Grade 10 Healthy Active Living Portfolio
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Create your own title page – course name and title, your name, teacher’s name and due date- June 17, 2016
Name: ______Grade 10 Healthy Active Living Portfolio Evaluation
Evalution 25 %
A.Portfolio Evaluation 15% B. Goal Sheets/Logs 10%
Title page Two Monthly Goals (April, May)
My Smart Healthy Living Plan _____ Two Nutrition Logs with Summaries
Fitness Appraisals (3)
_____ Introduction
Getting Started A & B
_____ Nutritional Summary
Personal Program
Overall Mark Portfolio:
FITNESS APPRAISAL SUMMARY Fitness Test Go Resu Fit Go Resu Fit Go Resu Fit al lt Inde al lt Inde al lt Inde 1 1 x 2 2 x 3 3 x Cardiorespirat ory Endurance Beep Test Muscular Endurance Push ups (60 sec) Sit ups (60 sec) Chest Raises (30 sec) Double Leg Raises (30 sec) Sitting Tucks (60 sec) Bench Jumps (60 sec) Static Push Up (sec) Flexed Arm Hang (sec) Max. Pull Ups (Total #) Muscular Strength Basketball Throw (m) Standing Long Jump (m) Flexibility Sit-Reach-Hold (cm) Shoulder Flexion (cm) Back Extension (cm) Agility Illinois Agility Run NUTRITION LOGS PPL2O: Nutrition Log 1 Date:
MEALS DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 Breakfast
Food Group Summary 1 – Use #’s or tallies for each day, then find the average for the week. Group Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Average Meat Dairy Veg/Fruit Grains Answer the questions on the back of this sheet.
Do you meet the recommended servings for each group? If not, what could you change in your diet to fix this?
In what food group did you have the most difficulty meeting the recommended servings? Why do you think this/these areas are difficult for you to meet?
Identify the one area of nutrition you will work toward changing during the next month and explain why this area excites you. PPL2O: Nutrition Log 2 Date:
MEALS DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 Breakfast
Food Group Summary 1 – Use #’s or tallies for each day, then find the average for the week. Group Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Average Meat Dairy Veg/Fruit Grains Answer the questions on the back of this sheet.
Do you meet the recommended servings for each group? If not, what could you change in your diet to fix this?
In what food group did you have the most difficulty meeting the recommended servings? Why do you think this/these areas are difficult for you to meet?
Identify the one area of nutrition you will work toward changing during the next month and explain why this area excites you. Nutrition Log 3 Date:
MEALS DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 Breakfast
Food Group Summary 1 – Use #’s or tallies for each day, then find the average for the week. Group Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Average Meat Dairy Veg/Fruit Grains Do you meet the recommended servings for each group? If not, what could you change in your diet to fix this?
In what food group did you have the most difficulty meeting the recommended servings? Why do you think this/these areas are difficult for you to meet?
Identify the one area of nutrition you will work toward changing during the next month and explain why this area excites you.
Were you successful at changing your nutritional needs the last two months? PPL2O INTRODUCTION to the Portfolio Due date: March 4, 2016
Length: Mininum ¾ of a page
Content: 1. What does healthy active living mean to me? 2. Why should we be physically active and eat healthy? 3. What are the physical, mental/emotional and social benefits of being active? 4. Why should we set SMART goals for our fitness and nutrition this semester? 5. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses in terms of physical fitness (eg. Fitness test results), daily activity, nutrition and healthy life choices? 6. What do you think/hope you will learn this semester by setting goals, tracking your activity, and doing fitness testing?
*SMART Goal – S – Specific: Exactly what you want. M – Measurable: How will you demonstrate and evaluate? A – Achievable: Are you able to do it? R – Relevant: Does your plan match your goal? T – Time: Do you have time to accomplish this? HEALTHY ACTIVE LIVING – GETTING STARTED (A) Due Date: Monday Feb. 8, 2016
1. What activities and/or sports do you most like to do? Why do you enjoy these activities?
2. What motivation do you have for being active? Why does this motivate you?
3. What barriers are there to you being active? Why do these things hold you back?
4. What are some of the benefits to being active and fit? What evidence do you have of this?
5. What are the four components to anyone’s fitness? Why did you choose these four things? 6. What is the part of fitness that allows you to exercise a muscle for long periods of time called?
