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EVIDENCE OF LEARNING—Quarter 1 GRADE 5 READING/Literature Common Core Suggested Learning Targets Assessment Date/Task Standards Ideas RL.5.1. I can quote accurately from a text. Quote accurately I can define inference and explain how a reader Write opinion from text citing uses direct quotes from a text to reach a logical essay with details and conclusion. supporting examples to I can read closely and find answers explicitly in evidence about drawing text and answers that require an inference. the main ideas
U inferences of a given text I can analyze an author’s words and find quotes s e needed to support both explicit and inferential s
K question. e
y RL.5.2. I can define theme.
I d Determine a I can analyze details in a text to determine a e
a theme from theme. s
a details in the I identify the key points of a text using annotation n
d text; include how and note-taking skills.
D characters I can compose a summary stating the key points Write an essay e
t respond to of the text. to analyze how a
i characters’
l challenges & s
summarize the actions text. contribute to a RL.5.3. I can identify characters, settings, and events in a story’s theme Compare and story or drams. contrast two or I can compare two or more characters, settings, or more characters events in a story or drama using specific details using details from the text. from the text. I can contrast two or more character, settings, or events in story, or drama using specific details from the text.
RL.5.4. I can use various strategies to determine the Determine meaning of words and phrases. C
r meaning of I can define and identify various forms of a
f words from text figurative language. t
a including I can distinguish between literal language and
n *Plot diagram
d figurative figurative language. or graphic map
S language t r
u RL.5.6. Describe I can identify basic points of view as first person, c
t how the second person, or third person. u
r narrator’s point I can determine a narrator’s or speaker’s point of e of view view in a text. influences events I can describe how events in a text are influenced by point of view.
1 ELA Evidence of Learning October/2013 Date/Task Ideas Short response Short (1-2paragraphs) analyze To differenthow narrators describe events similar Synthesizing narrative andnarrative public service public resources a in Assessment text and audio text and brochure, etc.) announcement, Research-based given format (e.g. format given Information from explanatory essay explanatory See samples below See
GRADE 5 Learning Targets Learning EVIDENCE OF LEARNING—Quarter 1 EVIDENCE LEARNING—Quarter OF Suggested I can analyze how visual elements add meaning, can how elements analyze visual I add and tone, to the a text. beauty of contribute create I can tone. identify I view crafting support tone the my of of author’s I evidence text with from elements the visual in the text. found in I can contrasts events, ideas, concepts, can ideas, contrasts events, I more information or in two and/or informational texts. that can authors recognize I use various presenting when information. formats in can information identify presented I than other words. formats from multiple can print locateI information sources and digital questions or to answer problems quicklysolve efficiently. and I use various strategies to determine use various the I strategies of domain- academic and general meaning and in words specific a text. phrases locate use resources me in and I to assist unknown meaning of words the determining informational text. phrasesand in different explain can and identify I used text. instructures informational overall structure can an determine of the I informational text. concepts, can ideas, compare events, I more information or in two and/or informational texts. text. text. a explain and can how define inference I uses direct from reader an quotes to conclusions. draw informational text can an author’s analyze I find and words needed in informational to text quotes both explicit inferential support and questions. academic words general identify phrasesI or an informational text. in specific domain identify phrases or I words an informational text. in I can quote from anI accurately informational ELA Evidence Learning of ELA October/2013 Compare Compare Compare Compare Quote Quote
2 Standards Common Core of text of Analyze how Analyze how and visual multimedia elements to contribute beauty and tone RL.5.7 from two or more or from two texts. RI.5.7 contrast theand overall structure ideas, events, of infoconcepts, or of events, ideas, events, of infoconcepts, or more or from two texts. RI.5.4 contrast theand overall structure the meaning of of the meaning academic general domain- and on words specific grade topics level the text and to and the text support inferences RI.5.4 RI.5.1 from accurately explain text to information from Extends Key Ideas and Craft and Structure READING/Informational Text READING/Informational Knowledge Details Date/Task Ideas Writing Writing Samples Writing Samples Rubric Fluency Records Running Assessment GRADE 5 Targets Learning . Suggested EVIDENCE OF LEARNING—Quarter 1 EVIDENCE LEARNING—Quarter OF support particular points. particular support and how can evidence explain the reason I in the points ta particular text. support I can locate the reasons and evidence reasons an and can locateI the in uses to support a points particular author text. and can which identify evidence I reason I can use