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Put the Title of the Lesson Here

a WebQuest for Primary Grades Missouri State Standards/Objectives Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Introduction Are you anxious to find out what your favorite author is going to dream up for his or her next book? Just imagine some of the shenanigans David Shannon is inventing for his character, David! Think about some of your favorite books. How did those books come about? Would you like to learn more about the people who write and illustrate the books you love so much?

Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion

Task Through this activity you and your partner will take a closer look at what authors and illustrators actually do. You will respond to the work of one of your favorite authors or illustrators by reading one of their books to your partner, visiting their web site, and creating a postcard in the spirit of their work.

Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Process 1. Visit two author web sites. Click on the author’s name to connect to their site. Write a one-sentence response to each site visit.

Eric Carle Tomi de Paola David Wiesner

Kevin Henkes David Shannon Dav Pilkey

Marc Brown Barbara Park David Adler



3. Buddy read with your partner one of the books from the selection of the featured authors or illustrators. 4. Click here to Print Your Postcard. 5. Make a postcard for a friend about your author / illustrator. a. Write a message to a friend about why they should read one of your author’s or illustrator’s books. Share what you like about their stories or illustrations. b. Draw a stamp using a character from your book in the area provided on the postcard. c. On the blank side of the postcard, draw a picture or character from your author’s or illustrator’s book. Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion



Wrote a sentence for two author /illustrator websites

Read your book with a buddy

Listened to your partner read his/her book

Wrote postcard message

Stamp drawing reflects an author / illustrator character

Postcard picture reflects work of author / illustrator Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion

Conclusion Now that you have learned more about what it takes to make a great children’s book, you might want to read books by some of the other authors or illustrators in this lesson. Look at some of the author’s web sites. There is a whole world of books out there for you to explore. Introduction Task Resources Process Evaluation Conclusion Resources

 http://faculty.goucher.edu/jcampf/dulmer/WhoIsBehindTheBook.htm  Postcard template  Author – Illustrator PowerPoint found at www.libraryinstruction.com/ learnthelibrary/LearntheLibrary50.ppt Created by Claudette Curl, 2003; Modified by D. Ulmer, 2006  Selection of books by authors represented in chart  http://www.eric-carle.com/home.html  http://www.tomie.com/about_tomie/index.html  http://www.houghtonmifflinbooks.com/authors/wiesner/home.html  http://www.kevinhenkes.com/  http://www.scholastic.com/titles/nodavid/davidshannon.htm  http://www.pilkey.com/  http://www.hachettebookgroupusa.com/authors/26/224/index.html  http://www.randomhouse.com/kids/junieb/author/author.html  http://www.davidaadler.com/ Missouri State Standards/Objectives Information and Course: Library Unit Title/Number/Essential Skills: 03. Grade: K-2 Technology Media K-2 Information Literacy: Access Literacy Objective: Identify parts of a book, identify author and illustrator on front cover, differentiate between the author and illustrator, locate and distinguish between easy fiction and easy non-fiction. Content Process Code(s)CA Code(s) 1ITL 2ITL 1ITL 4ITL 3

Information and Course: Library Unit Title/Number/Essential Skills: Grade: K-2 Technology Media K-2 11. Literature Appreciation Literacy Objective: Share literature with other children. Content Process GLE(s) Evaluated? Code(s)CA Code(s) 1ITL 2CA 5ITL 6ITL 3

Information and Course: Library Unit Title/Number/Essential Skills: 08. Information Grade: K-2 Technology Media K-2 Literacy: Access, Analysis & Use Literacy Objective: Use information from an electronic reference source. Content Process GLE(s) Evaluated? Code(s)CA Code(s) 1ITL 2ITL 1ITL 5ITL 3

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