Curriculum Vitae of Carl Irwin Fertman, Ph
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Curriculum Vitae Carl Irwin Fertman, PhD, MBA, MCHES Version of January, 2017
Business Address: University of Pittsburgh 412 648 7191 - office 155 Trees Hall 412 608 2741 - cell Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15261 412 648 7198 - fax [email protected] – email
Present Titles: Associate Professor Executive Director Health and Physical Activity Department Maximizing Adolescent Potentials Program (MAPS) School of Education School of Education University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh
Post-Secondary Education:
Philadelphia University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. BS, 1971. Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MBA, 1973. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. PhD, 1986.
Professional Certification:
Master Certified Health Education Specialist (MCHES) # 7199 – April 2011 Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) October - 1999 Grant Support:
Maximizing Adolescent Potentials Program: a research, public service, and training program to prevent drug and alcohol problems and promote mental health among adolescents, supported by funds from Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Office of Behavioral Health, 1983 to present. Strengthening Families Program For Parents and Youth supported by funds from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency Prevention 2010 to 2012. Communities in Action for Peace family engagement and support program supported by funds from the Pittsburgh Foundation 2010. Anger Assessment and Intervention in Rural Youth, supported by funds from National Institutes of Health, Grant # RO1 NR008440 03, 2004 to 2008. Improving Medical Students' Cultural Competency through Developing Community Patient Education Materials support by funds from University of Pittsburgh Provost’s Advisory Council on Instructional Excellence Teaching Award 2006 to 2007. National Research Center for Student Assistance Programs to support evidence-based Student Assistance Programs, supported by from the National Student Assistance Association 2005 to 2007. Student Assistance Program Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program operating in all public, private, and parochial secondary school buildings throughout the state, supported by funds from the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, 1998 to 2001. Interdisciplinary Prevention in Rural Communities Course in cooperation with the Western Maryland Area Health Education Center as part of a Interdisciplinary Rural Training Grant funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Bureau of Health Professions, and HRSA, Grant # 2 D36 AH10043-04, 1998 to 2000.
Family Strengthening Program in Five Southwest Pennsylvania Cities: a community demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of a family strengthening model to prevent and reduce alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse and related problems, supported by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Grant #1-UD 1 SP 08862-01, 1999 to 2001.
Drug-Free Community Support Program: a community demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of community coalitions in small Western Pennsylvania communities to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, supported by the White House, Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Grant #1999 –5734 – PA – JN, 1999 to 2000.
Pennsylvania Service Learning Resource and Evaluation Network to evaluate K-12 service learning in Pennsylvania schools and community-based organizations, supported by funds from the Pennsylvania Departments of Labor and Industry and Education, 1992 to 1998.
TVS Coalition Network: a community demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of community partnerships in small steel towns to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, supported by the US Department of Health & Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Grant #1-HD4SP 07609-01, 1996 to 1998.
Allegheny County Health Department Adolescent Health Assessment: an evaluation of students in grades 7, 9, and 11 throughout Allegheny County measuring chronic health, disease, and access to care, supported by funds from the Allegheny Health Department, 1994 to 1996.
Tempering the Valley of Steel: a community demonstration project to evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative partnerships in three small steel towns to prevent the abuse of alcohol and other drugs, supported by the US Department of Health & Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Grant # 1H86SP 04121- 01, 1991 to 1996.
Community and School Activity Project: Innovation in Community and School Activities for High School Students, supported by funds from the Vira I. Heinz Endowment, 1989 to 1992.
Advanced Leadership: a research and development project, supported by funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, 1990 to 1991.
Adolescent Drug And Alcohol Aftercare Case Management Project, supported by funds from the W. Clark Hagan Charitable Trust through United Mental Health, Inc., the Laurel Foundation, the Pittsburgh National Bank Charitable Trust, and the Pittsburgh Child Guidance Foundation, 1986 to 1988.
Leadership Development Program, supported by funds from the Henry C. Frick Educational Commission, 1986.
Teaching Experience:
Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh, 1997 to present. Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, 1994 to 1997. Research Associate, University of Pittsburgh, 1983 to 1993.
Non-Teaching Experience:
Director, Public Inebriate Program, Pittsburgh, 1980 to 1981. Peace Corp Volunteer, Ministry of Education, Chile, South America, 1977 to 1979. Counselor, Jewish Employment and Vocational Service, Philadelphia, 1975 to 1977. Counselor, Horizon House Drug Rehabilitation Project, Philadelphia, 1973 to 1974.
