High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP)

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High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP)

High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP)

Terms of Reference for Baseline Study

1. General Background The High Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas (HVAP) is a market led initiative that seeks to provide income and employment benefits to poor small holder farmers, landless and agribusiness through development and upgrading of pro-poor value chains in the Mid and Far Western Region of the country. Following the Inclusive Business (IB) approach, the project focuses on facilitating mutually beneficial and profitable marketing arrangements between the suppliers and buyers of High Value Commodity (HVC) value chains and inclusion of excluded groups. Based on the newly constructed road corridors, the project is being implemented in Dailekh, Jajarkot, Jumla, Kalikot, Salyan, Surkhet, and Accham; and will expand to Dolpa, Humla, and Mugu as the road extends thereby serving 10 districts of the Mid and Far Western Development Region. Funded by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and executed by Ministry of Agriculture Development (MoAD), SNV Netherlands Development Organisation and Agro Enterprise Centre (AEC) of Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FNCCI)are the implementing partners of the project.

Relying on the approach of value chain development and inclusive business, the project aims to reduce poverty and vulnerability of women and men in hill and mountain areas of the Mid- Western Development Region by integrating the rural poor, especially women and marginal groups in high value agriculture and NTFP/MAP value chains and markets thereby offering them the opportunities for improved income, employment opportunities and ability to respond to market demand and opportunities.

As of now, HVAP has selected value chains and developed intervention strategies for some value chains, the interventions of which are about to commence. Prior to implementing the value chain development strategies it is imperative that baselines be established for selected indicators to enable periodic reporting, monitoring and evaluation purposes. Hence, this ToR has been developed to facilitate interested consultant (s) and firms to submit proposals to carryout baseline studies for apples, vegetable seeds, and ginger in the project districts. The

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study is expected to establish baselines for IFAD RIMS indicators and other value chain specific indicators. Broadly, the baselinewill cover socio-economic and demographic conditions, food security, nutrition, assets ownership, and value chain indicators including production, margins, value addition, (primary) processing, and market arrangements inter alia.

2. Objective of the Study The overall objective of this study is to support the project in establishing baselines for selected RIMS and VC specific indicators as reflected in the project log-frame and results chain(s). The specific objectives are to:  Develop ready-to-use survey instruments capturing RIMS and VC specific indicators: The RIMS and VC specific indicators are defined and interview schedules have been prepared. As a part of developing ready-to-use instruments, the consultant (s) is expected to translate, field test, and finalize those instruments.  Run a quick pre-test and make necessary adjustments in the survey instruments (if required).  Undertake required number of Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews, surveys and other tools to collect reliable information  Establish HHsbaselines for selected indicators at output, outcomes, and impact level covering (but not limiting to): demographic conditions, assets, food (in)security, nutrition, general agriculture conditions, and apple, vegetable seeds, and ginger VC specific indicators.  Establish baselines on relevant indicators at groups/cooperative level and at broader market level;  Establish baselines on prevalent marketing practices, market infrastructures, and services at district level.

3. Expected Output The consultant (s) is expected to furnisha comprehensive and analytical baseline report that is sufficiently disaggregated on caste, ethnicity, gender, and economic status of the anticipated

HVAP/baseline survey/ToRs Page 2 High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP) beneficiaries and value chains. The baseline report should be able to report on the indicators as set out into the project log-frame and results chains. In addition to electronic and hard copies of final report, consultant (s) is expected to submit clean data electronically.

4. Study Methodology The study will make use of qualitative and quantitative methods to obtain required information. A combination of but not limiting to (sample) household surveys, key informant interviews, and focus group discussion is required. The study will make use of following methodology:

1. Sample Survey: It is proposed that a total of 120 respondents (4 clusters or pockets/ VC and 30 respondents/ cluster) will be interviewed for each value chain. Thus the total sample for this study will be 360. It is advised that a respondent stratification exercise be undertaken in each pockets/clusters prior to the interviews, preferably using participatory tools like socio- economic well- being. Based on the stratification exercise, sample should consist of respondents representing at least three economic strata (poor, moderately poor, and relatively well off).

2. Focus group discussions: At least one focus group discussion per pockets is advised. The focus group discussion should be able to verify the information collected through the HH surveys and report on indicators that can’t be done through household surveys.

3. Group/ cooperative interviews: At least one cooperative and few groups should be interviewed in each production pockets/ clusters that will help report on institutional aspects of agriculture production and marketing in the districts.

4. Traders survey: Using the traders’ survey interview schedule, key traders involved in value chains should be interviewed.

