6Th Period Elective (2:05 2:55): THEATRE PRODUCTION
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SOCIAL STUDIES syllabus 7th Grade
Teacher: Mrs. Rust
Required text: History Alive! The Ancient World History Alive! The Medieval World
Required materials:
Binder w/SS labeled folder + notebook paper + Student Planner + History Alive! SNB (student notebook)
Pencils, pens, colored pencils, reading book (for silent reading after classwork is complete)
□ Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome: Trade, Government, and Religion
□ Europe During Medieval Times: Fall of the Roman Empire, Feudalism in Western Europe, Medieval Europe, Byzantine Europe
□ Feudal Japan & Kingdoms of West Africa
□ The Rise of Islam: The Crusades to New Muslim Empires
□ Europe’s Renaissance, Reformation, & Age of Exploration: The Renaissance to the Enlightenment
Grading Criteria:
Class Work (30%) – classroom assignments, activities, projects, notes
Homework – (20%) - “Weekly Geography” due approximately 7-10 days after assigned.
Quizzes/Tests (50%) – Most are open-note. Students are encouraged to take and keep notes. HRMS Classroom Code of Conduct Be RESPECTFUL Be RESPONSIBLE Be SAFE Bring a positive attitude Be early Be aware of your space and materials Be attentive to the speaker Arrive prepared Be aware of others’ space and materials Allow others’ contributions and Clean up after yourself individuality
Consequences: 1 st Warning: Verbal request to change behavior
2 nd Warning: Request student to leave the classroom. Student and teacher will discuss how behavior needs to change. Phone call home to parents. 3 rd Warning: Referral to Vice Principal with disciplinary action. Phone call home and parent-teacher conference.
Late Work Any student work turned in late (other than with an excused absence) will be reduced by one letter grade for each class it is late. Late work will only be accepted during the quarter in which it was assigned.
Make –Up Work Make up work will be allowed for excused absences only. It is the student’s responsibility to get any assignments or notes missed during their excused absence. Students have 2 classes for each excused absence day to turn in work without any penalty.
Web Site Hood River County School District has an excellent website that includes information about our school and teachers. I will post various bits of info, assignments and resources on my web page for our classes throughout the year. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with this wonderful resource. To find it, just search “Hood River County School District.” Once you’re on the district page, go to the “Schools” pull-down tab and select Hood River Middle School.
Communication The best way for parents to contact me is by email, however a phone call (541.386.2114 ext. 3953) is also an option. (The information below is also available on the HRMS web site.)
Email: [email protected]
------CUT and return to teacher ------
10 point HOMEWORK assignment!!! Due:___ Next Class!
I have read the classroom expectations explained above. Please SIGN, cut, and return this slip to the teacher by next class for full credit. Student Signature: ______Parent Signature: ______