2 Professional Organizations:
American College Health Association American Public Health Association American School Health Association Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) Editorial Boards:
Journal of Drug Education, 2006 - 2014 American Journal of Health Behavior2003 - 2014 Journal of Drug and Alcohol Education, 2002 - 2014 Society for Public Health Education Publication Board, 2003 -2012 American Journal of Health Education, 1999 - 2002 The School Counselor, 1990 - 1995
Publications: Books: Fertman, C. & Allensworth, D. (Editors) (2017). Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice (2nd edition). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Fertman, C. (2015). Workplace Health Promotion Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Fertman, C. & Allensworth, D. (Editors) (2015). 健康促进计划:从理论到实践. Shanghai, China: Second Military Medical University Press. x4FC3-x8FDB-x9879/dp/7548111630 Fertman, C., Delgado, M., & Tarasevich, S. (2014). Promoting Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers Fertman, C. & Allensworth, D. (Editors) (2012). Sağliği Geliştirme Programlari Teodiden Pratiğe. Ankara, Turkey, Ministry of Health of Turkey Fertman, C. & Allensworth, D. (Editors) (2010). Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Fertman, C. (2009). Student-Athlete Success: Meeting the Challenges of College Life. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers ( van Linden, J. & Fertman, C. (1998). Youth Leadership: A Guide to Understanding Leadership Development in Adolescents. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Fertman, C., White, G., & White, L. (1996). Service Learning in the Middle School: Building a Culture of Service. Columbus, OH: National Middle School Association.
3 Book Chapters and Monographs:
Fertman, C., Allensworth, D, & Auld, E (2017). What Are Health Promotion Programs? In C. Fertman & D. Allensworth, (Editors) (2016) Health Promotion Programs From Theory to Practice (2nd edition). San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass Publishers
Fertman, C., Spiller, K. & Mickalide, A. (2017). Where Money Meets Mission: Developing and Increasing Program Funding. In C. Fertman & D. Allensworth, (Editors) (2016) Health Promotion Programs From Theory to Practice (2nd edition). San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass Publishers
Fertman, C & Dake, J. (2017). Big Data and Health Promotion Programs. In C. Fertman & D. Allensworth, (Editors) (2016) Health Promotion Programs From Theory to Practice (2nd edition). San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass Publishers Fertman, C. (2013). Role of Health Education in Health Promotion Efforts. Proceedings 2nd International Health Promotion and Communication Symposium. Ankara, Turkey: Turkish Ministry of Health. Fertman, C. (2010). Behavioral Health and Health Education: Emerging Opportunity. In J. M. Black, S. Furney, H. M. Graf & A. E. Nolte (Eds) Philosophical Foundations of Health Education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers Fertman, C. (2007). Framework for Pennsylvania Evidence-Based Alternative Education Practices and Programs. University of Pittsburgh. Fertman, C. (2004). Schools and families of students with an emotional disturbance: Allies and partners. In D. Hiatt-Michael, (Ed), Promising Practices to Connect Schools and Families of Children with Special Needs. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishers. Fertman, C., Tarasevich, S. & Hepler, N. (2003). Retrospective Analysis of the Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program Outcome Data: Implications for Practice and Research. National Student Assistance Association: Fertman, C. (2003). Schools and Communities Working Together to Implement Youth Behavioral Health Programs. In D. Hiatt-Michael, (Ed), Promising Practices to Connect Schools with the Community. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishers. Fertman, C. & Yugar, Y. (2003). Creating and Utilizing Databases on Service Learning. In S. Billig and A. Waterman (Eds.), Studying Service-Learning. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Journal Articles: Quinn, T, Jakicic, J., Fertman, C., & Gibbs, B. (2017). Demographic factors, workplace factors and active transportation use in the USA: a secondary analysis of 2009 NHTS data. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Published Online doi:10.1136/jech-2016-207820 Kane, I., Robertson, R., Fertman, C., Nagle, E., McConnaha,W., & Rabin, B. (2013). Self efficacy and enjoyment of middle school children performing the Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER). Perceptual & Motor Skills: 117 (2): 470-483. Kane I, Robertson R, Fertman C, McConnaha, W, Nagle E, Rabin B, & Rubinstein E. (2010) Predicted and Actual Exercise Discomfort in Middle School Children. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 42(5):1013-1021.
Primack, B., Fertman, C. Rice, K., Adachi-Mejia, A. & Fine M. (2010). Waterpipe and Cigarette Smoking among College Athletes in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health 46: 45-51.
