Hopton-On-Sea Parish Council

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Hopton-On-Sea Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 11 January 2016 at the Village Hall Station Road Hopton-on-Sea Great Yarmouth NR31 9BE commencing at 7pm.

Present: Parish Cllrs: Lennie Gent (Chairman), Steve Ames, Julian Canham, Stephen Ford, Brian Hardisty, Maureen McGovern, Mike Pearce, Shirley Pearce, Dave Ramsden, Lilian Walker. Also present: Julie McNair, Clerk to the Council, Borough Cllrs. Carl Annison and Andy Grant and eighteen members of the public.

1. To consider apologies for absence. Parish Cllr. Jean Canham, County Cllr. Colin Aldred, Borough Cllr. Hilary Wainwright.

2. To receive declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda. The following interests were declared: Item 12(a) Cllr. Hardisty declared a personal interest. Item 11 Cllr Julian Canham declared a disclosable pecuniary interest. Item 5(c) Cllr Lennie Gent declared a personal interest.

3. To confirm the Minute of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 December 2015. Proposed, seconded and agreed by majority vote (2 abstentions due to absence). Minute signed.

4. Resolution to suspend the meeting for County Councillor and Borough Councillors’ Reports and the Police monthly crime report. Proposed and unanimously agreed to suspend the meeting. Crime report for November. 1 x theft from Potters, a mobile phone taken. 1 x theft from Lowestoft Road, heating oil taken. 1 x burglary, Seafields Drive, occupants away. Garage entered and items taken. Offender caught. 3 x other burglary, Linen Post Lane, shed entered and gardening equipment taken. Heating oil stolen from tank. Bench seat outside a caravan at Hopton Holiday Village broken, nothing taken. Crime report for December. 1 x theft heating oil stolen Hall Road, 1 x theft Seafields Drive, two childrens’ scooters taken from rear garden, 1 x theft Sidegate Road, 500 litres of heating oil stolen. 1 x criminal damage, Sidegate Road, damage to vehicle. 1 x other burglary, Hopton Holiday Village, bench seat broken into. 1 x vehicle interference, Rackham Close, vehicle had been tampered with. 1 x theft from motor vehicle, Misburgh Way, hub caps stolen from vehicle. The next SNAP meeting is Thursday 14 January at the JGI Belton, 7pm. Borough Cllr Carl Annison advised surface water flooding on Sidegate Road and Hall Road has still not been addressed by NCC Highways. They are hoping to move forward with a plan to resolve the problem soon. Borough Cllr Andy Grant advised that Highways England is no further forward in relation to the roundabout. The oil slick on the beach is under control and shouldn’t re-surface again for another twenty years. There are still ward budget funds available for any good causes in the village. The proposed development by Cripps on the Lowestoft Road is being altered and will not be heard at the January GYBC Dev Control Committee hearing.

1 The meeting was reconvened.

5. To receive and consider the Clerk’s reports:- (a) Correspondence as listed and circulated to all Cllrs.

(b) Planning applications received. 06/15/0755/ 2A Kennel Loke. Rear extension and alterations. With the Planning F Committee [no objection]. 06/15/0760/ 22 Teulon Close. Proposed conservatory. With the Planning F Committee. Planning Permission Granted by GYBC 06/15/0678/ 3 Beach Road. Proposed bedroom over garage. F 06/15/0609/ The Old Vicarage Warren Road. Change of use to allow the siting of F static holiday caravans and all associated infrastructure. 06/15/0683/ 13 Station Road. Demolition of sub-standard 2 storey extension F and erection of 2 storey larger extension.

(c) Finance. The Chairman asked for the Council’s indulgence to discuss a response received from Hopton Village Hall Management Trust (VHMT) in relation to an increase in office rental. The response has been circulated. Cllrs. M. Pearce, S. Pearce, L Gent, M. McGovern all declared a personal interest as they are Trustees of the VHMT. It was proposed by Cllr. Gent, seconded by Cllr. Walker to discuss this item as a special item in accordance with Standing Order 10 (written requests having been received by four Cllrs). This was passed by majority vote (8 in favour, 1 opposed, 1 abstention). The response from the VHMT states that the rent increase of 10% is not negotiable. The existing rent has been minuted by both the Council and VHMT but there is no formal written agreement or lease in place. Following debate, and in order to comply with procedural matters, an extra ordinary meeting will be called to discuss the response in full. [Wednesday 20 January 2016, 11am in the Village Hall.] There were eight cheques and one direct debit from the business current account totalling £2629.43. It was proposed by Cllr. Hardisty, seconded by Cllr. Walker to approve the cheques. This was unanimously agreed.

