MEAT 1. Give a concise note on the nutritional significance of meat? 2. Name four proteins present in meat? 3. What are meat extractives? 4. Give an account of the dietetic value of meat 5. (Contribution to the diet – why it is important in the diet/who is it important for/what nutrients are missing) 6. Give an illustrated account of the structure of meat 7. List four guidelines to follow when buying/choosing meat? 8. List four guidelines to follow when storing meat? 9. List four guidelines to follow when preparing meat? 10. Enumerate the effects of cooking on meat? 11. Explain the factors that cause toughness in meat? 12. Name and briefly explain the methods used to tenderise meat? 13. Outline four methods of processing meat and comment on the effects of processing on the nutritive value 14. List four meat products 15. Write a concise note on gelatine 16. List the nutrients present in poultry 17. What is offal? What nutrients are present? Name two dishes which involve the use of offal? 18. Identify and explain six key factors that a consumer should consider when purchasing protein foods to ensure economy and safety.

MEAT SUBSTITUTES 1. Outline the manufacture of Textured vegetable protein (TVP) 2. What is the nutritive value of TVP? 3. List four advantages and four disadvantages of TVP in the diet? 4. Name two other meat substitutes commonly used by vegetarians today?

Terms to revise: Offal; Cholesterol; extractives; gelatine; Vegans; Cross-contamination; proteolytic enzymes; Vacuum packing; Salmonella; soya bean; fortification

FISH 1. Classify fish according to their composition and give two examples in each class 2. Give a detailed account of the nutritive value of fish? 3. Explain the dietetic value of fish? 4. State why oily fish is recommended for the diet of a person with coronary heart disease?

Page 1 of 4 5. Recent consumer trends have suggested a rise in the consumption of oily fish and a fall in the consumption of white fish. Suggest reasons for such trends. 6. List six guidelines to follow when buying/choosing fresh fish & fish products? 7. List four guidelines to follow when storing fresh fish? 8. List four guidelines to follow when preparing fresh fish? 9. Outline the effects of cooking on fish? 10. Explain two factors that contribute to the spoilage of fish and explain how fish spoils 11. List four methods of cooking fish and suggest a suitable fish type for each method 12. Outline four methods of processing fish and comment on the effects of processing on the nutritive value

Terms to revise: omega 3 fatty acids; perishable foods

MILK 1. Give a detailed account of the nutritive value of whole milk 2. Name three proteins found in milk? 3. Explain the dietetic value of milk? 4. Why is skimmed milk not suitable for children? 5. Enumerate five types of milk currently available and suggest a use for each 6. Milk is a perishable food; explain what this means? Explain how milk spoils 7. What is homogenisation and why is this process carried out? 8. Why is milk heat-treated? Outline four treatments carried out on milk & explain the effects of such treatments on the nutritive value (method/temperature/time/effect) 9. What are the effects of cooking on milk? 10. Briefly explain two methods of drying milk and list the effects of drying on the nutritive value 11. List four points to consider when storing fresh milk 12. Outline the measures taken by the Dairy Industry to meet current trends in the eating patterns and lifestyles of the Irish consumer 13. Explain how i) advertising and ii) a person’s health status might influence decision making when purchasing dairy products

BUTTER/CREAM/YOGHURT 1. Give an account of the nutritional value of butter? 2. Outline four types of spreads currently on sale 3. What is buttermilk? Suggest one use of buttermilk in cooking? 4. What is cream? 5. Explain how cream is made and list two types of cream currently available 6. Give details of the stages involved in the manufacture of yoghurt 7. Explain the nutritive and dietetic value of yoghurt 8. Write a brief note on the beneficial effects of consuming probiotic yoghurts

Page 2 of 4 CHEESE 1. Give an account of the nutritive value of cheese (name the protein present in cheese) 2. Explain the dietetic value of cheese? 3. Classify cheeses according to their type and give two examples in each class 4. Outline the manufacture of cheese 5. Enumerate the effects of heat on cheese 6. List four points to consider when buying cheese 7. List four points to consider when storing cheese 8. Give six culinary uses of cheese

EGGS 1. Name the nutrients present in a) egg white and b) egg yolk 2. Give an account of the nutritive value of eggs 3. Name two proteins present in a) egg white and b) egg yolk 4. Name the natural emulsifier found in eggs? Name one commercial food, which uses this emulsifier, and explain its action? 5. Outline the dietetic value of eggs 6. What are the effects of cooking on eggs? 7. Explain two methods of checking an egg for freshness 8. List four points to consider when storing fresh eggs 9. Explain the grading system used for the sale of eggs in Ireland 10. Give details of the new egg labelling system introduced in 2005 11. List six culinary uses of eggs giving an example for each 12. Explain three properties of eggs and suggest two dishes that illustrate each property 13. Write a note on salmonellosis

FATS & OILS 1. What is the energy value of lipids in the diet? 2. Classify fats and give two examples of each type 3. Outline the manufacture of margarine (hydrogenation) 4. Enumerate the culinary uses of fats giving an example in each case 5. Name two benefits of the hydrogenation of cooking oils 6. Give one example of the use of hydrogenation in food production?

FRUIT & VEGETABLES 1. Classify fruits and give two examples in each class 2. Discuss the i) nutritional significance and ii) contribution to the diet of fruit 3. Outline the dietetic value of fruit 4. Enumerate the effects of cooking on fruit 5. List the changes that occur as fruit ripens 6. List three methods of processing fruit and outline the effects of processing on the nutritive value 7. Classify vegetables and give two examples in each class 8. Discuss the i) nutritional significance and ii) contribution to the diet of vegetables

Page 3 of 4 9. Outline the dietetic value of vegetables 10. Enumerate the effects of cooking on vegetables 11. List three methods of processing vegetables and outline the effects of processing on the nutritive value 12. List six rules to follow when selecting fresh fruit and vegetables 13. List six rules to follow when storing fresh fruit and vegetables 14. List six rules to follow when preparing fresh fruit & vegetables to ensure maximum vitamin retention 15. List six rules to follow when cooking fruit & vegetables to ensure maximum vitamin retention 16. Suggest some interesting ways of introducing fruit & vegetables in the diet of young people 17. Explain the grading system used when buying fresh fruit & vegetables 18. Identify and explain two EU grading classes used for fruit and vegetables 19. What does the term ‘organic fruit & vegetables’ mean? 20.Fruit and vegetables are an excellent source of fibre in the diet. Explain the importance of fibre in the diet.

CEREALS 1. Give an account of the nutritive value of cereals 2. Outline the dietetic value of cereals 3. Explain how the following dietary problems are associated with cereals i) Coeliac disease ii) pellagra iii) beri-beri 4. Comment on the effect of phytic acid found in cereals 5. Name the nutrients found in a) the husk b) the endosperm and c) the germ of a cereal (outline the structure of the wheat grain) 6. Briefly outline the milling of wheat to make flour 7. List six common types of cereals grown for food production and give a use for each type 8. Classify flour and give a brief note on each type 9. Explain why white flour has a longer shelf life than wholemeal flour. 10. Recommend a type of flour suitable for a) shortcrust pastry and b) yeast bread 11. Explain why i) calcium carbonate ii) bleaching agents and iii) vitamin C are added to white flour. 12. Write a concise note on the role of gluten in bread and cake making. 13. Classify rice and give an example in each class 14. Name four types of pasta 15. Enumerate the effects of heat on cereals 16. What is a ‘staple’ food?

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