4 Fertman, C & Primack B. (2009). Elementary student self efficacy scale development and validation focused on student learning, peer relations and resisting drug use. Journal of Drug Education. 39(1): 23-38. Potter, M., Fertman, C., Eggleston, M., Holtzhauer, F., & Pearsol, J. (2008). The Public Health Training Center Experience: Professional Continuing Education at Schools of Public Health. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 14(4): 10-16. Puskar, K., Bernardo, L., Fertman, C., Ren, D., & Stark, K. (2008). The Relationship between Weight Perception, Gender, and Depressive Symptoms among Rural Adolescents. Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care, 8 (1): 13-23. NIHMSID # 58118
Primack, B., Bui, T & Fertman, C (2007). Social Marketing Meets Health Literacy: Innovative Improvement of Health Care Providers’ Comfort with Patient Interaction. Patient Education and Counseling. 68 (1): 3-9. Puskar, K., Stark, K., Fertman, C. Bernardo, L., Engberg, R. & Barton, R. (2006). School Based Mental Health Promotion: Nursing Interventions for Depressive Symptoms in Rural Adolescents. California Journal of Health Promotion. 4(4): 13-20. puskar.pdf NIHMSID # 16715 Fertman, C (2006). A Report on the 2004 SOPHE Publications Readership Survey. Health Promotion Practice. 7(4): 376-383. Fertman, C., Dotson, S. Mazzocco G, & Reitz, M. (2005). Challenges of Preparing Allied Health Professionals for Interdisciplinary Practice in Rural Areas. Journal of Allied Health. 34(3): 170- 175. Fertman, C. (2004). Student Assistance Program Practitioners Talk About How To Link Students To Behavioral Health Care. Report on Emotional & Behavioral Disorders in Youth. 4(4): 87-92. Fertman, C. & Tarasevich, S. (2004). How Schools Address Students’ Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Concerns and Problems: Lessons from Student Assistance Programs. ERS Spectrum: Journal of School Research and Information. 22(2): 35-46. Fertman, C (2003). Health educators are leaders: Meeting the leadership challenge. Health Promotion Practice. 4(3): 336-339. Fertman, C. & Ross, J. (2003). Differences in the Use of a School Mental Health Program in Secondary Schools. American Journal of Health Behavior. 27(2): 149-158. Potter, M., Ley, C., Fertman, C., Eggleston, M., & Duman, S. (2003). Evaluating Workforce Development: Perspectives, Processes, and Lessons Learned. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 9(6): 489-495. Trauth, J., Jernigan, J., Myers, S., Potter, M., Fedor, K., Procopio, J., Gomez-Franco, M., Schulhoff, L., Eshman, K., Messina, A., Peterson, K., Gallagher, J., & Fertman, C. (2003). Developing An Academic-Community Partnership In The Context of Pennsylvania’s State Health Improvement Plan. Public Health Reports. 118(2): 169-174. Fertman, C. (2002). Collaborating with British Service Learning Professionals: Challenges and Opportunities. National Society for Experiential Education-NSEE Quarterly. 27(2): 7-12. Fertman, C. (2002). Behavioral Health and Health Education: Emerging Opportunity. American Journal of Health Education. 33(2): 112-114. Fertman, C. (2002). Learning to be a Resource Person. American Journal of Health Education. 33(1) 52-54
5 Dato, V., Potter, M., Fertman, C., & Pistella, C. (2002). A Capacity Mapping Approach to Public Health Training Resources. Public Health Reports. 117(1): 20-27. Fertman, C., Fichter, C., Schlesinger, J., Tarasevich, S., Wald, H., & Zhang, X. (2001). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Student Assistance Programs in Pennsylvania. Journal of Drug Education. 31(4) 353-366. Dato, V., Potter, M., & Fertman, C. (2001). Training Readiness of Public Health Agencies: Framework for Assessment. Journal of Public Health Management Practice. 7(4) 100-104. Fertman, C. (2001). Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program and Health and Physical Educators. Pennsylvania Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. 71(3) 18-20. Potter, M., Pistella, C., Fertman, C., & Dato, V. (2000). Needs Assessment and A Model Agenda for Training the Public Health Workforce. American Journal of Public Health. 90(8), 1294 – 1296. Fertman, C. & van Linden, J. (1999). Character Education: An Essential Ingredient for Youth Leadership Development. National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin. 83(609), 9-15. [Reprinted in Education Digest. 65(9), 58-62.] Fertman, C. (1998). Service Learning Program Research: Lessons for Community Educators. Community Education Journal. 25(1/2), 47-51. Chubb, N., Fertman, C., & Ross, J. (1997). Adolescent Self-Esteem and Locus of Control: A Longitudinal Study of Gender Differences. Adolescence. 32(125), 113-129. Fertman, C. (1996). Linking Learning and Service: Lessons from Service Learning Programs in Pennsylvania. ERS Spectrum: Journal of School Research and Information. 