(d) E-On fixed price renewal 1 year. Pavilion Building. Standing charge 27p per day. Normal units 12.37p per kWh. Proposed by Cllr. Ramsden, seconded by Cllr. Ames to fix the price as stated. This was unanimously agreed.

6. To consider annual insurance renewal quotations from Zurich and Came & Co. Quotation from Zurich at £1,063.21 for one year from 21 January 2016. For comparison, last year’s premium was £1,034.23. This includes the metal steps for public liability only. There would be an additional premium of £323.99 plus tax to cover the steps for all risks, making a total of £1,387.20 Quotations from Came & Co brokers. Hiscox at £1,697.05, Aviva at £2,015.17 and Ecclesiastical at £1,888.62. These include the metal steps on all risks cover.

2 It was confirmed that oil on the beach is not covered by the Parish Council’s insurance as it is a pre-existing condition and specifically excluded. The Clerk will write to GYBC to seek clarification that they are liable for any clean up. It was proposed by Cllr Gent, seconded by Cllr Julian Canham to approve the Zurich quotation, to include all risks cover for the metal steps to the beach. This was unanimously agreed.

7. To consider a response from Bourne Leisure re new metal steps to the beach. The response from Bourne Leisure (BL) has previously been circulated. The Parish Council has already resolved to accept the steps as a replacement for the old ones, and currently has them insured for public liability [soon to be all risks cover]. Written legal advice from NALC regarding a proposed payment to Bourne Leisure in relation to the new steps has been circulated to all Cllrs. NALC advise that in their view the Parish Council is entitled to make a contribution towards the expense of replacing its own steps. The relevant legislation is s.ss9 and 10 Open Spaces Act 1906 (the power to acquire and maintain land for open spaces). Beaches can be deemed open spaces. However, advice has been received from Chris Skinner, Solicitor to NCC/GYBC to the contrary. That any gift of money would be ultra vires as there is no contract and no authority to make such payment. It could be seen as a breach of fiduciary duty. This response has been forwarded to NALC for their further comments. Much discussion took place regarding the new steps, cliff erosion, setting up a maintenance account, budgeting for next year and the payment that was proposed last month from the insurance proceeds. It was proposed by Cllr. Gent, seconded by Cllr. Ramsden and passed by majority vote (6 in favour, 4 opposed) to wait for NALC’s further advice.

8. Old metal steps – Zurich Insurance settlement £7,400 received. Legal advice from Norfolk Association of Local Councils. See item 7 above.

9. Dog excrement – “Clean it Up” stencils on the sea wall to be installed by GYBC Environmental Health. Copies of the proposed stencils have previously been circulated to all Cllrs. There would be no cost to the Parish Council. A request will be made to GYBC to install the stencils at every entrance to the recreation ground.

10. Community Christmas Parties feedback and to agree dates for 2016. The two parties were once again a success with many positive comments. Photos are in the January and February editions of Village News along with a “thank you” to those who contributed. The parties came in under budget. The two raffles made £360. Suggested dates 11 and 18 December 2016. The Tricky Twister has been provisionally booked for Sunday 11th. Proposed by Cllr. Ramsden, seconded by Cllr. M Pearce and passed by majority vote (8 in favour, 2 opposed) to hold the parties on 11 and 18 December 2016.

11. Pavilion Building Legionella risk assessment. HSE link circulated to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. Quotation from Riverside Environment at £450 to carry out a risk assessment, or £652 to include water

3 sampling and log book. Quotation from Cllr Julian Canham, who is a qualified Legionella Risk Assessor to carry out a risk assessment at £300. Cllr. Julian Canham left the room before any discussion took place. Cllr. Ford outlined exactly what is required in order to comply with relevant legislation. Following discussion Cllr. Canham will be asked to re-quote to include all the required works and monthly inspections. It might also be beneficial to link the assessment with the one carried out at the Village Hall. Cllr. Canham returned to the room.