7. What refers to the fitness of the heart and lungs?
8. The other two health-related components of fitness are? And their definitions are:
9. What do you think your current fitness level is? Why?
10. How could you improve your current fitness level?
11. What is your main goal this year? Why?
GETTING STARTED (B) 14. How important is each of the following to you in achieving a healthy active lifestyle?
No Little Some Very Importance Importance Importanc Important e Adequate rest and sleep
A good diet
Low calorie snacks between meals Maintenance of proper weight Participation in social and cultural activities Control of stress
Regular physical activity
Being a non-smoker
Avoiding substance use
Making good sexual decisions Adequate medical and dental care Positive thinking/meditation
15. From the above write a paragraph of your values, strengths and weaknesse s from these categories.
Each month you will set one new physical fitness goal and one new nutrition goal. Months two and three will also include the previous month’s goals and their next step.
What I Want To Do Action Steps What I Did (Goals) (Be specific) SMART (Success Indicators) Physical Fitness Goal: Frequency/Intensity/Time/Type
Nutrition Goal: S M A R T
Successes that I am proud of ……
Things that sabotaged my plan ……
Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 I hardly ever I sometimes I usually paticipated in I participated routinely participated in my participated in my my fitness activites in my fitness activities fitness activities fitness activities I had trouble meeting I achieved some of my I achieved most of my I achieved all of my any goals. goals. goals. goals. PPL2O: MONTHLY GOALS 2- April 2015 Due May 1, 2015
What I Want To Do Action Steps What I Did (Goals) (Be specific) SMART (Success Indicators) Physical Fitness Goal: Frequency/Intensity/Time/Type (a) Month 1
(b) New goal
Nutrition Goal: SMART (a) Month 1
(b) New goal
Successes that I am proud of ……
Things that sabotaged my plan ……
Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 I hardly ever I sometimes I usually paticipated in I participated routinely participated in my participated in my my fitness activites in my fitness activities fitness activities fitness activities I had trouble meeting I achieved some of my I achieved most of my I achieved all of my any goals. goals. goals. goals. MONTHLY GOALS 3
What I Want To Do Action Steps What I Did (Goals) (Be specific) (Success Indicators) Physical Fitness Goal: (a) Month 1
(b) Month 2
(c) New Goal
Nutrition Goal: (a) Month 1
(b) Month 2
(c) New Goal
Successes that I am proud of ……
Things that sabotaged my plan ……
Self-Evaluation 1 2 3 4 I hardly ever I sometimes I usually paticipated in I participated routinely participated in my participated in my my fitness activites in my fitness activities fitness activities fitness activities I had trouble meeting I achieved some of my I achieved most of my I achieved all of my any goals. goals. goals. goals. NUTRITIONAL SUMMARY
Review the answers to the questions from your nutrition logs. Write a three paragraph summary reflecting on initial nutrition level, final nutrition level, changes made, successes, obstacles, benefits to self from changes made. PERSONAL PROGRAM
Using your physical fitness monthly goals, create a seven day program that reflects all the FITT principles to achieve the goals. Be sure to identify the time of day you will participate in each activity, the intensity of each activity, etc.
Goal 1: Frequency Intensity Time Type of activity
Goal 2: Frequency Intensity Time Type of Activity
Goal 3: Frequency Intensity Time Type of Activity
Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday y CAREERS IN HEALTHY ACTIVE LIVING
Write a ½ - 1 pg report on one possible career opportunity in the field of Healthy Active Living. Your report should include: ● A background description of the job responsibilities ● A description of any special skills, qualifications, or experience that is required to pursue the career ● Post-secondary education requirements ● Include a reference page of your resources
Possible websites:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Communicates Communicates Communicates Communicates information with limited information with some information with information and ideas clarity clarity considerable clarity with a high degree of clarity Provides limited Provides a mediocre Provides an appropriate Provides a thorough description and includes description and includes description of job description of job at least one of the at least two of the responsibilites, special responsibilites, special criteria criteria skills, and education skills, and education required required No references One reference Two references Three or more references
Length: minimum one page, single spaced,
Content: 1. Identify areas of strengths, weaknesses, improvements on Fitness Appraisal (refer specifically to percentages) 2. List of changes made to improve your healthy active lifestyle (physical activity levels, nutrition, substance use, sexuality) 3. Were you happy with your results? Why or why not? 4. Did your workout program help you improve? Why or why not? 5. Explanation of successes or failures this semester: be specific 6. Do you think setting goals helped you improve your fitness results? 7. A specific plan to maintain and further improve a healthy active lifestyle in the future.