14(2), 9-16. Fertman, C. & Buchen I. (1994). Service Learning and the Dilemmas of Success. National Society for Experiential Education-NSEE Quarterly. 20(2), 14-16. Fertman, C. & Sobehart, H. (1994). Student Wellness Check: Conducting a Student Health Survey. National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin. 78(562), 73-82. Fertman, C. (1993). Creating Successful Collaborations Between Schools and Community Agencies. Children Today. 22(2), 32-34. Fertman, C. & Chubb, N. (1992). The Effects of a Psychoeducational Program on Adolescents' Activity Involvement, Self Esteem, and Locus of Control. Adolescence. 27(107), 517-526. Fertman, C. (1992). Establishing a School-Community Agency Collaboration. NASSP Practitioner. 19(1). [Reprinted in Education Digest. 58(9), 58-62.] Chubb, N. & Fertman, C. (1992). Adolescents' Perceptions of Belonging in Their Families. Families In Society: The Journal of Contemporary Human Services. 73(7), 387-394. Fertman, C. (1992). Learnings from High School Mentors and Protégés. Journal of the International Centre for Mentoring. 6(2/3), 3-9. Jones, D., Bonk, C., Patton, D. & Fertman, C. (1991). Y.E.S. It Works: A Multidisciplinary Model of Youth Development through Informal Education. River East School Division Journal. 3(1), 76-92. Fertman, C. (1991). Aftercare For Teenagers: Matching Services and Needs. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. 36(2), 1-11. Fertman, C. & Long, J. (1990). All Students Are Leaders. The School Counselor. 37(5), 391-396. Fertman, C. & Toca, O. (1989). A Model Aftercare Program: Linking Adolescents, Schools, and Families. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Education. 34(2), 46-53. Fertman, C. (1988). Tapping Your Community's Best Resources. PTA Today. 14(2), 18-19.
6 Fertman, C. (1988). Evaluating and Working with Community Agencies: A Guide for the Principal. National Association of Secondary School Principals Bulletin. 72(506), 9-12. Fertman, C. (1979). Vocational Development of the Special Needs Child. Exceptional Child: National Chilean Education Journal. Educational Materials: Fertman, C. (2013). Employee Assistance Programs. In D. Wiley & A. Cory (Eds) Encyclopedia of School Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Fertman, C. (2013). Behavioral Health Policies: In D. Wiley & A. Cory (Eds) Encyclopedia of School Health. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. Fertman, C. & Goldschmidt, E. (2012). Helping Parents Understand School Substance Abuse Policies. Momentum – National Catholic Educational Association Journal. Fertman, C. (2012). Child Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale (CPSE). In C. Simmons & P. Lehmann (Eds) Tools for Strengths Based Assessment and Evaluation. New York: Springer Publishing Company. Fertman, C. Fichter-DeSando, C. & Tarasevich, S. (2005). Getting the feedback you need and want to improve Student Assistance Program performance. Student Assistance Program Journal. 17(2), 16- 20. Fertman, C. (1999). Power Tools: Develop Your SAP by Using Research and Evaluation. Student Assistance Journal. 11(4), 22-27. Fertman, C. (1998). Findings and Final Reports: Writing With the Audience in Mind & Communication and Dissemination: Sharing What We Learn. In J. Smink & M. Duckenfield (Eds.), Making the Case for Service Learning: Action Research & Evaluation Guidebook for Teachers. Fertman, C. (1994). Service Learning. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Buchen, I. & Fertman, C. (1994). Creating a Culture of Service: Effective Service Learning. Warminster, PA: MARCO Products. Fertman, C. (1991). Go Team: Building Core Teams. Student Assistance Journal. 4(3), 18-21. Fertman, C. (1978). Life Planning for the Addicted: A Vocational Counseling Tool. Jewish Employment and Vocational Service, Philadelphia, PA.
Technical Reports: Preliminary study of an elementary student assistance program counseling intervention impact on student self-efficacy, social support, and social skills. A report to the Pennsylvania Department of Education with S. Tarasevich and B. Primack, 2011. Urban Elementary Youth Support Program impact on student perceived social support, social skills and susceptibility to drug use: A pilot study. A report to the Pennsylvania Department of Education with B. Primack, 2011. Evaluation of the Pittsburgh Public School Student Assistance Program. A report to the Pittsburgh Public Schools with S. Tarasevich, 2002. Family Strengthening Study Site Final Report. A report to the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Division of Knowledge Development and Evaluation with L. McBeth, 2002. Student Assistance Program in Pennsylvania Evaluation Final Report. A report to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency with J. Schlesinger, C. Fichter, S. Tarasevich, X. Zhang and H. Wald, 2000.