12. To receive a brief update on matters arising from the Minutes:- (a) Coastal erosion. Cllr. Hardisty provided information concerning Dr. Phil Barber’s report on off shore banks. Bourne Leisure has made the document available to both GYBC and WDC free of charge. No date has been set by GYBC Development Committee to hear Potter’s sea defence planning application.

(b) Neighbourhood Plan. The process of applying for a grant towards costs was started, but as any funding had to be used by the end of March 2016 the process was stopped, and application will re-commence in April 2016. The Parish Council is eligible for a grant.

(c) Tree Preservation Orders. A meeting is being arranged with Patrick Tabor, GYBC to walk the village and identify those trees that currently have a TPO as the listing/plans are not clear. An article is in the January edition of Village News seeking views on trees that residents feel might benefit from a TPO.

(d) Parking Enforcement Officers. The problem areas and times have been identified and details passed to the Officers.

(e) High Visibility Vests for SAM2 volunteers. The vests have now been received. Total cost of £43.14 paid from petty cash.

(f) Car park works and new seating on the Recreation Ground. GYB Services have ordered the goods. To clarify, the quotation to construct two concrete pads at £1,246 includes the cost to supply and fit two all plastic benches. GYBC to be advised that another wooden stump has been knocked out of place.

(g) Clean for the Queen Sunday 6 March 2016. This is gaining momentum around the Country. The Hopton clear up can also include memorial statues, village signs, and a litter pick. The clear up will be held on Sunday 6 March, 10am meeting in the Village Hall car park. Details will be included in the February and March editions of Village News magazine. Posters will be distributed and details sent to Hopton Primary School.

13. To receive updates and consider the following regarding St. Margaret’s Ruins: (a) Interpretation panel. The final proof is awaited from GYPT.

4 (b) Quotations for gardening work at the Ruins 2016. Cllr. M Pearce reported that last year’s gardeners, Greengrass Landscape & Gardening Services, did a good job, reducing bushes on the north side, weeding all beds, clearing around the apple trees, and general gardening jobs. The rose garden is in a better condition now that it has been since Hopton in Bloom started it in 2000, with just roses in the bed as originally set up. Two quotations discussed from Greenleaf Garden Services at £330 for two people one day visit per month, and DGS at £200 for one person one and a half days per month. It was proposed by Cllr. M Pearce, seconded by Cllr. Hardisty and unanimously agreed to appoint DGS, a local gardener, at £200 per visit, subject to two satisfactory checkable references. Cllr. M Pearce to check.

14. Parish Council Pension scheme (mechanics of pension). The Chairman advised matter carried forward to next month.

15. To read Parish Councillors’ Reports (previously submitted in writing). There were none.

16. Resolution to suspend the meeting for the Public Forum. Proposed by Cllr. S Pearce, seconded by Cllr. Walker and unanimously agreed to suspend the meeting. a. Lamp posts with no numbers. B.C. Carl Annison will ask NCC/GYBC for a comprehensive list. b. The barrier at the end of Beach Road has not yet been re-instated. Cllr. Hardisty advised that the bollard has not been put back as a delivery of rock is expected and Beach Road will again be used by trucks. c. It is a good idea to wait for further advice from NALC in relation to item 7/8 above. d. It would be outrageous to consider any payment under item 7/8 above. The meeting was reconvened.

17. To confirm the date and time of the next meeting of Hopton-on-Sea Parish Council. Monday 8 February 2016, 7.00pm at Hopton Village Hall.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at approx. 8.25pm.

Signed: ……………………………………… Dated: …………………………….

If the Council need to exclude the public at any time, the council will have to vote to do this by passing the following resolution: Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press leave the meeting during consideration of (…state item of business …)

5 These minutes are in draft format and unconfirmed until approved at the next Parish Council meeting. The Clerk to the Parish Council can be contacted in the following ways:- e-mail [email protected] Tel: 01502 730768 or in person at the village hall, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30am to 1.30pm. Website: http://hopton-on-sea-parish-council.norfolkparishes.gov.uk/


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