ask Him to deliver you in Jesus’ name from anything around you from having used them.

A while ago I found a Ouija board in a classroom. I took out my bible and warned the kids about it, and took it. The teacher complained about the bible, and they told me to leave. I kept the board for evidence, which was a mistake. It brought curses around me. In Joshua 7 there is the story of Achan, who stashed an accursed object, and the whole tribe had trouble with their enemies as a result. And the Holy Spirit told me what was going on, by telling me, Achan.

One should try to avoid places that give authority to unclean spirits, like bars, coffee houses. Mental hospitals have a lot of unclean spirits. So do jails. When people go there, they are affected by the spirits in those places, so their conditions are worse than they were outside. The doctors don’t discern that the way people are is very often simply a function of their being there, not an internal problem. One time, as I arrived on the property of a hospital, I got a huge headache — I could feel the oppression. ******************************************************* From FREE Book Manual for Transformational Healing - God's Answer to Psychiatry %20REVISED.doc CONTENTS 20

********************************************** free books, music, articles see ARTICLES BY CATEGORY page articles in most recent order Restoration Songs – a prayer (I sing in tongues. You can feel God’s peace) Praying & Singing in Tongues IS of God & is for all Christians of-god-is.html Spiritual Wisdom Revised how & where to pray, hearing from God, assessing one's environment for demonic oppression, homosexuality, symbols, words The importance of Prayer & Fasting & Sanctification (no drugs) fasting.html Start the day with Prayer NOT COFFEE! coffee.html Rees Howells Intercessor – a testimony against caffeine testimony.html Churches should not have yoga classes OR COFFEE –it is spiritual contamination yoga-classes.html Illuminati Mind Control in Psych Drugs, Music & Education psych-drugs.html Demons behind the Music Business- John Todd, Illuminati John Todd is an llluminati bloodline family member who became a Christian in the 70s, and made this video. He said the Illuminati are devil worshippers; the music business is run by people into witchcraf- who pray demons onto the masters of all the records. He controlled the major record labels. Message to Musicians who have sold their souls have-sold.html 21

WHEN DID GOD BECOME A CLERK? How churches turn people into atheists how-churches.html Blueprint for Revival Revised ch 15 of Manual for Transformational Healing-God’s Answer to Psychiatry revised.html Urgent Prophetic Message to Churches & Christians (Att: Times Square Church & NYC area churches) churches.html

WHAT KIND OF MUSICIAN ARE YOU GOING TO BE? GOD’S CALL TO MUSICIANS. Musicians are called to be prophets, intercessors & healers %20ARE%20YOU%20GOING%20TO%20BE.docx THE POWER OF WORDS revised ch 11 of Manual for Transformational Healing- God’s Answer to Psychiatry 11-of.html Words do not just describe, they invoke what we speak, acting like blessings or curses, self-fulfilling prophecies How to be Healed, Saved & Born again (Jesus Heals) again-jesus.html

LINKS to WORSHIP Restoration Songs –a Prayer (I sing in tongues. You can feel God’s Peace)

Holy & annointed one (by Brian Doerksen, Vineyard Christian Fellowship)

Come Now is the time to worship (Brian Doerksen, Vineyard Music)

Bob Dylan - Knockin' on Heaven's Door 22

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