7 Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program Evaluation. A report to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency with J. Schlesinger, C. Fichter, S. Tarasevich, X. Zhang and H. Wald, 1999. Learn and Serve: Evaluation of the Pennsylvania 1997-98 Learn and Serve Grant Program. A report to the Pennsylvania Department of Education with Y. Yugar, 1998. Aliquippa Police Department Domestic Violence Program: Year One. A report to the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community-Oriented Policing Services (Grant #96DVWX0295), 1998. Opening Library Doors: Mon Valley Education Consortium Library Power. A report to the DeWitt Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund, 1997. Promoting Youth Service. A report to the Mon Valley Education Consortium, 1997. Drug and Alcohol Education: Elementary and Middle Grades. A report to the Active Learning Project of the University of Pittsburgh, 1997. Learn and Serve: Evaluation of the Pennsylvania 1996-97 Learn and Serve Grant Program. A report to the Pennsylvania Department of Education with Y. Yugar, 1997. Learn and Serve: Evaluation of the Pennsylvania 1995-96 Learn and Serve Grant Program. A report to the Pennsylvania Departments of Labor and Industry and Education with Y. Yugar and J. Thomason, 1996. Health of High School Students: Fox Chapel Area School District, Fox Chapel Area High School: Grades 9, 10, 11 &12. A report to the Fox Chapel Area School District with J. Leger, F. Kush, and J. Ross, 1995. Health of Middle School Students: Fox Chapel Area School District, Dorseyville Middle School: Grades 6 & 7. A report to the Fox Chapel Area School District with J. Leger, F. Kush, and J. Ross, 1995. Health Assessment: Wilkinsburg Junior/Senior High School Wellness Check: Grades 7, 8, 9 & 10. A report to the Wilkinsburg School District with J. Leger and J. Ross, 1995. Report of the Aliquippa School District Follow-Up Wellness Check. A report to the Aliquippa School District and TVS Coalition Network Aliquippa Coalition with J. Ross, 1995. Report of the Midland School District Wellness Check: For Students in Grades 6, 7 & 8. A report to the Midland School District and TVS Coalition Network Midland Coalition with J. Ross, 1995. Learn and Serve: Evaluation of the Pennsylvania 1994-95 Learn and Serve Grant Program. A report to the Pennsylvania Departments of Labor and Industry and Education with J. Long, L. White, Y. Yugar, J. Miller, and J. Ross, 1995. Evaluation of the Pennsylvania AmeriCorp Program, 1994-95. A report to the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry with J. Long, L. White, and J. Ross, 1995. Voices of Service. A report to the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities with J. Miller, 1995. Health Assessments: Wilkinsburg Junior/Senior High School Wellness Check: Grades 7, 8, 9 & 10. A report to the Wilkinsburg School District with J. Leger, F. Kush, and J. Ross, 1994. Health of Middle School Students: Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh Health Assessment: Grades 7 & 8. A report to the Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh with F. Kush, J. Leger, and M. Whitehead, 1994. Service Learning Reflections: Update of Service Learning in Pennsylvania. A report to PennSERVE: The Governor's Office of Citizen Service with I. Buchen, J. Long, and L. White, 1994. Report of the McKeesport School District Wellness Check: Grades 7 & 8. A report to the McKeesport School District and Tempering the Valley of Steel McKeesport Coalition with J. Leger, J. Cogley, and L. Bitner, 1993.
8 Report of the McKeesport School District Wellness Check: Grades 9 & 10. A report to the McKeesport School District and Tempering the Valley of Steel McKeesport Coalition with J. Leger, J. Cogley, and L. Bitner, 1993. The Pennsylvania Serve-America Grant: Implementation and Impact, Year I. A report to PennSERVE: The Governor's Office of Citizen Service with I. Buchen and J. Long, 1993. Three Case Studies. A report of the Community and School Activity Project to the Vira I. Heinz Endowment, 1993. Report of the Monessen School District Wellness Check: Grades 7 & 8. A report to the Monessen School District and Tempering the Valley of Steel Monessen Coalition with J. Leger and J. Cogley, 1992. Report of the Monessen School District Wellness Check: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. A report to the Monessen School District and Tempering the Valley of Steel Monessen Coalition with J. Leger and J. Cogley, 1992. Report of the Aliquippa School District Wellness Check: Grades 7 & 8. A report to the Aliquippa School District and Tempering the Valley of Steel Aliquippa Coalition with D. Stone and J. Cogley, 1992. Report of the Aliquippa School District Wellness Check: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. A report to the Aliquippa School District and Tempering the Valley of Steel Aliquippa Coalition with D. Stone and J. Cogley, 1992. Report of the Fox Chapel Area High School Wellness Check: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. A report to the Fox Chapel Area School District with F. Kush and K. Bauer, 1992. Helping Children To Do Their Homework and More. A report to Project Rediscovery, 1992. Kids, Parents & Communities: KidsSurvey Mon Valley, Elizabeth Forward: Results of a Survey of Area Young People in Grades 3 through 12 and Their Parents. A report of the Community and School Activity Project to the Vira I. Heinz Endowment with J. Long and N. Chubb, 1991. Effects of an Absenteeism Prevention Program on Elementary School Children’s School Attendance and Social Competence. A report to the Mon-Yough Community Mental Health and Retardation Service, Center for Substance Abuse, and Elizabeth Forward School District, 1991. Central Catholic High School: Pittsburgh Health Wellness Check. A report to Central Catholic High School with F. Kush, 1990. Carrick High School Student to Student Mentoring Program. A report to the Pittsburgh Public Schools with J. Long and P. Johnson, 1990. Struggling Adolescents: Teens in Recovery. A report to the W. Clark Hagan Charitable Trust United Mental Health, Inc., Laurel Foundation, Pittsburgh National Bank Charitable Trust, and Pittsburgh Child Guidance Foundation, 1989. Helping Youth Recover From Drug And Alcohol Problems. A report to the W. Clark Hagan Charitable Trust, United Mental Health, Inc., Laurel Foundation, Pittsburgh National Bank Charitable Trust, and Pittsburgh Child Guidance Foundation, 1987.
