Souvenir / Annual Magazine of MM Kuwait
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:Date To, .…………………………… .……………………………
,Dear Sir
Maharashtra Mandal, Kuwait (MMK) is a socio-cultural and non profit organization of Marathi speaking people of India. It was established in 1982 to give platform to its members .for exhibiting and nurturing cultural / artistic / educational talent
MMK is registered with Indian Embassy in Kuwait and has been organizing various cultural, educational, artistic and charitable events for the Indian community in general and Maharashtrian community in particular. MMK regularly invites renowned artists, educators and variety entertainers from India to spread awareness about India, its culture and rich .heritage
To organize all the above activities, apart from meticulous planning; we need a committed financial support in the form of sponsorships. As such, we are planning to bring out a “MMK Souvenir 2014” and appeal you to contribute towards it. We seek your generous support and financial contribution to make our eventful gatherings a success. We shall be extremely grateful to you for your support and encouragement and as our traditional gesture, we will be recognizing your support during the function plus providing special dignitary passes for the .event
We kindly request you to fill up the attached form and complete the formalities for one or .more advertisement (s) as early as possible
Thank you for your interest in supporting the activities of MMK and we look forward to .hearing from you soon
,Thanking you
,Yours sincerely
Manish Gandhi President Maharashtra Mandal Kuwait Cell: 97308309 ,To ,The President Maharashtra Mandal, Kuwait
,Dear Sir
We are pleased to inform you, that our company / organization / institute have kindly agreed to (contribute to your souvenir as follows: (Please tick as appropriate
-/: KD 400 Back Page
-/: KD 200 Back Page Inside
-/: KD 400 Center Spread
-/: KD 200 Front Page Inside
-/: KD 100 Full A4 Page
-/: KD 50 Half A4 Page
-/: KD 300 I / We Wish to Display Banner AT the Function (This will include one full A4 page in Souvenir)
: KD 100/Month I / We Wish to Display Banner on MMK Website
Banner on MMK Website for Months
.Text & CD (High Resolution Photographs) for insertion in souvenir is enclosed
.The fee of KD ………………is enclosed
The fee will be paid on …………………….. by cash/cheque (in favor of Manish Anil (Gandhi / Swati Vijay Naik
..…………………………… :Company Name: ………………………………
..………………………………… :Date Signature: …………………………..
For the Maharashtra Mandal, Kuwait website (, the advertising ,rates are as below
"Window size on MMK home page (in multiples of) = 2" * 3 (1
.Time period in multiples of Month (2 .”Rate 100 / KD per month for window 2” * 3 (3
The above package will include 2 (TWO) emails to all our members through MMK web (4 .administrator. This e-mail may have attachment but must not exceed content limit of 1MB max
The MMK database of email Id's and phone numbers is NOT disclosed. MMK Web (5 .Administrator will make all communications
The advertise art work to be provided by the advertiser in High Resolution & approved (6 format only. MMK will help to get it fit in the window. Timely advertiser must provide his feedback .and approve final artwork. If in case advertiser requires assistance, fee is applicable
Clicking on advertisement will take user to their website / display of given page / URL (one (7 .(choice only
.MMK evaluates advertiser’s content before publishing (8
.MMK Disclaimer will be emailed always with the advertiser email (9
Once the Advertise is final the MMK Webmaster / Administrator will be finalising and (10 .publishing any terms or conditions put that time should be agreeable to both parties
MMK keeps all the rights reserved with respect to advertising on its website, and it can (11 .validated, changed at any time with / without Notice