Ann Arbor Companion Bird Club February Newsletter

Greetings Companion Bird Enthusiasts!

Our next meeting will be Sunday, February 13 at 1:00 PM at the Animal Kingdom Veterinarians located at 4920 Ann Arbor Saline Rd., Ann Arbor. We hope you will attend.

The January AACBC Meeting

Internet The January meeting spent a lot of time discussing the best way to improve our internet presence. Two things we hope to be able to do is set up links from our web site to these newsletters and a sanitized version of the monthly minutes.

Birds in Need Mary Weiske sent word that she had been called in to help with another house full of birds. A few of our members were able to find space for another cage or two while Mary arranges transportation to a bird sanctuary.

A Charitable Institution? We discussed the possibility of filing the paperwork to become a 501 3C charitable institution. Ultimately we did not feel we had sufficient experience at the meeting to come to a definite conclusion. What paperwork is involved? What documents need to be retained and for how long? Are their costs? Will we expose the club to an unsupportable level of government and financial scrutiny? We simply don’t know! If you have had experience with setting up a charitable company, please come to our meeting and share your knowledge.

Plans for the February Meeting Auction! The delayed but not forgotten auction will be held at the February meeting. Bring an item to auction off to other companion bird enthusiasts. Proceeds go directly to the club’s coffers.

Fund Raising Speaking of the auctions and coffers: we discussed the possibility of working with the Animal Kingdom to host a garage sale in the spring to bolster the amount of money we have to promote bird knowledge, health, and happiness. As an added bonus, we could end up decluttering our houses and making room for that next cage!

Acknowledgments The club would like to thank Rahel for the opulent nosh for the January meeting. I can’t image anyone left the meeting hungry!