Presentations: Fertman, C. (November 2016). United States Health Promotion Program Structure and Challenges. Society for Public Health Education Chinese Health Educator Joint Meeting. Washington D.C. Fertman, C. (November 2015). Expanding Employer Capacity for Employee Health Promotion. National Business Coalition on Health. Dallas, TX. Fertman, C. (April, 2013). Role of Health Education in Health Promotion Efforts 2nd International Health Promotion and Communication Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkish Ministry of Health.
9 Fertman, C. & Allensworth, D. (April, 2013). Health Promotion Program Planning. 2nd International Health Promotion and Communication Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkish Ministry of Health. Fertman, C., Karakaya, K., Baran, K.., Göçmen, L., Tüzün, H., Arikan, I., & Erate, M. (October 2012). Turkish Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Health Promotion: Building its voice to promote the health of the Turkish citizenry. Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA Fertman, C. (April, 2012). Assessing The Needs Of Health Promotion Program Participants. Society for Public Health Education Webinar, Washington, D.C. Fertman, C. (April, 2012). Developing and Increasing Program Funding. Society for Public Health Education Webinar, Washington, D.C. Fertman, C. (April, 2011). What Are Health Promotion Programs? 1st International Health Promotion and Communication Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkish Ministry of Health. Fertman, C. (April, 2011). Assessing The Needs Of Health Promotion Program Participants. International Health Promotion and Communication Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey. Fertman, C. (February, 2011). Comparative Studies of Pennsylvania Student Assistance Programs. Pennsylvania Association of Student Assistance Professionals Annual Conference, State College, PA Fertman, C. (February, 2011). Teaching Health Promotion Programs: Planning, Implementation and Evaluation. Jossey Bass/Wiley Faculty Network: Teaching in Public Health Webinar, San Francisco, CA Fertman, C. (December, 2010). Putting The New SOPHE Health Promotion Textbook To Work For You. Society for Public Health Education Webinar, Washington, D.C. Fertman, C. (October, 2010). Extending Students’ Learning With The New SOPHE Textbook: Semester Class Projects, Needs Assessments and Internships. Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference, Denver, CO Fertman, C. (July 2010). Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice - Meet the Author Book Session. 20th International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference on Health Promotion, Geneva, SZ. Fertman, C (August, 2009). Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program Evaluation Findings: Elementary School Programs and Latino High School Students. U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS) National Conference. Washington D.C. Fertman, C. (August, 2008). Preliminary Evaluation of the Elementary Youth Support Program. National Prevention Network Conference. Indianapolis, IL. Fertman, C. (February, 2008). What Is The Evidence That Student Assistance Programs Work? California Department of Education Student Assistance Program Conference. San Francisco, CA. Fertman, C. (October, 2006). Implementing Evidence-Based Student Assistance Programs. American School Health Association Annual School Health Conference. St Louis, MI. Fertman, C. (March, 2006). Promoting Evidence-Based Student Assistance Programs. National Student Assistance Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA Fertman, C. (March, 2005). National Student Assistance Program Research Agenda Implementation: Establishment of the National Student Assistance Program Evaluation and Research Center. National Student Assistance Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. Fertman, C. Potter, M., Ley, C. & Baron, G. Bednarz, D. & Eggleston, M.(June, 2004). Evaluation of strategic workforce development in a local public health agency. Health Academy National Research Conference. San Diego, CA.