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5. Service provider mapping and interviews: Key private and public service providers to be mapped and interviewed. The study should be able to describe the number of active service providers, service offered and their outreach.

6. Desk study: Information on broader socio-economic, market, and livelihoods indicators be established through the desk study.

7. Data analysis and reporting: At the end, an analytical report is expected. Hence, the study should make use of proven data collection and analysis tools and techniques to make plausible and inferential estimation of indicators contained in the log frame and results chain by extrapolating the information obtained from sample surveys. It is advised that dependent variables be correlated and regressed against key independent variable like socio-economic status, gender, and ethnicity to the extent possible. The report should make use of pictures, graphs, diagrams, narrative analysis, and other inferential statements that sufficiently extrapolate the prevailing baseline status of selected indicators. 5. Study Team The proposed team should comprise of reasonable number of experts having proven track record in designing and implementing socio-economic research, baseline studies and/ or evaluation studies and having good depth of understanding of selected value chains and gender and social inclusion. It is advised that following experts be made available for the study.

Team Leader (Socio-economist and/or value chain expert-1): The team leader is responsible for ensuring that the study is rightly designed, implemented, and reported. S/he is expected to have a minimum Master’s Degree in relevant disciplinewithproven track record in designing and implementing socio-economic research, baseline studies and/or project evaluation. It is the responsibility of the team leader to ensure that Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) perspectives are also adequately captured in the study.

Team member (Technical expert-1): Minimum Master’s Degree in agriculture (preferably horticulture or agribusiness) or related fields with proven experience in market led agriculture

HVAP/baseline survey/ToRs Page 4 High Value Agriculture Project (HVAP) development. A substantial experience in baseline studies, feasibility assessment, and/or impact studies is required.

Team member (Data Analyst-1): Master’s Degree in Statistics, MBA or relevant field with demonstrated experience in socio-economic data analysis using credible tools, techniques and software.

Team members (Enumerators): Preferably local inhabitants having experience in PRA tools and household survey enumerations. Fluency in local language and dialects is required.

6. Tentative time frame The study is expected to commence from third week of August and completed by third week of October. The study will follow the rough time line as mentioned below:

6. Service Provider’s reporting obligations and deliverables The consultant (s) or firms are required to produce following deliverables during the contract period. a. Inception Report along with translated survey instruments, study methodology (including data analysis design),and report structure. b. Short pre-test report and finalized interview schedules (in Nepali). c. Draft baseline study report d. Final report (digital and hard copies) along with Clean Data

7. Budget

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Budget should cover all costs for remuneration,travel, workshops, and meetings. If the applicant is a firm or a company, VAT certificate is a must. Prevailing GoN rules will be applied for tax purpose and any conflict arising throughout the study.

Mode of payment: payments will be made in the following three installments - . 30% of the agreed budget as an advance upon signing of the agreement . 50 % of the agreed amount one week after the submission of the 1st draft report. . Remaining 20 % after satisfactory quality check by HVAP after submitting the final report after incorporating the feedback and comments after 2 weeks of receiving the feedback.

8. Conditions of the Contract This ToR is guided by the SNV Nepal’s General Terms and Conditions Governing Contracts with local capacity builders (LCB Contract). The proposals will be selected through Quality Cost Based Systemsmethod. The following evaluation criteria will be used to assess proposals:  Technical strength of the proposal (methodological clarity, data analysis plan, approach): 25%  Team composition: 25%  Experience in similar assignments: 10%  Interview: 20%  Cost efficiency: 20% (based on financial proposal)

Shortlisting will take place based on the first three criteria. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a presentation and interview. Basedon the five criteria above, the final selection will be made. The proposed team composition can’t be changed during the study period without prior approval from HVAP.

9. Dead line for submission of proposal Interested consultancy firms or local capacity builders are requested to submit their financial and technical proposals separately in clearly marked sealed envelopes. A Quality and Cost Based System (QCBS) will be followed for evaluation. The consultant (s) must furnish the detailed CVs with copies of testimonials that justify the academic and professional experiences of the staff proposed in the technical proposal. The proposals have to be submitted, latest by 1700 Hours, on Monday30 July 2012, to one the following addresses along with copies of latest tax clearance, registration certificate, VAT certificate for private firm or company, and a one page organisational profile. Proposals can be submitted to one of the following addresses:

SNV Nepal

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P.O.Box: 1966 Bakhundole, Lalitpur, Nepal Phone: 015523444 Or HVAP/ Project Management Unit Birendranagar Municipality Ward no. 8 Itaram, Surkhet Phone: 083520038 Or HVAP liaison office Kumaripati, Lalitpur, Nepal Phone: 015252977

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