Area Backdrop Contract (Abc), Design

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Area Backdrop Contract (Abc), Design




The work in this contract assigned in subsequent supplemental agreements shall consist in whole, in part, or in combination as directed by the Department=s Consultant Manager of those design services (including project planning, pre-design scoping, design, constructability reviews, construction support services) required for specific projects in the Department of Transportation program such as, but not limited to, the typical assignments listed below.

The design of this project shall be progressed in accordance with the current Project Development Manual (PDM) and appropriate sections of the Federal Aid Policy Guide (FAPG).

All work shall conform to current versions of the following NYSDOT documents. (The Scope of Services for individual project assignments will show more specific references related to that particular project.) Where necessary the State shall provide or make available to the Consultant either the full document or guidance extracted from it.

$ Engineering Instructions $ Standard Specifications Directives and Bulletins for Construction and Materials

$ Project Development $ Highway Design Manual Manual Volumes I, II and III

$ Surveying Standards & $ Specifications for Procedures Manual Photogrammetric Stereocompilation

$ Interim Guide to Metric $ Comprehensive Pavement Design Design Manual

$ CADD Standards and Procedures Manual

$ Annual Report titled $ Annual Report titled "Update of Accident "Update of Accident Reduction Factors and Costs" Average Accident Rates"

$ Right Of Way Mapping $ New York State Manual Procedure Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices

$ Rules and Regulations $ Bridge Manual, current Governing the edition Accommodation of Utilities within the State Highway Right of Way $ Standard Specifications $ Consultant Instructions for Highway Bridges

$ Bridge Inspection $ Bridge Safety Assurance Manual Vulnerability Manuals

$ Environmental $ EB 02-045 supersedes Procedures Manual Environmental Action Plan

$ Consultant Instruction $ "Preliminary Estimate 03-04 requires the Worksheet Revision" for Trns*port Estimator bridges program as a tool of the trade. This supercedes Cost Estimating System Program & Manual, including Preliminary Estimating Program (PEP) and Price Estimating System (PES)

$ $ Uniform Code of Bridge Inspection

$ Design Consultant $ 1/27/88 Memorandum Manual titled "Project Scale vs. Traffic Volumes"

$ Annual Report titled $ "Axle Factor Update"

$ Field Measurement of $ Existing Noise Levels

[Add any applicable Region-specific documents]

In addition, all work shall be designed in accordance with the following documents or their current replacement policy:

$ A Policy on Geometric $ A Policy o n Design Design of Highways and StandardsCInterstate Streets, American System, AASHTO Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

$ Manual for Condition $ Highway Capacity Evaluation of Bridges, Manual, Special Report AASHTO 209, Transportation Research Board

$ Highway Traffic Data for $ FHWA Technical Urbanized Area Project Advisory T6640.8A, Planning and Design, 10/30/87 (environmental NCHRP Report 255 analyses)

$ ADA Accessibility $ Eminent Domain Guidelines for Buildings Procedure Law and Facilities Guidelines

$ Guide Specification for $ Policy and Standards for the Design of Pedestrian Entrances to State Bridges, AASHTO Highways

2. Compliance with Environmental Laws, Regulations and Permits

All Consultant work shall meet the requirements of all applicable state and federal environmental laws, regulations and policy (specified in Appendix A of the Design Procedure Manual).


PRELIMINARY DESIGN: The consultant shall provide a design topographic survey by conventional or photogrammetric means conforming to the Department=s AHighway Design Manual@ (HDM). Utility and drainage related surveys shall also be conducted. The Consultant shall supplement design survey information with additional survey required to accomplish Right- of-Way (ROW) Mapping.

The Consultant shall prepare design mapping conforming to the HDM and various ROW maps and plans in accordance with the Department=s ARight-of-Way Mapping and Procedure Manual@.

The Consultant shall develop input and/or develop project scoping packages (Expanded Project Proposals) and provide working drawings at reasonable appropriate scale documenting preliminary evaluations of reasonable alternative schemes to meet project objectives. The Consultant shall provide a written assessment of each scheme outlining its particular advantages and expected problem areas.