10 Fertman, C. (March, 2004). Developing Outcome Strategies in Student Assistance Programs. National Student Assistance Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. Fertman, C. Potter, M., Ley, C. & Baron, G. (June 2003). Evaluating Workforce Development: Perspectives, Processes, and Lessons Learned. Health Academy National Research Conference. Nashville, TN. Fertman, C. (March, 2003). Pathways and Outcomes of Students’ Participation in Student Assistance Programs. National Association of Student Assistance Professionals National Conference. New Orleans, LO. Fertman, C. & Dotson, S. (May, 2002). Teaching Interdisciplinary Team Strategies for Chronic Disease Prevention in Rural Communities. Society for Public Health Education, Cincinnati, OH. Fertman, C. (May, 2002). Health Educator Transactional and Transformational Leadership Model. Society for Public Health Education, Cincinnati, OH. Fertman, C. (April, 2002). A National Research Agenda for Student Assistance Programs. National Association of Student Assistance Professionals National Conference. Dallas, TX. Fertman, C. (January, 2002). A National Research Agenda for Student Assistance Programs. Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse Working Group on Employee Assistance and Student Assistance Programs Meeting. Baltimore, MD. Fertman, C. (March, 2001). Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program: Findings and Implications. Third Annual Criminal Justice Research Symposium. Harrisburg, PA. Fertman, C. (April 2000). Contributions of Research on Adolescents to Service Learning Research. American Educational Research Association National Conference. New Orleans, LA. Fertman, C. (March 2000). A Service Learning Evaluation and Research Agenda Focused on Adolescents. National Service Learning Conference. Providence, RI. Fertman, C. (November 1999). Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. Fertman, C. (November 1999). Critical Issues in the Evaluation of the Student Assistance Programs in Pennsylvania. Criminal Justice Research Symposium. Harrisburg, PA Fertman, C. (October, 1999). Critical Issues For Linking Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Services and Schools. Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C. (September, 1999). Evaluation of Student Assistance Programs in Pennsylvania: What We’ve Learned. National Prevention Network Research Conference. Buffalo, NY. Fertman, C. (November 1998). Interdisciplinary Course in Chronic Disease Prevention for Rural Communities. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Fertman, C. (December 1997). Service Learning Evaluation. International Service Learning Conference. London, UK. Fertman, C. (November 1997). Encouraging Participation in Community Health Coalition Development and Planning. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Indianapolis, IN. Fertman, C. (October 1997). Service Learning: Linking Learning and Service. Pittsburgh Area Independent School Teachers Association Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C. (May 1997). Evaluation Partnership in Action. Program Evaluation in an Environment of Change: University Center for Social and Urban Research. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C. (March 1997). Methodologies for the Study of Service Learning. National Service Learning Conference. Orlando, FL.
11 Fertman, C. (November 1996). Promoting the Mental Health of Secondary School Students. American School Health Association Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. Fertman, C. (September 1996). Allegheny County Drug and Alcohol Prevention: Developing Evaluations at the County Program Level. Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C. (September 1996). Using Student Health Surveys to Plan, Implement & Evaluate Comprehensive School Health Programming. Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C. (April 1996). Service Learning at the Middle School. National Service Learning Conference. Detroit, MI. Fertman, C. (March 1995). Community Service/Service Learning in the US. International Baccalaureate Meeting. Ljubljana, Slovenija. Fertman, C. (March 1995). Service Learning Evaluation. National Service Learning Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Fertman, C., White, G. & White, L. (March 1995). Learning at the Middle Level. National Service Learning Center. Philadelphia, PA. Fertman, C., White, G. & White, L. (February 1995). The Whys, Whats, and Hows of Developing an Integrated Service Learning Program at the Middle Level. National Association of Secondary School Principals. San Antonio, TX. Fertman, C. (March 1994). Service Learning Evaluation 101. National Service Learning Conference. Albuquerque, NM. Fertman, C. (January 1994). Matching Needs Assessments to Prevention Planning. US Public Health Service, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Regional Workshop for Community Partnership Grantees. Baltimore, MD. Fertman, C. (October 1993). Healthy Adolescents. Panelist at the Children's Health Summit: Toward Healthy People 2000-New Directions for Children's Health. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C., Kauffman, S.E., Zubristsky, C., Zhang, X. & Corbin, L. (April 1993). Community Coalitions to Prevent Substance Abuse: Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Community Partnership Demonstration Grants. Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Blyth, D.A., Fertman, C.I. & Saito, R. (April 1993). Program Diversity and Impact: A Research Review. National Service Learning Conference. Minneapolis, MN. Jones, D., Bonk, C., Winn, G., Fertman, C. & Ayersman, D. (April 1992). A Multidisciplinary Model of Youth Development through Summer Day Camps: Developing Student Mentors. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance National Conference. Indianapolis, IN. Kelly, J., Fertman, C. & Sechrest, L. (March 1992). Evaluation Techniques & Results of Absentee Prevention Program Model. Starting Early: Northeast Conference on Successful Abuse Prevention Programs for Elementary Aged Youth, Their Families and Communities. Pittsburgh, PA. Long, J., Fertman, C., Stone, D., Sinclair, G., Stets, M. & Cherepko, T. (March 1992). Innovations in Community and School Activities for At-Risk Youth. National Dropout Prevention Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C. (March 1992). Promoting the Mental Health of Secondary School Students. Paper given at the Pennsylvania Health Educators Institute. Harrisburg, PA. Fertman, C. (December 1991). Getting Kids Involved: Innovations in Community and School Activities. Paper given at the National Community Education Association National Conference. St. Louis, MO.