organizational structures to develop my can structures use organizational I to my develop ideas. writing piece of can compose logical I a and clear writing my demonstrates a specific understandingof that style. writing I can write real or can real write narratives. I imagined descriptive clear can with details and write I sequences. event my narrator can story. for createI a that can characters unfold naturally. develop I use dialogue stories. I in my of phrases. use a variety and words I transitional choose wordsI mood, purposefully; to create etc. development, character fits my that style best can the identify writing I and purpose, audience. task, I can analyze the analyzefinding of can I the wordsby structure words, suffixes, compound roots,prefixes, and syllables. useword structurecan I analysis help of my to decode me multi-syllabic unfamiliar words. and purpose with readon-levelI text understanding. effectivelyI phrasing, orchestrates stress, rate, when grade pausing and reading intonation text level ELA Evidence Learning of ELA October/2013 Read Read Explain Explain . 3 Standards Common Core Common audience W.5.4 isWriting to appropriate and task Writing fluency to fluency to support comprehension. W.5.3 Narrative analysis to words. decode RF.5.4. sufficientwith accuracy and RF.5.3 gradeApply phonicslevel word and matching matching supporting reasons with evidence. specific how an authorhow uses reasons and evidence to particular support a text in points accurately RI.5.8
Extends Knowledge Phonics Fluency Produces Multiple LANGUAGEARTS/Writing READING/Foundational Skills READING/Foundational Types of Writing Date/Task Ideas Writing Writing Writing Samples Writing Writing Samples Samples Inquiry Writing projects Samples Assessment GRADE 5 Targets Learning Suggested EVIDENCE OF LEARNING—Quarter 1 EVIDENCE OF LEARNING—Quarter I send I can use conventions aclear to tomy message reader. the functionsofI can (nouns,explain adverbs). verbs,pronouns,adjectives,and and plural I can use regular irregular nouns. frequencywords I spell high grade-level writing. my in accurately textual evidence to strengthen my analysis, strengthenmy textualevidence to reflection,and/or research. I can use accurate punctuation. (e.g. question inmark a sentence) question use letterscan I capital appropriately. and prepare my writing for my publication. writing prepare and evidence. define can I textual determine supportstextual can I evidence that research. analysis, my reflection,and/or compose written can I responses include and others. checking errors by using can for edit writing I an edit checklist. strengthen my multiple drafts can prepare to I writing. can technology identify helpI that me will publish and myproduce, edit, writing. on the can Internet choose credible websites I publish will and my help edit, that me compose, writing. others and can teachers, collaborate peers, I with publish and myto produce writing. to compose can use proper skills I keyboarding I plan my writing using a variety of strategies. of writing a plan variety using my I that a can piece of well-developed recognize I than one requires more draft. writing the strategieswith help can of applyI revision ELA Evidence Learning of ELA October/2013 Draw Draw
4 Standards Common Core Common and spelling and L.5.2 Demonstrate accurate capitalization, punctuation, standard standard English and grammar when usage orwriting speaking. L.5.1 Demonstrate ofcommand the ofconventions evidenceto support analysis, reflection, research. and W.5.9 writing Collaborate with others W.5.6 Use technologyto produce Strengthen writingusing from input peers W.5.5 Use Research Produce and Publish Writing Conventions of English Patterns of Spelling LANGUAGEARTS/Conventions LANGUAGE ARTS/Writing LANGUAGE Skills Date/Task Records Running Ideas Checklists Assessment Self-assessments ) . ) knew,
take steps take
) (e.g., (e.g., describe(e.g., people grade academicgrade th helpful GRADE 5
Targets Learning friendly EVIDENCE OF LEARNING—Quarter 1 EVIDENCE OF LEARNING—Quarter Suggested I share from a shareI from book. determine thecan I reasons evidence and speaker a his/herto uses support points. use can I sentencesshare complete to information. use can I sentencesask complete to questions. use can I sentencesanswer complete to questions. I can ask can I questions information about asomeone sharesfrom book. answer questions can I information about literal and meaningofliteral words non-literal phrases and context. in I can real-lifeconnectionsidentify between and words their uses. are who I can synonyms.identify (e.g., wondered heard, suspected, believed, accurately can 4 I use myvocabularyexpress to ideas. I whatfigurative andI can describe words mean. phrases thedifference I can describe between ELA Evidence Learning of ELA October/2013 Ask and Speak in Speak 5 Standards Common Core Common specific specific words strategies L.5.6. domain- Use L.5.4 theDetermine meaning of unknown using awords range of order to provide order to provide or requested detail clarification SL.5.6 complete sentences when to task appropriate in situation and answer questions questions answer about information speaker, from a offering appropriate and elaboration detail SL.5.3 SL.5.3 *See example: *See http://www.readwritethink.org/resources/resource-print.html?id=869 Acquires New Vocabulary
LANGUAGE ARTS/Presents knowledge and ideas in a variety of ideas varietyknowledge of a ways and in LANGUAGEARTS/Presents Presents Knowledge and Ideas