The Consultant shall, for preliminary alternatives selected for further development, prepare detailed engineering studies which may include:

* Schematic typical sections. * Identification of topographic, physiographic and planimetric features which constitute alignment constraints. * Operational, Level of Services, safety & accident, physical conditions, analysis for intersections, and roadways within the project limits. * Effects on railroad operations for each alternative. * Construction costs for each alternative. * Economic comparison of alternatives. * Structural design limited to the work necessary to establish basic structural concepts, obtain clearances, accommodate stream flow, and estimate costs. * Signing and signal considerations limited to those that may be factors in determining the suitability of any design alternative. * Maintenance and Protection of Traffic during construction. * Accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and the handicapped.

The Consultant shall provide appropriate scale plans for each alternative selected for further study. Plans shall show stationed centerlines, roadway geometrics, major drainage features, construction and ROW limits. Profiles at appropriate scales shall be prepared for each alternative. The Consultant shall examine the overall impacts of alternatives on:

* Regional and Community Growth * Cultural Resources * Noise Environment * Flood Plains * Wetlands * Air Quality * Ecology * Water * Use and Conservation of Energy * Aesthetics * General Ecology * Hazardous Waste and Asbestos

The Consultant shall prepare a draft Design Report or draft DR/EA (Design Report/Environmental Assessment) documenting the engineering and environmental studies. The Consultant shall modify the draft report in accordance with review comments by the Department and provide sufficient copies for distribution to the review agencies and public.

The Consultant shall assist the Department with appropriate public involvement activities throughout the design process. This may include public information meetings and public hearings at which the Consultant will prepare visual aids and make technical presentations.

The Consultant will analyze review agency and public comment and incorporate the results into the Design Report or DR/EA. The Consultant shall modify the report in accordance with review comments by the Department and provide sufficient copies for distribution to the review agencies and the public.

FINAL DESIGN; The Consultant shall prepare appropriate scale Advanced Detailed Plans in accordance with the requirements of the Design Procedure Manual and the Highway Design Manual. This may include the following associated designs and plans: * Traffic Signs * Pavement Markings * Traffic Signals * Maintenance and Protection of Traffic * Highway Lighting * Landscape Development * Maintenance Jurisdiction * Utilities * Special Plans (large culverts, retaining walls, etc.)

The Consultant shall modify the Advanced Detailed Plans, and Specifications in accordance with the Department comments, prepare a final Estimate of Cost, and submit the Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) to the Department.

BRIDGE DESIGN: The Consultant shall prepare detailed structure plans, specifications and estimates. Work will consist of the preparation and submission of Bridge Site Data, Structure Study Plan, Preliminary Structure Plan, Advance Structure Plans, and Final Plan, Specifications and Estimates. For each of these submissions, the Consultant will make revisions in accordance with Department comments.

BRIDGE REHABILITATION DESIGN: The Consultant will perform an in-depth field inspection and deck evaluation in accordance with the Specification for In-Depth Bridge Inspection and Bridge Deck Evaluation Procedure Manual. The Consultant will also perform a load rating of the structure in accordance with the current NYSDOT Engineering Instructions for load ratings. The Consultant will incorporate findings of the above studies within the Design Approval Document and attach the entire reports as Technical Appendices.

The Consultant shall prepare a Bridge Rehabilitation Preliminary Plan in accordance with the Department=s Bridge Manual.

The Consultant shall prepare detailed structure rehabilitation plans, specifications and estimates. Work will consist of the preparation and submission of Advanced Structure Plans and Final Plan Specifications and Estimates. For each of these submissions, the Consultant will make revisions in accordance with Department comments.

PLANNING ASSIGNMENTS: The Consultant will perform planning tasks in accordance with the individual scope of services defined for the specific assignment.

CONSTRUCTABILITY REVIEWS: The Consultant shall review Advanced Detailed Plans and other available project information and prepare a report that documents constructability issues that could potentially delay or disrupt the completion of the project. The objective of the review is to assure that the contract documents are sufficiently detailed so that the project can be bid rationally and built without significantly changing the contract. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES: The Consultant shall conduct on–site field reconnaissance in response to unanticipated and varying field conditions, or changes in construction procedures, and where required, prepare Field Change Sheets; the Consultant shall review proposed design changes and deem whether or not they should be implemented; and, the Consultant shall interpret and clarify design concepts, plans and specifications.

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