12 Fertman, C. (April 1991). Assessing the Health of Adolescents: Youth Wellness Check. Paper given at the Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA. Fertman, C. (February 1991). Struggles and Joys of Making Prevention Work. Paper given at the National Conference on Prevention Research in Substance Abuse. Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research. Pittsburgh, PA. Fertman, C. (February 1991). Study of the Effects of a Summer Camp Experience on Children Living in Public Housing Projects. Paper given at the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance-Midwest District. Milwaukee, WI. Fertman, C. & Chubb, N. (April 1990). Evaluation of the Effects of a Personal Empowerment Program for Adolescents. Paper given at the National Conference of the American Educational Research Association. Boston, MA. Fertman, C. (November 1989). Students At Risk: What Does it Mean for Teacher Placement? Paper given at the Mid-Atlantic Association for School, College and University Staffing. Seven Springs, PA. Fertman, C. (October 1989). Involving Parents in Prevention. Paper given at the National Association of Prevention Professionals and Advocates, Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. Fertman, C. (October 1989). Helping Prevention Grow: A Model Prevention Staff Training and Development Program. Paper given at the National Association of Prevention Professionals and Advocates Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. Fertman, C. (October 1989). North Hills Aftercare Service: Linking Schools, Communities and Parents. Paper given at the National Conference on Treatment of Adolescents with Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Problems sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Washington, D.C. Fertman, C. (March 1989). Drug and Alcohol Aftercare: Linking Adolescents, Parents and Schools. Paper given at the American Association for Counseling and Development Annual Conference. Boston, MA. Fertman, C. (March 1988). All Adolescents Are Leaders. Paper given at the Pennsylvania School Counselors Association Annual Conference. Harrisburg, PA. Fertman, C. (October 1987). Leadership Skills for Adolescents. Paper given at the Pennsylvania Association for Counseling and Development Annual Meeting. Hershey, PA. Fertman, C. (September 1987). Helping Youth Recover from Mental Health/Drug/Alcohol Problems: A Model Aftercare Project. Paper given at the Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Meeting. State College, PA. Fertman, C. (May 1987). Community and Treatment Agencies and Student Assistance Programs. Paper given at the National Association of Student Assistance Programs and Professionals Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. Fertman, C. (September 1986). Mental Health Programs for Children and Adolescents. Paper given at the Pennsylvania Public Health Association Annual Meeting. State College, PA. Fertman, C. (April 1985). Innovation Programming for Mental Health Needs of Children. Paper given at the Pennsylvania Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Association Annual Convention. Seven Springs, PA. Fertman, C. (March 1977). Selected Life Planning Exercises for the Addicted: A Vocational Counseling Tool. Paper given at the American Personnel and Guidance Association National Convention. Dallas, TX. Fertman, C. (November 1976). Life/Work Planning for the Drug Abuser: A Vocational Counseling Process. Paper given at the National Conference on Drug Abuse. San Francisco, CA.
13 Selected Professional Activities:
National Trustee for Professional Development, Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) National Board of Directors, 2015 – 2018. Member, School of Education EdD Program Design Committee, 2012-2013. Member, School of Education School Council, 2007–2013. Member, School of Education, Academic Affairs Committee, 2003-2013. Member, University Senate Commonwealth Relations Committee, 2003-2012. Chair, Society for Public Health Education Publication Committee, 2003-2012. Chair, National Student Assistance Association Scientific Advisory Board, 2001- 2006. Participant, Mexican Presidential Election International Observation Program, Center for Global Education, Augsburg College, Cuenavaca, Mexico, 2000. Participant, Mexico: Education for Social Justice, Center for Global Education, Augsburg College, Cuenavaca, Mexico, 1999. Member and Co-Chair, School of Education Faculty Student Research Committee, 1996-1999. Member, School of Education Academic Affairs Committee, 1996-1999. Member, University of Pittsburgh, Center for Public and Community Service Advisory Board, 1994- 1996. Member, National Service Learning Initiative Advisory Review Panel, Search Institute, Minneapolis, MN, 1994-1996. Chair, United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Field of Service Committee for Counseling and Mental Health Programs, 1993-1995. Vice President, Children's Council of Western Pennsylvania, 1989-1992.